< Ndị Ikpe 11 >

1 Otu ọ dị, Jefta, onye Gilead, bụ dimkpa nʼagha. Nna ya bụ Gilead; nne ya bụ akwụna.
And so in that tyme Jepte, a man of Galaad, was a ful strong man, and fiytere, the sone of a womman hoore, which Jepte was borun of Galaad.
2 Nwunye Gilead mụtaara ya ọtụtụ ụmụ ndị ikom ọzọ. Mgbe ha tolitere, ha chụpụrụ Jefta site nʼobodo ahụ, sị ya, “Ị gaghị eketa ihe ọbụla nʼezi nna anyị, nʼihi na nwa nwanyị ọzọ ka ị bụ.”
Forsothe Galaad hadde a wijf, of which he hadde sones, whiche aftir that thei encressiden, castiden out Jepte, and seiden, Thou maist not be eir in the hows of oure fadir, for thou art born of a modir auoutresse.
3 Nʼihi nke a, Jefta gbapụrụ site nʼụlọ nna ya, gaa biri nʼobodo Tob. Mgbe na-adịghị anya, ọtụtụ ndị isi na-anụ ọkụ bịara nọnyere ya ma sorokwa ya.
`Whiche britheren he fledde, and eschewide, and dwellide in the lond of Tob; and pore men and `doynge thefte weren gaderid to hym, and sueden as a prince.
4 O ruo mgbe ọtụtụ oge gasịrị, ndị Amọn busoro ụmụ Izrel agha.
In tho daies the sones of Amon fouyten ayens Israel;
5 Ndị okenye Gilead jere ịkpọpụta Jefta site nʼala Tob.
and whanne thei contynueden scharpli, the grettere men in birthe of Galaad, yeden to take in to `the help of hem silf Jepte fro the lond of Tob;
6 Ha sịrị ya, “Bịa buru onyeisi agha anyị ka anyị nwee ike ibuso ndị Amọn agha.”
and thei seiden to hym, Come thou, and be oure prince, and fiyte ayens the sones of Amon.
7 Jefta sịrị ha, “Unu akpọghị m asị, ma chụpụkwa m site nʼụlọ nna m? Gịnị mere unu ji na-achọ m ugbu a unu nọ nʼoke nsogbu?”
To whiche he answeride, Whethir not ye it ben, that haten me, and castiden me out of the hows of mi fadir, and now ye camen to me, and weren compellid bi nede?
8 Ndị okenye Gilead sịrị ya, “na-agbanyeghị nke a, anyị abịaghachikwutela gị ugbu a, bịa ka anyị na gị lụso ndị Amọn agha. Ị ga-abụkwa onyeisi anyị niile bi na Gilead.”
And the princes of Galaad seiden to Jepte, Therfor for this cause we camen now to thee, that thou go with vs, and fiyt ayens the sones of Amon; and that thou be the duyk of alle men that dwellen in Galaad.
9 Jefta zara, “A sịkwarị na m esoro unu gaa lụso ndị Amọn agha, ọ bụrụ na Onyenwe anyị enyefee ha nʼaka m, m ga-abụ onyeisi unu nʼezie?”
And Jepte seide to hem, Whether ye camen verili to me, that Y fiyte for you ayens the sones of Amon, and if the Lord schal bitake hem in to myn hondis, schal Y be youre prince?
10 Ndị okenye Gilead zara, “Onyenwe anyị bụ onye akaebe, na anyị aghaghị ime dịka i kwuru.”
Whiche answeriden to hym, The Lord hym silf, that herith these thingis, is mediatour and witnesse, that we schulen do oure biheestis.
11 Ya mere, Jefta sooro ndị okenye Gilead, ha mekwara ya onyeisi ha na ọchịagha ha. O kwughachikwara okwu ya niile nʼihu Onyenwe anyị nʼobodo Mizpa.
And so Jepte wente with the princes of Galaad, and al the puple made hym her prince; and Jepte spak alle hise wordis bifor the Lord in Maspha.
12 Mgbe ahụ, Jefta zipụrụ ndị ozi ka ha jekwuru eze ndị Amọn jụọ ya ajụjụ sị, “Gịnị bụ ihe i nwere megide anyị i ji ebuso ala anyị agha?”
And he sente messangeris to the kyng of the sones of Amon, whiche messangeris schulden seie `of his persoone, What is to me and to thee, for thou hast come `ayens me to waaste my lond?
13 Eze ndị Amọn zaghachiri ndị ozi Jefta, “Mgbe ụmụ Izrel si nʼala Ijipt pụta, ha ji aka ike napụ anyị ala anyị, site nʼosimiri Anọn ruo na Jabọk, rukwaa nʼosimiri Jọdan. Ugbu a nyeghachinụ anyị ala ahụ niile nʼudo.”
To whiche the kyng answeride, For Israel whanne he stiede fro Egipt took awei my lond, fro the coostis of Arnon `til to Jaboch and to Jordan, now therfor yeelde it to me with pees.
14 Jefta zighachiri ndị ozi ka ha jekwuru eze ndị Amọn,
Bi whiche massangeris Jepte sente eft, and comaundide to hem, that thei schulden seie to the kyng of Amon,
15 na-asị, “Ihe ndị a ka Jefta sịrị: Izrel esiteghị nʼaka ike napụ Moab maọbụ Amọn ala ha.
Jepte seith these thingis, Israel took not the lond of Moab, nether the lond of the sones of Amon;
16 Kama, mgbe ha si Ijipt rigopụta, Izrel sitere nʼọzara bịaruo Osimiri Uhie, sikwa nʼebe ahụ ruo Kadesh.
but whanne thei stieden fro Egipt, `he yede bi the wildirnesse `til to the Reed See, and cam in to Cades;
17 Mgbe ahụ, Izrel zipụrụ ndị ozi ka ha jekwuru eze Edọm sị ya, ‘Kwere ka anyị si nʼala gị gafere,’ ma eze Edọm jụrụ ajụ. Ha zipụkwara ozi nye eze Moab, ma o kwenyeghị. Nʼihi ya, Izrel nọgidere na Kadesh.
and he sente messangeris to the kyng of Edom, and seide, Suffre thou me, that Y go thoruy thi lond; which kyng nolde assente to his preyeres. Also Israel sente to the kyng of Moab, and he dispiside to yyue passage;
18 “Ọzọ, ha sitere nʼọzara gaa gburugburu Edọm na Moab, site nʼakụkụ ọwụwa anyanwụ ala Moab, maa ụlọ ikwu ha nʼofe Anọn. Ha abaghị nʼoke ala Moab, nʼihi na Anọn bụ oke ala ya.
and so Israel dwellyde in Cades, and cumpasside bi the side the lond of Edom, and the lond of Moab; and he cam to the eest coost of the lond of Moab, and settide tentis biyende Arnon, nether he wolde entre in to the termes of Moab; for Arnon is the ende of the lond of Moab.
19 “Mgbe ahụ, ụmụ Izrel zigara ndị ozi ka ha jekwuru Saịhọn eze ndị Amọrait, onye bi na Heshbọn, sị ya, ‘Biko, ka anyị site nʼala gị gafee ruo nʼala nke anyị.’
And so Israel sente messangeris to Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, that dwellide in Esebon; and thei seiden to hym, Suffre thou, that Y passe thorouy thi lond `til to the ryuer.
20 Ma eze Saịhọn atụkwasịghị Izrel obi isite nʼoke ala ya gabiga. Nʼihi nke a, ọ chịkọtara usuu ndị agha ya, ma ụlọ ikwu na Jahaz, buso ụmụ Izrel agha.
And he dispiside the wordis of Israel, and suffride not hym passe bi hise termes, but with a multitude with out noumbre gaderid to gidere he yede out ayens Israel, and ayenstood strongli.
21 “Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị, Chineke Izrel nyere Saịhọn na ndị agha ya niile nʼaka Izrel. Ha merikwara ha. Izrel nwetara ala niile nke ndị Amọrait, bụ ndị bi nʼala ahụ.
And the Lord bitook hym with al his oost in to the hondis of Israel; and Israel smoot hym, and hadde in possessioun al the lond of Ammorrey,
22 Ha nwetara ala niile ahụ, site nʼAnọn ruo Jabọk, sitekwa nʼọzara ruo Jọdan.
dwellere of that cuntrey, and al the coostis therof fro Arnon `til to Jaboch, and fro the wildirnesse `til to Jordan.
23 “Ma ugbu a, Onyenwe anyị, Chineke Izrel achụpụla ndị Amọrait nʼihu ndị ya bụ Izrel. Olee ikike i nwere iwere ala ahụ?
Therfor the Lord God of Israel distriede Ammorrey, fiytynge ayens hym for his puple Israel. And wolt thou now haue in possessioun `his lond? Whether not tho thingis whiche Chamos, thi god, hadde in possessioun, ben due to thee bi riyt?
24 Ọ bụghị ihe chi gị, Kemosh, nyere gị ka i ga-enweta? Otu aka ahụ kwa, ihe ọbụla Onyenwe anyị Chineke anyị nyere anyị ka anyị ga-enweta.
Forsothe tho thingis whiche `oure Lord God ouercomere gat, schulen falle in to oure possessioun;
25 Ị dị mma karịa Balak nwa Zipoa, eze Moab? O nwere mgbe ọ chọrọ Izrel okwu, maọbụ lụso ha agha?
no but in hap thou art betere than Balach, the sone of Sephor, kyng of Moab, ether thou maist preue, that he stryuede ayens Israel, and fauyt ayens hym,
26 Ọ bụ narị afọ atọ kemgbe ụmụ Izrel malitere ibi na Heshbọn na Aroea, na nʼime obodo ndị ọzọ gbara ha gburugburu ruo nʼiyi Anọn. Ọ bụkwa gịnị mere na ịnapụtaghị ala ndị a nʼoge ndị ahụ?
whanne he dwellide in Esebon, and in townes therof, and in Aroer, and in townes therof, and in alle citees biyende Jordan, bi thre hundrid yeer. Whi in so myche time assaieden ye no thing on this axyng ayen?
27 Emegideghị m gị, kama ọ bụ gị na-emejọ m, site nʼibuso m agha. Ka Onyenwe anyị, onye na-ekpe ikpe ziri ezi kpebie ikpe a taa nʼetiti ndị Izrel na ndị Amọn.”
Therfor not Y do synne ayens thee, but thou doist yuel ayens me, and bryngist in batels not iust to me; the Lord, iuge of this dai, deme bitwixe the sones of Israel and bitwixe the sones of Amon.
28 Ma eze Amọn egeghị ntị nʼozi Jefta ziri ka e zie ya.
And the kyng of the sones of Amon nolde assente to the wordis of Jepte, whiche he sente bi messangeris.
29 Nʼoge ahụ, mmụọ Onyenwe anyị dakwasịrị Jefta. Site nʼike mmụọ ahụ, o duuru ndị agha Izrel gafee obodo Gilead na Manase, gafeekwa Mizpa, nke dị nʼime Gilead, gaa lụso ndị Amọn agha.
Therfor the spirit of the Lord was maad on Jepte, and he cumpasside Galaad and Manasses, Maspha and Galaad; and he passide fro thennus to the sones of Amon,
30 Jefta kwere Onyenwe anyị nkwa sị ya, “Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-enyefe ndị Amọn nʼaka m,
and made a vow to the Lord, and seide, If thou schalt bitake the sones of Amon in to myn hondis,
31 ihe ọbụla sitere nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ m pụta izute m mgbe m lọghachiri nʼọnọdụ mmeri megide ndị Amọn, ga-abụ nke Onyenwe anyị. Aga m eji ya chụọ aja nsure ọkụ.”
who euer goith out first of the dores of myn hows, and cometh ayens me turnynge ayen with pees fro the sones of Amon, Y schal offre hym brent sacrifice to the Lord.
32 Jefta duuru ndị agha ya gaa ibuso Amọn agha. Onyenwe anyị nyekwara ya mmeri dị ukwuu.
And Jepte yede to the sones of Amon, to fiyte ayens hem, whiche the Lord bitook in to hise hondis;
33 O bibiri iri obodo abụọ site nʼAroea ruo nso nso Minit, ruokwa Ebel-Keramim. Otu a ka Izrel si merie ndị Amọn.
and he smoot fro Aroer `til to thou comest in to Mennyth, twenti citees, and `til to Abel, which is set aboute with vyneris, with ful greet veniaunce; and the sones of Amon weren maad low of the sones of Israel.
34 Mgbe Jefta lọghachiri nʼụlọ ya na Mizpa, ma lee ada ya nwanyị onye ji iti egwu na ite egwu pụta izute ya. Ọ bụ naanị ya ka nna ya mụtara. Ewezuga ya, nna ya amụtaghị nwa nwoke maọbụ nwa nwanyị ọzọ.
Forsothe whanne Jepte turnede ayen in to Maspha, his hows, his oon gendrid douyter cam to hym with tympanys and croudis; for he hadde not othere fre children.
35 Mgbe Jefta hụrụ ya, ọ dọwara uwe ya, tie mkpu sị, “Ewoo, nwa m nwanyị! I wetarala obi m ihe mgbu, nʼihi na ekwela m Onyenwe anyị nkwa, nke m na-aghaghị imezu.”
And whanne `sche was seyn, he to-rente his clothis, and seide, Allas! my douytir, thou hast disseyued me, and thou art disseyued; for Y openyde my mouth to the Lord, and Y may do noon other thing.
36 Ọ zara, “Nna m, lee, ị ghaghị imezu ihe i kwere Onyenwe anyị na nkwa. Jiri m mee ihe i kwere Onyenwe anyị na nkwa, nʼihi na o nyela gị mmeri dị ukwuu nʼebe ndị Amọn, ndị iro gị nọ.
To whom sche answeride, My fadir, if thou openydist thi mouth to the Lord, do to me what euer thing thou bihiytist, while veniaunce and victorie of thin enemyes is grauntid to thee.
37 Ma ọ dị otu ihe m chọrọ ịrịọ gị, biko kwere ka m soro ụmụ agbọghọ ibe m gaa wagharịa nʼugwu ndị a, ka mụ na ha kwaa akwa ọnwa abụọ, nʼihi na agaghị m alụ di.”
And sche seide to the fadir, Yyue thou to me oneli this thing, which Y biseche; suffre thou me that in two monethis Y cumpasse hillis, and biweile my maidynhed with my felowis.
38 Nna ya zara sị ya, “E, nwa m, i nwere ike ịga.” Ọ pụrụ gaa, jegharịa, kwaakwa akwa, ya na ụmụ agbọghọ ndị enyi ya, ruo mgbe ọnwa abụọ ahụ zuru.
To whom he answeride, Go thou. And he sufferide hir in two monethis. And whanne sche hadde go with hir felowis and pleiferis, sche biwepte hir maydynhed in the hillis.
39 Mgbe ọnwa abụọ gasịrị, ọ laghachikwutere nna ya, onye ji ya mezuo nkwa ahụ o kwere. Ọ bụ nwaagbọghọ na-amatabeghị nwoke. Malite nʼoge ahụ ka ọ ghọrọ omenaala ndị Izrel,
And whanne twey monethis weren fillid, sche turnede ayen to hir fadir, and he dide to hir as he avowide; and sche knew not fleischli a man. Fro thennus a custom cam in Israel,
40 na ụmụ agbọghọ na-apụ kwa afọ, gaa, nọọ abalị anọ nʼihi icheta ada Jefta, onye Gilead.
and the custom is kept, that aftir the `ende of the yeer the douytris of Israel come togidere, and biweile `the douytir of Jepte of Galaad `foure daies.

< Ndị Ikpe 11 >