< Ilu 17 >

1 Ọ ka mma ịta iberibe achịcha kpọrọ nkụ ma ịnọ nʼudo adị ya, karịa nʼụlọ jupụtara nʼoke oriri na ịlụ ọgụ.
Better is a morsel with pleasure in peace, than a house [full] of many good things and unjust sacrifices, with strife.
2 Ohu nwere uche ga-achị nwa nna ya ukwu na-eweta ihere ma ketakwa oke nʼihe nketa dịka otu nʼime ndị ezinaụlọ ahụ.
A wise servant shall have rule over foolish masters, and shall divide portions among brethren.
3 Ite eji anụcha ihe dịrị ọlaọcha, oke ọkụ dịkwara ọlaedo ma Onyenwe anyị na-anwale obi.
As silver and gold are tried in a furnace, so are choice hearts with the Lord.
4 Ajọ mmadụ na-aṅa ntị nʼegbugbere ọnụ na-eduhie, onye ụgha na-aṅakwa ntị nye ire na-ekwu okwu ịla nʼiyi.
A bad man hearkens to the tongue of transgressors: but a righteous man attends not to false lips.
5 Onye ọbụla na-akwa ogbenye emo ọ bụ Chineke kere ha ka ọ na-elelị anya. Ndị niile na-aṅụrị ọṅụ nʼihi ihe ike dakwasịrị ha aghaghị ịta ahụhụ.
He that laughs at the poor provokes him that made him; and he that rejoices at the destruction of another shall not be held guiltless: but he that has compassion shall find mercy.
6 Ụmụ ụmụ bụ okpueze ndị okenye. Nne na nna bụ ịnya isi nke ụmụ ha.
Children's children are the crown of old men; and their fathers are the glory of children. The faithful has the whole world full of wealth; but the faithless not even a farthing.
7 Egbugbere ọnụ na-ekwu okwu dị mma abụghị nke onye nzuzu, otu a kwa, egbugbere ọnụ na-agha ụgha ekwesighị ịbụ nke onye na-achị achị.
Faithful lips will not suit a fool; nor lying lips a just man.
8 Nʼanya onye na-enye ngarị ọ na-ahụta ya dịka ọgwụ ịrata mmadụ, ha na-eche nʼebe ọbụla ha chere ihu ihe ga-aga nke ọma.
Instruction is to them that use it a gracious reward; and wherever it may turn, it shall prosper.
9 Onye ọbụla na-akwado ịhụnanya na-ekpuchi njehie, ma onye na-ekwu ihe mere mgbe na mgbe na-ekewa ezi enyi.
He that conceals injuries seeks love; but he that hates to hide [them] separates friends and kindred.
10 Ịba mba ntakịrị a baara onye nwere nghọta bara uru karịa narị ụtarị nke a pịara onye nzuzu.
A threat breaks down the heart of a wise man; but a fool, though scourged, understands not.
11 Onye ọjọọ na-ebi naanị ndụ nnupu isi megide Chineke. Ọ bụkwa onyeozi nke ọnwụ ka a ga-eziga imegide ya.
Every bad man stirs up strifes: but the Lord will send out against him an unmerciful messenger.
12 Ọ ka mma izute nne Bịa a napụrụ ụmụ ya karịa izute onye nzuzu uche ya gbagọrọ agbagọ.
Care may befall a man of understanding; but fools will meditate evils.
13 Ọ bụrụ na i jiri ihe ọjọọ kwụọ ụgwọ ihe ọma, ọbụbụ ọnụ dịrị ezinaụlọ gị.
Whoso rewards evil for good, evil shall not be removed from his house.
14 Esemokwu malite ọ na-esi ike imedo ya, nʼihi ya ekwela ka ọ malite.
Rightful rule gives power to words; but sedition and strife precede poverty.
15 Onye na-asị onye ikpe maara na ikpe amaghị ya na-amakwa onye aka ya dị ọcha ikpe, Onyenwe anyị na-akpọ omume abụọ a asị.
He that pronounces the unjust just, and the just unjust, is unclean and abominable with God.
16 Uru gịnị ka ego bara nʼaka onye nzuzu; ebe ọ bụ na o nweghị ike ịchọ amamihe.
Why has the fool wealth? for a senseless man will not be able to purchase wisdom. He that exalts his own house seeks ruin; and he that turns aside from instruction shall fall into mischief.
17 Ezi enyi na-egosi ịhụnanya ya nʼoge ọbụla. Otu a kwa, nwanne na-aba uru nʼoge mkpa.
Have you a friend for every time, and let brethren be useful in distress; for on this account are they born.
18 Ọ bụ uche ezughị oke ịnara ụgwọ onye ọzọ ji, si otu a ghọọ onye ji ụgwọ.
A foolish man applauds and rejoices over himself, [as he] also that becomes surety would make himself responsible for his own friends.
19 Onye na-ahụ esemokwu nʼanya hụrụ mmehie nʼanya. Onye na-ewuli ọnụ ụzọ ama ya elu na-akpọ ntipịa oku.
A lover of sin rejoices in strifes;
20 Ọ dịghị aga nʼihu bụ onye obi ya gbagọrọ agbagọ. Onye nwere ire nrafu ga-adanye na nsogbu.
and the hard-hearted man comes not in for good. A man of a changeful tongue will fall into mischiefs;
21 Ọ bụ naanị iru ụjụ na obi ọjọọ dịịrị nna nke nwa ya na-eme ihe nzuzu.
and the heart of a fool is grief to its possessor. A father rejoices not over an uninstructed son; but a wise son gladdens his mother.
22 Obi nke na-aṅụrị ọṅụ na-eme ka ahụ sie ike, ma mmụọ na-eru ụjụ oge niile na-akpata ọrịa.
A glad heart promotes health; but the bones of a sorrowful man dry up.
23 Onye ajọ omume na-anara ihe ngarị na nzuzo ka ọ sụgharịa ikpe ziri ezi isi.
The ways of a man who unjustly receives gifts in [his] bosom do not prosper; and an ungodly man perverts the ways of righteousness.
24 Onye nwere nghọta na-eche uche amamihe nʼihe ọ na-eme, ma anya onye nzuzu na-elegharị ruo na nsọtụ nke ụwa.
The countenance of a wise man is sensible; but the eyes of a fool [go] to the ends of the earth.
25 Nwa dị nzuzu na-ewetara nna ya mwute, bụrụkwa nne mụrụ ya ihe ilu.
A foolish son [is a cause of] anger to his father, and grief to her that bore him.
26 Ọ bụrụ na ịra onye ezi omume nra adịghị mma, nʼezie, ịpịa ndị ọrụ ihe nʼihi ezi ọrụ ha ezighị ezi.
[It is] not right to punish a righteous man, nor [is it] holy to plot against righteous princes.
27 Nwoke ahụ na-adịghị ekwu ọtụtụ okwu bụ onye maara ihe, onye mmụọ ya dịkwa jụụ bụ onye nwere nghọta.
He that forbears to utter a hard word is discreet, and a patient man is wise.
28 A ga-agụ onye nzuzu nʼonye maara ihe ma ọ bụrụ na ha gba nkịtị, gụọkwa ha na ndị nwere nghọta ma ọ bụrụ na ha e jide ire ha.
Wisdom shall be imputed to a fool who asks after wisdom: and he who holds his peace shall seem to be sensible.

< Ilu 17 >