< Matiu 1 >

1 Nke a bụ ndekọ usoro ọmụmụ Jisọs onye bụ Kraịst, nwa Devid, nwa Ebraham.
The book of the generacioun of Jhesu Crist, the sone of Dauid, the sone of Abraham.
2 Ebraham mụrụ Aịzik, Aịzik amụọ Jekọb, Jekọb amụọ Juda na ụmụnne ya.
Abraham bigat Isaac. Isaac bigat Jacob. Jacob bigat Judas and hise britheren.
3 Juda mụtara Perez na Zera site na Tama, Perez mụrụ Hezrọn, Hezrọn amụọ Aram.
Judas bigat Fares and Zaram, of Tamar. Fares bigat Esrom.
4 Aram mụrụ Aminadab, Aminadab mụrụ Nashọn, Nashọn amụọ Salmọn.
Esrom bigat Aram. Aram bigat Amynadab. Amynadab bigat Naason. Naason bigat Salmon.
5 Salmọn bụ nna Boaz, site na nwunye ya Rehab, Boaz mụrụ Obed, site na nwunye ya Rut, Obed amụọ Jesi.
Salmon bigat Booz, of Raab. Booz bigat Obeth, of Ruth. Obeth bigat Jesse. Jesse bigat Dauid the king.
6 Jesi amụọ Devid, bụ eze. Devid mụrụ Solomọn site na nwunye ya Ụraya.
Dauid the king bigat Salamon, of hir that was Vries wijf.
7 Solomọn mụrụ Rehoboam, Rehoboam amụọ Abija, Abija amụọ Esa.
Salomon bigat Roboam. Roboam bigat Abias.
8 Esa mụrụ Jehoshafat, Jehoshafat amụọ Joram, Joram amụọ Ụzaịa.
Abias bigat Asa. Asa bigat Josaphath. Josaphath bigat Joram. Joram bigat
9 Ụzaịa mụrụ Jotam, Jọtam amụọ Ehaz, Ehaz amụọ Hezekaya.
Osias. Osias bigat Joathan. Joathan bigat Achaz. Achaz bigat Ezechie.
10 Hezekaya mụrụ Manase, Manase amụọ Emọn, Emọn amụọ Josaya.
Ezechie bigat Manasses. Manasses bigat Amon.
11 Mgbe e mere ka ha gaa biri nʼala Babilọn ka Josaya mụrụ Jekonaya na ụmụnne ya.
Amon bigat Josias. Josias bigat Jeconyas and his britheren, in to the transmygracioun of Babiloyne.
12 Mgbe ha si Babilọn lọta Jekonaya mụrụ Shealtiel, Shealtiel amụọ Zerubabel.
And aftir the transmygracioun of Babiloyne, Jeconyas bigat Salatiel. Salatiel bigat Zorobabel.
13 Zerubabel mụrụ Abiud, Abiud amụọ Eliakịm, Eliakịm amụọ Azoa.
Zorobabel bigat Abyut. Abyut bigat Eliachym. Eliachym bigat Asor.
14 Azoa mụrụ Zadọk, Zadọk amụọ Akịm, Akịm amụọ Eliud.
Asor bigat Sadoc. Sadoc bigat Achym.
15 Eliud mụrụ Elieza, Elieza amụọ Matan, Matan amụọ Jekọb.
Achym bigat Elyut. Elyut bigat Eleasar. Eleasar bigat Mathan.
16 Jekọb mụrụ Josef onye bụ di Meri nne Jisọs, onye a na-akpọ Kraịst.
Mathan bigat Jacob. Jacob bigat Joseph, the hosebonde of Marye, of whom Jhesus was borun, that is clepid Christ.
17 Ya mere, site nʼEbraham ruo na Devid, e nwere ọgbọ iri na anọ. Ma site nʼoge Devid ruo mgbe a dọọrọ ha nʼagha gaa Babilọn, e nwere ọgbọ iri na anọ. Sitekwanụ nʼoge ahụ ruo mgbe a mụrụ Kraịst bụkwa ọgbọ iri na anọ.
And so alle generaciouns fro Abraham to Dauid ben fourtene generacions, and fro Dauid to the transmygracioun of Babiloyne ben fourtene generaciouns, and fro the transmygracioun of Babiloyne to Crist ben fourtene generaciouns.
18 Otu a ka ọmụmụ Jisọs, onye a na-akpọ Kraịst siri dị: Nne ya Meri bụ onye e kwenyere na ọ ga-alụ Josef, ma tupu ha ebikọọ ọnụ a chọpụtara na Meri di ime site na Mmụọ Nsọ.
But the generacioun of Crist was thus. Whanne Marie, the modir of Jhesu, was spousid to Joseph, bifore thei camen togidere, she was foundun hauynge of the Hooli Goost in the wombe.
19 Ma Josef di ya bụ onye ezi omume, ọ chọghị imenye ya ihere, nʼihi ya, o zubere ịchụ ya na nzuzo.
And Joseph, hir hosebonde, for he was riytful, and wolde not puplische hir, he wolde priueli haue left hir.
20 Mgbe Josef nwechara mkpebi a, mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị bịakwutere ya na nrọ sị ya, “Josef nwa Devid, atụla egwu ịkpọrọ Meri ka ọ bụrụ nwunye gị, nʼihi na nwa ahụ ọ dị ime ya sitere nʼike Mmụọ Nsọ.
But while he thouyte thes thingis, lo! the aungel of the Lord apperide `in sleep to hym, and seide, Joseph, the sone of Dauid, nyle thou drede to take Marie, thi wijf; for that thing that is borun in hir is of the Hooli Goost.
21 Ọ ga-amụkwa nwa nwoke, onye ị ga-akpọ aha ya Jisọs, nʼihi na ọ ga-azọpụta ndị nke ya site na mmehie ha.”
And she shal bere a sone, and thou shalt clepe his name Jhesus; for he schal make his puple saaf fro her synnes.
22 Ihe ndị a mere iji mezuo ihe ahụ Onyenwe anyị kwuru site nʼọnụ onye amụma ya sị,
For al this thing was don, that it schulde be fulfillid, that was seid of the Lord bi a prophete, seiynge, Lo!
23 “Lee, nwaagbọghọ ahụ na-amaghị nwoke ga-atụrụ ime, mụọ nwa nwoke. Ha ga-akpọ aha ya Ịmanụel” (nke bụ ma asụgharịa ya, “Chineke nọnyeere anyị”).
a virgyn shal haue in wombe, and she schal bere a sone, and thei schulen clepe his name Emanuel, that is to seie, God with vs.
24 Mgbe Josef si nʼụra teta, o mere dịka mmụọ ozi Onyenwe anyị nyere ya nʼiwu. Ọ kpọọrọ Meri ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.
And Joseph roos fro sleepe, and dide as the aungel of the Lord comaundide hym, and took Marie, his wijf;
25 Ma ha abụọ edinakọghị tutu ruo mgbe ọ mụsịrị nwa nwoke, onye ọ kpọrọ aha ya Jisọs.
and he knew her not, til she hadde borun her firste bigete sone, and clepide his name Jhesus.

< Matiu 1 >