< Ndị Ikpe 20 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, ndị Izrel niile ndị si nʼala Dan ruo Bịasheba, tinyere ndị si nʼala Gilead, pụtara dịka otu mmadụ, bịa zukọọ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị na Mizpa.
Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was assembled as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba, with the land of Gilead, to the LORD at Mizpah.
2 Ndị ndu ebo Izrel niile weere ọnọdụ na nzukọ nke ndị Chineke, ọnụọgụgụ ha bụ narị puku ndị agha anọ, ndị na-ebu mma agha.
The chiefs of all the people, even of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen who drew sword.
3 Mgbe na-adịghị anya, nzukọ ụmụ Izrel niile na Mizpa ruru ụmụ Benjamin ntị. Mgbe ahụ, ndịisi Izrel niile kpọrọ nwoke ahụ e gburu iko ya nwanyị sị ya, “Kọọrọ anyị otu ihe ọjọọ a si mee.”
(Now the children of Benjamin heard that the children of Israel had gone up to Mizpah.) The children of Israel said, “Tell us, how did this wickedness happen?”
4 Ya mere, onye Livayị ahụ, di nwanyị ahụ e gburu kwuru sị, “Mụ na iko m nwanyị bịaruru obodo Gibea, obodo nta ndị Benjamin, kwụsị nʼebe ahụ ịnọ ọnọdụ abalị.
The Levite, the husband of the woman who was murdered, answered, “I came into Gibeah that belongs to Benjamin, I and my concubine, to spend the night.
5 Nʼoge abalị, ndị ikom Gibea bịara gba ụlọ anyị nọ nʼime ya gburugburu. Nzube ha bụ igbu m. Ma ha jidere iko m nwanyị, dinakwuru ya nʼike, tutu ruo mgbe ọ nwụrụ.
The men of Gibeah rose against me, and surrounded the house by night. They intended to kill me and they raped my concubine, and she is dead.
6 Nʼihi ya, abọwasịrị m ahụ iko m nwanyị ụzọ iri na abụọ, zisa ya nʼakụkụ niile nke ihe nketa ndị Izrel niile nʼihi na ndị ikom Gibea ndị ahụ emeela ihe ọjọọ na ihe ihere nʼala Izrel.
I took my concubine and cut her in pieces, and sent her throughout all the country of the inheritance of Israel; for they have committed lewdness and folly in Israel.
7 Ugbu a, unu ụmụ Izrel niile, unu onwe unu tụleenụ okwu a, nyekwanụ ndụmọdụ ihe a ga-eme ebe a.”
Behold, you children of Israel, all of you, give here your advice and counsel.”
8 Ndị mmadụ niile kulitere dịka otu onye, sị, “O nweghị onye ọbụla ga-ala na be ya. O nweghị onye ọbụla ga-esi nʼebe a laa nʼụlọ ya.
All the people arose as one man, saying, “None of us will go to his tent, neither will any of us turn to his house.
9 Ma ugbu a, nke a bụ ihe anyị ga-eme ndị Gibea. Anyị ga-efe nza chọpụta ndị ga-aga lụso ndị Gibea agha.
But now this is the thing which we will do to Gibeah: we will go up against it by lot;
10 Anyị ga-esite nʼebo niile nke Izrel họpụta mmadụ iri site na narị mmadụ, họpụta narị mmadụ site na puku mmadụ, họpụtakwa puku mmadụ site nʼiri puku mmadụ, ka ha hụ maka iwetara ndị agha ihe oriri. Mgbe ndị agha a rutere Geba dị na Benjamin, anyị pụrụ ịkwụghachi ha ụgwọ ruru ha dịka ihe ihere niile ha mere nʼala Izrel si dị.”
and we will take ten men of one hundred throughout all the tribes of Israel, and one hundred of one thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand to get food for the people, that they may do, when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the folly that the men of Gibeah have done in Israel.”
11 Ya mere, ndị Izrel niile jikọtara onwe ha ọnụ ibu agha ahụ dịka otu onye, megide obodo ahụ.
So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man.
12 Ndị ebo Izrel zipụrụ ndị ozi ka ha gazuo ebo Benjamin niile, sị ha, “Gịnị bụ ihe ọjọọ nke a jọgburu onwe ya emere nʼetiti unu?
The tribes of Israel sent men through all the tribe of Benjamin, saying, “What wickedness is this that has happened amongst you?
13 Ugbu a, kpọpụtara anyị ndị ikom ọjọọ dị a si nʼobodo Gibea ka anyị gbuo ha. Anyị ga-esikwa otu a hichapụ ihe ọjọọ a site nʼIzrel.” Ma ụmụ Benjamin egeghị ndị Izrel ibe ha ntị.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
14 Ha sitere nʼobodo ha dị iche iche zukọtaa na Gibea maka ibuso ndị Izrel agha.
The children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out of the cities to Gibeah, to go out to battle against the children of Israel.
15 Nʼụbọchị ahụ, ndị Benjamin sitere nʼobodo ha dị iche iche kpọkọta iri puku ndị ikom abụọ na puku isii bụ ndị na-amịpụta mma agha, tinyere narị ndị ikom asaa ahụ zuruoke site na ndị bi na Gibea.
The children of Benjamin were counted on that day out of the cities twenty-six thousand men who drew the sword, in addition to the inhabitants of Gibeah, who were counted seven hundred chosen men.
16 Nʼime ndị agha ndị a, e nwere narị ndị agha asaa, ndị a maara nke ọma dịka ndị na-agbata ụta nke ọma. Ha bụ ndị na-eme aka ekpe, onye ọbụla nʼime ha nwere ike iji okwute mata otu agịrị isi, ghara ịmahie ya.
Amongst all these soldiers there were seven hundred chosen men who were left-handed. Every one of them could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.
17 Ma ọnụọgụgụ ndị agha ụmụ Izrel, ma ọ bụrụ na e wezuga ụmụ Benjamin, dị narị puku anọ.
The men of Israel, besides Benjamin, were counted four hundred thousand men who drew sword. All these were men of war.
18 Ma tupu agha ahụ ebido, ndị agha Izrel buru ụzọ gaa Betel ịjụta Chineke ase. Ha jụrụ ya sị, “Olee ebo ga-edu anyị ibuso ndị agha Benjamin agha?” Onyenwe anyị zara sị ha na ọ bụ Juda ga-ebu ụzọ.
The children of Israel arose, went up to Bethel, and asked counsel of God. They asked, “Who shall go up for us first to battle against the children of Benjamin?” The LORD said, “Judah first.”
19 Nʼihi nke a, nʼisi ụtụtụ echi ya, ndị agha ụmụ Izrel niile buliri ihe agha ha pụọ, maa ụlọ ikwu ha nso nso Gibea.
The children of Israel rose up in the morning and encamped against Gibeah.
20 Emesịa, ndị Izrel pụrụ izute ndị Benjamin, doo onwe ha nʼusoro ibu agha na Gibea.
The men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin; and the men of Israel set the battle in array against them at Gibeah.
21 Ma nʼụbọchị ahụ, ndị Benjamin si Gibea nupụta nʼigwe gbuo ndị agha Izrel ọnụọgụgụ ha dị iri puku abụọ na puku abụọ.
The children of Benjamin came out of Gibeah, and on that day destroyed twenty-two thousand of the Israelite men down to the ground.
22 Ndị agha Izrel gbarịtara onwe ha ume, ma werekwa ọnọdụ ibu agha dịka ha mere nʼụbọchị mbụ.
The people, the men of Israel, encouraged themselves, and set the battle again in array in the place where they set themselves in array the first day.
23 Ndị agha Izrel kwara akwa nke ukwuu nʼụbọchị ahụ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị site nʼụtụtụ ruo anyasị. Ha jụrụ Onyenwe anyị ase ọzọ sị ya, “Anyị ga-aga nʼihu ịlụso ụmụnna anyị ndị Benjamin ọgụ?” Onyenwe anyị zara sị ha, “Gaanụ ga lụso ha agha.”
The children of Israel went up and wept before the LORD until evening; and they asked of the LORD, saying, “Shall I again draw near to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother?” The LORD said, “Go up against him.”
24 Nʼihi nke a, ndị Izrel jeghachikwara ọzọ ibuso ụmụ Benjamin agha nʼụbọchị nke abụọ ya.
The children of Israel came near against the children of Benjamin the second day.
25 Nʼoge a kwa, ndị agha Benjamin si nʼobodo Gibea pụta ibuso ha agha. Ha gburu ndị agha Izrel ọnụọgụgụ ha dị puku iri na asatọ. Ndị a niile bụkwa ndị ji mma agha ebu agha.
Benjamin went out against them out of Gibeah the second day, and destroyed down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteen thousand men. All these drew the sword.
26 Mgbe ahụ, ndị Izrel niile gara Betel, nọdụ nʼebe ahụ, kwaa akwa nʼihu Onyenwe anyị Ha erighị nri ọbụla nʼụbọchị ahụ site nʼụtụtụ ruo nʼanyasị. Ha chere nʼihu Onyenwe anyị onyinye aja udo, ma chụọkwa aja nsure ọkụ.
Then all the children of Israel and all the people went up, and came to Bethel, and wept, and sat there before the LORD, and fasted that day until evening; then they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD.
27 Ndị Izrel jụrụ ase site nʼaka Onyenwe anyị. (Nʼoge ndị ahụ, igbe ọgbụgba ndụ Chineke dị nʼebe ahụ.
The children of Israel asked the LORD (for the ark of the covenant of God was there in those days,
28 Finehaz nwa Elieza, nwa nwa Erọn na-eje ozi nchụaja nʼebe ahụ.) Ụmụ Izrel jụrụ Onyenwe anyị ase sị ya, “Ọ bụ anyị gaakwa ọzọ ibuso ụmụnna anyị ndị Benjamin agha, ka ị sị anyị agala?” Onyenwe anyị zara sị ha, “Gaanụ, nʼihi na aga m ahụ na unu meriri ndị agha Benjamin echi.”
and Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those days), saying, “Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother, or shall I cease?” The LORD said, “Go up; for tomorrow I will deliver him into your hand.”
29 Nʼihi nke a, ụmụ Izrel kewapụtara ndị zoro onwe ha nʼọhịa, gburugburu obodo Gibea.
Israel set ambushes all around Gibeah.
30 Nʼụbọchị nke atọ ya, ha pụrụ gaakwa izute ndị Benjamin, ha were ọnọdụ ha imegide ndị Gibea dịka ha mere nʼoge gara aga.
The children of Israel went up against the children of Benjamin on the third day, and set themselves in array against Gibeah, as at other times.
31 Ndị Benjamin pụtara izute ha, e mere ka ha site nʼobodo pụọ. Ha malitere igbu ndị Izrel dịka ha mere na mbụ, nke mere na ndị ikom iri atọ dara nwụọ nʼọhịa ma na ụzọ, otu nke gawara obodo Betel, na nke ọzọ gawara obodo Gibea.
The children of Benjamin went out against the people, and were drawn away from the city; and they began to strike and kill of the people as at other times, in the highways, of which one goes up to Bethel and the other to Gibeah, in the field, about thirty men of Israel.
32 Ya mere, mgbe ndị agha Benjamin malitere na-asị, “Lee, anyị emeriela ha dịka anyị mere na mbụ,” ndị Izrel nọ na-ekwu sị, “Ka anyị gbara ọsọ na-aga ruo mgbe ha ga-anọ ebe dị anya site nʼobodo ha.”
The children of Benjamin said, “They are struck down before us, as at the first.” But the children of Israel said, “Let’s flee, and draw them away from the city to the highways.”
33 Ndị ikom niile nke Izrel sitere nʼọnọdụ ha bilie, doo onwe ha nʼusoro na Baal-Tama, ndị Izrel ndị zoro onwe ha wapụtara site nʼọnọdụ ha nʼọdịda anyanwụ nke Geba, si nʼọhịa mapụta.
All the men of Israel rose up out of their place and set themselves in array at Baal Tamar. Then the ambushers of Israel broke out of their place, even out of Maareh Geba.
34 Iri puku ndị ikom Izrel ahụ zuruoke gara na ncherita ihu Gibea busoo ya agha. Agha ahụ dị ike nke ukwuu nke mere na ndị Benjamin amataghị na oke mbibi na-abịakwasị ha.
Ten thousand chosen men out of all Israel came over against Gibeah, and the battle was severe; but they didn’t know that disaster was close to them.
35 Onyenwe anyị meriri ndị Benjamin nʼihu Izrel, nʼụbọchị ahụ; ndị Izrel gburu ndị agha Benjamin ọnụọgụgụ ha dị iri puku abụọ, na puku ise, na otu narị. Ha niile bụkwa ndị na-eji mma agha aga agha.
The LORD struck Benjamin before Israel; and the children of Israel destroyed of Benjamin that day twenty-five thousand and one hundred men. All these drew the sword.
36 Mgbe ahụ, ndị Benjamin nʼonwe ha, hụrụ na e emeriela ha. Ugbu a, ndị ikom Izrel nyere ndị Benjamin ohere ịga nʼihu, nʼihi na ha dabere na ndị ha zoro nʼọhịa nʼakụkụ Gibea.
So the children of Benjamin saw that they were struck, for the men of Israel yielded to Benjamin because they trusted the ambushers whom they had set against Gibeah.
37 Ndị ahụ zoro nʼọhịa gbapụtara ọsịịsọ gbaba nʼobodo Gibea, kesaa onwe ha, were mma agha gbuchapụ ndị niile nọ nʼobodo ahụ.
The ambushers hurried, and rushed on Gibeah; then the ambushers spread out, and struck all the city with the edge of the sword.
38 Ndị Izrel na ndị zoro nʼọhịa kwekọtara na ha ga-eme ka anwụrụ ọkụ dị ukwuu na-ala elu elu site nʼobodo ahụ,
Now the appointed sign between the men of Israel and the ambushers was that they should make a great cloud of smoke rise up out of the city.
39 ma mgbe ahụ, ndị Izrel ga-ebido ịbọ ọbọ ogbugbu egburu ha. Ndị Benjamin egbuolarị iri ndị Izrel atọ, nʼihi ya ha sịrị, “Anyị na-emeri ha dịka anyị mere nʼagha mbụ.”
The men of Israel turned in the battle, and Benjamin began to strike and kill of the men of Israel about thirty persons; for they said, “Surely they are struck down before us, as in the first battle.”
40 Ma mgbe anwụrụ ọkụ malitere ịla elu site nʼobodo ahụ, ndị Benjamin lere anya nʼazụ hụ ka anwụrụ ọkụ na-ala elu site nʼakụkụ niile nke obodo ahụ.
But when the cloud began to arise up out of the city in a pillar of smoke, the Benjamites looked behind them; and behold, the whole city went up in smoke to the sky.
41 Mgbe ahụ, ndị Izrel bidoro igbu ha, oke egwu jidere ndị Benjamin nʼihi na ha ghọtara na ịla nʼiyi adakwasịla ha.
The men of Israel turned, and the men of Benjamin were dismayed; for they saw that disaster had come on them.
42 Ha si nʼihu ndị Izrel gbaa ọsọ, gbaga nʼụzọ gawara nʼọzara, ma ha enweghị ike ịgbanarị agha ahụ. Ndị Izrel si nʼobodo Gibea gbapụta gburu ha nʼebe ahụ.
Therefore they turned their backs before the men of Israel to the way of the wilderness, but the battle followed hard after them; and those who came out of the cities destroyed them in the middle of it.
43 Ha gbara ndị Benjamin gburugburu nʼakụkụ ọwụwa anyanwụ Gibea, gbuo ọtụtụ nʼime ha nʼebe ahụ.
They surrounded the Benjamites, chased them, and trod them down at their resting place, as far as near Gibeah towards the sunrise.
44 Ndị agha Benjamin e gburu nʼagha ụbọchị ahụ dị puku iri na asatọ.
Eighteen thousand men of Benjamin fell; all these were men of valour.
45 Mgbe ha chigharịrị na-agbala nʼụzọ ọzara na-aga nʼebe oke nkume Rimọn dị, ndị Izrel gburu puku ndị agha ise nʼime ha nʼụzọ ahụ. Ha chụgidere ndị Benjamin ọsọ ruo Gidom, gbukwaa puku ndị agha ha abụọ.
They turned and fled towards the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon. They gleaned five thousand men of them in the highways, and followed hard after them to Gidom, and struck two thousand men of them.
46 Ya mere, ndị Benjamin e gburu nʼagha nʼụbọchị ahụ dị iri puku abụọ, na ise. Ndị a bụ ndị agha mma agha, dike na dimkpa nʼagha.
So that all who fell that day of Benjamin were twenty-five thousand men who drew the sword. All these were men of valour.
47 Naanị narị ndị agha isii nʼime ha tụgharịrị gbapụ ọsọ gbalaga nʼọzara, nʼebe nkume Rimọn dị. Ha nọgidere nʼebe ahụ ọnwa anọ.
But six hundred men turned and fled towards the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon, and stayed in the rock of Rimmon four months.
48 Mgbe ahụ, ndị agha Izrel hapụrụ ha, laghachi azụ, gaa nʼobodo ndị Benjamin niile gbuo ndị niile nọ nʼime ha, igwe anụ ụlọ, na ihe ndị ọzọ niile dị nʼime ha. Obodo niile ha ruru, ha kpọrọ ha ọkụ.
The men of Israel turned again on the children of Benjamin, and struck them with the edge of the sword—including the entire city, the livestock, and all that they found. Moreover they set all the cities which they found on fire.

< Ndị Ikpe 20 >