< Mak 10 >

1 Ọ hapụrụ ebe ahụ gaa nʼobodo ndị dị na mpaghara Judịa ma gafeekwa nʼofe Jọdan. Igwe mmadụ bịakwutekwara ya, ọzọ, dị ka o si emekwa, o ziri ha ihe.
And he got up, and went into the country of Judaea on the other side of Jordan: and great numbers of people came together to him again; and, as was his way, he gave them teaching.
2 Ụfọdụ ndị Farisii bịara, ma nʼihi ị nwalee ya, ha jụrụ ya sị, “O ziri ezi nʼiwu ka nwoke gbaa nwunye ya alụkwaghị m?”
And Pharisees came to him, testing him with the question, Is it right for a man to put away his wife?
3 Ma ọ zara ha sị, “Gịnị ka Mosis nyere unu nʼiwu?”
And he said to them in answer, What did Moses say you were to do?
4 Ha sịrị, “Mosis kwenyere ka nwoke dee asambodo alụkwaghị m, nye nwunye ya ma zilaga ya.”
And they said to him, Moses let us give her a statement in writing, and be free from her.
5 Jisọs sịrị ha, “Ọ bụ nʼihi na obi unu siri ike nke ukwuu ka o ji deere unu iwu a.
But Jesus said to them, Because of your hard hearts he gave you this law.
6 Ma na mmalite nke okike ụwa, Chineke ‘kere ha nwoke na nwanyị.’
But from the first, male and female made he them.
7 ‘Nʼihi nke a ka nwoke ga-eji hapụ nne ya na nna ya e jikọta ya na nwunye ya.
For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother, and be joined to his wife;
8 Ha abụọ ga-abụ otu anụ ahụ.’Ya mere, ha abụkwaghị mmadụ abụọ ọzọ, kama otu anụ ahụ.
And the two will become one flesh; so that they are no longer two, but one flesh.
9 Ya mere, ihe Chineke jikọtara, ka mmadụ ọbụla atọsala ya.”
Let not that which has been joined together by God be parted by man.
10 Mgbe ha banyere nʼụlọ, ndị na-eso ụzọ ya jụrụ ya ọzọ ihe banyere okwu a.
And in the house the disciples put questions to him again about this thing.
11 Ọ sịrị ha, “Onye ọbụla gbara nwunye ya alụkwaghị m ma lụrụ nwanyị ọzọ na-eme mmehie ịkwa iko megide ya.
And he said to them, Whoever puts away his wife and takes another, is false to his wife;
12 Ma ọ bụrụ na nwanyị ọbụla agbaa dị ya alụkwaghị m ma lụrụ nwoke ọzọ, ọ na-emekwa mmehie ịkwa iko.”
And if she herself puts away her husband and takes another, she is false to her husband.
13 Ndị mmadụ na-ekutere ya ụmụntakịrị ka o metụ ha aka, ma ndị na-eso ụzọ ya baara ha mba.
And they took to him little children, so that he might put his hands on them: and the disciples said sharp words to them.
14 Ma mgbe Jisọs hụrụ nke a, iwe were ya nke ukwuu, ọ sịrị ha, “Hapụnụ ụmụntakịrị ka ha bịakwute m. Unu egbochikwala ha. Nʼihi na alaeze Chineke bụ nke ndị dị otu a.
And when Jesus saw it, he was angry, and said to them, Let the little children come to me, and do not keep them away; for of such is the kingdom of God.
15 Nʼeziokwu asị m unu, onye ọbụla nke na-agaghị anabata alaeze Chineke dị ka nwantakịrị agaghị aba nʼime ya.”
Truly I say to you, Whoever does not put himself under the kingdom of God like a little child, will not come into it at all.
16 Mgbe ahụ, o kuuru ha nʼaka ya, bikwasị ha aka ya abụọ ma gọzie ha.
And he took them in his arms, and gave them a blessing, putting his hands on them.
17 Mgbe ọ na-ebili njem, otu nwoke gbaara ọsọ bịa gbuo ikpere nʼihu ya. Ọ jụrụ ya sị, “Ezi onye ozizi ọma, gịnị ka m ga-eme ka m keta ndụ ebighị ebi?” (aiōnios g166)
And while he was going out into the way, a man came running to him, and went down on his knees, saying, Good Master, what have I to do so that I may have eternal life? (aiōnios g166)
18 Jisọs sịrị ya, “Gịnị mere i ji akpọ m ezi mmadụ? Ọ dịghị onye ọbụla bụ ezi mmadụ ma ọ bụghị naanị Chineke.
And Jesus said to him, Why do you say I am good? no one is good but one, and that is God.
19 Ị maara ihe niile enyere nʼiwu: ‘Egbula mmadụ, a kwala iko, e zula ohi, a gbala ama ụgha, a ghọgbula mmadụ ibe gị, sọpụrụ nne na nna gị.’”
You have knowledge of what is said in the law, Do not put any one to death, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not take what is not yours, Do not give false witness, Do not get money by deceit, Give honour to your father and mother.
20 Ọ sịrị ya, “E, onye ozizi, Edebezuchaala m ha niile siterị na mgbe m bụ nwata.”
And he said to him, Master, all these laws I have kept from the time when I was young.
21 Jisọs lere ya anya, hụ ya nʼanya. Mgbe ahụ, ọ gwara ya sị, “Ọ fọdụrụ naanị otu ihe ị ga-eme. Laa, ugbu a, ree ihe niile i nwere, nyekwa ndị ogbenye ego i retara. I mesịa nke a, ị ga-enwe akụ nʼeluigwe. Mgbe ahụ bịaghachi soro m.”
And Jesus, looking on him and loving him, said, There is one thing needed: go, get money for your goods, and give it to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven: and come with me.
22 Mgbe ọ nụrụ okwu a, ihu ya gbarụrụ. O sitere nʼebe ahụ pụọ na mwute, nʼihi na ọ bụ ọgaranya nke nwere ọtụtụ akụnụba.
But his face became sad at the saying, and he went away sorrowing: for he was one who had much property.
23 Jisọs legharịrị anya gwa ndị na-eso ụzọ ya sị, “Lee ka o si bụrụ ihe rara ahụ na onye ọgaranya ga-abanye nʼalaeze Chineke.”
And Jesus, looking round about, said to his disciples, How hard it is for those who have wealth to come into the kingdom of God!
24 Okwu ya tụrụ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nʼanya, ma Jisọs gwakwara ha ọzọ sị, “Ụmụntakịrị, ọ bụ nnọọ ihe rara ahụ ịbanye nʼalaeze Chineke.
And the disciples were full of wonder at his words. But Jesus said to them again, Children, how hard it is for those who put faith in wealth to come into the kingdom of God!
25 Ọ dịrị ịnyịnya kamel mfe isite nʼanya agịga gafee, karịa onye ọgaranya ịbanye nʼalaeze Chineke.”
It is simpler for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a man of wealth to come into the kingdom of God.
26 Okwu a jubigara ha anya oke. Ha jụrịtara ibe ha sị, “Onye kwanụ ka a ga-azọpụta?”
And they were greatly surprised, saying to him, Who then may have salvation?
27 Ma Jisọs lere ha anya sị ha, “Nʼebe mmadụ nọ, ọ bụ ihe rara ahụ. Ma nʼebe Chineke nọ, ihe niile dị mfe. Ọ dịghị ihe rara Chineke ahụ ime.”
Jesus, looking on them, said, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for all things are possible with God.
28 Pita malitere ịgwa ya sị, “Anyị ahapụla ihe niile soro gị!”
Peter said to him, See, we have given up everything, and come after you.
29 Jisọs sịrị, “Nʼezie, nʼezie, agwa m unu, ọ dịghị onye ọbụla hapụrụ ụlọ ya, maọbụ ụmụnne ya ndị nwoke, maọbụ ụmụnne ya ndị nwanyị, maọbụ nne ya, maọbụ nna ya, maọbụ ụmụntakịrị ya, maọbụ ala ubi ya nʼihi m, na nʼihi oziọma a,
Jesus said, Truly I say to you, There is no man who has given up house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or land, because of me and the good news,
30 nke na-agaghị anataghachikwa nʼụwa a, ụlọ, ụmụnne ndị nwoke, ụmụnne ndị nwanyị, nne, ụmụaka na ala ubi, tinyere mkpagbu, ihe ruru okpukpu narị karịa ihe niile nke ọ hapụrụ. Ọ ga-anatakwa ndụ ebighị ebi nʼụwa ọzọ. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Who will not get a hundred times as much now in this time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and land — though with great troubles; and, in the world to come, eternal life. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Ma ọtụtụ ndị bu ụzọ ga-abụ ndị ikpeazụ, ma ọtụtụ ndị ikpeazụ ga-abụkwa ndị bu ụzọ.”
But a great number who are first will be last: and those who are last will be first.
32 Ha nọ nʼụzọ na-aga Jerusalem, ma Jisọs nọ nʼihu ha, nke a juru ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nʼanya. Otu a kwa, ndị mmadụ niile na-abịa ha nʼazụ tụkwara egwu. Ọzọkwa, ọ kpọpụrụ mmadụ iri na abụọ ahụ nʼakụkụ, malite ịgwa ha ihe gaje ịdakwasị ya.
And they were on the way, going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus was going before them: and they were full of wonder; but those who came after him were in fear. And again he took the twelve, and gave them word of the things which were to come on him,
33 Ọ sịrị, “Leenụ, anyị na-aga Jerusalem, ebe a ga-arara Nwa nke Mmadụ nyefee nʼaka ndịisi nchụaja na ndị ozizi iwu. Ha ga-ama ya ikpe ọnwụ, nyefekwa ya nʼaka ndị mba ọzọ.
Saying, See, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be given up to the chief priests and the scribes; and they will give an order for his death, and will give him up to the Gentiles:
34 Ha ga-akwa ya emo, gbụsakwa ya ọnụ mmiri asụ, pịa ya ihe ma gbukwaa ya. Ma mgbe ụbọchị atọ gasịrị, ọ ga-esite nʼọnwụ bilie.”
And they will make sport of him, and put shame on him, and give him cruel blows, and will put him to death; and after three days he will come back from the dead.
35 Jemis na Jọn ụmụ Zebedi bịakwutere ya. Ha sịrị ya, “Onye ozizi, anyị chọrọ ka i meere anyị ihe ọbụla anyị rịọrọ.”
And there came to him James and John, the sons of Zebedee, saying to him, Master, will you give us whatever may be our request?
36 Ọ sịrị ha, “Gịnị ka unu chọrọ ka m meere unu?”
And he said to them, What would you have me do for you?
37 Ha sịrị ya, “Kwere ka otu onye nʼime anyị nọrọ nʼaka nri gị, onye nke ọzọ nʼaka ekpe gị nʼime ebube gị.”
And they said to him, Let us be seated, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.
38 Ma Jisọs sịrị ha, “Unu amataghị ihe unu na-arịọ. Unu pụrụ ịṅụ iko ahụ mụ onwe m ga-aṅụ maọbụ bụrụ ndị a ga-eme ụdị baptizim a ga-eme m?”
But Jesus said to them, You have no knowledge of what you are saying. Are you able to take of my cup? or to undergo the baptism which I am to undergo?
39 Ha zaghachiri ya, “Anyị pụrụ.” Jisọs sịrị ha, “Unu ga-aṅụ iko m ga-aṅụ, a ga-emekwa unu baptizim nke a ga-eme m.
And they said to him, We are able. And Jesus said to them, You will take of the cup from which I take; and the baptism which I am about to undergo you will undergo:
40 Ma ịnọdụ nʼaka nri m maọbụ nʼaka ekpe m abụghị ihe dịrị m inye, kama ọnọdụ ndị a dịịrị ndị a kwadooro ha.”
But to be seated at my right hand or at my left is not for me to give: but it is for those for whom it has been made ready.
41 Mgbe mmadụ iri ndị ọzọ nụrụ nke a, iwe jupụtara ha obi nʼihi Jemis na Jọn.
And hearing this, the ten became very angry with James and John.
42 Ma Jisọs kpọkọtara ha niile sị ha, “Dị ka unu onwe unu maara, ndị eze nke ndị mba ọzọ, na ndị a maara aha ha, na-eji aka ike na-achị ndị nọ nʼokpuru ha.
And Jesus made them come to him, and said to them, You see that those who are made rulers over the Gentiles are lords over them, and their great ones have authority over them.
43 Ma nʼetiti unu ọ gaghị adị otu a. Kama onye ọbụla chọrọ ịdị ukwuu nʼetiti unu ga-abụ onye na-ejere unu ozi.
But it is not so among you: but whoever has a desire to become great among you, let him be your servant:
44 Onye ọbụla nke chọrọ ịbụ onye mbụ nʼetiti unu, ga-abụ ohu mmadụ niile.
And whoever has a desire to be first among you, let him be servant of all.
45 Nʼihi na Nwa nke Mmadụ abịaghị ka e jeere ya ozi. Kama ka o jee ozi ma nyekwa ndụ ya ka ọ bụrụ ihe mgbapụta nke ọtụtụ mmadụ.”
For truly the Son of man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give his life for the salvation of men.
46 Mgbe ha ruru Jeriko, dị ka Jisọs na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya na ọtụtụ igwe mmadụ sitere nʼobodo Jeriko na-apụ, otu nwoke kpuru ìsì aha ya bụ Batimiọs (aha ya pụtara “nwa nwoke Timiọs”), onye arịrịọ nọdụrụ ala nʼakụkụ ụzọ.
And they came to Jericho: and when he was going out of Jericho, with his disciples and a great number of people, the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus, a blind man, was seated by the wayside, with his hand out for money.
47 Mgbe ọ nụrụ na ọ bụ Jisọs onye Nazaret na-agafe, o bidoro iti mkpu na-asị, “Jisọs, nwa Devid, meere m ebere!”
And when it came to his ears that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he gave a cry, and said, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.
48 Ọtụtụ mmadụ bara ya mba ka o mechie ọnụ. Ma ọ nọgidesịrị ike na-eti mkpu na-asị, “Nwa Devid, meere m ebere!”
And some of them, turning in protest, gave him an order to be quiet: but he went on crying out all the more, Son of David, have mercy on me.
49 Jisọs kwụsịrị kwuo sị, “Kpọọnụ ya.” Ya mere ha kpọrọ onye ìsì ahụ, sị ya, “Mesaa ihu gị bilie nʼụkwụ gị, ọ na-akpọ gị.”
And Jesus came to a stop and said, Let him come. And crying out to the blind man, they said to him, Be comforted: come, he has sent for you.
50 Ọ tufuru uwe mwụda ya, wulie nʼụkwụ ya, bịakwute Jisọs.
And he, putting off his coat, got up quickly, and came to Jesus.
51 Jisọs sịrị ya, “Gịnị ka ị chọrọ ka m meere gị?” Onye ìsì ahụ sịrị ya, “Onye ozizi m, achọrọ m ka m hụ ụzọ.”
And Jesus said to him, What would you have me do to you? And the blind man said, Master, make me able to see.
52 Jisọs sịrị ya, “Laa, okwukwe gị azọpụtala gị.” Nʼotu oge ahụ, o bidoro ịhụ ụzọ, sorokwa ya gawa nʼụzọ ahụ.
And Jesus said to him, Go on your way; your faith has made you well. And straight away he was able to see, and went after him in the way.

< Mak 10 >