< Job 6 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, Job zara sị:
And Job answereth and saith: —
2 “A sịkwarị na a pụrụ ịtụ ihe mgbu m ya na nhụju anya m niile nʼelu nʼihe ọtụtụ!
O that my provocation were thoroughly weighed, And my calamity in balances They would lift up together!
3 Ọ ghaghị ịdị arọ karịa aja dị nʼọnụ mmiri ọtụtụ osimiri, nke mere okwu m ji ada ike ike.
For now, than the sands of the sea it is heavier, Therefore my words have been rash.
4 Àkụ Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile gbara dị nʼime m; mmụọ m na-aṅụkwa nsi dị na ha; ihe egwu Chineke edoola onwe ha nʼusoro imegide m.
For arrows of the Mighty [are] with me, Whose poison is drinking up my spirit. Terrors of God array themselves [for] me!
5 Ịnyịnya ibu ọhịa ọ na-akwa akwa mgbe o nwere ahịhịa ọ na-ata, ka oke ehi ọ na-akwa akwa mgbe ihe oriri ya dị?
Brayeth a wild ass over tender grass? Loweth an ox over his provender?
6 A na-eri nri na-adịghị ụtọ ma e etinyeghị ya nnu, ka o nwere ụtọ dị na eso ọkwụrụ?
Eaten is an insipid thing without salt? Is there sense in the drivel of dreams?
7 A jụrụ m ịmetụ ya aka, nʼihi na nri dị otu a na-eme ka m daa ọrịa.
My soul is refusing to touch! They [are] as my sickening food.
8 “O, asị nnọọ na a ga-emere m ihe m na-arịọ, na Chineke ga-enye m ihe m na-atụ anya ya.
O that my request may come, That God may grant my hope!
9 Ọbụladị ka Chineke kwe igwepịa m ka ọ tọpụ aka ya, bipụ ndụ m.
That God would please — and bruise me, Loose His hand and cut me off!
10 Mgbe ahụ, aga m enwe nkasiobi a, wụlikwaa elu nʼime ihe mgbu na-adịgide, na o nwebeghị oge ọbụla m gọnarịrị okwu nke Onye ahụ dị nsọ.
And yet it is my comfort, (And I exult in pain — He doth not spare, ) That I have not hidden The sayings of the Holy One.
11 “Ike gịnị ka m nwere, na m ga-anọgide na-enwe olileanya ndụ? Ọganihu gịnị dị, na m na-anọgide na-enwe ndidi?
What [is] my power that I should hope? And what mine end That I should prolong my life?
12 Ọ ga-abụ na m nwere ike nkume? Ka anụ ahụ m ọ bụ bronz?
Is my strength the strength of stones? Is my flesh brazen?
13 Ọ ga-abụ na m nwere ike inyere onwe m aka, ugbu a, e siterela nʼebe m nọ wezuga nzube?
Is not my help with me, And substance driven from me?
14 “Onye ọbụla nʼejichi ebere site nʼebe enyi ya nọ na-agbakụta egwu Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile azụ.
To a despiser of his friends [is] shame, And the fear of the Mighty he forsaketh.
15 Ma ụmụnna m bụ ndị a na-ekwesighị ịdabere na ha, dịka iyi mmiri na-akọ, dịka iyi nke na-etofe ọnụ ya,
My brethren have deceived as a brook, As a stream of brooks they pass away.
16 nke na-eji ojii nʼihi mkpụrụ mmiri oyi, nke unyi jupụtara nʼihi mgbaze nke mkpụrụ mmiri oyi.
That are black because of ice, By them doth snow hide itself.
17 Nke na-akwụsị ịsọpụta nʼoge ọkọchị, nke na-ata ata nʼihi okpomọkụ.
By the time they are warm they have been cut off, By its being hot they have been Extinguished from their place.
18 Ndị ije na-atụgharị site nʼokporoụzọ ije ha. Ha na-arịgo nʼala akọrọ si otu a laa nʼiyi.
Turn aside do the paths of their way, They ascend into emptiness, and are lost.
19 Ndị ije si Tema na-ele anya mmiri, otu a kwa ndị ahịa Sheba na-ele anya nʼolileanya.
Passengers of Tema looked expectingly, Travellers of Sheba hoped for them.
20 Obi mgbu na-ejide ha nʼihi na ha nwere ntụkwasị obi, ha bịarutere ebe ahụ, bụrụ ndị emenyere ihere.
They were ashamed that one hath trusted, They have come unto it and are confounded.
21 Ma ugbu a, unu egosila na unu abaghị uru, unu ahụla ihe na-eyi egwu ma ụjọ ejidela unu.
Surely now ye have become the same! Ye see a downfall, and are afraid.
22 O nweela mgbe m sịrị unu, ‘Nyenụ ihe ọbụla nʼọnọdụ m, sitenụ nʼakụnụba unu kwụọ ụgwọ ịgbapụta m,
Is it because I said, Give to me? And, By your power bribe for me?
23 gbapụtanụ m nʼaka ndị iro, maọbụ napụtanụ m nʼaka ndị na-enweghị obi ebere’?
And, Deliver me from the hand of an adversary? And, From the hand of terrible ones ransom me?
24 “Zienụ m ihe ga-eme ka m mechie ọnụ, gosi m ebe m si mejọọ.
Shew me, and I — I keep silent, And what I have erred, let me understand.
25 Eziokwu na-egbu mgbu nʼobi! Ma gịnị ka ịrụ ụka unu na-ewepụta?
How powerful have been upright sayings, And what doth reproof from you reprove?
26 Ị chọrọ idozi okwu ọnụ m? Si otu a mee ka okwu onye ike gwụrụ ghọọ ikuku efu?
For reproof — do you reckon words? And for wind — sayings of the desperate.
27 Unu nwere ike ife nza nʼisi onye na-enweghị nna, ma refukwaa enyi unu.
Anger on the fatherless ye cause to fall, And are strange to your friend.
28 “Lezie m anya nke ọma, ọ dị unu ka m nwere ike ilegide unu anya gwa unu okwu ụgha?
And, now, please, look upon me, Even to your face do I lie?
29 Kwụsịnụ ihe unu na-eme. Unu abụla ndị na-eme ihe na-ezighị ezi, tuleenụ ihe unu na-eme, nʼihi na ezi omume m ka guzosiri ike.
Turn back, I pray you, let it not be perverseness, Yea, turn back again — my righteousness [is] in it.
30 Ọ dị ihe ọjọọ si nʼegbugbere ọnụ m abụọ pụta? Ọ bụ na ọnụ m apụghị ịchọpụta nzube iro?
Is there in my tongue perverseness? Discerneth not my palate desirable things?

< Job 6 >