< Maika 3 >

1 Mgbe ahụ ekwuru m sị, “Geenụ ntị unu ndịisi ụlọ Jekọb, na unu ndị na-achị ezinaụlọ Izrel. Ọ bụ na unu ekwesighị ịmata ikpe ziri ezi
I also said: Hear, O ye heads of Jacob, And ye leaders of the house of Israel! Is it not for you to administer justice?
2 unu bụ ndị kpọrọ ezi ihe asị ma na-ahụ ajọ ọrụ nʼanya. Unu na-agba ndị m akpụkpọ na ndụ na-agbapụkwa anụ ahụ kpuchiri ọkpụkpụ ha.
But ye hate what is good, and love what is evil; Ye tear from men their skin, Yea, their flesh from their bones;
3 Unu na-erida anụ ahụ ndị nke m, na-agba ha akpụkpọ, na-etijisi ọkpụkpụ ha, na-egburi anụ ahụ ha, dịka anụ a na-esinye nʼite.”
Ye devour the flesh of my people, And strip them of their skin, And break their bones, And cut them in pieces, as for the pot, And as flesh for the caldron?
4 Mgbe ahụ ha ga-akpọku Onyenwe anyị, ma ọ gaghị aza ha! Mgbe oge ahụ bịaruru, ọ ga-ezo ihu ha site nʼebe ha nọ nʼihi ihe ọjọọ nke ha mere.
Then shall they cry to Jehovah, But he will not hear them; Yea, at that time will he hide his face from them, Because they have done iniquity.
5 Ihe a ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru: “Banyere ndị amụma bụ ndị na-eduhie ndị m, mgbe ha nwere ihe ha ga-eri, ha na-ekwusa ‘Udo’ ma ọ bụrụ na mmadụ enyeghị ha nri, ha na-ebili buo agha megide onye dị otu a.
Thus saith Jehovah concerning the prophets, who deceive my people, Who, while they bite with their teeth, proclaim peace, But who, if one fill not their mouths, prepare war against him:
6 Ya mere nʼabalị ga-abịakwasị ha, napụ ha ike ịhụ ọhụ; ọchịchịrị ga-ekpuchi ha, ka ha ghara ịjụta ase ọbụla. Anwụ ga-ada nʼebe ndị amụma ahụ nọ, ụbọchị ga-agbakwa ọchịchịrị nye ha.
Therefore shall night come upon you, so that ye shall have no vision, And darkness, so that ye shall not divine; The sun shall go down upon the prophets, And the day shall be dark to them.
7 Ndị ọhụ ụzọ ka ihere ga-eme, ndị na-ajụ ase ka a ga-emebọ. Ha ga-ekpuchi ihu ha, nʼihi na ọsịsa ọbụla agaghị esite nʼebe Chineke nọ bịara ha.”
Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded, So that all of them shall hide their faces, Because there is no answer from God.
8 Ma mụ onwe m, ejupụtara m nʼike, ejupụtara m na Mmụọ nke Onyenwe anyị, jupụtakwa na mmụọ nke ikpe ziri ezi, na nke ịdị ike ikwupụta nye Jekọb njehie ya, na nye Izrel mmehie ya.
But I am full of power, even of the spirit of Jehovah; Full of uprightness and courage, To declare to Jacob his transgression, And to Israel his sin.
9 Geenụ ntị unu ndị na-achị ezinaụlọ Jekọb, na unu ndịisi ezinaụlọ Izrel. Ndị kpọrọ ikpe ziri ezi asị, ma na-ewere ihe niile na-ezighị ezi nʼọnọdụ ihe ziri ezi.
O hear this, ye heads of the house of Jacob, And ye leaders of the house of Israel, Who abhor justice, And pervert all equity,
10 Ndị ji ọbara wuo Zayọn, werekwa ajọ omume wuo Jerusalem.
Who build up Zion with blood, And Jerusalem with iniquity!
11 Ndịisi ya na-ekpe ikpe nʼihi ngarị, ndị nchụaja ya na-akụzi ihe nʼihi ụgwọ, ebe ndị amụma ya na-ajụta ase nʼihi ego. Ma ha dabere na Onyenwe anyị na-asị, “Onyenwe anyị ọ nọnyeereghị anyị? O nweghị ihe ọjọọ ga-abịakwasị anyị.”
Her heads judge for reward, And her priests teach for hire, And her prophets divine for money, And yet they lean upon Jehovah, saying, “Is not Jehovah in the midst of us? No evil can come upon us.”
12 Ọ bụ nʼihi gị ka a ga-akọgharị Zayọn dịka ala ubi, Jerusalem ga-aghọ ebe e kpokọtara nkume na ngwongwo ụlọ dakpọrọ adakpọ, ugwu nke ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ ga-aghọ ebe dị elu nke oke ọhịa tochiri.
Therefore because of you shall Zion be ploughed as a field, And Jerusalem become heaps of stones, And the mountain of the temple like the heights of a forest.

< Maika 3 >