< Ilu 13 >

1 Nwa maara ihe na-ege ntị na ndụmọdụ nna ya ma onye na-akwa emo adịghị ege ntị nʼịba mba.
A wise son—the instruction of a father, And a scorner—he has not heard rebuke.
2 Onye na-eme ezi ihe ga-esite nʼokwu ọnụ ya nweta ụgwọ ọrụ, ma ndị na-aghọgbu ibe ha ga-anata ihe ike dịka ụgwọ ọrụ ha.
A man eats good from the fruit of the mouth, And the soul of the treacherous—violence.
3 Mmadụ zuruoke bụ onye na-ejide ire ya aka! Ma onye ekwuruekwu na-ewetara onwe ya mbibi.
Whoever is keeping his mouth, is keeping his soul, Whoever is opening wide his lips—ruin to him!
4 Ndị umengwụ na-achọ ọtụtụ ihe ma ọ dịghị ihe ha na-enweta; ma onye na-arụsị ọrụ ike na-enweta ihe niile ọ chọrọ.
The soul of the slothful is desiring, and does not have. And the soul of the diligent is made fat.
5 Onye ezi omume kpọrọ ụgha asị, ma okwu ọnụ onye na-emebi iwu na-ewetara ya ihere na nkọcha.
The righteous hates a false word, And the wicked causes abhorrence, and is confounded.
6 Ezi omume mmadụ na-abara ya uru na ndụ ya niile, ma ajọ omume ndị mmehie na-ala ha nʼiyi.
Righteousness keeps him who is perfect in the way, And wickedness overthrows a sin offering.
7 Ọ dị mmadụ na-eme ka ọ bụ ọgaranya maọbụ onye ụkpa. Ma ọ dịkwa mmadụ na-eme ka ọ bụ onye ụkpa maọbụ ọgaranya.
There is [he] who is making himself rich, and has nothing, Who is making himself poor, and wealth [is] abundant.
8 Ọgaranya nwere ike jiri ego ya gbapụta onwe ya, ma ogbenye adịghị azaghachi mba banyere imerụ ya ahụ.
The ransom of a man’s life [are] his riches, And the poor has not heard rebuke.
9 Ìhè onye ezi omume na-enwupụ enwupụ, ma oriọna onye mmebi iwu ga-anyụ.
The light of the righteous rejoices, And the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.
10 Nganga na-eweta esemokwu, ma a na-ahụ amamihe nʼime ndụ ndị na-anata ndụmọdụ.
A vain man causes debate through pride, And wisdom [is] with the counseled.
11 Akụ a kpatara ngwangwa na-emebikwa ngwangwa; ma akụ sitere nʼịrụsị ọrụ ike na-eto eto.
Wealth from vanity becomes little, And whoever is gathering by the hand becomes great.
12 Nchere a na-echere ogologo oge maka imezu olileanya e nwere na-egbu obi, mgbe ihe a na-eche mezuru, oke ọṅụ na-adị.
Hope prolonged is making the heart sick, And a tree of life [is] the coming desire.
13 Onye na-elelị ntụziaka anya ga-akwụ ụgwọ nʼihi ya, ma onye na-atụ egwu ihe enyere nʼiwu ga-anata ụgwọ ọrụ ya.
Whoever is despising the word is destroyed for it, And whoever is fearing the command is repaid.
14 Nkuzi nke onye maara ihe bụ isi iyi nke ndụ, nke na-eme ka mmadụ ghara ịma nʼọnya ọnwụ.
The law of the wise [is] a fountain of life, To turn aside from snares of death.
15 Ezi nghọta na-eweta ihuọma, ma ụzọ nke ndị na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi na-eduba ha na mbibi.
Good understanding gives grace, And the way of the treacherous [is] hard.
16 Onye nwere uche na-eji ọmụma ihe nʼarụ ọrụ, ma ndị nzuzu na-egosipụta enweghị uche ya.
Every prudent one deals with knowledge, And a fool spreads out folly.
17 Onyeozi ajọ omume na-adaba na nsogbu, ma onyeozi kwesiri ntụkwasị obi na-eweta ọgwụgwọ.
A wicked messenger falls into evil, And a faithful ambassador is healing.
18 Onye na-ajụ ịdọ aka na ntị ga-anwụ nʼụkpa na nʼihere; ma onye na-anabata ịdọ aka na ntị ka a ga-asọpụrụ.
Whoever is refusing instruction—poverty and shame, And whoever is observing reproof is honored.
19 Mgbe ihe a na-ele anya mezuru ọ na-atọ mkpụrụobi ụtọ, ma ndị nzuzu kpọrọ isite nʼajọ ihe wezuga onwe ha asị.
A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul, And an abomination to fools [Is] to turn from evil.
20 Na-eso ndị maara ihe ka ị ghọọ onye mara ihe, nʼihi na onye na-eso ndị nzuzu na-aba na nsogbu.
Whoever is walking with wise men is wise, And a companion of fools suffers evil.
21 Nsogbu bụ ihe na-esogharị ndị mmehie, ma ngọzị na-esogharị ndị ezi omume.
Evil pursues sinners, And good repays the righteous.
22 Mgbe ezi mmadụ nwụrụ, ọ na-ahapụrụ ụmụ ya na ụmụ ụmụ ya akụ, ma mgbe onye mmehie nwụrụ, akụ ya na-abụ nke ndị ezi omume.
A good man causes sons’ sons to inherit, And the sinner’s wealth [is] laid up for the righteous.
23 Ubi onye ogbenye pụrụ inwe ọtụtụ ihe oriri, ma ikpe na-ezighị ezi na-azachapụ ya.
Abundance of food—the tillage of the poor, And substance is consumed without judgment.
24 Onye ọbụla na-adọghị ụmụ ya aka na ntị, na-egosi na ọ hụghị ha nʼanya; ma onye hụrụ ha nʼanya, ga-adọsi ha aka na ntị ike.
Whoever is sparing his rod is hating his son, And whoever is loving him has hurried his discipline.
25 Onye ezi omume na-eri nri ruo na nriju afọ onwe ya, ma nri na-akọ nʼafọ onye ajọ omume.
The righteous is eating to the satiety of his soul, And the belly of the wicked lacks!

< Ilu 13 >