< Ndị Rom 7 >

1 Ọ bụ na unu amaghị ụmụnna m, unu ndị maara iwu nke ọma na ọ bụ oge mmadụ dị ndụ ka iwu na-ejide ya?
Britheren, whethir ye knowun not; for Y speke to men `that knowen the lawe; for the lawe hath lordschip in a man, as long tyme as it lyueth?
2 Dịka ihe ịmaatụ, iwu na-ejikọta nwanyị lụrụ di na di ya mgbe di ya ka nọ ndụ, ma ọ bụrụ na di nwanyị ahụ anwụọ, ọ nọkwaghị nʼokpuru iwu jikọtara ha dịka di na nwunye.
For that womman that is vndur an hosebonde, is boundun to the lawe, while the hosebonde lyueth; but if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde.
3 A ga-akpọ ya nwanyị na-akwa iko ma ọ bụrụ na ọ lakwuru nwoke ọzọ mgbe di ya ka dị ndụ. Ma ọ bụrụ na di ya anwụọ, ọ ga-abụ onye nwere onwe ya site nʼiwu ahụ. Ọ kwaghị iko ma ọ bụrụ na ọ lụọ nwoke ọzọ.
Therfor sche schal be clepid auoutresse, if sche be with another man, while the hosebonde lyueth; but if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde, that sche be not auoutresse, if sche be with another man.
4 Ya mere, ụmụnna m, unu onwe unu kwa anwụọla nʼebe iwu dị site nʼahụ Kraịst, ka e nwe ike kenye unu onye ọzọ, bụ onye ahụ e mere ka o si nʼọnwụ bilie. Ka anyị site na ya mịa mkpụrụ nye Chineke.
And so, my britheren, ye ben maad deed to the lawe bi the bodi of Crist, that ye ben of another, that roos ayen fro deth, that ye bere fruyt to God.
5 Mgbe anụ ahụ mmehie na-achị anyị, ọchịchọ ọjọọ nke iwu na-akpali jupụtara nʼime anyị, nke mere na anyị na-amị mkpụrụ nye ọnwụ.
For whanne we weren in fleisch, passiouns of synnes, that weren bi the lawe, wrouyten in oure membris, to bere fruyt to deth.
6 Ugbu a, a tọghapụla anyị pụọ nʼaka iwu ebe anyị nwụrụ nye ihe ndị kere anyị agbụ na mbụ, anyị anaghị ebikwa ndụ nʼusoro iwu ochie nke e dere nʼakwụkwọ, kama anyị na-eje ozi nʼusoro ndụ ọhụrụ nke mmụọ.
But now we ben vnboundun fro the lawe of deth, in which we weren holdun, so that we seruen in newnesse of spirit, and not in eldnesse of lettre.
7 Ugbu a, gịnị ka anyị ga-ekwu? Iwu ahụ ọ bụ mmehie? Nʼezie, mbaa! Agaraghị m ama ihe mmehie bụ ma ọ bụghị site nʼiwu. Ọ bụrụ na iwu asịghị, “Enwela anya ukwu,” agaraghị m ama na ọ bụ mmehie.
What therfor schulen we seie? The lawe is synne? God forbede. But Y knew not synne, but bi lawe; for Y wiste not that coueitynge was synne, but for the lawe seide, Thou schalt not coueyte.
8 Ma mmehie sitere nʼiwu a megidere ọchịchọ ọjọọ, mee ka echiche m mgbe niile bụrụ ihe gbasara ihe ọjọọ, na otu m ga-esi mee ha. A sị na iwu adịghị, mmehie agaraghị adị.
And thoruy occasioun takun, synne bi the maundement hath wrouyt in me al coueytise; for withouten the lawe, synne was deed.
9 Na mbụ, abụ m onye dị ndụ mgbe iwu na-adịghị, ma mgbe iwu bịara, e mere ka mmehie nwe ntute.
And Y lyuede withouten the lawe sumtyme; but whanne the comaundement was comun, synne lyuede ayen.
10 Anwụrụ m, ma chọpụta na iwu ahụ kwesiri iwetara m ndụ ghọziri ihe wetara ọnwụ.
But Y was deed, and this comaundement that was to lijf, was foundun to me, to be to deth.
11 Nʼihi na mmehie jiri ohere ahụ iwu webatara ghọgbuo m, sitekwa nʼiwu ahụ gbuo m.
For synne, thorouy occasioun takun bi the comaundement, disceyuede me, and bi that it slow me.
12 Nʼezie, iwu ahụ dị nsọ, ihe e nyere nʼiwu dị nsọ, bụrụkwa ezi omume na ihe dị mma.
Therfor the lawe is hooli, and the comaundement is hooli, and iust, and good.
13 Mgbe ahụ, ọ pụtara na ihe ahụ dị mma wetaara m ọnwụ? Mba! Kama ọ bụ mmehie sitere nʼihe dị mma wetara m ọnwụ, ka e nwee ike gosipụta na mmehie bụ ihe jọgburu onwe ya site nʼihe e nyere nʼiwu.
Is thanne that thing that is good, maad deth to me? God forbede. But synne, that it seme synne, thorouy good thing wrouyte deth to me, that me synne ouer maner thorouy the comaundement.
14 Anyị matara na iwu bụ ihe nke mmụọ ebe mụ onwe m bụ anụ ahụ efu, onye e rere dịka ohu nye mmehie.
And we witen, that the lawe is spiritual; but Y am fleischli, seld vndur synne.
15 O nweghị ụzọ ihe m na-eme si doo m anya. Nʼihi na ihe m na-eme abụghị ihe m chọrọ ime, ọ bụ ihe m kpọrọ asị bụ ihe na-agara m aka ime mgbe niile.
For Y vndurstonde not that that Y worche; for Y do not the good thing that Y wole, but Y do thilke yuel thing that Y hate.
16 Ma ọ bụrụ na m eme ihe m na-achọghị ime, ana m ekwenye na iwu dị mma.
And if Y do that thing that Y wole not, Y consente to the lawe, that it is good.
17 Ma dịka ọ dị, ọ bụkwaghị mụ onwe m na-eme ihe ndị a, kama ọ bụ mmehie bi nʼime m.
But now Y worche not it now, but the synne that dwellith in me.
18 O doro m anya na o nweghị ihe ọma ọbụla dị nʼime m, ya bụ nʼime anụ ahụ m. Nʼihi na ọ na-agụ m agụụ ime ezi ihe, ma ike ime ezi ihe adịghị nʼime m.
But and Y woot, that in me, that is, in my fleisch, dwellith no good; for wille lieth to me, but Y fynde not to performe good thing.
19 Ihe m na-eme mgbe m chọrọ ime ezi ihe abụghị ezi ihe ahụ m chọrọ ime kama ọ bụ ajọọ ihe ahụ m na-achọghị ime ka m na-eme.
For Y do not thilke good thing that Y wole, but Y do thilke yuel thing that Y wole not.
20 Ọ bụrụ na m na-eme ihe ahụ m na-achọghị ime, ọ pụtara na ọ bụghị mụ onwe m na-eme ihe ndị ahụ. Kama ọ bụ mmehie bi nʼime m na-eme ha.
And if Y do that yuel thing that Y wole not, Y worche not it, but the synne that dwellith in me.
21 Achọpụtara m iwu nke na-arụ ọrụ nʼime m. Mgbe m chọrọ ime ihe ọma, naanị ihe ọjọọ bụ ihe na-agara m aka ime.
Therfor Y fynde the lawe to me willynge to do good thing, for yuel thing lieth to me.
22 Nʼime ime onwe m, ọ na-agụ m agụụ ime ihe iwu Chineke kwuru.
For Y delite togidere to the lawe of God, aftir the ynnere man. But Y se another lawe in my membris,
23 Ma ana m ahụta iwu ọzọ dị nʼime m nke na-agba mgba megide iwu nke dị nʼuche m, ime ka m bụrụ ohu nye iwu nke mmehie na-arụ ọrụ ya nʼanụ ahụ m.
ayenfiytynge the lawe of my soule, and makynge me caitif in the lawe of synne, that is in my membris.
24 Lee ụdị ọnọdụ ọjọọ nke m hụtara onwe m nʼime ya! Onye pụrụ ịnapụta m site nʼanụ ahụ a nke na-eduba m nʼọnwụ?
Y am an vnceli man; who schal delyuer me fro the bodi of this synne?
25 Ma ekele dịrị Chineke, onye na-anapụta m site na Kraịst Jisọs Onyenwe anyị! Ya mere, nʼime mmụọ m, abụ m odibo nye iwu Chineke, ma nʼime anụ ahụ mmehie m, abụ m ohu nye iwu nke mmehie.
The grace of God, bi Jhesu Crist oure Lord. Therfor Y my silf bi the soule serue to the lawe of God; but bi fleisch to the lawe of synne.

< Ndị Rom 7 >