< Jọn 10 >

1 “Nʼezie, nʼezie, agwa m unu, onye ọbụla na-adịghị esite nʼọnụ ụzọ aba nʼọgba atụrụ kama ọ na-arị elu ka o site nʼelu ụlọ ahụ wufee, bụ onye ohi bụrụkwa onye na-apụnara mmadụ ihe.
Verily, verily I say unto you, He that entreth not into the sheep-fold by the door, but climbeth up some other way, is a thief and a robber.
2 Onye na-esite nʼọnụ ụzọ abanye bụ onye ọzụzụ atụrụ.
But he that cometh in by the door, is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 Onye nche ọnụ ụzọ na-emeghere ya ụzọ, atụrụ ya na-anụkwa olu ya. Ọ na-akpọ atụrụ nke ya aha, ma duru ha pụọ.
To him the porter openeth, and the sheep hear his voice; and He calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
4 Mgbe ọ kpọpụtasịrị ndị niile bụ nke ya, ọ na-aga nʼihu ha. Atụrụ ya na-esokwa ya nʼazụ nʼihi na ha maara olu ya.
And when he bringeth forth his sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him; because they know his voice.
5 Ha agaghị eso onye ọbịa, kama ha gbaara ya ọsọ. Nʼihi na ha amaghị olu onye ọbịa.”
But they will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him; because they know not the voice of strangers.
6 Jisọs ji ihe yiri ihe gwa ha okwu. Ma ha aghọtaghị ihe ọ nọ na-agwa ha.
This parable Jesus spake unto them; but they did not understand what He said to them.
7 Ọzọ, Jisọs sịrị, “Nʼezie, nʼezie, ana m agwa unu, mụ onwe m bụ ọnụ ụzọ ọgba atụrụ ahụ.
Jesus therefore said unto them again, Verily, verily I tell you, that I am the door of the sheep.
8 Ndị niile bịara tupu mụ onwe m abịa bụ ndị ohi na ndị na-apụnara mmadụ ihe nʼike. Ụmụ atụrụ aṅakwaghị ha ntị.
All that came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not regard them.
9 Mụ onwe m bụ ụzọ. Onye ọbụla sitere na m banye, a ga-azọpụta ya. Ọ ga na-apụ na-abata na-achọtakwa nri.
I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved; and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
10 Onye ohi na-abịa naanị ka o zuo ohi, gbuo ma bibiekwa; abịara m ka ha nwe ndụ ma nwebigakwa ya oke.
The thief cometh only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they may have life, and may have it in perfection.
11 “Mụ onwe m bụ onye ọzụzụ atụrụ ọma. Ezi onye ọzụzụ atụrụ na-atọgbọ ndụ ya nʼihi atụrụ ya.
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep.
12 Onye e goro ọrụ, nke na-abụghị onye nche atụrụ, onye atụrụ na-abụghị nke ya, ọ na-ahapụ ha gbaa ọsọ mgbe ọ hụrụ agụ ka ọ na-abịa; mgbe ahụ agụ na-achụso atụrụ ahụ chụsasịa ha.
But the hireling, that is not the true shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf seizeth them, and disperseth the sheep.
13 Onye e goro ọrụ na-agbapụ, nʼihi na ọ bụ onye e goro ọrụ, ọ naghị echegbu onwe ya banyere atụrụ ndị ahụ.
Now the hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
14 “Abụ m onye ọzụzụ atụrụ ọma; amaara m atụrụ m, atụrụ nke m makwaara m.
I am the good shepherd, and I know my own sheep, and am known by them.
15 Dị ka Nna ahụ maara m, mụ onwe m makwa Nna ahụ. Ana m atọgbọ ndụ m nʼihi atụrụ ahụ.
Even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
16 Enwere m ụmụ atụrụ ọzọ ndị na-anọghị nʼọgba atụrụ a. Aghaghị m ịkpọbatakwa ha. Ha onwe ha ga-anụ olu m, a ga-enwekwa otu igwe atụrụ na otu onye ọzụzụ atụrụ.
And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they will hear my voice; so there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
17 Maka nke a ka Nna jiri hụ m nʼanya, nʼihi na ana m atọgbọ ndụ m, ka m wereghachikwa ya ọzọ.
For this doth the Father love me; because I lay down my life: that I may take it again.
18 O nweghị onye ọbụla pụrụ ịnara m ya, kama ana m atọgbọ ya nʼike nke onwe m. Enwere m ikike ịtọgbọ ya, nweekwa ikike iwereghachi ya ọzọ. Anatara m iwu a site nʼaka Nna m.”
None taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself: I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment I have received from my Father.
19 Ọzọkwa, nkewa batara nʼetiti ndị Juu nʼihi okwu ndị a.
There was a division therefore again among the Jews on account of these words.
20 Ọtụtụ nʼime ha na-ekwu, “Ọ bụ onye mmụọ ọjọọ na-achị ya, onye isi mebiri. Ọ bara uru ige ya ntị?”
And many of them said, He is a demoniac, and is mad; why do ye hear Him?
21 Ma ndị ọzọ na-ekwu, “Okwu ndị a adịghị ka nke onye mmụọ ọjọọ bi nʼime ya. Mmụọ ọjọọ o nwere ike ime ka anya onye kpuru ìsì meghee?”
Others said, These are not the words of a demoniac; can a demon open the eyes of the blind?
22 Nʼoge ahụ, mmemme icheta mgbe e doro ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ nsọ ruru na Jerusalem. Ọ bụ oge oke oyi,
Now it was the feast of dedication at Jerusalem, and it was winter.
23 ma Jisọs nọ na-ejegharị nʼụlọnsọ ukwu, nʼịba Solomọn.
And Jesus was walking about the temple, in Solomon's portico.
24 Ndị Juu gbara ya gburugburu sị ya, “Ruo ole mgbe ka ị ga-edebe anyị nʼọnọdụ olileanya? Ọ bụrụ na ị bụ Kraịst ahụ, gwaghee anyị ọnụ.”
Then the Jews came round Him, and said unto Him, How long dost thou hold us in suspense? If thou be the Messiah, tell us plainly.
25 Jisọs zara ha, “Agwara m unu, ma unu ekweghị. Ọrụ m na-arụ nʼaha Nna m na-agba ama banyere m.
Jesus answered them, I have told you, and ye do not believe me: though the works that I do in the name of my Father, testify of me.
26 Ma unu ekwenyeghị, nʼihi na unu esoghị nʼigwe atụrụ m.
But ye believe not; because ye are not of my sheep: for as I said unto you, my sheep hear my voice,
27 Atụrụ m na-anụ olu m. Amaara m ha, ha na-esokwa m.
and I know them, and they follow me.
28 Ana m enye ha ndụ ebighị ebi. Ha agaghị ala nʼiyi. Mmadụ ọbụla enwekwaghị ike ịpụnarị ha nʼaka m. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; nor shall any one force them out of my hand. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 Nna m onye nyere m ha dị ukwuu karịa ihe niile. O nweghị onye nwere ike ịnapụ ha site nʼaka Nna m.
My Father who gave them to me, is greater than all: and therefore none is able to force them out of my Father's hand.
30 Mụ na nna m bụ otu.”
I and the Father are one. Then the Jews again took up stones to stone Him.
31 Ndị Juu tụtụlitekwara nkume ọzọ ịtụ ya.
But Jesus said unto them,
32 Ma Jisọs zara ha, “E zila m unu ọtụtụ ọrụ ọma nke sitere nʼaka Nna m, olee nke unu na-achọ ịtụ m nkume nʼihi ya?”
Many good works have I shewn you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
33 Ndị Juu zara ya, “Anyị achọghị ịtụ gị nkume nʼihi ọrụ ọma ndị a, kama nʼihi nkwulu na nʼihi na gị bụ mmadụ efu, ma ị na-eme onwe gị Chineke.”
The Jews answered Him, saying, We do not go about to stone thee for a good work, but for blasphemy; and because thou being a man makest thyself God.
34 Jisọs zara ha, “Edeghị ya nʼiwu unu, sị, ‘Mụ onwe m sịrị na unu bụ chi’?
Jesus replied, Is it not written in your law, "I have said, ye are gods?"
35 Ọ bụrụ na a kpọrọ ndị ahụ nabatara okwu Chineke ‘chi,’ apụghịkwa imebi ihe e dere nʼakwụkwọ nsọ.
And if it stiled them gods, to whom the word of God came, (and the scripture cannot be made void, )
36 Unu na-ekwu na onye ahụ Chineke doro nsọ ma zitekwa ya nʼime ụwa na-ekwulu Chineke nʼihi na m sịrị, ‘Abụ m Ọkpara Chineke?’
do ye say of Him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of God?
37 Unu ekwenyela na m, ma ọ bụrụ na ọ bụghị ọrụ Nna m ka m na-arụ.
If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
38 Ma ọ bụrụ na m na-arụ ya, a sịkwarị na unu ekweghị na m, kwerenụ nʼọrụ ndị a, ka unu nwee ike mata ma ghọtakwa na Nna ahụ nọ nʼime m, mụ onwe m nọkwa nʼime Nna ahụ.”
But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in Him.
39 Ọzọkwa, ha gbalịrị ijide ya ma ọ siri nʼaka ha pụọ.
Therefore they sought again to seize Him; but He escaped out of their hand, and went away again beyond Jordan,
40 Mgbe ahụ ọ laghachiri azụ nʼofe osimiri Jọdan, bụ ebe Jọn nọrọ na mbụ mee baptizim, ebe ahụ ka ọ nọdụrụ.
to the place where John was at first baptizing, and there He abode.
41 Ọtụtụ ndị mmadụ bịakwutere ya. Ha na-asị, “Jọn arụghị ọrụ ihe ịrịbama ọbụla, ma ihe niile Jọn kwuru banyere nwoke a bụ eziokwu.”
And many resorted to Him, and said, John wrought no miracle, but all that he said concerning this man, was true.
42 Ọtụtụ mmadụ kwenyekwara na ya nʼebe ahụ.
And many there believed on Him.

< Jọn 10 >