< Ilu 28 >

1 Ndị ajọ omume na-agba ọsọ mgbe onye ọbụla na-adịghị achụ ha, ma ndị ezi omume na-enwe ntụkwasị obi dịka ọdụm.
The wicked flee when no one pursueth; But the righteous is as bold as a lion.
2 Mgbe njehie dị nʼobodo dị ọtụtụ, o nwere ọtụtụ ndịisi, ma onyeisi nwere ezi nghọta na ihe ọmụma ga-eme ka udo na-adịgide ogologo oge.
Through the transgression of a land many are its rulers; But through men of prudence and understanding the prince shall live long.
3 Onye na-achị achị nke na-emegbu ndị ogbenye, bụ mmiri ozuzo nke na-azachapụ ihe niile mee ka nri ghara ịdị.
A poor man who oppresseth the needy Is a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.
4 Onye na-adịghị asọpụrụ iwu na-eto ndị ajọ omume, ma ndị na-edebe ihe iwu kwuru na-ebu agha megide ha.
They who forsake the law praise the wicked; But they who keep the law contend with them.
5 Ndị ajọ omume adịghị aghọta uru ikpe ziri ezi bara, ma ndị na-eso Onyenwe anyị na-aghọta ihe bụ uru ya.
Wicked men understand not equity; But they who seek the LORD understand all things.
6 Ọ kaara gị mma ịbụ nwa ogbenye na onye eziokwu karịa na ị bụ ọgaranya na eze aghụghọ.
Better is a poor man who walketh in uprightness, Than he who is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.
7 Ụmụ okorobịa nwere nghọta na-eme ihe iwu kwuru, ma nwa nke ya na ndị oke oriri bụ enyi na-emenye nna ya ihere.
He that keepeth the law is a wise son; But he that is the companion of prodigals bringeth shame on his father.
8 Onye na-eme ka akụ ya baa ụba site na ịnara ụma maọbụ ọmụrụnwa nʼaka onye ogbenye, na-ekpokọta ya nye onye ọzọ, onye na-emere ndị ogbenye ebere.
He that increaseth his substance by usurious gain Gathereth it for him who will pity the poor.
9 Onye na-ewezuga ntị ya site nʼebe iwu m dị, ọ bụladị ekpere ha bụ ihe arụ.
He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer shall be an abomination.
10 Onye ọbụla na-eduhie ndị ziri ezi nʼụzọ ihe ọjọọ, ga-adaba nʼọnya ahụ ha onwe ha gbara, ma ndị na-enweghị ịta ụta ga-anata ezi ihe nketa.
He that causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way Shall himself fall into his own pit; But the upright shall have good things in possession.
11 Nʼanya nke onwe ya, onye ọgaranya na-agụ onwe ya dịka onye maara ihe, ma nʼezie, onye ogbenye nwere nghọta na-enyochapụta amaghị ihe nke onye ọgaranya.
The rich man is wise in his own conceit; But the poor man, who hath understanding, will search him through.
12 Mgbe ihe na-agara ndị ezi omume nke ọma, onye ọbụla na-aṅụrị ọṅụ, ma onye ọbụla na-ezo onwe ya mgbe onye na-emebi iwu na-aga nʼihu.
When the righteous rejoice, there is great glorying; But, when the wicked are exalted, men hide themselves.
13 Onye na-ezo mmehie ya agaghị enwe ọganihu na ndụ ya. Ma onye na-ekwupụta mmehie ya hapụkwa ha, ka a ga-emere ebere.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; But he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
14 Ngọzị na-adịrị mmadụ ahụ na-atụ egwu Chineke, ma onye na-enupu isi na-etinye onwe ya na nsogbu.
Happy the man who feareth always! But he who hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.
15 Dịka ọdụm na-agbọ ụja maọbụ nne bịa na-achụ mmadụ otu a ka onye ọchịchị ọjọọ nke na-achị ndị na-enweghị ike dị.
As a roaring lion and a hungry bear, So is a wicked ruler over a needy people.
16 Ọ bụ naanị eze na-amaghị ihe ga-akpagbu ndị ya; ma eze ga-achị ogologo oge bụ eze kpọrọ iri ngarị asị.
The prince who is weak in understanding is great in oppression; But he who hateth unjust gain shall prolong his days.
17 Obi ogbu mmadụ ga na-ama ya ikpe ruo ala mmụọ. Ka onye ọbụla ghara inyere ya aka.
A man who is burdened with life-blood—Let him flee to the pit! let no man stay him!
18 Onye na-eje ije na-enweghị ịta ụta ka a na-echebe, ma onye ụzọ ya gbagọrọ agbagọ ga-adaba nʼolulu.
He who walketh uprightly shall be safe; But he who is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.
19 Onye na-arụ ala ubi ya ga-enwe nri nʼebe ọ bara ụba, ma onye na-agbaso ihe efu dị iche iche, ụbịam ga-eju ya afọ.
He who tilleth his land shall have bread enough; And he that followeth after worthless persons shall have poverty enough.
20 Onye ọbụla nke kwesiri ntụkwasị obi ga-enweta ọtụtụ ngọzị, ma nwoke ahụ na-achọ ịbụ ọgaranya ngwangwa aghaghị inweta ntaramahụhụ.
A faithful man shall abound with blessings; But he that maketh haste to be rich shall not go unpunished.
21 Ile mmadụ anya nʼihu nʼoge ikpe jọgburu onwe ya. Ma ụfọdụ ndị ikpe na-eme ihe na-ezighị ezi, ọ bụladị, nʼihi iberibe nri.
To have respect to persons is not good; Since for a piece of bread that man will transgress.
22 Onye aka ntagide ọ na-anụ ọkụ nʼobi ịghọ ọgaranya amaghị na ụkpa nọ na-eche ya.
He who hath an evil eye hasteth after wealth, And considereth not that poverty will come upon him.
23 Onye ọbụla na-abara mmadụ mba, nʼikpeazụ ga-enweta amara karịa onye ahụ na-aja mmadụ ibe ya mma ire ụtọ.
He who rebuketh a man shall afterwards find favor More than he who flattereth with his tongue.
24 Nwoke na-ezu nne na nna ya ohi ma na-asịkwa, “Olee ihe ọjọọ dị na ya?” Onye dị otu a bụ nnọọ enyi ndị mbibi.
Whoso stealeth from his father or his mother, And saith, “It is no transgression,” The same is the companion of a robber.
25 Ndị oke ọchịchọ na-akpali ise okwu, ma ndị na-atụkwasị Onyenwe anyị obi na-enwe ọganihu.
He who is of a proud heart stirreth up strife; But he that trusteth in the LORD shall be rich.
26 Nwoke ahụ na-atụkwasị onwe ya obi bụ onye nzuzu! Ma ndị na-agbaso amamihe Chineke, aka adịghị akpa ha.
He who trusteth in his own understanding is a fool; But he who walketh wisely shall be delivered.
27 Ọ bụrụ na i nye ogbenye, a ga-egboro gị mkpa gị. Ma ọbụbụ ọnụ dịrị ndị ahụ na-ekpuchi anya ha nʼebe ndị ogbenye nọ.
He who giveth to the poor shall not want; But he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.
28 Mgbe ndị ajọ omume na-aga nʼihu, ndị ezi omume na-ezo onwe ha, ma mgbe ha nʼala nʼiyi, ndị ezi omume nʼaba ụba.
When the wicked are exalted, men hide themselves; But, when they perish, the righteous increase.

< Ilu 28 >