< Abụ Ọma 28 >

1 Abụ Ọma Devid. Gị Onyenwe anyị ka m na-akpọku; gị bụ Oke nkume m, agbala m nkịtị. Ọ bụrụ na ị jụ ịza m, aga m eyi otu nʼime ndị ahụ na-arịda nʼolulu.
Of David. Unto you, O Lord, do I cry; my rock, be not deaf to me: lest, through holding your peace, I become like those who go down to the pit.
2 Nụrụ arịrịọ m maka ebere dịka m na-akpọku gị maka enyemaka, mgbe m chịlịri aka m abụọ elu nʼEbe gị Kachasị Nsọ.
Hear my loud entreaty, as I cry for help to you, lifting my hands, O Lord, towards your holy chancel.
3 Adọkpụrụla m tinyere ndị ajọ mmadụ, tinyekwara ndị na-eme ajọ ihe, ndị ji ire ụtọ agwa ndị agbataobi ha okwu udo, ma ha bu iro nʼime obi ha.
Take me not off with the wicked, nor with the workers of wrong, whose speech to their neighbors is friendly, while evil is in their heart.
4 Kwụghachi ha dịka ọrụ ọjọọ ha na omume ha kwesiri; kwụghachi ha maka ihe aka ha mere, ka ihe ga-adakwasị ha bụrụ ihe ha kwesiri iketa.
Give them as they have done, as their wicked deeds deserve. As their hands have wrought, so give to them: requite to them their deserts.
5 Nʼihi na ha adịghị aghọta ọrụ niile nke Onyenwe anyị, ha adịghịkwa aghọta ihe aka ya abụọ rụrụ, ọ ga-akwada ha nʼala, ọ gaghị ewulikwa ha elu ọzọ.
They are blind to all that the Lord does, to all that his hands have wrought; and so he will tear them down, to build them up no more.
6 Toonu Onyenwe anyị, nʼihi na o gere ntị nʼarịrịọ m rịọrọ ya ka o meere m ebere.
Blest be the Lord, who has heard my voice as I plead for mercy.
7 Onyenwe anyị bụ ike m na ọta m; ana m atụkwasị ya obi m, si otu a bụrụ onye a na-enyere aka. Obi m na-awuli elu nʼihi ọṅụ, aga m ejikwa abụ m na-eto ya.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him. I was helped: so my heart is exultant, and in my song I will praise him.
8 Onyenwe anyị bụ ike nke ndị ya, ebe mgbaba e wusiri ike nke nzọpụta dịịrị onye ya etere mmanụ.
The Lord is the strength of his people, the fortress who saves his anointed.
9 Zọpụta ndị gị, gọzikwaa ihe nketa gị; buuru ha onye ọzụzụ atụrụ, na-ekukwa ha ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.
O save your people, and bless your inheritance. Be their shepherd and carry them forever.

< Abụ Ọma 28 >