< Ilu 13 >

1 Nwa maara ihe na-ege ntị na ndụmọdụ nna ya ma onye na-akwa emo adịghị ege ntị nʼịba mba.
A wijs sone is the teching of the fadir; but he that is a scornere, herith not, whanne he is repreuyd.
2 Onye na-eme ezi ihe ga-esite nʼokwu ọnụ ya nweta ụgwọ ọrụ, ma ndị na-aghọgbu ibe ha ga-anata ihe ike dịka ụgwọ ọrụ ha.
A man schal be fillid with goodis of the fruit of his mouth; but the soule of vnpitouse men is wickid.
3 Mmadụ zuruoke bụ onye na-ejide ire ya aka! Ma onye ekwuruekwu na-ewetara onwe ya mbibi.
He that kepith his mouth, kepith his soule; but he that is vnwar to speke, schal feel yuels.
4 Ndị umengwụ na-achọ ọtụtụ ihe ma ọ dịghị ihe ha na-enweta; ma onye na-arụsị ọrụ ike na-enweta ihe niile ọ chọrọ.
A slow man wole, and wole not; but the soule of hem that worchen schal be maad fat.
5 Onye ezi omume kpọrọ ụgha asị, ma okwu ọnụ onye na-emebi iwu na-ewetara ya ihere na nkọcha.
A iust man schal wlate a fals word; but a wickid man schendith, and schal be schent.
6 Ezi omume mmadụ na-abara ya uru na ndụ ya niile, ma ajọ omume ndị mmehie na-ala ha nʼiyi.
Riytfulnesse kepith the weie of an innocent man; but wickidnesse disseyueth a synnere.
7 Ọ dị mmadụ na-eme ka ọ bụ ọgaranya maọbụ onye ụkpa. Ma ọ dịkwa mmadụ na-eme ka ọ bụ onye ụkpa maọbụ ọgaranya.
A man is as riche, whanne he hath no thing; and a man is as pore, whanne he is in many richessis.
8 Ọgaranya nwere ike jiri ego ya gbapụta onwe ya, ma ogbenye adịghị azaghachi mba banyere imerụ ya ahụ.
Redempcioun of the soule of man is hise richessis; but he that is pore, suffrith not blamyng.
9 Ìhè onye ezi omume na-enwupụ enwupụ, ma oriọna onye mmebi iwu ga-anyụ.
The liyt of iust men makith glad; but the lanterne of wickid men schal be quenchid.
10 Nganga na-eweta esemokwu, ma a na-ahụ amamihe nʼime ndụ ndị na-anata ndụmọdụ.
Stryues ben euere a mong proude men; but thei that don alle thingis with counsel, ben gouerned bi wisdom.
11 Akụ a kpatara ngwangwa na-emebikwa ngwangwa; ma akụ sitere nʼịrụsị ọrụ ike na-eto eto.
Hastid catel schal be maad lesse; but that that is gaderid litil and litil with hond, schal be multiplied.
12 Nchere a na-echere ogologo oge maka imezu olileanya e nwere na-egbu obi, mgbe ihe a na-eche mezuru, oke ọṅụ na-adị.
Hope which is dilaied, turmentith the soule; a tre of lijf is desir comyng.
13 Onye na-elelị ntụziaka anya ga-akwụ ụgwọ nʼihi ya, ma onye na-atụ egwu ihe enyere nʼiwu ga-anata ụgwọ ọrụ ya.
He that bacbitith ony thing, byndith hym silf in to tyme to comynge; but he that dredith the comaundement, schal lyue in pees.
14 Nkuzi nke onye maara ihe bụ isi iyi nke ndụ, nke na-eme ka mmadụ ghara ịma nʼọnya ọnwụ.
The lawe of a wise man is a welle of lijf; that he bowe awei fro the falling of deth.
15 Ezi nghọta na-eweta ihuọma, ma ụzọ nke ndị na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi na-eduba ha na mbibi.
Good teching schal yyue grace; a swolowe is in the weie of dispiseris.
16 Onye nwere uche na-eji ọmụma ihe nʼarụ ọrụ, ma ndị nzuzu na-egosipụta enweghị uche ya.
A fel man doith alle thingis with counsel; but he that is a fool, schal opene foli.
17 Onyeozi ajọ omume na-adaba na nsogbu, ma onyeozi kwesiri ntụkwasị obi na-eweta ọgwụgwọ.
The messanger of a wickid man schal falle in to yuel; a feithful messanger is helthe.
18 Onye na-ajụ ịdọ aka na ntị ga-anwụ nʼụkpa na nʼihere; ma onye na-anabata ịdọ aka na ntị ka a ga-asọpụrụ.
Nedynesse and schenschip is to him that forsakith techyng; but he that assentith to a blamere, schal be glorified.
19 Mgbe ihe a na-ele anya mezuru ọ na-atọ mkpụrụobi ụtọ, ma ndị nzuzu kpọrọ isite nʼajọ ihe wezuga onwe ha asị.
Desir, if it is fillid, delitith the soule; foolis wlaten hem that fleen yuels.
20 Na-eso ndị maara ihe ka ị ghọọ onye mara ihe, nʼihi na onye na-eso ndị nzuzu na-aba na nsogbu.
He that goith with wijs men, schal be wijs; the freend of foolis schal be maad lijk hem.
21 Nsogbu bụ ihe na-esogharị ndị mmehie, ma ngọzị na-esogharị ndị ezi omume.
Yuel pursueth synneris; and goodis schulen be yoldun to iust men.
22 Mgbe ezi mmadụ nwụrụ, ọ na-ahapụrụ ụmụ ya na ụmụ ụmụ ya akụ, ma mgbe onye mmehie nwụrụ, akụ ya na-abụ nke ndị ezi omume.
A good man schal leeue aftir him eiris, sones, and the sones of sones; and the catel of a synnere is kept to a iust man.
23 Ubi onye ogbenye pụrụ inwe ọtụtụ ihe oriri, ma ikpe na-ezighị ezi na-azachapụ ya.
Many meetis ben in the new tilid feeldis of fadris; and ben gaderid to othere men with out doom.
24 Onye ọbụla na-adọghị ụmụ ya aka na ntị, na-egosi na ọ hụghị ha nʼanya; ma onye hụrụ ha nʼanya, ga-adọsi ha aka na ntị ike.
He that sparith the yerde, hatith his sone; but he that loueth him, techith bisili.
25 Onye ezi omume na-eri nri ruo na nriju afọ onwe ya, ma nri na-akọ nʼafọ onye ajọ omume.
A iust man etith, and fillith his soule; but the wombe of wickid men is vnable to be fillid.

< Ilu 13 >