< Ọnụọgụgụ 15 >

1 Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘mgbe unu batara ala ahụ m na-enye unu dịka ụlọ unu,
Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, When you are come into the land of your habitation, which I give to you,
3 ọ bụrụ na unu echee nʼihu Onyenwe anyị aja nsure ọkụ nke isisi ya dị ụtọ nye Onyenwe anyị, maọbụ nke si nʼigwe ehi, maọbụ nke si nʼigwe ewu na atụrụ, maọbụ aja nsure ọkụ, maọbụ aja ndị ọzọ, maka imezu nkwa pụrụ iche maọbụ onyinye afọ ofufu, maọbụ aja mmemme.
and you will offer whole burnt offerings to the Lord, a whole burnt offering or a meat-offering to perform a vow, or a free-will offering, or to offer in your feasts a sacrifice of sweet savor to the Lord, whether of the herd or the flock:
4 Onye wetara onyinye a aghaghị iweta nʼihu Onyenwe anyị aja mkpụrụ ọka nke bụ ezi ụtụ ọka ruru lita abụọ nke e ji mmanụ ruru otu lita gwakọtaa.
then he that offers his gift to the Lord shall bring a meat-offering of fine flour, a tenth part of an ephah mingled with oil, even with the fourth part of a hin.
5 Ọ ga-eweta otu lita mmanya dịka onyinye ihe ọṅụṅụ maka nwa atụrụ ọbụla e ji chụọ aja nsure ọkụ maọbụ aja ụzọ.
And for a drink-offering you shall offer the fourth part of a hin on the whole burnt offering, or on the meat-offering: for every lamb you shall offer so much, as a sacrifice, a smell of sweet savor to the Lord.
6 “‘Ọ bụrụ nwa ebule ka e ji achụ aja ahụ, weta lita ezi ụtụ ọka anọ na ọkara, nke a gwakọtara ya na mmanụ jitụ ntakịrị karịa otu lita,
And for a ram, when you offer it as a whole burnt offering or as a sacrifice, you shall prepare as a meat-offering two tenths of fine flour mingled with oil, the third part of a hin.
7 tinyekwa ya mmanya jitụ ihe nta karịa otu lita ka ọ bụrụ onyinye ihe ọṅụṅụ nye ha, dịka aja nke isisi ya dị ụtọ nye Onyenwe anyị.
And you shall offer for a smell of sweet savor to the Lord wine for a drink-offering, the third part of a hin.
8 “‘Mgbe i ji nwa oke ehi chụọ aja nsure ọkụ, maọbụ aja imezu nkwa, maọbụ aja udo nye Onyenwe anyị,
And if you sacrifice [a bullock] from the herd for a whole burnt offering or for a sacrifice, to perform a vow or a peace-offering to the Lord,
9 tinyere oke ehi ahụ, ị ghaghị iji ezi ụtụ ọka ruru lita isii na ọkara, nke a gwakọtara ya na mmanụ ruru lita abụọ.
then [the worshipper] shall offer upon the calf a meat-offering, three tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil, [even] the half of a hin.
10 Wetakwa lita mmanya abụọ nke ga-abụ onyinye ihe ọṅụṅụ. Ọ ga-abụ onyinye e sitere nʼọkụ nye, nke isisi ya dị ụtọ nye Onyenwe anyị.
And wine for a drink-offering the half of a hin, a sacrifice for a smell of sweet savor to the Lord.
11 Nke a bụ usoro a ga-agbaso nʼoge ọbụla e ji nwa oke ehi, maọbụ nwa ebule, maọbụ nwa atụrụ, maọbụ nwa ewu chụọ aja.
Thus shall you do to one calf or to one ram, or to one lamb of the sheep or kid of the goats.
12 Meenụ ya maka anụ ụlọ ọbụla nʼoge niile ọbụla unu na-achụ aja.
According to the number of what you shall offer, so shall you do to each one, according to their number.
13 “‘Onye ọbụla bụ nwa afọ ala aghaghị ime ihe ndị a mgbe ọbụla o wetara onyinye e sitere nʼọkụ nye dịka onyinye isisi ya dị ụtọ nye Onyenwe anyị.
Every native of the country shall do thus to offer such things as sacrifices for a smell of sweet savor to the Lord.
14 Nʼọgbọ niile na-abịa, mgbe ọbụla onye ọbịa, maọbụ onye ọzọ bi nʼetiti unu wetara onyinye e sitere nʼọkụ nye, nke isisi ya dị ụtọ nye Onyenwe anyị, ọ ghaghị ịgbaso ụzọ a nye onyinye ya.
And if there should be a stranger among you in your land, or one who should be born to you among your generations, and he will offer a sacrifice, a smell of sweet savor to the Lord—as you do, so the [whole] congregation shall offer to the Lord.
15 Ọgbakọ ụmụ Izrel ga-enwe otu iwu ga-adịrị unu na ndị ọbịa bi nʼetiti unu. Nke a bụ ụkpụrụ ebighị ebi ga-adịrị ọgbọ niile na-abịa. Unu na ndị ọbịa ga-abụ otu nʼihu Onyenwe anyị.
There shall be one law for you and for the strangers dwelling among you, a perpetual law for your generations: as you [are], so shall the stranger be before the Lord.
16 Otu iwu na otu ụkpụrụ bụ ihe ga-adịrị onye ọbụla, diala na ndị ọbịa bi nʼetiti unu.’”
There shall be one law and one ordinance for you, and for the stranger that abides among you.
17 Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
18 “Gwa ndị Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘mgbe unu banyere nʼala ahụ m na-akpọbata unu nʼime ya,
Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, When you are entering into the land, into which I bring you,
19 ọ bụrụ na unu erie nri dị nʼala ahụ, wetanụ ụfọdụ nʼime nri ahụ dịka onyinye nye Onyenwe anyị.
then it shall come to pass, when you shall eat of the bread of the land, you shall separate a wave-offering, a special offering to the Lord, the first fruits of your dough.
20 Wetanụ ogbe achịcha site nʼọka mbụ unu ga-akwọ, chee ya nʼihu Onyenwe anyị dịka onyinye e wetara site nʼebe ịzọcha ọka.
You shall offer your bread a heave-offering: as a heave-offering from the threshing floor, so shall you separate it,
21 Unu aghaghị inye Onyenwe anyị onyinye a sitere nʼọka mbụ ọbụla unu kwọrọ, site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ.
even the first fruits of your dough, and you shall give the Lord a heave-offering throughout your generations.
22 “‘Ọ bụrụ na unu amaghị ama ghara idebe iwu ndị a niile Onyenwe anyị nyere site nʼaka Mosis,
But whenever you shall transgress, and not perform all these commands, which the Lord spoke to Moses;
23 bụ iwu ndị a niile Onyenwe anyị nyere unu site nʼaka Mosis, site nʼụbọchị ahụ Onyenwe anyị nyere ha ruo nʼọgbọ niile nke na-abịa.
as the Lord appointed you by the hand of Moses, from the day which the Lord appointed you and forward throughout your generations,
24 Ọ bụrụ na e mere ya na-amaghị ama, ọ bụrụ na ọgbakọ ụmụ Izrel amaghị ama mee ya, mgbe ahụ, ọgbakọ ụmụ Izrel ga-eji nwa oke ehi chụọ aja nsure ọkụ, aja na-esi isi ụtọ nke Onyenwe anyị na-anabata. Aghaghị iwetakwa mkpụrụ ọka, na onyinye ihe ọṅụṅụ nke ya na aja ahụ so, tinyere otu mkpi maka aja mmehie.
then it shall come to pass, if a trespass be committed unwillingly, unknown to the congregation, then shall all the congregation offer a calf of the herd without blemish for a whole burnt offering of sweet savor to the Lord, and its meat-offering and its drink-offering according to the ordinance, and one kid of the goats for a sin-offering.
25 Onye nchụaja ga-ekpuchitere nzukọ Izrel niile mmehie ha. A ga-agbagharakwa ha mmehie ha niile, nʼihi na ọ bụ mmehie ha mere na-amaghị ama. Ha e cheela nʼihu Onyenwe anyị aja onyinye nri nʼihi amaghị ama ha ya na aja mmehie.
And the priest shall make atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel, and [the trespass] shall be forgiven them, because it is involuntary; and they have brought their gift, a burnt offering to the Lord for their trespass before the Lord, even for their involuntary sins.
26 A ga-agbaghara nzukọ Izrel niile na ndị ọbịa nọ nʼetiti ha mmehie ha, nʼihi na mmadụ ndị a niile akpachaghị anya mehie.
And it shall be forgiven as respects all the congregation of the children of Israel, and the stranger that is dwelling among you, because [it is] involuntary to all the people.
27 “‘Ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ naanị otu onye mehiere na-amaghị ama, ọ ga-eweta nwa nne ewu gbara otu afọ maka aja mmehie.
And if one soul sin unwillingly, he shall bring one she-goat of a year old for a sin-offering.
28 Onye nchụaja a ga-eji ya chụọ aja ikpuchitere onye ahụ na-amaghị ama mehie mmehie ya nʼihu Onyenwe anyị. Mgbe ekpuchichara mmehie ya, a ga-agbaghara onye ahụ.
And the priest shall make atonement for the soul that committed the trespass unwillingly, and that sinned unwillingly before the Lord, to make atonement for him.
29 Ọ bụ otu iwu a dịrị onye ọbụla mehiere na-amaghị ama, maọbụ nwa afọ Izrel, maọbụ onye ọbịa nke bi nʼetiti unu.
There shall be one law for the native among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that abides among them, whoever shall commit a trespass unwillingly.
30 “‘Ma onye ọbụla kpachapụrụ anya mehie, maọbụ nwa afọ maọbụ onye ọbịa, nke na-ekwulu Onyenwe anyị, a ga-ebipụ onye dị otu a site nʼetiti ndị Izrel.
And whatever soul either of the natives or of the strangers shall do any thing with a presumptuous hand, he will provoke God; that soul shall be cut off from his people,
31 Nʼihi na ha eledala okwu Onyenwe anyị anya, mebie ihe o nyere nʼiwu. A ghaghị ibipụ onye dị otu a, mmehie ha ga-adịkwa ha nʼisi.’”
for he has set at nothing the word of the Lord and broken his commands: that soul shall be utterly destroyed, his sin [is] upon him.
32 Mgbe ụmụ Izrel nọ nʼọzara, e jidere otu onye nʼime ha ka ọ na-akpa nkụ nʼụbọchị izuike.
And the children of Israel were in the wilderness, and they found a man gathering sticks on the sabbath-day.
33 Ndị hụrụ ya ebe ọ na-akpa nkụ duuru ya jekwuru Mosis na Erọn na ọgbakọ ụmụ Izrel.
And they who found him gathering sticks on the sabbath-day brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel.
34 Ha tinyere ya nʼụlọ mkpọrọ nʼihi na o doghị anya ihe e kwesiri ime ya.
And they placed him in custody, for they did not determine what they should do to him.
35 Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya, “Nwoke a ghaghị ịnwụ. Ọgbakọ Izrel niile ga-atụ ya nkume nʼazụ obodo.”
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Let the man be by all means put to death: [do you] all the congregation, stone him with stones.
36 Ya mere, ọgbakọ ahụ kpọpụrụ ya nʼazụ obodo jiri nkume tugbuo ya, dịka Onyenwe anyị nyere Mosis nʼiwu.
And all the congregation brought him forth out of the camp; and all the congregation stoned him with stones outside the camp, as the Lord commanded Moses.
37 Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
38 “Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘Nʼọgbọ niile na-abịa unu ga-adụnye eriri akwa nʼọnụ ala ala uwe unu. Unu ga-eji eriri na-acha anụnụ anụnụ dụnye ya.
Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall tell them; and let them make for themselves fringes upon the borders of their garments throughout their generations: and you shall put upon the fringes of the borders a lace of blue.
39 Eriri akwa ndị a dị nʼọnụ ọnụ uwe unu ga-eme ka unu cheta iwu niile Onyenwe anyị nyere unu. Ka unu rube isi na ha hapụ imerụ onwe unu site na ịgbaso ihe ọjọọ niile na-agụ obi unu na anya unu.
And it shall be on your fringes, and you shall look on them, and you shall remember all the commands of the Lord, and do them: and you shall not turn back after your imaginations, and after [the sight of your] eyes in the things after which you go a whoring;
40 Mgbe ahụ unu ga-echeta irube isi nʼiwu m niile, bụrụ ndị e doro nsọ nye Chineke unu.
that you may remember and perform all my commands, and you shall be holy to your God.
41 Abụ m Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu, onye si nʼala Ijipt kpọpụta unu ịbụ Chineke unu. Abụ m Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu.’”
I [am] the Lord your God that brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I [am] the Lord your God.

< Ọnụọgụgụ 15 >