< Ndị Ikpe 16 >

1 Otu ụbọchị, Samsin gara nʼotu obodo ndị Filistia a na-akpọ Gaza, soro otu nwanyị akwụna bi nʼebe ahụ hie ụra abalị.
Then went Samson to Azzah, and sawe there an harlot, and went in vnto her.
2 A gwara ndị Gaza sị, “Samsin nọ nʼobodo a.” Nʼihi ya, ha gbara ebe ahụ gburugburu ma nọdụ na-eche nʼọnụ ụzọ ama obodo ahụ abalị niile. Ọ dịghị ihe ha mere nʼabalị ahụ nʼihi na ha zubere sị, “Mgbe chi bọrọ, anyị ga-egbu ya.”
And it was tolde to the Azzahites, Samson is come hither. And they went about, and laied wayte for him all night in the gate of the citie, and were quiet all the nyght, saying, Abide till the morning earely, and we shall kill him.
3 Ma Samsin dinara nʼụlọ nwanyị akwụna ahụ ruo nʼetiti abalị ahụ. Mgbe ọ pụtara, ọ gara ruo nʼọnụ ụzọ obodo ahụ, foro ibo ọnụ ụzọ obodo ahụ, ya na ibo ya abụọ, bukwasị ya nʼubu ya, buru ha gaa nʼelu ugwu chere obodo Hebrọn ihu.
And Samson slept till midnight, and arose at midnight, and tooke the doores of the gates of the citie, and the two postes and lift them away with the barres, and put them vpon his shoulders, and caried them vp to the top of the mountaine that is before Hebron.
4 Ọ dịghị anya, Samsin hụrụ otu nwaagbọghọ, onye ọ hụrụ nʼanya. Aha nwaagbọghọ a bụ Delaịla, onye si nʼobodo dị na Ndagwurugwu Sorek.
And after this hee loued a woman by the riuer of Sorek, whose name was Delilah:
5 Ndị eze ndị Filistia, bịakwutere Delaịla rịọọ ya sị, “Gbalịa lee ma ị ga-enwe ike chọpụta ebe ike Samsin si abịa, ka anyị nwee ike ịmata ụzọ anyị ga-esi jide ya, kee ya agbụ. Ọ bụrụ na i meere anyị nke a, anyị na-ekwe nkwa na onye ọbụla nʼime anyị ga-enye gị puku shekel na narị shekel ọlaọcha.”
Vnto whome came the princes of the Philistims, and said vnto her, Entise him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what meane we may ouercome him, that we may binde him, and punish him, and euery one of vs shall giue thee eleuen hundreth shekels of siluer.
6 Nʼihi nke a, Delaịla gwara Samsin okwu sị ya, “Gwa m ebe ike gị si abịa. Gwakwa m otu mmadụ pụrụ isi kee gị agbụ, merie gị.”
And Delilah saide to Samson, Tell mee, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest bee bound, to doe thee hurt.
7 Mgbe ahụ, Samsin zara sị ya, “Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ e jiri akwara eriri asaa dị ọhụrụ, ndị a na-amịkpọghị amịkpọ kee m, m ga-abụkwa onye na-adịghị ike dịka mmadụ ọbụla ọzọ.”
Samson then answered vnto her, If they binde mee with seuen greene cordes, that were neuer dryed, then shall I bee weake, and be as an other man.
8 Ngwangwa, ndịisi ndị Filistia wetara ya eriri asaa dị ọhụrụ ndị a na-amịbeghị nʼanwụ, o weere ha kee Samsin.
And the princes of the Philistims brought her seuen greene cordes that were not dry, and she bound him therewith.
9 Ma o mere ka ụfọdụ ndị ikom Filistia zoo onwe ha nʼotu akụkụ ụlọ ya. O tiri mkpu sị, “Samsin, lee, ndị Filistia abịala ijide gị!” Otu mgbe ahụ kwa, Samsin biliri dọbisie eriri ahụ dịka ọ bụ eriri e ji ogho mee nke bịara ọkụ nso. Ya mere, a chọpụtaghị ebe ike Samsin si abịa.
(And she had men lying in wayte with her in the chamber) Then she said vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee brake the cordes, as a threede of towe is broken, when it feeleth fire: so his strength was not knowen.
10 Emesịa, Delaịla gwara Samsin sị ya, “Lee, ị kwaala m emo, ghaara m ụgha. Biko, gwa m ụzọ a ga-esi kee gị agbụ.”
After Delilah saide vnto Samson, See, thou hast mocked mee and tolde mee lies. I pray thee nowe, tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound.
11 Samsin zara sị ya, “Lee, ọ bụrụ na e jiri ụdọ ọhụrụ nke a na-ejibeghị kee ihe mgbe ọbụla, kee m, aga m adịkwa dịka ndị ọzọ.”
Then he answered her, If they binde mee with newe ropes that neuer were occupied, then shall I be weake, and be as an other man.
12 Ya mere, Delaịla chịkọtara ụdọ ọhụrụ jiri ya kee ya nke ọma. Ma ụfọdụ ndị ikom Filistia zokwara onwe ha nʼime ime ụlọ ahụ. Ọzọkwa, Delaịla tiri mkpu sị, “Samsin, lee, ndị Filistia abịala ijide gị.” Ma Samsin biliri dọbisie eriri ahụ e ji kee ya ka a ga-asị na ọ bụ ogho ka e ji mee ha.
Delilah therefore tooke newe ropes, and bounde him therewith, and saide vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson: (and men lay in wayte in the chamber) and hee brake them from his armes, as a threede.
13 Mgbe ahụ, Delaịla gwara ya sị, “Lee, ị na-eme ka abụ m onye nzuzu, ghaara m ụgha. Gwa m eziokwu, otu a ga-esi kee gị agbụ.” Samsin zara sị ya, “Lee, e kewara agịrị isi dị m nʼisi ụzọ asaa, i were ụzọ nkekọta asaa e kekọtara agịrị isi m, kpanyekọtaa ha nʼihe i ji ekwe akwa, were ntu osisi i ji akpachi akwa kpachie ya, mgbe ahụ, aga m adịkwa ka ndị ọzọ.” Mgbe Samsin rahụrụ ụra, Delaịla weere agịrị isi Samsin kpanyekọtaa ya nʼihe o ji ekwe akwa.
Afterward Delilah said to Samson, Hitherto thou hast beguiled mee, and tolde me lies: tell me how thou mightest be bounde. And he sayde vnto her, If thou plattedst seuen lockes of mine head with the threedes of the woufe.
14 O jikwa ǹtu osisi o ji akpachi akwa, kpachikọtasie agịrị isi Samsin ike. Ọzọ, Delaịla sịrị ya, “Samsin, ndị Filistia abịala ijide gị.” Ma Samsin bilitere nʼike fokọrọ ǹtu osisi ahụ, na ihe eji akpa akwa, na akwa akpara akpa.
And she fastened it with a pinne, and saide vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleepe, and went away with the pinne of the webbe and the woufe.
15 Mgbe ahụ, Delaịla gwara ya okwu sị, “Olee ka i si kwuo na ị hụrụ m nʼanya, ebe ọ bụ na i nweghị ike ịgwa m ihe dị gị nʼobi? Lee, ugbo atọ ndị a, i mere m ka m dịka onye nzuzu, ma ị gwabeghị m ebe ike gị dị ruo ugbu a.”
Againe shee sayde vnto him, Howe canst thou say, I loue thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked mee these three times, and hast not tolde me wherein thy great strength lieth.
16 Delaịla sikwara otu a nyegide Samsin nsogbu tutu ruo mgbe Samsin na-enweghịkwa ike ịnagide nsogbu ya.
And because shee was importunate vpon him with her wordes continually, and vexed him, his soule was pained vnto the death.
17 Ya mere, ọ gwara ya ihe niile, “Ọ dịbeghị mgbe agụba ọbụla gara nʼelu isi m, nʼihi na abụ m onye Nazirait, onye e doro nsọ nye Chineke ka m bụ, site nʼafọ nne m. Ọ bụrụkwa na a kpụchapụ agịrị isi m, mgbe ahụ, ike niile dị m nʼahụ ga-apụ. Mgbe ahụ, aga m adịkwa ka ndị ọzọ.”
Therefore he tolde her all his heart, and said vnto her, There neuer came rasor vpon mine head: for I am a Nazarite vnto God from my mothers wombe: therefore if I bee shauen, my strength will goe from me, and I shalbe weake, and be like all other men.
18 Mgbe Delaịla matara na ọ gwala ya ihe niile, o ziri ozi kpọọ ndịisi ndị Filistia ahụ, sị, “Bịaghachinụ otu ugbu a, nʼihi na ọ gwara m ihe niile.” Ya mere, ndịisi ndị Filistia lọghachiri jiri ego ọlaedo ahụ nʼaka ha.
And when Delilah sawe that he had tolde her all his heart, she sent, and called for the Princes of ye Philistims, saying, Come vp once againe: for he hath shewed mee all his heart. Then the Princes of the Philistims came vp vnto her, and brought the money in their handes.
19 Ma Delaịla mere ka o dinaa nʼapata ụkwụ ya rahụ ụra. Mgbe ahụ, ọ kpọbatara nwoke na-akpụcha isi, ka ọ kpụchapụ agịrị isi niile dị Samsin nʼisi, si otu a mee ka ike ghara ịdịkwa ya. Ike ya hapụrụ ya.
And she made him sleepe vpon her knees, and she called a man, and made him to shaue off the seuen lockes of his head, and shee began to vexe him, and his strength was gone from him.
20 O tiri mkpu sị, “Samsin, lee, ndị Filistia abịala ijide gị.” Ma mgbe Samsin bilitere site nʼụra, o chere nʼobi ya, “Aga m apụ ka m si mee na mbụ megharịa arụ ma nwere onwe m.” Ma ọ maghị na Onyenwe anyị ahapụla ya.
Then she said, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee awoke out of his sleepe, and thought, I will go out now as at other times, and shake my selfe, but he knewe not that the Lord was departed from him.
21 Ndị Filistia jidere ya, ghụpụ ya anya ya abụọ, duru ya gbadata Gaza. Nʼebe ahụ, ha jiri ụdọ bronz kee ya agbụ, nye ya ọrụ ịnyagharị igwe na-akwọ ọka nʼụlọ mkpọrọ ha tinyere ya.
Therefore the Philistims tooke him, and put out his eyes, and brought him downe to Azzah, and bounde him with fetters: and hee did grinde in the prison house.
22 Mgbe na-adịghị anya, agịrị isi ya malitekwara ito ọzọ.
And the heare of his head began to growe againe after that it was shauen.
23 Ugbu a, ndịisi ndị Filistia niile zukọtara ịchụrụ chi ha bụ Dagọn, aja dị ukwuu, na ịṅụrị ọṅụ, na-asị, “Chi anyị enyela Samsin bụ onye iro anyị nʼaka anyị.”
Then the Princes of the Philistims gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to reioyce: for they said, Our god hath deliuered Samson our enemie into our handes.
24 Mgbe ndị mmadụ hụrụ ya, ha toro chi ha sị, “Chi anyị enyela onye iro anyị nʼaka anyị, onye mere ka ala anyị tọgbọrọ nʼefu gbukwaa ọtụtụ ndị anyị.”
Also when the people saw him, they praysed their god: for they sayde, Our god hath deliuered into our hands our enemie and destroyer of our countrey, which hath slayne many of vs.
25 Mgbe ha ka nọ nʼobi ụtọ, ha tiri mkpu sị, “Dupụtara anyị Samsin, ka o kpaa anyị ọchị.” Ya mere, e dupụtara Samsin site nʼụlọ mkpọrọ ka o meere ha ihe egwuregwu. Ha mere ka o guzo nʼetiti ebe ogidi e ji wuo ụlọ ahụ dị.
And when their heartes were merie, they said, Call Samson, that he may make vs pastime. So they called Samson out of the prison house, and he was a laughing stocke vnto them, and they set him betweene the pillars.
26 Mgbe ahụ, Samsin sịrị onye na-eji ya nʼaka sị, “Debe m nʼebe m ga-emetụ ogidi ndị ụlọ a na-eguzo na ha aka, ka m nwe ike dabere na ha.”
Then Samson saide vnto the seruant that led him by the hande, Lead me, that I may touch the pillars that the house standeth vpon, and that I may leane to them.
27 Nʼoge a, mmadụ ejupụtala nʼime ụlọ ahụ, nwoke na nwanyị; ndịisi ọchịchị ndị Filistia nọkwa nʼebe ahụ. Ndị ọzọ ọnụọgụgụ ha ruru puku atọ, nwoke na nwanyị, nọ nʼelu ụlọ ahụ na-ele Samsin, ebe ọ na-emere ha ihe ọchị.
(Nowe the house was full of men and women, and there were all the princes of the Philistims: also vpon the roofe were about three thousande men and women that behelde while Samson played)
28 Mgbe ahụ, Samsin kpere ekpere rịọọ Onyenwe anyị arịrịọ sị, “O! Onyenwe m Onyenwe anyị, biko cheta m naanị otu ugbu a. Biko, Chineke, nye m ike nʼotu ohere a m nwere, ka m nwee ike ịbọrọ ọbọ nʼahụ ndị Filistia nʼihi, ọ bụladị, mkpụrụ anya m abụọ.”
Then Samson called vnto the Lord, and sayde, O Lord God, I pray thee, thinke vpon me: O God, I beseech thee, strengthen me at this time onely, that I may be at once auenged of the Philistims for my two eyes.
29 Mgbe ahụ, Samsin jidesiri ogidi abụọ dị nʼetiti ụlọ ahụ aka ike, aka nri ya nʼotu, aka ekpe ya na nke ọzọ.
And Samson layd hold on the two middle pillars whereupon the house stood, and on which it was borne vp: on the one with his right hand, and on the other with his left.
30 Samsin kpere ekpere sị, “Ka m soro ndị Filistia nwụọ!” O ji ike ya niile nuo ogidi ahụ aka. Otu mgbe ahụ kwa, ụlọ arụsị ahụ dara, dakwasị ndịisi ọchịchị Filistia ndị ahụ, na ndị niile nọ nʼime ụlọ ahụ. Ya mere, ndị niile so Samsin nwụọ nʼoge ahụ dị ọtụtụ karịa ndị Samsin gburu mgbe ọ dị ndụ.
Then Samson saide, Let me lose my life with the Philistims: and he bowed him with all his might, and the house fell vpon the princes, and vpon all the people that were therein. so the dead which he slewe at his death were more then they which he had slaine in his life.
31 Mgbe ihe ndị a gasịrị, ụmụnna ndị ikom Samsin, na ndị ezinaụlọ nna ya bịara nʼebe ahụ, buru ozu ya. Ha liri ya nʼagbata Zora na Eshtaol, ebe e liri nna ya Manoa. Samsin kpere ụmụ Izrel ikpe iri afọ abụọ.
Then his brethren, and all the house of his father came downe and tooke him, and brought him vp and buryed him betweene Zorah and Eshtaol, in the sepulchre of Manoah his father: nowe he had iudged Israel twenty yeeres.

< Ndị Ikpe 16 >