< Abụ Ọma 34 >

1 Abụ Ọma Devid. Mgbe ọ gbanwere omume ya mee ka onye na-ayị ara nʼihu Abimelek, onye nke chụpụrụ ya, ya a pụọ. Aga m eto Onyenwe anyị mgbe niile. Mgbe niile ka otuto ya ga-adị nʼọnụ m.
“A psalm of David, when he feigned himself mad before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed.” I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 Mkpụrụobi m ga-anya isi na Onyenwe anyị; ka ndị niile a na-akpagbu gee ntị ṅụrịa ọṅụ.
In the LORD doth my soul boast; Let the afflicted hear, and rejoice!
3 Soro m too Onyenwe anyị; ka anyị bulie aha ya elu.
O magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt his name together!
4 Nʼihi na etikuru m Onyenwe anyị mkpu akwa, ọ zakwara m, napụta m site nʼaka ịtụ ụjọ m niile.
I sought the LORD, and he heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.
5 Ihu ndị na-elekwasị ya anya na-enwu dịka ihe; ihere adịghị eme ha.
Look up to him, and ye shall have light; Your faces shall never be ashamed.
6 Onye ogbenye a kpọkuru Onyenwe anyị, ọ zakwara ya; ọ zọpụtara ya site na nsogbu ya niile.
This afflicted man cried, and the LORD heard, And saved him from all his troubles.
7 Mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị na-agba ndị niile na-atụ egwu ya gburugburu na-anapụtakwa ha.
The angels of the LORD encamp around those who fear him, And deliver them.
8 Jiri aka gị tulee ma hụkwa na Onyenwe anyị dị mma; onye a gọziri agọzi ka onye ahụ bụ, onye nke na-agbaba nʼime ya.
O taste, and see how good is the LORD! Happy the man who trusteth in him!
9 Tụọnụ egwu Onyenwe anyị, unu ndị nsọ ya, nʼihi na ọ dịghị ihe na-akọ ndị niile na-atụ egwu ya.
O fear the LORD, ye his servants! For to those who fear him there shall be no want.
10 Agụụ nwere ike ịgụ ụmụ ọdụm, ike pụkwara ịgwụ ha, ma ihe ọbụla bụ ihe ọma agaghị akọ ndị niile na-achọ Onyenwe anyị.
Young lions want, and suffer hunger; But they who fear the LORD want no good thing.
11 Ụmụ m, bịanụ gee m ntị; aga m ezi unu ihe ịtụ egwu Onyenwe anyị bụ.
Come, ye children, hearken to me! I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
12 Onye ọbụla nʼime unu hụrụ ndụ nʼanya, ma nwee ọchịchọ ihu ọtụtụ ụbọchị ndị dị mma,
Who is he that loveth life, And desireth many days, in which he may see good?
13 chezie ire gị ka ọ ghara ikwu ihe ọjọọ, chezikwaa egbugbere ọnụ gị ka ọ gharakwa ịgha ụgha.
Guard well thy tongue from evil, And thy lips from speaking guile!
14 Site nʼihe ọjọọ wezuga onwe gị ma mee ezi ihe, chọọ udo ma gbasookwa ya.
Depart from evil, and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it!
15 Anya Onyenwe anyị dị nʼahụ ndị ezi omume, ntị ya gheekwa oghe nye mkpu akwa ha;
The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, And his ears are open to their cry.
16 ma ihu Onyenwe anyị na-emegide ndị na-eme ihe ọjọọ, ime ka a hapụ ichetakwa ihe banyere ha nʼụwa.
But the face of the LORD is against evil-doers, To cut off their remembrance from the earth.
17 Onyenwe anyị na-anụ olu ndị ezi omume, mgbe ha na-akpọku ya ka o nyere ha aka; ọ na-azọpụtakwa ha site na nsogbu ha niile.
The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, And delivereth them from all their troubles.
18 Onyenwe anyị na-anọ ndị niile obi ha tiwara etiwa nso, ọ na-anapụta ndị niile olileanya ha gwụrụ.
The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart, And saveth such as are of a contrite spirit.
19 Nsogbu na-adakwasị ndị ezi omume na-adị ukwuu, ma Onyenwe anyị na-anapụta ha site na nsogbu ndị ahụ niile.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But the LORD delivereth him from them all.
20 Ọ na-anapụtakwa ha kpamkpam. Ọ gaghị ekwe ka ọ bụladị otu ọkpụkpụ dị ha nʼahụ gbajie.
He guardeth all his bones; Not one of them shall be broken.
21 Ihe ọjọọ ga-eme ka onye ajọ omume nwụọ; ndị na-akpọ onye ezi omume asị ka a ga-ama ikpe ọnwụ.
Calamity destroyeth the wicked, And they who hate the righteous suffer for it.
22 Onyenwe anyị na-agbapụta ndị ohu ya; ọ dịghị onye ọbụla nke na-agbaba nʼime ya a ga-ama ikpe ọnwụ.
The LORD redeemeth the life of his servants, And none that put their trust in him will suffer for it.

< Abụ Ọma 34 >