< Ilu 6 >

1 Nwa m, ọ bụrụ na ị nara onye agbataobi gị nʼibe, ọ bụrụ na ị nara aka ị bụrụ onye ọbịa onye akaebe,
My son, if you have become collateral for your neighbour, if you have struck your hands in pledge for a stranger,
2 ị bụrụla onye mara nʼọnya site nʼihe ị kwuru, onye enwudere site nʼokwu ọnụ ya.
you are trapped by the words of your mouth; you are ensnared with the words of your mouth.
3 Mee nke a, nwa m, si nʼime ya wepụ onwe gị; nʼihi na ịdabala nʼaka onye agbataobi gị: Jee ọsịịsọ weda onwe gị nʼala rịọọ ya enyekwala ya izuike ọbụla.
Do this now, my son, and deliver yourself, since you have come into the hand of your neighbour. Go, humble yourself. Press your plea with your neighbour.
4 Ekwekwala ka ụra baa gị anya abụọ, ekwekwala ka mbụbara anya gị ruo ụra.
Give no sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids.
5 Napụta onwe gị, dịka mgbada site nʼaka dinta, maọbụ dịka nnụnụ site nʼọnya osi ọnya.
Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler.
6 Gaa mụta ihe site nʼaka ndanda, gị onye umengwụ. Mụta ihe site nʼụzọ ya niile.
Go to the ant, you sluggard. Consider her ways, and be wise;
7 Ọ bụ ezie na o nweghị eze na-achịkọta ha, maọbụ onyendu, maọbụ ọchịagha,
which having no chief, overseer, or ruler,
8 ma ọ na-akpakọta nri ya nʼoge ọkọchị ma na-ewebata nri ya nʼoge owuwe ihe ubi.
provides her bread in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.
9 Ọ bụ ruo ole mgbe ka ị ga-edina ala nʼebe ahụ, gị onye umengwụ? Olee mgbe ka ị ga-esi nʼụra bilie?
How long will you sleep, sluggard? When will you arise out of your sleep?
10 Nwa ụra nta, nwa iru ụra nta, nwa ịchịkọba aka nta zuo ike,
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—
11 ụbịam ga-abịakwasị gị dịka onye ohi, ụkọ abịakwasịkwa gị dịka onye na-apụnara mmadụ ihe.
so your poverty will come as a robber, and your scarcity as an armed man.
12 Onye okwu na ụka na onye omume ya jọgburu onwe ya, onye na-ejegharị na-ekwu okwu aghụghọ,
A worthless person, a man of iniquity, is he who walks with a perverse mouth,
13 onye ji iro na-egbu ikuanya ya, jiri ụkwụ ya na-ekwu okwu na mkpịsịaka ya na-egosi ihe.
who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, who motions with his fingers,
14 Onye obi ya na-echepụta ihe ọjọọ na aghụghọ, onye na-akpalikwa esemokwu mgbe niile.
in whose heart is perverseness, who devises evil continually, who always sows discord.
15 Nʼihi ya, mbibi ga-abịakwasị ya na mberede; nʼotu ntabi anya ka a ga-ebibi ya, apụghịkwa ịgwọta ya.
Therefore his calamity will come suddenly. He will be broken suddenly, and that without remedy.
16 Ọ dị ụzọ ihe isii Onyenwe anyị kpọrọ asị, e, ha dị asaa bụ ihe arụ nʼebe ọ nọ.
There are six things which the LORD hates; yes, seven which are an abomination to him:
17 Anya dị nganga, ire na-ekwu okwu ụgha, aka na-awụfu ọbara ndị na-emeghị ihe ọjọọ.
arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,
18 Obi na-echepụta nzube ọjọọ; ụkwụ na-eme ngwangwa ịgbaba nʼajọ ihe,
a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief,
19 onyeama ụgha na-awụpụ ụgha dịka mmiri na onye na-agbasa esemokwu nʼetiti ụmụnna.
a false witness who utters lies, and he who sows discord amongst brothers.
20 Nwa m, debe ihe nna gị nyere gị nʼiwu, ahapụkwala iwu nke nne gị.
My son, keep your father’s commandment, and don’t forsake your mother’s teaching.
21 Ka ndụmọdụ ha dịrị gị nʼobi mgbe niile, ka ị ghara ichefu ha.
Bind them continually on your heart. Tie them around your neck.
22 Mgbe ị na-ejegharị, ọ ga na-edu gị; mgbe ị na-arahụ ụra, ọ ga na-eche gị. Mgbe i tetakwara, ha ga-akpanyere gị ụka.
When you walk, it will lead you. When you sleep, it will watch over you. When you awake, it will talk with you.
23 Nʼihi na iwu a bụ oriọna, Ihe ozizi a bụkwa ìhè, otu a kwa ịdọ aka na ntị na ịba mba bụ ụzọ ezi ndụ,
For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light. Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,
24 idebe gị ka ị pụọ nʼebe nwunye onye agbataobi gị nọ, sitekwa nʼire ụtọ nke nwanyị ọjọọ.
to keep you from the immoral woman, from the flattery of the wayward wife’s tongue.
25 Ekwela ka agụ nʼezighị ezi gụọ gị nʼime obi nʼihi ịma mma ya, ma ọ bụkwanụ ka o jiri ile anya ya rata gị.
Don’t lust after her beauty in your heart, neither let her captivate you with her eyelids.
26 Nʼihi na nwanyị akwụna ka enwere ike iji otu ogbe achịcha nweta, ma nwunye nwoke ọzọ na-achụ nta ndụ gị ịla ya nʼiyi.
For a prostitute reduces you to a piece of bread. The adulteress hunts for your precious life.
27 Mmadụ ọ pụrụ ịgụrụ ọkụ tụkwasị nʼahụ ya, ma uwe ya ereghị ọkụ?
Can a man scoop fire into his lap, and his clothes not be burnt?
28 Mmadụ ọ pụrụ ije ije nʼelu icheku ọkụ ma ụkwụ ya ahapụ igbuchapụ?
Or can one walk on hot coals, and his feet not be scorched?
29 Otu a ka ọ na-adịrị nwoke na-abakwuru nwunye mmadụ ibe ya; o nweghị onye ọbụla na-emetụ ya aka nke a na-agaghị ata ahụhụ.
So is he who goes in to his neighbour’s wife. Whoever touches her will not be unpunished.
30 Ndị mmadụ adịghị eleda onye ohi anya ma ọ bụrụ na o zuo ohi ka o were gboo mkpa agụụ nke na-agụsị ya ike.
Men don’t despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry,
31 Ma ọ bụrụ na ejide ya ọ ga-akwụghachi ụgwọ ihe niile ahụ o zuru okpukpu asaa. Nʼagbanyeghị na nke a ga-eme ka o ree ihe niile o ji biri nʼụlọ ya.
but if he is found, he shall restore seven times. He shall give all the wealth of his house.
32 Ma nwoke ahụ na-akwa iko bụ onye nzuzu, amamihe kọrọ ya, nʼihi na ọ bụ onwe ya ka ọ na-ala nʼiyi.
He who commits adultery with a woman is void of understanding. He who does it destroys his own soul.
33 A ga-eti ya ezi ihe otiti, a ga-elelikwa ya anya, ihere ya agaghị ekwe ihichapụ.
He will get wounds and dishonour. His reproach will not be wiped away.
34 Nʼihi na di nwanyị ahụ ga-esite nʼekworo wee iwe dị ọkụ; ọ gakwaghị enwe obi ebere nʼebe ọ nọ nʼụbọchị ọ ga-abọ ọbọ.
For jealousy arouses the fury of the husband. He won’t spare in the day of vengeance.
35 Ọ gaghị anara ihe ọbụla nʼọnọdụ ihe nkwụghachi nʼihi ihe ọjọọ o mere ya. O nwekwaghị ihe a ga-enye ya pụrụ ime ka iwe ya dajụọ.
He won’t regard any ransom, neither will he rest content, though you give many gifts.

< Ilu 6 >