< Luk 8 >

1 Mgbe ihe ndị a gasịrị, ọ gara nʼobodo ukwu niile na nʼobodo nta niile na-ekwusa ma na-ewetakwara ndị mmadụ oziọma nke alaeze Chineke. Ndị ozi iri na abụọ ahụ sokwa ya,
Soon after this Jesus went around the towns and villages announcing the good news of God's kingdom. The twelve disciples went with him,
2 na ụmụ nwanyị ụfọdụ ndị a chụpụrụ mmụọ ọjọọ site nʼime ha, gwọkwa ha nrịa nrịa: Meri Magdalin onye e sitere nʼime ya chụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ asaa,
along with a number of women who had been healed from evil spirits and sickness: Mary called Magdalene from whom he had cast out seven demons;
3 na Joana nwunye Chuza onye na-elekọta ụlọeze Herọd na akụ ya niile, na Suzana, na ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ ndị ji akụ ha na-enyere ha aka.
Joanna, the wife of Herod's manager Chuza; Susanna; and many more who provided support from their personal resources.
4 Mgbe oke igwe mmadụ gbakọrọ ha na ndị mmadụ si nʼobodo dị iche iche bịakwute ya. Ọ tụụrụ ha ilu a sị,
Once when a large crowd of people gathered, coming from many towns to see him, Jesus spoke to them, using a story as an illustration.
5 “Ọgha mkpụrụ pụrụ ịkụ mkpụrụ ya, mgbe ọ nọ na-agha mkpụrụ ndị a, ụfọdụ nʼime mkpụrụ ahụ dara nʼakụkụ ụzọ ebe ndị mmadụ zọrọ ha ụkwụ, ụmụ nnụnụ bịakwara tụrịa ha loo.
“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he scattered the seed, some fell on the road where people trampled on it and birds ate it up.
6 Ụfọdụ nʼime ha dakwasịrị nʼelu nkume. Mgbe ha puputara chọọ ito, ha kpọnwụrụ nʼihi na mgbọrọgwụ ha enweghị ike ịmịta mmiri mkpụrụ ahụ ga-eji dị ndụ.
Some fell on stony ground, and once the seeds had sprouted they withered for lack of moisture.
7 Ụfọdụ dara nʼetiti ogwu, ogwu ndị a sooro ha puo ma kpagbuo ha.
Some seeds fell among thorns and as they both grew the thorns choked the plants.
8 Ụfọdụ nʼime mkpụrụ dara nʼezi ala. Ha puputara, too, mịa mkpụrụ dị otu narị nʼọnụọgụgụ.” Mgbe o kwusiri nke a, ọ sịrị ha, “Onye ọbụla nwere ntị ịnụ ihe, ya nụrụ.”
Some seeds fell on good earth and after they grew they produced a harvest one hundred times more than what had been sown.” After he told them this, he called out, “If you have ears, then listen!”
9 Ndị na-eso ụzọ ya jụrụ ya ihe ilu a pụtara.
But his disciples asked him, “What does this illustration mean?”
10 Ọ sịrị, “Ọ bụ unu ka e nyere ịmata ihe omimi niile nke alaeze Chineke, ma ndị ọzọ ga-anụ ya naanị nʼilu. Site nʼụzọ dị otu a, “‘ha ga na-ele anya, ma ha agaghị ahụ ihe ọbụla. Ha ga na-anụ ntị ma ha agaghị aghọta ihe ọbụla.’
Jesus replied, “You've been given insights into the mysteries of God's kingdom, but the rest are given illustrations, so that, ‘Even though they see, they don't really see; and even though they hear, they don't really understand.’
11 “Nke a bụ nkọwa ilu ahụ. Mkpụrụ ahụ bụ okwu Chineke.
This is the meaning of the illustration: The seed is God's word.
12 Mkpụrụ dara nʼakụkụ ụzọ nọchiri anya ndị nụrụ okwu Chineke, ma ekwensu bịara napụ ha okwu ahụ nʼobi ha, ka ha ghara ikwere ma nwetakwa nzọpụta.
The seeds that fall on the road are those who hear the message, but then the devil comes and steals away the truth from their minds so they won't trust in God and be saved.
13 Mkpụrụ ndị ahụ dara nʼelu nkume nọchiri anya ndị nụrụ okwu Chineke jiri ọṅụ nabata ya, ma ha enweghị mgbọrọgwụ nʼime ha. Ha na-ekwere naanị nwa oge nta, ma mgbe ọnwụnwa bịara ha na-adachapụ.
The seeds that fall on the stony ground are those who hear and welcome the message with joy but don't have any roots. They trust for a while but when difficult times come they give up.
14 Mkpụrụ nke dara nʼetiti ogwu nọchiri anya ndị nụrụ okwu Chineke, ma mgbe ha na-aga nʼụzọ ha, echiche banyere akụ na ihe ụtọ nke ụwa na-akpagbu okwu ahụ, mee ka ha ghara ịmị mkpụrụ.
The seeds that fall among thorns are those who hear the message but it's choked out by life's distractions—worries, wealth, pleasure—so they don't produce anything.
15 Ma mkpụrụ ndị ahụ dara nʼezi ala nọchiri anya ndị jiri obi ghere oghe na mmụọ ziri ezi nabata okwu ahụ ma werekwa ndidi mịpụta mkpụrụ.
The seeds sown on good earth are those who are honest and do what is right. They hear the message of truth, hold on to it, and through their perseverance produce a good harvest.
16 “Ọ dịghị onye ọbụla, nke na-amụnye oriọna zoo ya nʼime igbe maọbụ dọnye ya nʼokpuru ihe ndina. Kama, ọ na-adọkwasị ya nʼelu ihe ịdọba ọkụ ka ndị ọbụla na-abata nʼụlọ ahụ jiri ya hụ ụzọ.
You don't light a lamp and then cover it with a bucket, or hide it under a bed. No, you put it on a stand, so that anyone who comes in can see the light.
17 Ọ dịghị ihe ọbụla zoro ezo nke na-agaghị emesịa pụta ìhè, ọ dịkwaghị ihe ọbụla dị nzuzo nke a na-aghaghị eme ka ọ pụta ìhè.
For there's nothing hidden that won't be revealed; there's nothing secret that won't become known and obvious.
18 Ya mere, kpacharanụ anya otu unu si ege ntị. Nʼihi na ọ bụ onye ahụ nwere ihe ka a ga-enye karịa, ma onye ahụ na-enweghị, ọ bụladị nke o nwere, ka a ga-anapụ ya.”
So pay attention how you ‘hear.’ To those who have received, more will be given; from those who don't receive, even what they think they have will be taken away!”
19 Nʼoge a, nne ya na ụmụnne ya nwoke bịakwutere ya. Ma ha enweghị ike ịbịaru ya nso nʼihi igwe mmadụ.
Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived, but they couldn't get through the crowd to see him.
20 Otu onye gwara ya sị, “Nne gị na ụmụnne gị ndị nwoke guzo nʼezi, ha chọrọ ịhụ gị.”
Jesus was told, “Your mother and your brothers are outside. They want to see you.”
21 Ọ zara sị, “Nne m na ụmụnne m ndị nwoke bụ ndị ahụ na-anụ okwu Chineke ma jiri ya mere ihe.”
“My mother and my brothers are those who hear God's word, and do what it says,” Jesus replied.
22 Otu ụbọchị, ya na ndị na-eso ụzọ ya banyere nʼụgbọ mmiri, ọ sịrị ha, “Ka anyị gafee nʼofe nke ọzọ nke osimiri.” Nke a mere ha ji nụpụ ụgbọ,
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let's cross over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set off.
23 ma mgbe ha na-aga, ọ rahụrụ ụra. Oke ifufe malitere ife nʼelu ọdọ mmiri ahụ, nke mere na mmiri na-awụbanye nʼime ụgbọ ha, mee ka ha nọrọ nʼoke nsogbu.
As they were sailing, Jesus fell asleep, and a storm came down on the lake. The boat began filling with water and they were in danger of sinking.
24 Ha gara kpọtee ya na-eti mkpu, “Nna anyị ukwu! Nna anyị ukwu! Lee na anyị nʼala nʼiyi!” O biliri, baara ifufe na ebili mmiri ahụ mba. Ha dara jụụ, ebe niile dekwara jii.
They went over to Jesus and woke him up. “Master, master, we're going to drown!” they said. Jesus woke up and commanded the wind and the rough waves to stop. They stopped, and all was calm.
25 Ọ sịrị ha, “Ebee ka okwukwe unu dị?” Ha ji oke egwu na oke iju anya jụrịta onwe ha sị, “Onye bụ onye a? Ọ na-enye ọ bụladị ifufe na ebili mmiri iwu, ha na-aṅakwa ya ntị.”
“Where is your trust?” he asked them. Terrified and amazed, they said to each other, “So who is this? He gives commands to the winds and the water, and they obey him!”
26 Ha kwọrọ ụgbọ mmiri rute nʼala Gerazin, nke dị nʼofe mmiri Galili.
They sailed across to the Gerasene region that lies opposite Galilee.
27 Mgbe o si nʼụgbọ mmiri rịpụta nʼelu ala, otu nwoke obodo ahụ onye mmụọ ọjọọ bi nʼime ya zutere ya. Nwoke a ebighị nʼụlọ maọbụ yie uwe ogologo oge, ma ebe obibi ya bụ ebe a na-eli ozu.
When Jesus stepped out of the boat onto the shore, a demon-possessed man from the town came to meet him. For a long time he hadn't worn any clothes or lived in a house. He lived in the tombs.
28 Mgbe ọ hụrụ Jisọs, ọ bịara daa nʼihu ya, tie mkpu nʼoke olu sị, “Gịnị ka mụ na gị nwekọrọ Jisọs, Ọkpara Chineke Onye kachasị ihe niile elu? Biko arịọ m gị, atala m ahụhụ.”
When he saw Jesus he screamed, fell down at Jesus' feet, and asked in a loud voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Please don't torture me, I beg you!”
29 Nʼihi na o nyela mmụọ ahụ na-adịghị ọcha iwu ka o site nʼime ya pụta. Ọtụtụ oge, mmụọ ọjọọ a na-ejidesi ya ike, nʼagbanyeghị na eji ụdọ igwe kee ya aka na ụkwụ, debe ebe a na-eche ya nche, ọ na-adọbisi ụdọ igwe e ji kee ya, mmụọ ọjọọ a na-eduru ya gaa nʼime ọzara.
For Jesus had already commanded the evil spirit to leave the man. It had often seized him, and despite being tied down with chains and shackles, and placed under guard, he would break the chains apart and would be driven by the demon into the desert areas.
30 Jisọs jụrụ ya sị, “Gịnị bụ aha gị?” Ọ zara sị, “Lijiọn,” nʼihi na igwe mmụọ ọjọọ bi nʼime ya.
“What is your name?” Jesus asked him. “Legion,” he replied, for many demons had entered him.
31 Ha rịọsiri ya arịrịọ ike ka ọ ghara inye ha iwu ka ha banye nʼAbis. (Abyssos g12)
They begged Jesus not to order them to go into the Abyss. (Abyssos g12)
32 Igwe ezi nọ nʼakụkụ ugwu dị ebe ahụ nso na-akpa nri. Mmụọ ọjọọ ndị a rịọrọ Jisọs ka o nye ha ike ka ha banye nʼime ha. Jisọs nyere ha ike.
There was a large herd of pigs feeding on the nearby hillside, and the demons begged him to be allowed to go into the pigs. Jesus gave them permission,
33 Mmụọ ọjọọ ndị ahụ sitere nʼime nwoke a pụọ banye nʼime ezi ndị ahụ, igwe ezi ahụ niile sitere na mkputamkpu ala ọnụ mmiri ahụ gbara ọsọ dabanyechaa nʼime mmiri ebe osimiri riri ha.
so the demons left the man and entered the pigs. The herd rushed down the steep slope into the lake and drowned.
34 Mgbe ndị na-elekọta ezi ahụ hụrụ ihe mere, ha gbara ọsọ gaa nʼime obodo na nʼobodo nta niile dị gburugburu ebe ahụ kọsaa ihe mere.
When the pig-keepers saw what had happened they ran off and spread the news through the town and the countryside.
35 Ndị mmadụ pụtara ịhụ ihe mere. Mgbe ha rutere ebe Jisọs nọ, ha hụrụ nwoke ahụ e si nʼime ya chụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ ndị ahụ, ebe ọ nọdụrụ ala yiri uwe ma nọrọkwa nʼezi uche ya. Egwu tụrụ ha.
The people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus they found the man freed from the demons. He was sitting there at Jesus' feet, wearing clothes and in his right mind; and they became scared.
36 Ndị hụrụ ka ihe a si mee kọọrọ ha ka e siri gwọọ onye ahụ mmụọ ọjọọ na-esogbu.
Those who had seen what happened explained how the demon-possessed man had been healed.
37 Mgbe ahụ, ndị niile bi na Gerazin na nʼobodo gbara ebe ahụ gburugburu rịọrọ Jisọs ka ọ hapụrụ ha obodo ha, nʼihi na egwu dị ukwuu tụrụ ha. Ọ banyekwara nʼime ụgbọ mmiri ahụ laghachi.
Then all the people from the Gerasene region asked Jesus to leave because they were overwhelmed by fear. So he got into the boat and went back.
38 Nwoke a e sitere nʼime ya chụpụ mmụọ ọjọọ rịọrọ ya ka o soro ya ma o zilagara ya, sị ya,
The man who had been freed from the demons begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away.
39 “Laghachi nʼezinaụlọ gị kọọrọ ha ihe niile Chineke meere gị.” Nwoke ahụ lara, gbasaa akụkọ ihe Jisọs meere ya nʼobodo ahụ niile.
“Go back home, and tell people all that God has done for you,” Jesus told him. So he went away, telling the whole town all that Jesus had done for him.
40 Mgbe Jisọs lọghachiri, igwe mmadụ nabatara ya nʼihi na ha niile na-eche ya.
A crowd of people was there to welcome Jesus when he returned, all eagerly expecting him.
41 Mgbe ahụ otu nwoke nke aha ya bụ Jairọs, onye bụ onyeisi nʼụlọ ekpere, bịara daa nʼala nʼụkwụ Jisọs na-arịọ ya ka ọ bịa nʼụlọ ya.
One was a man called Jairus, a synagogue leader, who came and fell at Jesus' feet. He pleaded with Jesus to come to his home
42 Nʼihi na otu nwata nwanyị ọ mụtara naanị ya, nke gbara afọ iri na abụọ nọ nʼọnụ ọnwụ. Mgbe ọ na-aga, igwe mmadụ ahụ na-akpagbu ya.
because his only daughter was dying. She was about twelve years old. While Jesus was on his way there, people were crowding around him.
43 Ọ dị otu nwanyị nʼetiti ha nke nọrịị na-arịa ọrịa oruru ọbara afọ iri na abụọ, onye mefuru ihe niile o ji nʼaka ndị dibịa, ma ọ dịghị onye nwere ike ịgwọ ya.
In the crowd was a woman who had suffered with bleeding for twelve years. She had spent all she had on doctors, but none of them had been able to help her.
44 O sitere nʼazụ ya metụ ọnụ uwe ya aka. Ngwangwa, ọrịa oruru ọbara ahụ kwụsịkwara.
She approached Jesus from behind and touched the hem of his cloak. Immediately the bleeding stopped.
45 Jisọs sịrị, “Onye metụrụ m aka?” Mgbe ọ na-enweghị onye pụtara kwuo sị na ọ bụ ya. Pita gwara ya sị, “Nna anyị ukwu, igwe mmadụ gbara gị gburugburu na-adakwasịkwa gị.”
“Who touched me?” Jesus asked. Everybody around denied doing so. “But Master,” said Peter, “there are people crowding around you, and they keep pushing up against you.”
46 Ma Jisọs sịrị, “Otu onye metụrụ m aka; amatara m na ike esitela nʼime m pụọ.”
“Someone touched me,” Jesus replied. “I know because power went out from me.”
47 Mgbe nwanyị ahụ hụrụ na ọ dịkwaghị ihe o nwere ike ime iji zoo onwe ya, o ji ịma jijiji bịa daa nʼụkwụ ya. Nʼihu mmadụ niile, ọ kọrọ ihe mere o ji metụ ya aka na otu e sị gwọọ ya nʼotu ntabi anya.
When the woman realized she couldn't go unnoticed, she came forward, trembling, and fell down before him. Right in front of everybody she explained the reason why she had touched Jesus, and that she'd been cured immediately.
48 Ọ gwara ya sị, “Ada m nwanyị, okwukwe gị agwọọla gị. Laa nʼudo.”
Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your trust has healed you, go in peace.”
49 Mgbe ọ ka nọ na-ekwu okwu, otu onye si nʼụlọ Jairọs bụ onyeisi ụlọ ekpere, bịara sị, “Ada gị nwanyị anwụọla, enyekwala onye ozizi nsogbu ọzọ.”
While he was still speaking, someone came from the home of the synagogue leader to tell him, “Your daughter's dead. You don't need to bother the Teacher any longer.”
50 Ma mgbe Jisọs nụrụ ozi a, ọ zara ya sị, “Atụla egwu, naanị kwere, a ga-agwọkwa ya.”
But when he heard this, Jesus told Jairus, “Don't be afraid. If you trust, she will be healed.”
51 Mgbe o rutere nʼụlọ Jairọs, o kweghị ka onye ọbụla soro ya baa nʼime ụlọ ahụ ma ọ bụghị naanị Pita, Jọn, Jemis, nne na nna nwata ahụ.
When Jesus arrived at the house he didn't allow anyone else to go in except Peter, John, and James, and the girl's father and mother.
52 Nʼoge ahụ, ha niile nọ na-ebe akwa na-eru ụjụ maka nwata ahụ. Ọ sịrị ha, “Unu ebezila akwa, nʼihi na ọ nwụghị anwụ kama ọ nọ nʼụra.”
All the people there were crying and mourning for her. “Don't cry,” Jesus told them. “She's not dead, she's just sleeping.”
53 Ha chịrị ya ọchị, nʼihi na ha matara na ọ nwụrụ anwụ.
They laughed at him, because they knew that she was dead.
54 Ma o jidere ya nʼaka, sị, “Nwa m, bilie!”
But Jesus took her by the hand, and said in a loud voice, “My child, get up!”
55 Mmụọ ya lọghachiri, o bilitekwara mgbe ahụ. Ọ gwakwara ha ka ha chọọrọ ya nri ka o rie.
She came back to life, and she got up at once. Jesus told them to give her something to eat.
56 Ihe a gbara ndị mụrụ ya gharịị ma ọ nyere ha iwu ka ha ghara ịkọrọ onye ọbụla ihe mere.
Her parents were astonished at what had happened, but Jesus instructed them not to tell anyone about it.

< Luk 8 >