< Ndị Rom 12 >

1 Ya mere, ụmụnna m, eji m obi ebere Chineke na-arịọ ka unu chee anụ ahụ unu dịka aja dị ndụ, dịkwa nsọ, ma bụrụkwa nke na-atọ Chineke ụtọ, nke bụkwa ofufe nke ime mmụọ unu.
I BESEECH you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
2 Unu eyila ụwa nke a, kama bụrụnụ ndị enwoghara site nʼịgbanwe uche unu. Mgbe ahụ, unu ga-enwe ike nwapụta ihe bụ uche Chineke na ihe ọ na-achọ, nke bụ ezi ihe, nke na-atọ ya ụtọ na nke zukwara oke. (aiōn g165)
And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renovation of your mind, that you may prove by experience what is the will of God, that is good, acceptable, and perfect. (aiōn g165)
3 Dịka onyinye amara e nyere m siri dị, ana m adọ onye ọbụla nʼime unu aka na ntị sị, Unu atụkwasịla uche nʼechiche banyere onwe unu karịa ka o si kwesi. Kama, jirinụ obi dị umeala lee onwe unu anya dịka okwukwe Chineke nyere unu ha.
For, I say, by the grace which is given unto me, to every one that is among you, not to think of himself above what he ought to think; but to think soberly, as God has divided to every one the measure of faith.
4 Dịka anyị niile nʼotu nʼotu si nwe anụ ahụ nke nwere akụkụ dị iche iche, bụ akụkụ ndị na-arụ ọrụ dị iche iche,
For as we have in one body many members, but the members, though many, have not the same function,
5 nʼotu aka ahụ, nʼime Kraịst anyị bụ otu, nʼagbanyeghị na anyị bụ akụkụ dị iche iche nke otu anụ ahụ. E jikọtara anyị niile nʼotu nʼotu nye ibe anyị.
so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one reciprocally members of each other.
6 Anyị nwere onyinye dị iche iche nke e sitere nʼamara nye anyị, ọ bụrụ na onye ọbụla nwere onyinye ibu amụma, ya buo ya dịka okwukwe o nwere ha.
Having then different gifts according to the grace which is given unto us, if it be prophecy, speak according to the analogy of faith;
7 Ọ bụrụ ije ozi, ya jee ozi, ya bụrụkwanụ izi ihe, ya zie ihe.
or if the deacon’s office, be active in the service; or he that teacheth, in teaching;
8 Ka onye nwere onyinye ịgbaume, gbaa ndị ọzọ ume, ya bụrụkwanụ inyeaka, ka onye nwere onyinye a site nʼafọ ofufu mee ya, ọ bụrụ ịbụ onyendu, ka onye ahụ duo site nʼikpachapụ anya, ya bụrụkwanụ ime ebere, ka onye ahụ jiri obi ụtọ na-eme ya.
or he that exhorteth, in exhortation; he that distributes, let him do it with simplicity; he that presideth, with diligence; he that is employed in acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.
9 Ka ịhụnanya bụrụ nke ihu abụọ nʼadịghị na ya, kpọọ ihe ọjọọ asị, jidesie ihe dị mma ike.
Let love be undissembled. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
10 Hụrịtanụ onwe unu nʼanya, dịka ụmụ nke otu nna. Ka ihe ibe unu na-eme na-atọ unu ụtọ. Na-asọpụkwaranụ ibe unu karịa otu ha si asọpụrụ unu.
In brotherly affection be tenderly attached to each other; in honour preferring one another:
11 Unu abụla ndị umengwụ nʼọrụ unu. Kama werenụ mmụọ na obi na-anụ ọkụ na-ejere Onyenwe anyị ozi mgbe niile.
not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord:
12 Nweenụ obi aṅụrị nʼime olileanya, nweenụ ntachiobi nʼime nsogbu, na-ekpekwanụ ekpere mgbe niile.
rejoicing in hope; patient in affliction; persevering in prayer:
13 Na enyetụnụ ụfọdụ ndị nsọ ihe site nʼihe unu nwere iji gboo mkpa dịrị ha. Na-elekọtakwanụ ndị ọbịa anya nke ọma.
communicating to the wants of the saints; prompt to hospitality.
14 Gọzienụ ndị na-akpagbu unu, gọzienụ ha, unu abụkwala ha ọnụ.
Bless them who persecute you; bless, and curse not.
15 Mgbe ndị ọzọ na-aṅụrị ọṅụ, soronụ ha ṅụrịa ọṅụ. Mgbe ha nọ nʼiru ụjụ, soronụ ha ruo ụjụ.
Rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep.
16 Na-ebinụ nʼudo. A bụla onye mpako, unu na ndị ọnọdụ ha dị ala na-enwe mmekọrịta, echekwala na ị maara ihe niile.
Be of the same mind among each other. Affect not high things, but be condescending to the lowly. Be not wise in your own conceits.
17 Ejikwala ihe ọjọọ akwụghachi ihe ọjọọ e mere gị. Kama, na-echenụ otu unu ga-esi mee ihe dị mma nʼanya mmadụ niile.
Render to no man evil for evil. Be provident of things laudable in the sight of all men.
18 Dịka ike gị niile ha, mee ka gị na onye ọbụla biri nʼudo.
If possible, as far as you can, be at peace with all men.
19 Ndị enyi m, unu abọla ọbọ, kama hapụrụnụ Chineke ọrụ ịbọtara unu ọbọ. Nʼihi na e dere ya, “Ịbọ ọbọ dịrị m, aga m akwụghachi,” ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru.
Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto wrath: for it is written, “Vengeance belongeth to me; I will recompence, saith the Lord.”
20 Ma otu ọ dị, “ọ bụrụ na agụụ na-agụ onye iro gị, were nri zụọ ya, ọ bụrụkwa na akpịrị na-akpọ ya nkụ, nye ihe ọṅụṅụ ka ọ ṅụọ, mgbe ị na-eme nke a, ị na-agụkwasị icheku ọkụ na-ere ere nʼisi ya.”
If therefore thine enemy hunger, give him food; if he thirst, give him drink: for so doing, thou shalt heap up coals of fire on his head.
21 Unu ekwela ka ihe ọjọọ merie unu, kama werenụ ezi ihe merie ihe ọjọọ.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

< Ndị Rom 12 >