< Ndị Ikpe 14 >

1 Samsin gbadara nʼobodo Timna ebe ọ hụrụ otu nwaagbọghọ onye Filistia.
Therfor Sampson yede doun in to Thannatha, and he siy there a womman of `the douytris of Filisteis;
2 Mgbe ọ lọtara nʼụlọ, ọ gwara nne na nna ya, “Ahụrụ m otu nwanyị nʼime Timna sitere nʼụmụ ndị inyom Filistia; ugbu a, lụtara m ya na nwunye.”
and he stiede, and telde to his fadir and `to his modir, and seide, Y siy a womman in Thannatha of the `douytris of Filistees, and Y biseche, that ye take hir a wijf to me.
3 Nne na nna ya zara ya, “Ọ bụ na ọ dịghị nwanyị dị nʼetiti ndị inyom ụmụnne gị, maọbụ nʼetiti ndị anyị niile? Gịnị mere o ji bụrụ nʼetiti ndị Filistia a na-ebighị ugwu ka i si lụtara onwe gị nwunye?” Ma Samsin sịrị nna ya, “Gaa lụtara m ya. Nʼihi na o ziri ezi nʼanya m.”
To whom his fadir and modir seiden, Whether no womman is among the douytris of thi britheren and in al my puple, for thou wolt take a wijf of Filisteis, that ben vncircumcidid? And Sampson seide to his fadir, Take thou this wijf to me, for sche pleside myn iyen.
4 (Nne na nna ya aghọtaghị na aka Onyenwe anyị dị nʼọlụlụ nwunye a Samsin chọrọ ịlụ. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị na-achọ ụzọ ọ ga-esi megide ndị Filistia, ndị na-achị ụmụ Izrel nʼoge ahụ.)
Forsothe his fadir and modir wisten not, that the thing was don of the Lord; and that he souyte occasiouns ayens Filisteis; for in that tyme Filisteis weren lordis of Israel.
5 Samsin na nne na nna ya gawara obodo Timna maka ọlụlụ nwanyị a. Mgbe ha na-erute ubi vaịnị dị obodo Timna nso, otu nwa ọdụm sitere nʼọhịa mapụta, gbọrọ ụja na-abịakwute Samsin.
Therfor Sampson yede doun with his fadir and modir in to Thannatha; and whanne thei hadden come to the vyneris of the citee, a fers and rorynge `whelp of a lioun apperide, and ran to Sampson.
6 Nʼotu oge ahụ, Mmụọ Onyenwe anyị bịakwasịrị Samsin nʼike. O jekwuuru ọdụm ahụ, were aka ya abụọ dọwaa ya ọnụ, dịka a ga-asị na ọ bụ nwa ewu. Ma Samsin agwaghị nne na nna ya ihe mere.
Forsothe the spirit of the Lord felde in to Sampson, and he to-rente the lioun, as if he `to-rendide a kide `in to gobetis, and outerli he hadde no thing in the hond; and he nolde schewe this to the fadir and modir.
7 Ma mgbe ha bịaruru Timna, Samsin na nwaagbọghọ ahụ kparịtara ụka. Ihe banyere nwaagbọghọ ahụ dị Samsin ezi mma.
And he yede doun, and spak to the womman, that pleside hise iyen.
8 Ọ laghachiri mgbe ụbọchị ole na ole gasịrị ka ọ kpọrọ ya. Ma mgbe ọ tụgharịrị ka ọ hụ ozu ọdụm ahụ, ọ hụrụ na igwe aṅụ bizi nʼime ozu ọdụm ahụ, na-emepụtakwa mmanụ aṅụ.
And aftir summe daies he turnede ayen to take hir `in to matrimonye; and he `bowide awey to se the `careyn of the lioun; and lo! a gaderyng of bees was in the `mouth of the lioun, and `a coomb of hony.
9 Ọ kọpụtara mmanụ aṅụ ahụ tinye nʼaka ya, malite ịracha ka ọ na-aga nʼụzọ. Mgbe ọ bịakwutere nne na nna ya, o nyebinyere ha ụfọdụ, ha onwe ha rachakwara ya. Ma ọ gwaghị ha na o wetara ya site nʼozu ọdụm.
And whanne he hadde take it in hondis, he eet in the weie; and he cam to his fadir and modir, and yaf part `to hem, and thei eeten; netheles he nolde schewe to hem, that he hadde take hony of the `mouth of the lioun.
10 Nna ya gara ịhụ nwanyị ahụ ma Samsin kpọkọtara ụmụ okorobịa obodo ahụ meere ha oriri dịka omenaala ha sị di.
And so his fadir yede doun to the womman, and made a feeste to his sone Sampson; for yonge men weren wont to do so.
11 Mgbe Samsin rutere, a kpọnyere ya ndị bịara mmemme ọnụọgụgụ ha dị iri atọ.
Therfor whanne the citeseyns of that place hadden seyn hym, thei yauen to hym thretti felowis, whiche schulen be with hym.
12 Mgbe ahụ, Samsin gwara ha okwu sị ha, “O nwere ajụjụ, gwa m, gwa m, gwa m, m chọrọ ka unu kọwaara m. Ọ bụrụ na unu enwee ike kọwaa ya, site taa ruo nʼụbọchị asaa nke mmemme a, aga m enye unu iri uwe mwụda atọ, nyekwa unu iri uwe mwụda atọ ọzọ akpara akpa.
To whiche Sampson spak, Y schal putte forth to you a probleme, `that is, a douyteful word and priuy, and if ye `asoilen it to me with ynne seuen daies of the feeste, Y schal yyue to you thretti lynnun clothis, and cootis `of the same noumbre; sotheli if ye moun not soyle,
13 Ọ bụrụkwanụ na unu enweghị ike kọwaa ya, unu ga-enye m iri uwe mwụda atọ, na iri uwe mwụda atọ akpara akpa.” Ha niile kwenyere sị, “Ọ dị mma. Kwuo ka anyị nụ.”
ye schulen yyue to me thretti lynnun clothis, and cootis `of the same noumbre. Whiche answeriden to hym, Sette forth the probleme, that we here it.
14 Ọ gwara ha sị, “Ihe oriri si nʼime onye na-eri eri na-apụta, ọzọkwa, ihe dị ụtọ si nʼime onye dị ike pụta.” Mgbe ụbọchị atọ gasịrị, ha enwebeghịkwa ike kọwaa ya.
And he seide to hem, Mete yede out of the etere, and swetnesse yede out of the stronge. And bi thre daies thei myyten not assoile the `proposicioun, that is, the resoun set forth.
15 Ma nʼụbọchị nke anọ, ha jekwuuru nwunye Samsin gwa ya okwu sị, “Chọọ ụzọ rafụta di gị ọnụ, ka ọ gwa gị ihe okwu a pụtara. Ma ọ bụghị ya, anyị ga-akpọ gị na ezinaụlọ nna gị ọkụ. Ọ bụ ịnapụ anyị ihe anyị nwere ka unu ji kpọọ anyị oku bịa nʼebe?”
And whanne the seuenthe dai cam, thei seiden to `the wijf of Sampson, Glose thin hosebonde, and counseile hym, that he schewe to thee what the probleme signyfieth. That if thou nylt do, we schulen brenne thee and `the hous of thi fadir. Whether herfor ye clepiden vs to weddyngis, that ye schulden robbe vs?
16 Mgbe ahụ nwunye Samsin buuru onwe ya tụọ nʼelu ahụ ya, nʼebe akwa, sị, “Ị kpọrọ m asị! Nʼezie, ị hụghị m nʼanya. Ị tụụrụ ndị m ilu, ma ị gwaghị m ọsịsa ya.” Ọ sịrị ya, “Lee, agwaghị m nne na nna m, ọ bụkwa gị ka m ga akọwara ya?”
And sche schedde teerys at Sampson, and pleynede, and seide, Thou hatist me, and louest not, therfor thou nylt expowne to me the probleme, which thou settidist forth to the sones of my puple. And he answeride, Y nolde seie to my fadir and modir, and schal Y mow schewe to thee?
17 Ma nwanyị ahụ kwagidere akwa abalị asaa ha nọ na mmemme ahụ. Nʼikpeazụ, nʼụbọchị nke asaa, Samsin kọwaara ya okwu ahụ nʼihi na ọ nọgidere na-enye ya nsogbu. Nwanyị ahụ gakwara kọwaara ụmụ okorobịa obodo ihe okwu ahụ pụtara.
Therfor bi seuene dayes of the feest sche wepte at hym; at the laste `he expownede in the seuenthe dai, whanne sche was diseseful to hym. And anoon sche telde to hir citeseyns.
18 Ma tupu anwụ adaa nʼụbọchị nke asaa ahụ, ndị ikom obodo ahụ sịrị ya, “Olee ihe dị ụtọ karịa mmanụ aṅụ? Gịnị dịkwa ike karịa ọdụm?” Ma Samsin zara sị ha, “A sị na unu enyeghị nwa ehi m nsogbu, unu agaraghị enwe ike kọwaa ya.”
And thei seiden to hym in the seuenthe dai bifor the goyng doun of the sunne, What is swettere than hony, and what is strengere than a lioun? And he seide to hem, If ye hadden not erid in my cow calf, `that is, my wijf, ye hadden not founde my proposicioun.
19 Otu mgbe ahụ kwa, Mmụọ Onyenwe anyị bịakwasịrị ya. O sitere nʼebe ahụ pụọ, gaa nʼobodo Ashkelọn. Nʼebe ahụ ka ọ nọ tigbuo iri mmadụ atọ, napụ ha uwe ha niile, chịrị ha chịnye ndị ahụ kọwaara ya ilu ahụ. Ma site nʼoke iwe, o laghachiri nʼụlọ nna ya.
Therfor the spirit of the Lord felde in to hym; and he yede doun to Ascalon, and killyde there thretti men, whose clothis he took awey, and he yaf to hem that soiliden the probleme; and he was ful wrooth, and stiede in to `the hows of his fadir.
20 E duuru nwunye Samsin dunye enyi Samsin ka ha abụọ bụrụ di na nwunye.
Forsothe his wijf took an hosebonde, oon of the frendis and keperis `of hir.

< Ndị Ikpe 14 >