< Jọn 14 >

1 “Ka obi ghara ịlọ unu mmiri. Kwerenụ na Chineke; kwerekwanụ na m.
Not should be troubled of you the heart; You believe in God also in Me myself believe.
2 Nʼụlọ Nna m, e nwere ọtụtụ ebe obibi. Ọ bụrụ na o sighị otu a dịrị, agaara m agwa unu na m na-aga kwadoro unu ebe obibi?
In the house of the Father of Mine mansions many there are — lest then surely I have told then would you — (that *no*) I go to prepare a place for you.
3 Ọ bụrụ na m agaa dozichara unu ebe obibi, aga m alọghachi bịa kpọrọ unu, ka ebe m nọ bụrụkwa ebe unu ga-anọ.
And if I shall go and shall prepare a place for you again I am coming and I will receive you to Myself, that where am I myself also you yourselves may be.
4 Unu maara ụzọ ebe m na-aga.”
And to the place I myself am going you know (and *k*) the way (you know. *k*)
5 Tọmọs sịrị ya, “Onyenwe anyị, anyị amaghị ebe ị na-aga, olee otu anyị ga-esi mata ụzọ ya?”
Says to Him Thomas; Lord, not we know where You are going; (and *k*) how can we the way (to know? *NK(o)*)
6 Jisọs sịrị ya, “Mụ onwe m bụ ụzọ, na eziokwu, na ndụ. O nweghị onye na-abịakwute Nna m ma ọ bụghị site na m.
Says to him Jesus; I myself am the way and the truth and the life. No [one] comes to the Father only except through Me.
7 Ọ bụrụ na unu maara onye m bụ, unu gaara amatakwa Nna m. Site ugbu a, unu amatala ya. Ma hụkwa ya.”
If (you have known *N(k)O*) Me, also the Father of Mine (then *ko*) (you will know; *N(k)(o)*) and from now you know Him and you have seen Him.
8 Filip sịrị ya, “Onyenwe anyị, zi anyị Nna ahụ, afọ ga-ejukwa anyị.”
Says to Him Philip; Lord, do show us the Father, and it is enough for us.
9 Jisọs sịrị ya, “Ọtụtụ oge ndị a mụ na unu nọrọ ọ bụ na ị matabeghị onye m bụ, Filip? Onye ọbụla hụrụ m ahụla Nna. Olee otu i si asị, ‘zi anyị Nna ahụ?’
Says to him Jesus; (So long a time *N(k)O*) with you am I, and not you have known Me, Philip? The [one] having seen Me myself he has seen the Father; (and *ko*) how you yourself say; do show us the Father?’
10 Ọ bụ na i kweghị na m nọ nʼime Nna, na Nna nọkwa nʼime m? Okwu niile m na-agwa unu esitekwaghị nʼebe m nọ pụta, kama ọ bụ Nna bi nʼime m na-arụ ọrụ ya.
Surely you believe that I myself [am] in the Father and the Father in Me myself is? The declarations that I myself (I say *N(k)O*) to you from Myself not I speak; but the Father (who *ko*) in Me myself dwelling (he himself *k*) does the works (of Him. *NO*)
11 Kwere ihe m kwuru na anọ m nʼime Nna, na Nna nọkwa nʼime m. Ma ọ bụghị otu a, kwerenụ nʼihi ọrụ ebube ndị a.
do believe Me that I myself [am] in the Father and the Father in Me myself; lest then except, because of the works themselves do believe (to me. *ko*)
12 Nʼezie, nʼezie, agwa m unu, onye ọbụla kwere na m ga-arụ ọrụ ndị m rụrụ, rụọkwa ọrụ karịrị ndị a, nʼihi na m na-alakwuru Nna m.
Amen Amen I say to you; the [one] believing in Me myself, the works that I myself do also he also he will do and greater than these he will do, because I myself to the Father (of mine *k*) am going.
13 Ihe ọbụla unu ga-arịọ site nʼaha m, aga m enye unu ya, ka e nwe ike nye Nna ahụ otuto site nʼỌkpara ya.
And (which one *NK(o)*) maybe you may ask in the name of Me, this will I do, so that may be glorified the Father in the Son.
14 Ihe ọbụla unu rịọrọ nʼaha m, aga m eme ya.
If anything you shall ask (Me *NO*) in the name of Me, (I myself *NK(o)*) will do [it].
15 “Ọ bụrụ na unu hụrụ m nʼanya unu ga-edebe iwu m niile.
If you shall love Me, commandments of Mine (you will keep. *N(k)O*)
16 Aga m arịọ Nna m, ọ ga-enye unu Onye Nkasiobi ọzọ, onye ga-enyere unu aka ma nọnyekwara unu ruo mgbe niile ebighị ebi. (aiōn g165)
And I myself And I myself will ask the Father, and another Helper He will give you, that with you to the age (He may be *N(k)O*) (aiōn g165)
17 Onye bụ Mmụọ nke eziokwu. Ndị bi nʼụwa agaghị anabata ya, nʼihi na ha adịghị ahụ ya anya, ha amakwaghị ya. Ma unu maara ya nʼihi na unu na ya nọ, o bikwa nʼime unu.
the Spirit of truth, whom the world not is able to receive, because not it does see Him nor know (him; *ko*) But you yourselves (now *ko*) know Him, for with you He abides and in you (He will be. *NK(O)*)
18 Agaghị m ahapụ unu dị ka ndị na-enweghị nne na nna. Aga m abịakwute unu.
Not I will leave you as orphans, I am coming to you.
19 Mgbe na-adịghị anya, ụwa agaghị ahụkwa m anya. Ma unu ga-ahụ m anya. Nʼihi na m dị ndụ, unu ga-adịkwa ndụ.
Yet a little while and the world Me no longer no longer sees, you yourselves however see Me; because I myself live, also you yourselves (will live. *N(k)O*)
20 Nʼụbọchị ahụ, unu ga-amata na m nọ nʼime Nna m na unu nọ nʼime m, na mụ onwe m nọkwa nʼime unu.
In that [very] day will know you yourselves that I myself [am] in the Father of Mine and you yourselves in Me myself and I myself and I myself in you.
21 Onye ọbụla nabatara iwu m ma na-edebekwa ha bụ onye hụrụ m nʼanya. Onye hụrụ m nʼanya ka Nna m ga-ahụ nʼanya. Aga m ahụkwa ya nʼanya gosikwa ya onwe m.”
The [one] having the commandments of Mine and keeping them, he is the [one] loving Me; the [one] now loving Me he will be loved by the Father of Mine; and I myself and I myself will love him and I will show to him Myself.
22 Judas (ọ bụghị Iskarịọt) sịrị ya, “Onyenwe anyị, olee otu ị ga-esi gosi anyị onwe gị ma hapụ igosi ụwa onwe gị?”
Says to Him Judas not Iscariot; Lord, (and *no*) what has occurred that to us You are about to manifest Yourself and not to the world?
23 Jisọs zara sị ya, “Onye ọbụla hụrụ m nʼanya, ga-edebe okwu m. Nna m ga-ahụkwa ya nʼanya. Mụ na Nna m ga-abịakwa nʼebe onye ahụ nọ soro ya biri.
Answered (*k*) Jesus and said to him; If anyone shall love Me, the word of Mine he will keep, and the Father of Mine will love him, and to him we will come and a home with him (we will make. *N(k)O*)
24 Onye na-ahụghị m nʼanya agaghị edebe okwu m. Okwu ndị a niile unu nụrụ abụghị nke m. Ha bụ nke Nna ahụ, onye zitere m.
The [one] not loving Me the words of Mine not does keep; and the word that you hear not it is Mine but of the [One who] having sent Me [the] Father.
25 “Agwala m unu ihe ndị a niile ugbu a mụ na unu nọ.
These things I have said to you with you abiding;
26 Ma Onye Nkasiobi ahụ bụ Mmụọ Nsọ, onye Nna m ga-ezite nʼaha m, ga-akụziri unu ihe niile, ọ ga-echetakwara unu ihe niile m gwara unu.
The however Helper, the Spirit Holy whom will send the Father in the name of Me, He you will teach all things and He will bring to remembrance of you all things that have said to you (I myself. *no*)
27 Udo ka m na-ahapụrụ unu. Udo m ka m na-enyekwa unu. Ọ bụghị dị ka ụwa si enye ka m na-enye unu. Unu ekwela ka obi lọọ unu mmiri, ka ụjọ hapụkwa ịtụ unu.
Peace I leave with you, peace of Mine I give to you; not even as the world gives, I myself give to you. Not should be troubled of you the heart nor should it fear.
28 “Unu anụla na m gwara unu, ‘Ana m ala, ma lọghachikwutekwa unu.’ Ọ bụrụ na unu hụrụ m nʼanya, unu gaara aṅụrị ọṅụ na m na-alakwuru Nna, nʼihi na Nna dị ukwuu karịa m.
You heard that I myself said to you; I am going away and I am coming to you. If you were loving Me, you have rejoiced then would that (I said *k*) I am going to the Father, because the Father (of mine *ko*) greater than I is.
29 Ugbu a, agwala m unu ihe a tupu o mezuo, ka ọ ga-abụ mgbe o mezuru, unu enwee ike kwere.
And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it may happen, you may believe.
30 Agaghị m agwa unu ọtụtụ okwu ọzọ nʼihi na eze na-achị ụwa a na-abịa. O nwekwaghị ike ọbụla nʼebe m nọ.
no longer no longer much I will speak with you; comes for the world (of this *k*) ruler, and in Me myself not he has no [thing],
31 Ana m eme dịka Nna m nyere m nʼiwu, ka ụwa mara na m hụrụ Nna m nʼanya. “Bilienụ ugbu a ka anyị si ebe a pụọ.
but that may know the world that I love the Father, and even as (He has commanded *NK(o)*) to Me the Father, thus I do. do rise up, let us go from here.

< Jọn 14 >