< Nehemaya 7 >

1 Mgbe e wuzichara mgbidi ahụ, na mgbe m guzobesịrị ibo nʼọnụ ụzọ ya niile nʼọnọdụ ha, họpụtakwa ndị ọbụ abụ na ndị nche, na ndị Livayị.
After the wall had been finished and we had put the gates in their places, we assigned to the temple guards and to the members of the [sacred] choir and the other descendants of Levi the work that they were to do.
2 Enyefere m ọrụ ilekọta Jerusalem nʼaka nwanne m nwoke bụ Hanani, ya na Hananaya onye bụ onyeisi ụlọ ukwu ahụ e wusiri ike, nʼihi na ọ bụ nwoke na-ekwu eziokwu, bụrụkwa onye na-atụ egwu Chineke karịa ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ.
I appointed two men to [help me to] govern Jerusalem, my brother Hanani and Hananiah who was the commander of the fortress [in Jerusalem]. Hananiah always did his work reliably, and he revered God more than most other people do.
3 Agwara m ha, “Na-emeghenụ ọnụ ụzọ ama naanị mgbe chi bọziri nke ọma. Kpọchiekwa ha mgbe ndị nche ka nọ na nche. Họpụtakwanụ ndị bi na Jerusalem ka ha bụrụ ndị nche. Ụfọdụ ga-eche nʼebe a họpụtara ha, ụfọdụ ga-eche nʼakụkụ ụlọ nke aka ha.”
I said to them, “Do not open the gates of Jerusalem until late each morning. And close the gates and put the bars across the doors [(late in each afternoon/before sunset)] while the gatekeepers are still guarding the gates.” I also told them to appoint some people who lived in Jerusalem to be guards [on the wall], and to assign some of them to be guards at certain other places and to assign others to guard the area close to their own houses.
4 Nʼoge a obodo ahụ buru ibu dịkwa mbara, ma ndị bi nʼime ya dị ole na ole nʼọnụọgụgụ, ụlọ ndị dị nʼime ya bụkwa ihe ewugharịbeghị.
The city [of Jerusalem] covered a large area, but [at that time] not many people lived in the city, and they had not built many new houses yet [HYP].
5 Ya mere Chineke m tinyere ya nʼobi m ka m chịkọta ndị niile a na-asọpụrụ, ndị ọchịchị, na ndị niile bi nʼobodo, maka idebanye aha nʼakwụkwọ ezinaụlọ nʼezinaụlọ. Achọtara m ebe e depụtara usoro ndị mmadụ niile bụ ụzọ lọta Juda nʼoge gara aga. Nke a bụ ihe m chọpụtara edere nʼime ya:
[To defend the city, we needed more people there.] Then God gave me the idea to summon the leaders and officials and [other] people, and to look in the books [in which were written the names] of all the people and their clans. So I found the records of the people who had first returned from Babylonia. This is what I found written in those records:
6 Ndị a bụ ndị obodo niile a na-achị achị, bụ ndị sitere na ndọta nʼagha nke Nebukadneza, eze Babilọn, onye dọtara ha nʼagha buru ha laa nʼala ọzọ. Ha lọghachitere na Jerusalem nakwa Juda, onye ọbụla nʼobodo nke aka ya.
(This is a list/Here are the names) of the people who returned to Jerusalem and to other places in Judea. They had been living in Babylonia since King Nebuchadnezzar’s army had captured their relatives/ancestors and took them to Babylonia. But they had returned to Judea and were living in the towns [where their ancestors had lived].
7 Ndịisi ha na Zerubabel soo, bụ Jeshua, Nehemaya, Azaraya, Raamaya, Nahamani, Mọdekai, Bilshan, Misperet, Bigvai, Nehum na Baana. Ihe ndepụta ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom Izrel bụ nke a:
Their leaders were Zerubbabel, Joshua, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, Baanah, and me. This is a list of the number of men in each clan who returned:
8 Ndị agbụrụ Parosh, puku abụọ, otu narị na iri asaa na abụọ,
2,172 men from the clan of Parosh;
9 nke Shefataya, narị atọ na iri asaa na abụọ,
372 men from the clan of Shephatiah;
10 nke Ara, narị isii na iri ise na abụọ,
652 men from the clan of Arah;
11 nke Pahat-Moab site nʼụmụ Jeshua na Joab, puku abụọ, na narị asatọ na iri na asatọ,
2,818 men from the clan of Pahath-Moab, who are descendants of Jeshua and Joab;
12 nke Elam, otu puku, na narị abụọ na iri ise na anọ,
1,254 men from the clan of Elam;
13 nke Zatu, narị asatọ na iri anọ na ise,
845 men from the clan of Zattu;
14 nke Zakai, narị asaa na iri isii,
760 men from the clan of Zaccai;
15 nke Binui, narị isii na iri anọ na asatọ,
648 men from the clan of Bani (OR, Binnui);
16 nke Bebai, narị isii na iri abụọ na asatọ,
628 men from the clan of Bebai;
17 nke Azgad, puku abụọ, na narị atọ na iri abụọ na abụọ,
2,322 men from the clan of Azgad;
18 nke Adonikam, narị isii na iri isii na asaa,
667 men from the clan of Adonikam;
19 nke Bigvai, puku abụọ, na iri isii na asaa,
2,067 men from the clan of Bigvai;
20 nke Adin, narị isii na iri ise na ise,
655 men from the clan of Adin;
21 nke Atea (site na Hezekaya), iri itoolu na asatọ,
98 men from the clan of Ater, whose other name is Hezekiah;
22 nke Hashum, narị atọ na iri atọ na asatọ,
328 men from the clan of Hashum;
23 nke Bezai, narị atọ na iri abụọ na anọ,
324 men from the clan of Bezai;
24 nke Harif, otu narị na iri na abụọ,
112 men from the clan of Hariph, [whose other name is Jorah];
25 nke Gibiọn, iri itoolu na ise.
95 men from the clan of Gibeon, [whose other name is Gibbar].
26 Ndị ikom Betlehem na Netofa, otu narị na iri asatọ na asatọ,
Men whose ancestors had lived in these towns also returned: 188 men from Bethlehem and Netophah
27 ndị Anatot, otu narị na iri abụọ na asatọ,
128 men from Anathoth;
28 ndị Bet-Azmavet, iri anọ na abụọ,
42 men from Beth-Azmaveth
29 ndị Kiriat Jearim, Kefira na Beerọt, narị asaa na iri anọ na atọ,
743 men from Kiriath-Jearim, Kephirah and Beeroth;
30 ndị Rema na Geba, narị isii na iri abụọ na otu,
621 men from Ramah and Geba;
31 ndị Mikmash, otu narị na iri abụọ na abụọ,
122 men from Micmash;
32 ndị Betel na Ai, otu narị na iri abụọ na atọ,
123 men from Bethel and Ai;
33 ndị Nebo nke ọzọ, iri ise na abụọ,
52 men from Nebo;
34 ndị agbụrụ Elam nke ọzọ, otu puku, narị abụọ na iri ise na anọ,
1,254 from Elam;
35 ndị Harim, narị atọ na iri abụọ,
320 from Harim;
36 ndị Jeriko, narị atọ na iri anọ na ise,
345 from Jericho;
37 ndị Lod, Hadid, na Ono, narị asaa na iri abụọ na otu,
721 from Lod, Hadid, and Ono;
38 ndị Senaa, puku atọ, na narị itoolu na iri atọ.
3,930 from Senaah. The following priests also returned:
39 Ndị nchụaja: ndị agbụrụ Jedaya site nʼezinaụlọ Jeshua, narị itoolu na iri asaa na atọ,
973 from the clan of Jedaiah who are descendants of Jeshua;
40 ndị Imea, otu puku, na iri ise na abụọ,
1,052 from the clan of Immer;
41 ndị Pashua, otu puku, na narị abụọ na iri anọ na asaa,
1,247 from the clan of Pashhur;
42 ndị Harim, otu puku, na iri na asaa.
1,017 from the clan of Harim.
43 Ndị Livayị: ndị agbụrụ Jeshua site na Kadmiel nke ụmụ Hodavaya, iri asaa na anọ.
[Other] descendants of Levi who returned were: 74 from the clan of Jeshua and Kadmiel, who are descendants of Hodevah [who is also known as Hodaviah];
44 Ndị ọbụ abụ: ndị agbụrụ Asaf, otu narị, na iri anọ na asatọ.
148 singers who are descendants of Asaph.
45 Ndị nche ọnụ ụzọ ụlọnsọ ukwu: ndị agbụrụ Shalum, Atea, Talmon, Akub, Hatita na Shobai otu narị, na iri atọ na asatọ.
Also 138 temple gatekeepers from the clans of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita, and Shobai returned.
46 Ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ: ndị agbụrụ Ziha, Hasufa na ndị Tabaot,
Temple workers who returned were descendants of these men: Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,
47 Keros, Sia, Padon,
Keros, Sia [who is also known as Siaha], Padon,
48 Lebana, Hagaba, Shalmai,
Lebanah, Hagabah, Shalmai,
49 Hanan, Gidel, Gaha,
Hanan, Giddel, Gahar,
50 Reaya, Rezin, Nekoda,
Reaiah, Rezin, Nekoda,
51 Gazam, Ụza, Pasea,
Gazzam, Uzza, Paseah,
52 Besai, Meunim, Nefusim,
Besai, Meunim, Ephusesim [who is also called Nephusim],
53 Bakbuk, Hakufa, Hahua,
Bakbuk, Hakupha, Harhur,
54 Bazlut, Mehida, Hasha,
Bazlith [who is also called Bazluth], Mehida, Harsha,
55 Bakos, Sisera, Tema,
Barkos, Sisera, Temah,
56 Nezaya na Hatifa.
Neziah, and Hatipha.
57 Agbụrụ ndị na-ejere eze Solomọn ozi, ya bụ ndị agbụrụ Sotai, Soferat, Perida,
Descendants of the servants of King Solomon who returned were: Sotai, Sophereth [who is also called Hassophereth], Perida [who is also known as Peruda],
58 Jaala, Dakon, Gidel,
Jaalah, Darkon, Giddel,
59 Shefataya, Hatil, Pokeret-Hazebaim na Amọn.
Shephatiah, Hattil, Pokereth-hazzebaim, and Amon.
60 Ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ na ụmụ ndị na-ejere eze Solomọn ozi, dị narị atọ na iri itoolu na abụọ.
Altogether, there were 392 temple workers and descendants of Solomon’s servants who returned.
61 Ndị a bụ ndị ọzọ sitere nʼobodo Tel Mela, Tel Hasha, Kerub, Adọn na Imea, nke dị nʼala Peshịa lọta. Ma ha enweghị ike igosi ezinaụlọ ebe agbụrụ ha si nʼIzrel.
Another group of 642 people from the clans of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda also returned. They came from the towns of Tel-Melah, Tel-Harsha, Kerub, Addan ([which is also known as Addon]), and Immer [in Babylonia]. But they could not prove that they were descendants of Israelis.
62 Ndị agbụrụ: Delaya, ndị Tobaya na ndị Nekoda, narị isii na iri anọ na abụọ.
63 Sitekwa nʼetiti ndị nchụaja: Ndị agbụrụ: Hobaya, Hakoz na Bazilai (nwoke lụrụ ada Bazilai onye Gilead a kpọọ ya aha nʼaha ha).
Priests from the clans of Hobaiah, Hakkoz, and Barzillai also returned. Barzillai had married a woman who is a descendant of [a man named] Barzillai from [the] Gilead [region], and he had taken his wife’s family name.
64 Ndị a chọrọ ebe e depụtara usoro ọmụmụ ha nʼakwụkwọ, ma ha achọtaghị ha nʼihi ya e wepụrụ ha nʼọrụ nchụaja dịka ndị na-adịghị ọcha.
They searched in the records that contained the names of people’s ancestors, but they could not find the names of those clans, so they were not allowed to have the rights and duties that priests have right away.
65 Nʼihi nke a, onyeisi ọchịchị nyere iwu ka ha ghara iri ihe aja dịkarịsịrị nsọ, tutu ruo mgbe a ga-enwe onye nchụaja na-eji Urim na Tumim ajụta ase.
The governor told them that before they could eat the food offered as sacrifices, a priest should use the marked stones [to find out what God said about their being priests].
66 Nkpọkọta ọnụọgụgụ ndị niile lọtara dị iri puku anọ na abụọ, na narị atọ na iri isii,
Altogether, there were 42,360 people who returned to Judea.
67 nke a agụnyeghị ndị ohu ndị ikom na ndị inyom dị puku asaa, na narị atọ na iri atọ na asaa, ndị ikom na ndị inyom, ndị ọbụ abụ dị narị abụọ, na iri anọ na ise.
There were also 7,337 of their servants, and 245 singers, which included men and women.
68 Ịnyịnya dị narị asaa na iri atọ na isii, ịnyịnya muul narị abụọ na iri anọ na ise,
The Israelis also brought back [from Babylonia] 736 horses, 245 mules,
69 ịnyịnya kamel dị narị anọ na iri atọ na ise, ebe ịnyịnya ibu dị puku isii, na narị asaa na iri abụọ.
435 camels, and 6,720 donkeys.
70 Ma ụfọdụ nʼime ndịisi ezinaụlọ nyere onyinye maka ọrụ ahụ. Onyeisi ọchịchị tinyere nʼụlọakụ otu puku darik ọlaedo, iri efere ọlaedo ise na uwe ndị nchụaja narị ise na iri atọ.
Some of the leaders of the clans gave gifts for the work [of rebuilding the temple]. I, being the governor, gave (17 pounds/8.6 kg.) of gold, 50 bowls [to be used in the temple], and 530 robes for the priests.
71 Ụfọdụ ndịisi ezinaụlọ tinyere nʼụlọakụ maka ije ozi ahụ, darik ọlaedo puku iri abụọ, na ọtụtụ minas ọlaọcha puku abụọ na narị abụọ.
Some of the leaders of the clans gave a total of (337 pounds/153 kg.) of gold, and (3,215 pounds/1,460 kg.) of silver.
72 Nkpọkọta ọnụọgụgụ nke ndị mmadụ fọdụrụ nyere bụ, darik ọlaedo puku iri abụọ, na minas ọlaọcha puku abụọ, na uwe ndị nchụaja iri isii na asaa.
The rest of the people gave a total of (337 pounds/153 kg.) of gold, (2,923 pounds/1,330 kg.) of silver, and 67 robes for the priests.
73 Ndị nchụaja, na ndị Livayị, na ndị nche ọnụ ụzọ, ndị ọbụ abụ na ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ, tinyere ụfọdụ ndị mmadụ na ndị Izrel niile fọdụrụ, gara birikwa nʼobodo nke ha. Mgbe ọnwa asaa ruru, nʼoge a ndị Izrel niile e birila nʼobodo nke aka ha,
So the priests, the [other] descendants of Levi [who helped the priests], the temple guards, the musicians, the temple workers, and many ordinary people, who were all Israelis, started to live in the towns and cities of Judea [where their ancestors had lived].

< Nehemaya 7 >