< Luk 23 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, ọha mmadụ ahụ niile biliri duru ya gakwuru Pailet.
And the whole multitude of them arose and ledde him vnto Pylate.
2 Ha malitere ibo ya ebubo na-asị, “Anyị chọpụtara na nwoke a na-eduhie ndị obodo anyị niile, na-egbochikwa ha ịtụ ụtụ isi nye Siza, ma na-ekwukwa na ya bụ Kraịst, Eze.”
And they beganne to accuse him sayinge: We have founde this felowe pervertynge the people and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge that he is Christ a kynge.
3 Ya mere Pailet jụrụ ya sị, “Ị bụ eze ndị Juu?” Ọ zara ya sị, “Gị onwe gị kwuru otu a.”
And Pylate apposed him sayinge: arte thou the kynge of the iewes? He answered him and sayde: thou sayest it.
4 Mgbe ahụ Pailet gwara ndịisi nchụaja na igwe mmadụ ahụ, “O nweghị ihe ọjọọ ọbụla m chọpụtara nwoke a mere.”
Then sayde Pylate to the hye prestes and to the people: I fynde noo faute in this man.
5 Ma ha gara nʼihu na-asị, “Ọ na-akpasu ọgbaaghara nʼala ndị Judịa niile site nʼozizi ya. Ọ malitere na Galili, ọ bịakwala ebe a ugbu a.”
And they were the moore fearce sayinge. He moveth the people teachynge thorowout all Iewry and beganne at Galile even to this place.
6 Mgbe Pailet nụrụ nke a, ọ jụrụ ma nwoke a ọ bụ onye Galili?
When Pilate hearde mencion of Galile he axed whether the ma were of Galile.
7 Mgbe ọ matara na o si nʼebe Herọd na-achị, o nyere iwu ka e dugara ya Herọd, onye nọkwa na Jerusalem mgbe ahụ.
And assone as he knewe that he was of Herodes iurisdiccion he sent him to Herode which was also at Ierusalem in those dayes.
8 Obi tọrọ Herọd ụtọ nke ukwuu, mgbe ọ hụrụ Jisọs nʼihi na ọ nọ na-achọ ịhụ ya anya nʼoge dị anya gara aga. Sitekwa nʼakụkọ ọ nụrụ banyere ya, o lere anya na ọ ga-arụ ọrụ ebube ụfọdụ.
And when Herode sawe Iesus he was excedinglie gladde. For he was desyrous to se him of a longe season because he had hearde many thinges of him and trusted to have sene some myracle done by him.
9 Ya mere ọ jụrụ ya ọtụtụ ajụjụ, ma ọ zaghị ya ihe ọbụla.
Then questeoned he with him of many thinges. But he answered him not one worde.
10 Ndịisi nchụaja na ndị ozizi iwu guzo nʼebe ahụ gara nʼihu bosie ya ebubo ike.
The hye prestes and scribes stode forthe and accused him straytly.
11 Emesịa, Herọd na ndị agha ya jiri ya mee ihe ọchị, ma kwaakwa ya emo. Ha yikwasịrị ya uwe mwụda mara mma ma zighachikwara ya Pailet.
And Herod wt his men of warre despysed him and mocked him and arayed him in whyte and sent him agayne to Pylate.
12 Nʼụbọchị ahụ ka Herọd na Pailet ghọrọ enyi, maka nʼoge gara aga ha bụ ndị iro.
And the same daye Pylate and Herod were made frendes togeder. For before they were at variaunce.
13 Pailet kpọkọtara ndịisi nchụaja, na ndị ndu, na ndị mmadụ ndị ọzọ
And Pylate called to geder the hye prestes and the rulers and the people
14 sị ha, “Unu kpọtaara m nwoke a dị ka otu onye nʼime ndị na-akpali ndị mmadụ inupu isi. Ajụọla m ya ajụjụ nʼihu unu ma achọpụtaghị m ihe ọbụla nke unu kwesiri iji boo ya ebubo.
and sayde vnto them: Ye have brought this man vnto me as one that perverted the people. And beholde I have examined him before you and have founde no faute in this man of those thinges where of ye accuse him.
15 Ọ bụladị Herọd achọpụtaghị ihe ọjọọ ọbụla nʼaka ya, nke a mere o jiri kpụghachitere anyị ya. Leenụ, o nweghị ihe ọbụla o mere e kwesiri iji maa ya ikpe ọnwụ.
No nor yet Herode. For I sent you to him: and lo no thinge worthy of deeth is done to him.
16 Ya mere aga m apịa ya ihe hapụ ya ka ọ laa.”
I will therfore chasten him and let him lowsse.
17 Ma ọ dị mkpa na a ga-ahapụ otu onye mkpọrọ nʼoge mmemme.
For of necessite he must have let one lowse vnto them at that feast.
18 Ma igwe mmadụ ahụ tiri mkpu nʼotu olu sị, “Gbuo nwoke a, hapụrụ anyị Barabas.”
And all the people cryed at once sayinge: awaye with him and delyvre to vs Barrabas:
19 (Onye a tụbara nʼụlọ mkpọrọ nʼihi ọgbaaghara dapụtara nʼobodo ahụ, nakwa nʼihi igbu mmadụ.)
which for insurrccion made in the cite and morther was cast into preson.
20 Dị ka ọ gbalịsịrị ike ịhapụ Jisọs, Pailet gwakwara ha okwu ọzọ.
Pylate spake agayne to them willynge to let Iesus lowse.
21 Ma ha niile tiri mkpu sị, “Kpọgide ya nʼobe! Kpọgide ya nʼobe!”
And they cryed sayinge: Crucify him Crucify him
22 Ọ sịrị ha na nke ugboro atọ, “Ọ bụ nʼihi gịnị? Olee ihe ọjọọ nwoke a mere? O nweghị ihe ọbụla m chọpụtara nʼaka ya kwesiri iwetara ya ọnwụ. Ya mere aga m ata ya ahụhụ, hapụ ya.”
He sayde vnto them the thyrde tyme. What evyll hath he done? I fynde no cause of deeth in him. I will therfore chasten him and let him lowse.
23 Ma ha nọgidere na-eti mkpu nʼoke olu ka a kpọgide ya nʼobe, nʼikpeazụ olu iti mkpu ha karịrị.
And they cryed with loude voyce and required that he myght be crucifyed. And the voyce of them and of the hye Prestes prevayled.
24 Ya mere Pailet kpebiri imere ha ihe ha chọrọ.
And Pylate gave sentence that it shuld be as they required
25 Ọ hapụrụ nwoke ahụ ha chọrọ nke a tụbara nʼụlọ mkpọrọ nʼihi ọgbaaghara na igbu mmadụ, ma nyefee ha Jisọs nʼaka.
and let lowse vnto them him that for insurreccion and morther was cast into preson whom they desyred: and delyvered Iesus to do with him what they wolde.
26 Dị ka ha duu ya na-aga, ha jidere Saimọn onye Sirini bụ onye si nʼime otu obodo nta na-alọbata; ha boro ya obe ahụ, manye ya ka o buru ya na-eso Jisọs na-azụ.
And as they ledde him awaye they caught one Symon of Syrene commynge out of the felde: and on him layde they the crosse to beare it after Iesus.
27 Igwe mmadụ dị ukwuu soro ya tinyekwara ụmụ nwanyị bụ ndị tiri mkpu akwa ma ruokwara ya ụjụ.
And ther folowed him a greate company of people and of wemen which weme bewayled and lamented him.
28 Ma Jisọs tụgharịrị sị ha, “Ụmụada Jerusalem, unu eberela m akwa, kama beerenụ onwe unu na ụmụ unu.
But Iesus turned backe vnto them and sayde: Doughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me: but wepe for youre selves and for youre chyldren.
29 Nʼihi na oge na-abịa mgbe unu ga-asị, ‘Ngọzị na-adịrị ụmụ nwanyị aga, akpanwa ndị na-amụghị nwa, na ara ndị na-enweghị onye ṅụrụ ha.’
For beholde the dayes will come when men shall saye: happy are the baren and the wombes that never bare and the pappes which never gave sucke.
30 Mgbe ahụ, “‘ha ga-asị, ugwu ukwu niile, “Dakwasị anyị!” Sịkwa, ugwu nta, “Kpuchite anyị!”’
Then shall they beginne to saye to the mountaynes fall on vs: and to the hilles cover vs.
31 Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na ha mee ọhịa otu a mgbe ahịhịa dị ndụ dị na ya, gịnị ga-emekwanụ mgbe ọ kpọrọ nkụ?”
For yf they do this to a grene tree what shalbe done to the drye?
32 Ha dukwaara mmadụ abụọ bụ ndị ohi gaa igbu ha na ya.
And ther were two evyll doers ledde with him to be slayne.
33 Mgbe ha bịarutere nʼebe a na-akpọ Okpokoro Isi, ebe ahụ ka ha kpọgidere ya nʼobe ya na ndị ohi abụọ ahụ. Otu nʼaka nri ya nke ọzọ nʼaka ekpe ya.
And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary there they crucified him and the evyll doers one on ryght honde and the other on the lefte.
34 Jisọs sịrị, “Nna gbaghara ha nʼihi na ha amataghị ihe ha na-eme.” Ha ji ife nza kee uwe ya nʼetiti onwe ha.
Then sayde Iesus: father forgeve them for they woot not what they do. And they parted his rayment and cast loottes.
35 Ndị mmadụ guzoro ebe ahụ na-ele anya, ka ndị ọchịchị ji ya na-eme ihe ọchị, na-asị, “Ọ zọpụtara ndị ọzọ, ya zọpụtanụ onwe ya, ma ọ bụrụ na ọ bụ Kraịst nke Chineke, bụ Onye a họpụtara.”
And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked him with thee saying: he holpe other men let him helpe him selfe yf he be Christ the chosen of god.
36 Ndị agha bịakwara chịa ya ọchị. Ha nyere ya mmanya gbara ụka,
The soudiers also mocked him and came and gave him veneger
37 ma na-asị, “Ọ bụrụ na ị bụ eze ndị Juu, zọpụtanụ onwe gị.”
and sayde: yf thou be that kynge of ye Iewes save thy silfe.
38 Ihe e dere nʼelu isi obe ahụ bụ: Onye a bụ Eze ndị Juu.
And his superscripcio was writte over him in greke in latine and Ebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes.
39 Otu onye nʼime ndị ohi ahụ a kpọgidekwara nʼobe nʼebe ahụ kparịkwara ya sị, “Ọ bụghị gị bụ Kraịst? Zọpụtanụ onwe gị ma zọpụtakwa anyị.”
And one of the evyll doers which hanged rayled on him sayinge: If thou be Christ save thy selfe and vs.
40 Ma onye nke ọzọ a makwara ikpe ọnwụ baara ya mba sị, “Ị naghị atụ Chineke egwu, ị hụghị na a mara gị ikpe dị ka e si maa ya.
The other answered and rebuked him sayinge. Net herfearest thou god because thou arte in the same damnacion?
41 Anyị na-ata ahụhụ kwesiri anyị, nʼihi na a na-ata anyị ahụhụ nʼihi ihe anyị mere, ma nwoke a emeghị ihe ọjọọ ọbụla.”
We are ryghteously punesshed for we receave accordynge to oure dedes: But this man hath done nothinge amysse.
42 Mgbe ahụ ọ sịrị, “Jisọs, chetakwa m mgbe ị bara nʼalaeze gị.”
And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou comest into thy kyngdome.
43 Ọ sịrị ya, “Nʼezie a agwa m gị, taa, ị ga-anọnyere m na paradaịs.”
And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the to daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.
44 Mgbe ọ na-eru ihe dị ka elekere iri na abụọ nke ehihie, ọchịchịrị gbachikọtara nʼala ahụ niile ruo elekere atọ nke ehihie.
And it was about the sixt houre. And ther came a darcknes over all the londe vntyll ye nynth houre
45 Nʼihi na anyanwụ kwụsịrị inye ihe ya. Akwa mgbochi dị nʼụlọnsọ ukwu sitere nʼelu gbawaa abụọ.
and the sonne was darckened. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent even thorow the myddes.
46 Jisọs tiri mkpu nʼoke olu sị, “Nna, nʼaka gị ka m na-enyefe mmụọ m.” Mgbe o kwusiri nke a, o kubiri ume.
And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father into thy hondes I comende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd he gave vp the goost.
47 Mgbe ọchịagha na-achị otu narị ndị agha hụrụ ihe merenụ, o nyere Chineke otuto ma kwuokwa sị, “Nʼezie nwoke a bụ onye ezi omume.”
When ye Centurion sawe what had happened he glorified God sayinge: Of a surtie this man was perfecte.
48 Mgbe igwe mmadụ niile gbakọtara ilere anya hụrụ ihe mere, ha laghachiri nʼụlọ ha na-eti aka nʼobi.
And all the people that came to geder to that sight beholdynge the thinges which were done: smoote their bestes and returned home.
49 Ma ndị niile maara onye ọ bụ, tinyekwara ụmụ nwanyị ndị soro ya si Galili bịa, guzokwara nʼebe dị anya na-ele ihe ndị a.
And all his acquayntaunce and the wemen that folowed him from Galile stode a farre of beholdynge these thinges.
50 O nwere otu nwoke aha ya bụ Josef, onye so nʼotu ndịisi ụlọ nzukọ. Ọ bụ ezigbo mmadụ na onye aka ya kwụ ọtọ.
And beholde ther was a man named Ioseph a councelloure and was a good man and a iuste
51 Ọ kwadoghị mkpebi ha na omume ha. Onye sitere Arimatia, nʼotu obodo ndị Juu, onye na-echere ọbịbịa nke alaeze Chineke.
and dyd not consent to the counsell and dede of them which was of Aramathia a cite of the Iewes: which same also wayted for ye kyngdome of God:
52 Nwoke a gakwuru Pailet rịọọ ka e bunye ya ahụ Jisọs.
he went vnto Pilate and begged the boddy of Iesus
53 Ya mere, o budatara ya fụchie ya nʼakwa ọcha linin, tinye ya nʼili e gwuru nʼọgba nkume, nke a na-etinyebeghị mmadụ na mbụ.
and toke it doune and wrapped it in a lynnen clooth and layed it in an hewen toumbe wherin was never man before layed.
54 Ọ bụ Ụbọchị Nkwadebe maka ụbọchị izuike nke na-abịa nso.
And that daye was ye Saboth even and the Saboth drue on.
55 Ndị nwanyị ahụ sitere Galili soro ya hụrụ ili ahụ, hụkwa otu e si nibe ahụ ya nʼime ya.
The wemen that folowed after which came with him from Galile behelde the sepulcre and how his body was layed.
56 Emesịa ha laghachiri ga kwadoo mmanụ otite nke e tinyere ọtụtụ ụda. Nʼụbọchị izuike ha zukwara ike dịka ọ dị nʼiwu.
And they returned and prepared odoures and oyntmetes: but rested the Saboth daye accordynge to the commaundement.

< Luk 23 >