< Mak 15 >

1 Nʼezigbo isi ụtụtụ, ndịisi nchụaja na ndị okenye na ndị ozizi iwu, na ndị nzukọ ndị okenye niile, nwere mkpebi. Ha kere Jisọs agbụ, duru ya nyefee nʼaka Pailet.
And anoon in the morewtid the hiyeste prestis maden a counsel with the elder men, and the scribis, and with al the counsel, and bounden Jhesu and ledden, and bitoken hym to Pilat.
2 Pailet jụrụ ya sị, “Ị bụ eze ndị Juu?” Ọ zara sị ya, “Gị onwe gị kwuru ya.”
And Pilat axide hym, Art thou kynge of Jewis? And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, Thou seist.
3 Mgbe ahụ ndịisi nchụaja boro ya ebubo banyere ọtụtụ ihe.
And the hieste prestis accusiden hym in many thingis.
4 Pailet jụrụ ya ajụjụ ọzọ sị, “Ọ bụ na ị nweghị ọsịsa ọbụla? Lee ọtụtụ ebubo ha na-ebo gị.”
But Pilat eftsoone axide hym, and seide, Answerist thou no thing? Seest thou in hou many thingis thei accusen thee?
5 Ma Jisọs azaghị ihe ọzọ. Nke a juru Pailet anya.
But Jhesus answeride no more, so that Pilat wondride.
6 Ugbu a, ọ bụ omenaala nʼoge mmemme, na a ga-ahapụ otu onye mkpọrọ, bụ onye ha rịọrọ ka a hapụ.
But bi the feeste dai he was wont to leeue to hem oon of men boundun, whom euer thei axiden.
7 Nʼoge ahụ kwa, otu nwoke a na-akpọ Barabas nọ nʼụlọ mkpọrọ, ya na ụfọdụ ndị biliri megide isi ọchịchị, ndị gbukwara mmadụ nʼoge ọgbaaghara ahụ.
And `oon ther was that was seid Barabas, that was boundun with men of dissencioun, that hadden don manslauytir in seducioun.
8 Igwe mmadụ gbakọrọ na-arịọ Pailet ka o mezuoro ha omenaala ha.
And whanne the puple was gon vp, he bigan to preie, as he euer more dide to hem.
9 Mgbe ahụ ọ jụrụ ha sị, “Unu chọrọ ka m hapụrụ unu eze ndị Juu?”
And Pilat answeride `to hem, and seide, Wolen ye Y leeue to you the kyng of Jewis?
10 Ebe ọ maara na ọ bụ nʼihi ekworo ka ndịisi nchụaja ji nyefee Jisọs nʼaka ya.
For he wiste, that the hiyeste prestis hadden takun hym bi enuye.
11 Ma ndịisi nchụaja kpaliri igwe mmadụ ahụ ka ha kwagide ya ka ọ hapụrụ ha Barabas.
But the bischopis stireden the puple, that he schulde rather leeue to hem Barabas.
12 Pailet jụrụ ha ọzọ sị, “Gịnị ka m ga-eme nwoke a unu kpọrọ eze ndị Juu?”
And eftsoone Pilat answerde, and seide to hem, What thanne wolen ye that Y schal do to the kyng of Jewis?
13 Ma ha tiri mkpu ọzọ sị, “Kpọgide ya nʼobe!”
And thei eftsoone crieden, Crucifie hym.
14 Ma Pailet jụrụ ha sị, “Ọ bụ nʼihi gịnị? Olee ihe ọjọọ o mere?” Ma ha tiri mkpu karịa ka ha si eti na mbụ, na-asị, “Kpọgide ya nʼobe!”
But Pilat seide to hem, What yuel hath he don? And thei crieden the more, Crucifie hym.
15 Ma ebe Pailet chọrọ ime ihe ga-atọ igwe mmadụ ahụ ụtọ, ọ hapụụrụ ha Barabas, nyefee ha Jisọs nʼaka ka ha pịa ya ihe ma kpọgidekwa ya nʼobe.
And Pilat, willynge to make aseeth to the puple, lefte to hem Barabas, and bitok to hem Jhesu, betun with scourgis, to be crucified.
16 Ndị agha ahụ duuru ya pụọ baa nʼime ụlọeze a na-akpọ Pritoriọm. Ha kpọkọtakwara ndị agha ndị otu ha ndị ọzọ.
And knyytis ledden hym with ynneforth, in to the porche of the mote halle. And thei clepiden togidir al the cumpany of knyytis,
17 Ha yinyere ya uwe mwụda na-acha odo odo, kpukwasịkwa ya okpueze nke e ji ogwu kpaa nʼisi.
and clothiden hym with purpur. And thei writhen a coroun of thornes, and puttiden on hym.
18 Emesịa, ha malitere na-ekele ya sị, “Ekele, eze ndị Juu.”
And thei bigunnen to grete hym, and seiden, Heile, thou kyng of Jewis.
19 Ha ji osisi kụọ ya nʼisi ọtụtụ mgbe, na-agbụ ya ọnụ mmiri asọ. Ha gbukwara ikpere nʼihu ya, na-akpọ isiala na-enye ya.
And thei smyten his heed with a reed, and bispatten hym; and thei kneliden, and worschipiden hym.
20 Mgbe ha ji ya mechaa ihe ọchị, ha yipụrụ ya uwe odo odo ahụ, yinyekwa ya uwe nke ya. Emesịa, ha duuru ya pụọ gawa ịkpọgide ya nʼobe.
And aftir that thei hadden scorned him, thei vnclothiden hym of purpur, and clothiden hym with hise clothis, and ledden out hym, to crucifie hym.
21 Ha zutere otu onye na-agata nʼụzọ, aha ya bụ Saimọn, onye Sirini, bụ nna Alegzanda na Rufọs. Ha manyere ya ka o buru obe ya.
And thei compelliden a man that passide the weie, that cam fro the toun, Symount of Syrenen, the fader of Alisaundir and of Rufe, to bere his cross.
22 Nʼikpeazụ, ha duuru Jisọs ruo ebe a na-akpọ Gọlgọta (nke pụtara “ebe okpokoro isi”).
And thei ledden hym in to a place Golgatha, that is to seie, the place of Caluari.
23 Ha nyere ya mmanya a gwara máá, ma ọ jụrụ ịṅụ ya.
And thei yauen to hym to drynke wyn meddlid with mirre, and he took not.
24 Emesịa, ha kpọgidere ya nʼobe, ma kee uwe ya nʼetiti onwe ha site nʼife nza onye ga-enwe nke ọ ga-ewe.
And thei crucifieden him, and departiden hise clothis, and kesten lot on tho, who schulde take what.
25 Ha kpọgidere ya nʼobe nʼelekere itoolu nke ụtụtụ.
And it was the thridde our, and thei crucifieden hym.
26 Ha depụtara ebubo ha boro ya kwụba ya nʼelu obe ahụ, nke bụ: Eze ndị Juu.
And the titil of his cause was writun, Kyng of Jewis.
27 Ha kpọgidekwara ya na ndị ohi abụọ nʼobe, otu nʼaka nri ya, nke ọzọ nʼaka ekpe ya.
And thei crucifien with hym twei theues, oon `at the riythalf and oon at his lefthalf.
28 A gụkọtara ya na ndị na-emebi iwu.
And the scripture was fulfillid that seith, And he is ordeyned with wickid men.
29 Ndị mmadụ si nʼebe ahụ gafee fufere isi ha na-ekwutọ ya, na-asị, “Leenụ gị! Onye ga-akwada ụlọnsọ ma wugharịa ya nʼabalị atọ.
And as thei passiden forth, thei blasfemyden hym, mouynge her heedis, and seiynge, Vath! thou that distriest the temple of God, and in `thre daies bildist it ayen;
30 Zọpụtanụ onwe gị! Si nʼelu obe ahụ rịdata.”
come adoun fro the crosse, and make thi silf saaf.
31 Ọ bụladị ndịisi nchụaja, na ndị ozizi iwu na ndị ode akwụkwọ nọ na-akwa ya emo nʼetiti onwe ha na-asị, “Ọ zọpụtara ndị ọzọ, ma ọ pụghị ịzọpụta onwe ya!
Also the hiyeste prestis scorneden hym ech to othir with the scribis, and seiden, He made othir men saaf, he may not saue hym silf.
32 Ka Kraịst a, bụ Eze Izrel, si nʼelu obe a rịdata ka anyị hụ ma kwerekwa.” Ndị ahụ a kpọgidekọrọ ha na ya nʼobe nọkwa na-akparị ya.
Crist, kyng of Israel, come doun now fro the cross, that we seen, and bileuen. And thei that weren crucified with hym, dispiseden hym.
33 Mgbe ọ kụrụ elekere iri na abụọ nke ehihie, ọchịchịrị gbachikọtara nʼala ahụ niile. Ọchịchịrị a dịgidere ruo nʼelekere atọ nke ehihie.
And whanne the sixte hour was come, derknessis weren made on al the erthe til in to the nynthe our.
34 Nʼelekere atọ nke ehihie, Jisọs tiri mkpu akwa nʼoke olu sị, “Elọi, Elọi, lama sabaktani!” (nke pụtara, “Chineke m, Chineke m, gịnị mere i jiri hapụ m?”).
And in the nynthe our Jhesus criede with a greet vois, and seide, Heloy, Heloy, lamasabatany, that is to seie, My God, my God, whi hast thou forsakun me?
35 Ma ụfọdụ ndị guzo nso nʼebe ahụ, mgbe ha nụrụ nke a, sịrị, “Lee, ọ na-akpọ Ịlaịja!”
And summe of men that stoden aboute herden, and seiden, Lo! he clepith Helye.
36 Ya mere, otu onye gbaara ọsọ gaa weta ogbo, denye ya nʼime mmanya gbara ụka, fanye ya na okporo osisi, nye ya ka ọ ṅụọ, ma na-asị, “Hapụnụ ya, ka anyị lee ma Ịlaịja ọ ga-abịa tọtuo ya.”
And oon ranne, and fillide a spounge with vynegre, and puttide aboute to a reede, and yaf to hym drynke, and seide, Suffre ye, se we, if Helie come to do hym doun.
37 Ma Jisọs tiri mkpu nʼolu ike, kubie ume.
And Jhesus yaf out a greet cry, and diede.
38 Akwa mgbochi nke ụlọnsọ ukwu sitere nʼelu gbawaa abụọ ruo nʼọnụ ala ala ya.
And the veil of the temple was rent atwo fro the hiyeste to bynethe.
39 Mgbe ọchịagha guzo nʼihu ya, hụrụ otu o si kubie ume, o kwuru sị, “Nʼezie, nwoke a bụ Ọkpara Chineke.”
But the centurien that stood forn ayens siy, that he so criynge hadde diede, and seide, Verili, this man was Goddis sone.
40 O nwere ụfọdụ ụmụ nwanyị guzo nʼebe dị anya na-ele ihe na-eme, nʼetiti ha bụ Meri Magdalin, Meri nne Jemis nke nta, na Josef, na Salomi.
And ther weren also wymmen biholdynge fro afer, among whiche was Marie Maudeleyn, and Marie, the modir of James the lesse, and of Joseph, and of Salome.
41 Ndị a bụ ndị naara eso ya na-ejekwara ya ozi, mgbe ọ nọ na Galili. Ọ dịkwa ndị inyom ọzọ nọkwa nʼebe ahụ, bụ ndị sooro ya bịa na Jerusalem.
And whanne Jhesus was in Galilee, thei folewiden hym, and mynystriden to hym, and many othere wymmen, that camen vp togidir with him to Jerusalem.
42 Nʼoge uhuruchi (ya bụ ụbọchị na-abọta ụbọchị izuike), ebe ọ bụ Ụbọchị Nkwadebe,
And whanne euentid was come, for it was the euentid which is bifor the sabat,
43 Josef onye Arimatia, otu nʼime ndị otu nʼụlọ nzukọ, onye a na-asọpụrụ, onye na-echere ọbịbịa nke alaeze Chineke, ji obi ike jekwuru Pailet rịọ ya ka o bunye ya ahụ Jisọs.
Joseph of Armathie, the noble decurioun, cam, and he abood the rewme of God; and booldli he entride to Pilat, and axide the bodi of Jhesu.
44 Ọ juru Pailet anya ịnụ na ọ nwụọla. Ọ kpọrọ ọchịagha ahụ jụọ ya ma ọ nwụọla.
But Pilat wondride, if he were now deed.
45 Mgbe ọchịagha ahụ gwara ya na ọ nwụọla, o kwere ka Josef buru ahụ ya.
And whanne the centurion was clepid, he axide hym, if he were deed; and whanne he knewe of the centurion, he grauntide the bodi of Jhesu to Joseph.
46 Josef zụtara akwa ọcha linin, wedata ahụ ya jiri akwa ahụ fụchie ya. O buuru ya buba ya nʼime ili nke o gwuru nʼime nkume. Emesịa o nuketara otu nkume buru ibu, jiri ya mechie ọnụ ụzọ ili ahụ.
And Joseph bouyte lynnen cloth, and took hym doun, and wlappide in the lynnen cloth, and leide hym in a sepulcre that was hewun of a stoon, and walewide a stoon to the dore of the sepulcre.
47 Meri Magdalin na Meri nne Josef hụkwara ebe e bubara ahụ ya.
And Marie Maudeleyne and Marie of Joseph bihelden, where he was leid.

< Mak 15 >