< Abụ Ọma 86 >

1 Ekpere Devid. Gee m ntị, O Onyenwe anyị, ma zakwa m, nʼihi na abụ m ogbenye na onye nọ na mkpa.
A Prayer. David’s. Bow down, O Yahweh, thine ear—answer me, For, oppressed and needy, am I;
2 Chebe ndụ m, nʼihi na m na-erubere gị isi; zọpụta ohu gị onye nke na-atụkwasị gị obi. Ị bụ Chineke m;
O guard my life, For, a man of lovingkindness, am I, —Save thy servant, O thou my God, [Thy servant] who trusteth in thee;
3 meere m ebere, O Onyenwe m, nʼihi na ana m akpọku gị ogologo ụbọchị niile.
Show me favour, O My Lord, For, unto thee, do I cry, all the day;
4 Wetara ohu gị ọṅụ, nʼihi na ọ bụ gị, O Onyenwe m, ka m na-eweliri mkpụrụobi m.
Rejoice the soul of thy servant, For, unto thee, O My Lord, my soul, do I lift.
5 Ị bụ onye na-agbaghara ajọ omume na onye dị mma, O Onyenwe m, i jupụtara nʼịhụnanya nye ndị niile na-akpọku gị.
For, thou, O My Lord, art good and forgiving, And abundant in lovingkindness, to all who call upon thee.
6 O Onyenwe anyị, nụrụ ekpere m; gekwaa ntị nʼakwa arịrịọ m maka ebere.
Give ear, O Yahweh, unto my prayer, And attend unto the voice of my supplications.
7 Nʼụbọchị nsogbu m, aga m akpọku gị, nʼihi na ị ga-aza m.
In the day of my distress, will I call upon thee, For thou wilt answer me.
8 Nʼetiti chi niile, i nweghị oyiri, O Onyenwe m; ọ dịghị ọrụ ebube ọbụla a pụrụ ị sị na ọ dị ka nke ị na-arụ.
There is none like unto thee, among the gods, O My Lord, And nothing like thy works.
9 Mba niile i kere ga-abịa nʼihu gị, fee gị ofufe, O Onyenwe anyị; ha ga-ebutere aha gị ebube.
All nations whom thou hast made, Shall come in and bow down before thee, O My Lord, That they may glorify thy Name.
10 Nʼihi na ị dị ukwuu na-arụkwa ọrụ ebube dị iche iche; ọ bụ naanị gị bụ Chineke.
For great thou art, and doest wondrous things, Thou, O God, of thyself alone.
11 Kuziere m ụzọ gị, O Onyenwe anyị, ka m dabere nʼikwesị ntụkwasị obi gị; nye m obi na-adịghị agba abụọ, ka m nwee ike tụọ egwu aha gị.
Point out to me, O Yahweh, thy way, I will walk steadfastly in thy truth, My heart will rejoice to revere thy Name.
12 Aga m eji obi m niile too gị, O Onyenwe anyị, na Chineke m; aga m ebulikwa aha gị elu ruo mgbe niile ebighị ebi.
I will give thee thanks, Adonay, my God, with all my heart, And will glorify thy Name unto times age-abiding.
13 Nʼihi na ịhụnanya gị nʼebe m nọ dị ukwuu; i sitela nʼomimi nke dị ala site nʼala ndị nwụrụ anwụ dọpụta m. (Sheol h7585)
For, thy lovingkindness, is great towards me, And thou hast rescued my soul from Hades beneath. (Sheol h7585)
14 O Chineke, ndị mpako na-emegide m; otù ndị mmadụ na-eme ihe ike na-achọ igbu m, ha bụ ndị na-ejighị gị kpọrọ ihe ọbụla.
O God, the insolent, have arisen against me, And, the assembly of tyrants, have sought my life, And have not set thee before them.
15 Ma gị, Onyenwe anyị, ị bụ Chineke onye ọmịiko na onye amara, iwe adịghị ewe gị ngwangwa, i jupụtara nʼịhụnanya na ikwesi ntụkwasị obi.
But, thou, O My Lord, art, A God of compassion and favour, Slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness a faithfulness.
16 Chee m ihu, mekwaara m amara. Nye ohu gị ike gị, zọpụtakwa nwa ohu gị nwanyị nʼihi na m na-ejere gị ozi.
Turn thou unto me, and show me favour, —Give thy strength to thy servant, And save the son of thy handmaid.
17 Gosi m ihe ịrịbama nke ga-egosipụta ịdị mma gị, ka ndị iro m hụ ya si otu a bụrụ ndị ihere ga-eme, nʼihi na gị, O Onyenwe anyị, nyere m aka ma kasịekwa m obi.
Perform with me a token for good, —That they who hate me may see and be ashamed, In that, thou, Yahweh, hast helped me and comforted me.

< Abụ Ọma 86 >