< Nehemaya 9 >

1 Nʼụbọchị nke iri abụọ na anọ nke otu ọnwa ahụ, ndị Izrel niile zukọkwara na obubu ọnụ, yiri uwe iru ụjụ, kpokwasịkwa onwe ha ntụ nʼisi.
Forsothe in the foure and twentithe dai of this monethe, the sones of Israel camen togidere in fastyng,
2 Ndị si nʼagbụrụ Izrel wezugakwara onwe ha site nʼebe ndị mba ọzọ niile nọ. Ha guzoro nʼọnọdụ ha kwupụta mmehie ha na ajọ omume nke nna nna ha.
and in sackis, and `erthe was on hem. And the seed of the sones of Israel was departid fro ech alien sone. And thei stoden bifor the Lord, and knoulechiden her synnes, and the wickidnessis of her fadris.
3 Ha guzokwara nʼebe ahụ ha nọ gụọ site nʼakwụkwọ iwu nke Onyenwe anyị, bụ Chineke ha ruo awa atọ. Ha jikwa awa atọ nke ọzọ kwupụta mmehie ha, na ife Onyenwe anyị Chineke ha ofufe.
And thei risiden togidere to stonde; and thei redden in the book of the lawe of `her Lord God fouresithis in the dai, and fouresithis in the niyt; thei knoulechiden, and herieden `her Lord God.
4 Mgbe ahụ Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebanaya, Buni, Sherebaya, Bani na Kenani rigoro guzo nʼelu ihe nguzo ndị Livayị. Ha jiri oke olu kpọkuo Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke ha.
Forsothe `thei risiden on the degree, of dekenes, Jesuy, and Bany, Cedynyel, Remmy, Abany, Sarabie, Bany, and Chanany.
5 Ndị Livayị ndị a, Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneia, Sherebaya, Hodia, Shebanaya na Petahaya sịrị, “Bilienụ ọtọ, too Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu, onye na-adị site nʼebighị ebi ruo ebighị ebi.” “Ka aha gị dị ebube bụrụ ihe a gọziri agọzi, ka ọ bụrụ ihe e buliri elu karịa ngọzị niile na otuto niile.
And the dekenes crieden with grete vois to her Lord God. And Jesue, and Cedyniel, Bonny, Assebie, Serebie, Arabie, Odaie, Sebua, and Facaia, seiden, Rise ye, and blesse ye `youre Lord God fro without bigynnyng and til in to with outen ende; and blesse thei the hiye name of thi glorie in al blessyng and preysyng.
6 Gị onwe gị, naanị gị bụ Onyenwe anyị. Gị kere eluigwe, ọ bụladị eluigwe kachasị elu, na kpakpando niile nke mbara eluigwe, ụwa na ihe niile dị nʼime ya, oke osimiri niile na ihe niile dị nʼime ha. Ọ bụ gị na-enye ihe niile ndụ, usuu niile nke eluigwe na-akpọkwa isiala nye gị.
And Esdras seide, Thou thi silf, Lord, art aloone; thou madist heuene and the heuene of heuenes, and al the oost of tho heuenes; thou madist the erthe and alle thingis that ben there ynne; `thou madist the sees and alle thingis that ben in tho; and thou quikenyst alle these thingis; and the oost of heuene worschipith thee.
7 “Gị, onwe gị bụ Onyenwe anyị Chineke ahụ, onye họpụtara Ebram site nʼobodo Ụọ nke ndị Kaldịa, kpọpụta ya, gụgharịa aha ya ka ọ bụrụ Ebraham.
Thou thi silf art the Lord God, that chesidist Abram, and leddist hym out of the fier of Caldeis, and settidist his name Abraham;
8 Ị hụkwara nʼobi ya kwesiri ntụkwasị obi nye gị, gị na ya gbakwara ndụ na ị ga-enye ụmụ ya ala ndị Kenan, nke ndị Het, nke ndị Amọrait, nke ndị Periz, nke ndị Jebus na nke ndị Gigash. I mezuola nkwa gị nʼihi na ị bụ onye ezi omume.
and foundist his herte feithful bifor thee, and thou hast smyte with hym a boond of pees, that thou woldist yyue to hym the lond of Cananei, of Ethei, of Euey, and of Ammorrei, and of Pherezei, and of Jebuzei, and of Gergesei, that thou woldist yyue it to his seed; and thou hast fillid thi wordis, for thou art iust.
9 “Ị hụrụ nsogbu na iru ụjụ niile nke nna nna anyị ha nʼala Ijipt; ị nụkwara akwa ha nʼakụkụ Osimiri Uhie.
And thou hast seyn the turment of oure fadris in Egipt, and thou herdist the cry of hem on the reed see.
10 I gosiri Fero na ndịisi ọchịchị ya na ndị ya niile ọtụtụ ihe ịrịbama na ọrụ ebube nʼihi na ị hụrụ otu ha siri site na nganga juru ha obi mesoo ndị gị mmeso ọjọọ. Ụwa niile maara aha gị taa nʼihi ọrụ ebube ndị a niile ị rụrụ.
And thou hast youe signes and grete wondris in Farao, and in alle hise seruauntis, and in al the puple of that lond; for thou knowist, that thei diden proudli ayens oure fadris; and thou madist to thee a name, as also in this dai.
11 I kewara Osimiri Uhie abụọ mee ka ndị gị site nʼala akọrọ gafee. Ma i mere ka ndị iro ha na-achụ ha ọsọ nwụọ nʼime oke osimiri ahụ. Ha mikpuru dịka nkume danyere nʼime mmiri, nke oke osimiri.
And thou departidist the see bifor hem, and thei passiden thorou the `myddis of the see in the drie place; forsothe thou castidist doun the pursueris of hem into depthe, as a stoon in strong watris.
12 I ji ogidi igwe ojii duo nna nna anyị ha nʼehihie, ma were ogidi ọkụ duo ha nʼabalị, inye ha ìhè ka ha ghara ijehie ụzọ.
And in a piler of cloude thou were the ledere of hem bi dai, and in a piler of fier bi nyyt, that the weie, bi which thei entriden, schulde appere to hem.
13 “I sitere nʼeluigwe gwa ha okwu, ị rịdatara nʼugwu Saịnaị, ị nyere ha iwu na ntụziaka niile ziri ezi, nyekwa ha ụkpụrụ na ihe niile dị mma nke enyere nʼiwu.
Also thou camest doun at the hil of Synai, and spakist with hem fro heuene, and thou yauest to hem riytful domes, and the lawe of trewthe, cerymonyes, and goode comaundementis.
14 I mere ka ha mata ụbọchị izuike gị dị nsọ, nyekwa ha iwu site nʼọnụ ohu gị Mosis, ka ha debe iwu gị na ụkpụrụ gị niile.
And thou schewidist to hem an halewid sabat; and thou comaundidist `to hem comaundementis, and cerymonyes, and lawe, in the hond of Moises, thi seruaunt.
15 I sitere nʼeluigwe nye ha achịcha mgbe agụụ gụrụ ha, sitekwa na nkume nye ha mmiri mgbe akpịrị kpọrọ ha nkụ. I sịkwara ha baa nʼime ala ahụ inweta ala ahụ bụ nke i weliri aka gị ṅụọ iyi inye ha.
Also thou yauest to hem breed fro heuene in her hungur; and thou leddist out of the stoon watir to hem thirstinge; and thou seidist to hem, that thei schulden entre, and haue in possessioun the lond, on which lond thou reisidist thin hond, that thou schuldist yyue it to hem.
16 “Ma nna nna anyị ha erubeghị isi nʼokwu gị, nʼihi isiike ha na nganga ha.
But `thei and oure fadris diden proudli, and maden hard her nollis, and herden not thi comaundementis.
17 Ha egeghị ntị ọbụla, ha echetakwaghị ihe ịrịbama niile i meere ha. Kama ha nupuru isi họpụtara onwe ha onyeisi ga-eduru ha ịlaghachi Ijipt. Ma ị bụ Chineke onye na-eme ebere, onye na-agbaghara mmehie ndị gị mgbe ọbụla. Ị bụ onye obiọma, onye iwe na-adịghị ewe ọsịịsọ. I jupụtara nʼịhụnanya na amara mgbe niile. Nʼihi ya, ị gbakụtaghị ha azụ,
And thei nolden here; and thei hadden not mynde of thi merueils, which thou haddist do to hem; and thei maden hard her nollis; and thei yauen the heed, that thei `weren al turned to her seruage as bi strijf; but thou art God helpful, meke, and merciful, abidynge longe, `ether pacient, and of myche merciful doyng, and forsokist not hem;
18 ọ bụladị mgbe ha meere onwe ha nwa ehi ha kpụrụ akpụ kwuo sị, ‘Nke a bụ chi unu. Ọ bụ ya si nʼala Ijipt dupụta anyị,’ maọbụ mgbe ha mehiere megide gị nʼụzọ niile.
and sotheli whanne thei hadden maad to hem a yotun calf, as bi strijf, and hadden seid, This is thi God, that `ledde thee out of Egipt, and thei diden grete blasfemyes.
19 “Ma nʼihi obi ebere gị nke dị ukwuu, ị hapụghị ha ka ha nwụọ nʼọzara. Ogidi igwe ojii ahụ duuru ha ụbọchị niile, ma ogidi ọkụ ahụ dukwara ha abalị niile.
But thou in thi many mercyes leftist not hem in deseert; for a piler of cloude yede not awei fro hem bi the dai, that it schulde lede hem in to the weie; and a piler of fier yede not awei `fro hem bi nyyt, that it schulde schewe to hem the weie, bi which thei schulden entre.
20 I zitere ezi Mmụọ nke gị ime ka ha nwee uche. Ị gbochikwaghị mánà gị iru ha ọnụ, ị nyekwara ha mmiri nʼihi akpịrị ịkpọ nkụ ha.
And thou yauest to hem thi good Spirit, that tauyte hem; and thou forbedist not thin aungels mete fro her mouth, and thou yauest to hem water in thirst.
21 Iri afọ anọ ka i debere ha ndụ nʼọzara. Ọ dịghị ihe kọrọ ha nʼoge ahụ. Uwe ha akaghị nka, ukwu ha azaghị.
Fourti yeer thou feddist hem in deseert, and no thing failide to hem; her clothis wexiden not elde, and her feet weren not hirt.
22 “I nyere ha alaeze na mba dị iche iche, kenye ha ọbụladị ebe ndị dịkarịsịrị anya. Ha nwetara ala Saịhọn bụ eze Heshbọn, na ala Ọg bụ eze Bashan.
And thou yauest to hem rewmes, and puplis; and thou departidist lottis, `ether eritagis, to hem, and thei hadden in possessioun the lond of Seon, and the lond of the kyng of Esebon, and the lond of Og, kyng of Basan.
23 I mere ka ụmụ Izrel mụbaa dịka kpakpando nke eluigwe, ị kpọbatara ha nʼala ahụ i gwara ndị bụ nna ha ka ha baa nweta.
And thou multipliedist the sones of hem, as the sterris of heuene; and thou brouytist hem to the lond, of which thou seidist to her fadris, that thei schulden entre, and holde it in possessioun.
24 Ụmụ ha banyere nweta ala ahụ. I meriri ndị Kenan nʼihu ha, bụ ndị bi nʼala ahụ. I weere ndị Kenan ahụ nyefee nʼaka ha, ha na ndị eze ha, na ndị niile bi nʼala ahụ ka ndị gị jiri ha mee ihe ọbụla ha kpebiri nʼobi ha.
And the sones of Israel camen, and hadden the lond in possessioun; and bifor hem thou madist low the dwellers of the lond, Cananeis; and thou yauest hem in to the hondis of the sones of Israel, and the kyngis of hem, and the puplis of the lond, that thei diden to hem, as it pleside hem.
25 Ndị gị nwetara ala mara mma, na ọtụtụ obodo e wusiri ike; ha nwetakwara ọtụtụ ụlọ nke ihe ọma juru nʼime ha, na olulu mmiri e gwuru nke ọma, na ubi vaịnị mkpụrụ dị, na ubi oliv, na ọtụtụ osisi ọma ndị ọzọ na-amị mkpụrụ. Ha rijuru afọ, ahụ ha mara mma ile anya, ha ṅụrikwara ọṅụ nʼihi ngọzị ị gọziri ha.
And thei token citees maad strong, and fat erthe; and thei hadden in possessioun housis fulle of alle goodis, cisternes maad of othere men, vineris, and places of olyues, and many apple trees. And thei eeten, and weren fillid, and weren maad fat; and hadden plentee of ritchessis `in thi greet goodnesse.
26 “Ma ha nupuru isi nʼokwu gị, jụ iwu gị, gbuo ndị amụma tụrụ ha mmehie ha nʼihu, meekwa ọtụtụ ihe ọjọọ ndị ọzọ dị iche iche.
Sotheli thei terriden thee to wrathfulnesse, and yeden awei fro thee, and castiden awei thi lawe bihynde her backis; and thei killiden thi prophetis, that witnessiden to hem, that thei schulden turne ayen to thee; and thei diden grete blasfemyes.
27 Nʼihi nke a, i nyefere ha nʼaka ndị iro ha, ndị kpagburu ha. Ma nʼime mkpagbu ha, ha kpọkuru gị, ị nọkwa nʼeluigwe nụ ekpere ha, sitekwa nʼobi ebere gị zigara ha ndị bịara zọpụta ha, na ndị napụtara ha site nʼaka ndị iro ha.
And thou yauest hem in to the hond of her enemyes; and thei turmentiden hem; and in the tyme of her tribulacioun thei crieden to thee; and thou herdist them fro heuyn, and bi thi many merciful doyngis thou yauest hem sauyours, that sauyden hem fro the hond of her enemyes.
28 “Ma mgbe ihe bidoro ịgara ha nke ọma, ha mekwara ihe jọrọ njọ nʼihu gị. Ọzọkwa, i nyefere ha nʼaka ndị iro ha ka ndị iro ha merie ha. Ma mgbe ọbụla ndị gị chegharịkwutere gị, kpọkuo gị ka i nyere ha aka, ị na-anụ arịrịọ ha, sitekwa nʼobi ebere gị gbapụta ha.
And whanne thei hadden restid, thei turneden ayen to do yuel in thi siyt; and thou forsokist hem in the hond of her enemyes, and enemyes hadden hem in possessioun; and thei weren conuertid, and thei crieden to thee; forsothe thou herdist hem fro heuene, and delyueridist hem `in thi mercies in many tymes.
29 “Ị dọrọ ha aka na ntị sị ha lọghachi debe ihe i nyere nʼiwu. Ma ha sitere na nganga juru ha obi jụ idebe iwu gị. Ha mehiere megide ihe niile i nyere nʼiwu, ọ bụ ezie na ha maara na idebe ya ga-ewetara ha ndụ. Ma site nʼisiike ha, ha gbakụtara gị azụ, bụrụ ndị isiike na ndị jụrụ ige ntị.
And thou witnessidist to hem, that thei schulden turne ayen to thi lawe; but thei diden proudli, and herden not thin heestis, and synneden in thi domes, whiche a man that schal do schal lyue in tho; and thei yauen the schuldre goynge awei, and thei maden hard her nol.
30 Ma i sitere na ntachiobi gị nye ha ogologo oge ichegharị; ị dọrọ ha aka na ntị site nʼọnụ ndị amụma gị, ma ha egeghị ntị. Ya mere, i kwenyekwara ka ndị iro ha merie ha ọzọ.
And thou drowist along many yeeris on hem, and thou witnessidist to hem in thi Spirit bi the hond of thi prophetis; and thei herden not; and thou yauest hem in to the hond of the puplis of londis.
31 Ma nʼihi obi ebere gị i bibighị ha kpamkpam; ị gbakụtakwaghị ha azụ nʼihi na ị bụ Chineke onye dị ebere na onye amara.
But in thi mercies ful manye thou madist not hem in to wastyng, nethir thou forsokist hem; for thou art God of merciful doynges, and meke.
32 “Ugbu a, Chineke anyị, Chineke dị ukwuu, onye dị ike dịkwa ebube, onye na-edebe ọgbụgba ndụ ịhụnanya ya, ka ọnọdụ ihe isi ike a ghara ịbụ ihe nta nʼanya gị. Ntaramahụhụ nke dakwasịrị anyị, ndị eze anyị na ndị ndu anyị, ndị nchụaja anyị, ndị amụma anyị, nna nna anyị ha na ndị gị niile, site nʼoge ndị eze Asịrịa buru ụzọ lụgbuo anyị nʼagha tutu ruo taa.
Now therfor, oure Lord God, greet God, strong, and ferdful, kepynge couenaunt and merci, turne thou not awei thi face in al the trauel that foond vs, oure kyngis, and oure princes, and oure fadris, and oure preestis, and oure profetis, and al thi puple, fro the daies of kyng Assur til to this dai.
33 Ma gị onwe gị bụ onye ezi omume, nʼihe niile bịakwasịrị anyị; Ị mere ihe kwesiri, ebe anyị onwe anyị mere ajọ omume.
And thou art iust in alle thingis, that camen on vs, for thou didist trewthe to vs; but we han do wickidli.
34 Ndị eze anyị, ndị ndụ anyị na ndị nchụaja na nna nna anyị edebeghị iwu gị; ha aṅaghịkwa ntị nʼihe niile i nyere nʼiwu maọbụ ihe ama gị nke ị dọrọ ha aka na ntị idebe.
Oure kyngis, and oure princes, oure prestis, and fadris `diden not thi lawe; and thei perseyueden not thin heestis and witnessyngis, whiche thou witnessidist in hem.
35 Ọ bụladị mgbe ha nọ nʼalaeze nke aka ha na-ekpori ndụ, nke oke ịdị mma gị nke ị mere ka o rute ha aka, nʼala ọma ahụ sara mbara nwere ume i nyere ha, ha efeghị gị ofufe, ha esitekwaghị nʼụzọ ọjọọ ha chigharịa.
And thei in her good rewmes, and in thi myche goodnesse, which thou yauest to hem, and in the largest lond and fat, whych thou haddist youe in the siyt of hem, serueden not thee, nether turneden ayen fro her werste studies.
36 “Ma lee, anyị bụ ndị ohu taa, e, anyị bụ ndị ohu nʼala ahụ i nyere nna nna anyị ha, ka ọ bụrụ ebe ha ga-esi rie mkpụrụ ọ mịpụtara na ihe ọma ọ na-amịpụta.
Lo! we `vs silf ben thrallis to dai; and the lond which thou yauest to oure fadris, that thei schulden ete the breed therof, and the goodis that ben therof, `is thral; and we `vs silf ben thrallis, `ethir boonde men, in that lond.
37 Nʼihi mmehie anyị, mkpụrụ ọma niile a na-esi na ya wepụta ka ndị eze ahụ niile i mere ka ha na-achị anyị na-ewere. Ha nwere ike nʼahụ anyị, na nʼebe anụ ụlọ anyị dị ka o si dị ha mma. Anyị na-ahụjukwa anya.
And the fruytis therof ben multiplied to kyngis, whiche thou hast set on vs for oure synnes; and thei ben lordis of oure bodies, and of oure beestis, bi her wille, and we ben in greet tribulacioun.
38 “Nʼihi ihe ndị a niile, anyị na-ekwe gị nkwa ugbu a na anyị ga-efe gị. Anyị, ndịisi anyị, ndị Livayị na ndị nchụaja, na-etinye aha anyị nʼọgbụgba ndụ a.”
Therfor on alle these thingis we `vs silf smyten and writen boond of pees, and oure princes, oure dekenes, and oure prestis aseelen.

< Nehemaya 9 >