< Job 41 >

1 “Ị pụrụ iji nko azụ jide Leviatan maọbụ jiri ụdọ kegide ire ya bịada ya?
Whether thou schalt mowe drawe out leuyathan with an hook, and schalt bynde with a roop his tunge?
2 Ị pụrụ ikenye eriri nʼimi ya maọbụ were ngu igwe mapuo agba ya?
Whethir thou schalt putte a ryng in hise nosethirlis, ethir schalt perse hyse cheke with `an hook?
3 Ọ ga-arịọ gị arịrịọ ka i meere ya ebere? Ọ ga-eji olu dị nro gwa gị okwu?
Whether he schal multiplie preieris to thee, ether schal speke softe thingis to thee?
4 Ọ ga-ekwe ka gị na ya baa nʼọgbụgba ndụ ka i were ya dịka ohu gị ogologo ndụ ya niile?
Whether he schal make couenaunt with thee, and `thou schalt take him a seruaunt euerlastinge?
5 Ị ga-eji ya gwurie egwu dịka nnụnụ? Maọbụ kee ya eriri nye ya ụmụ agbọghọ nọ nʼụlọ gị?
Whether thou schalt scorne hym as a brid, ethir schalt bynde hym to thin handmaidis?
6 Ndị ahịa ha ga-eji ya zụọ ahịa? Ha ga-eke ya nʼetiti ndị mgbereahịa?
Schulen frendis `kerue hym, schulen marchauntis departe hym?
7 Ị pụrụ iji igwe nko mejuo akpụkpọ ahụ ya maọbụ iji ùbe ndị ọkụ azụ dupuo isi ya?
Whether thou schalt fille nettis with his skyn, and a `leep of fischis with his heed?
8 Ọ bụrụ na ị tụkwasị ya aka, ị gaghị echefu ọgụ ọ ga-alụso gị. Ị gakwaghị anwa ya ọzọ.
Schalt thou putte thin hond on hym? haue thou mynde of the batel, and adde no more to speke.
9 Ọ bụ ime ihe nzuzu bụ mmadụ ịgbalị ijide ya. Naanị ilekwasị ya anya na-eyi egwu.
Lo! his hope schal disseyue hym; and in the siyt of alle men he schal be cast doun.
10 Nʼihi nke a, o nweghị onye nwere obi ike ịkpasu ya iwe. Ọ bụ onye pụrụ iguzogide m?
I not as cruel schal reise hym; for who may ayenstonde my face?
11 Olee onye m ji ụgwọ nke m na-aghaghị ịkwụ? Ihe niile dị nʼokpuru eluigwe bụ nke m.
And who `yaf to me bifore, that Y yelde to hym? Alle thingis, that ben vndur heuene, ben myne.
12 “Agaghị m akwụsị ikwu ihe banyere ụkwụ na aka Leviatan, na ike ya, na ụdịdị ya mara mma.
Y schal not spare hym for myyti wordis, and maad faire to biseche.
13 Onye nwere ike ikpughepụ ihe e ji kpuchie ya ahụ? Onye nwekwara ike ịbanye nʼagba ya apịajiri okpukpu abụọ?
Who schal schewe the face of his clothing, and who schal entre in to the myddis of his mouth?
14 Onye pụrụ imeghe ụzọ nke ọnụ ya, nke eze dị oke egwu gbara gburugburu?
Who schal opene the yatis of his cheer? ferdfulnesse is bi the cumpas of hise teeth.
15 Azụ ya nwere ọta ndị e doro nʼusoro nke e mechisịrị ike ka ha rapara nʼahụ ibe ha,
His bodi is as yotun scheldys of bras, and ioyned togidere with scalis ouerleiynge hem silf.
16 nke ọbụla dị ibe ya nso, na ikuku enweghị ike gafee nʼetiti ha.
Oon is ioyned to another; and sotheli brething goith not thorouy tho.
17 E jikọtara ha ọnụ nke ọma, ha na-ejisi onwe ha ike, enweghị ike ikewa ha.
Oon schal cleue to anothir, and tho holdynge hem silf schulen not be departid.
18 Ìhè na-enwupụta mgbe ọbụla o zere uzere; anya ya abụọ na-achakwa dịka anwụ ụtụtụ.
His fnesynge is as schynynge of fier, and hise iyen ben as iyelidis of the morewtid.
19 Ire ọkụ na-asọpụta site nʼọnụ ya, icheku ọkụ na-ekepụtakwa nʼọnụ ya.
Laumpis comen forth of his mouth, as trees of fier, that ben kyndlid.
20 Anwụrụ ọkụ na-esi nʼimi ya na-apụta, dịka ukuru ọkụ nke na-esi nʼime mmiri na-agbọ nʼelu osisi achara.
Smoke cometh forth of hise nosethirlis, as of a pot set on the fier `and boilynge.
21 Ume ọ na-ekupụta na-afụnwu ọkụ icheku. Ire ọkụ na-esitekwa nʼọnụ ya na-amapụ dịka àkụ.
His breeth makith colis to brenne, and flawme goith out of his mouth.
22 Ike nwere ọnọdụ nʼolu ya, obi ịlọ mmiri na-aga ya nʼihu.
Strengthe schal dwelle in his necke, and nedynesse schal go bifor his face.
23 Akpụkpọ anụ ahụ ya bụ ihe jikọtara ọnụ nke ọma, ha siri ike na-apụghị inugharị ha.
The membris of hise fleischis ben cleuynge togidere to hem silf; God schal sende floodis ayens hym, and tho schulen not be borun to an other place.
24 Obi ya dị ike dịka nkume, dịka nkume e ji akwọ ihe.
His herte schal be maad hard as a stoon; and it schal be streyned togidere as the anefeld of a smith.
25 Mgbe o bilitere ọtọ, ndị dike na-atụ oke ụjọ; ha na-alaghachi azụ nʼihi mmagharị ya.
Whanne he schal be takun awei, aungels schulen drede; and thei aferd schulen be purgid.
26 O nweghị mma agha ọbụla pụrụ igbochi ya, o nwekwaghị ùbe igwe, maọbụ àkụ maọbụ ihe ọbụla a pịrị ọnụ ya apị nke pụrụ igbochi ya.
Whanne swerd takith hym, it may not stonde, nethir spere, nether haburioun.
27 Nʼebe ọ nọ, igwe dị ka ahịhịa; bronz dịkwa ka osisi rere ure nʼebe ọ nọ.
For he schal arette irun as chaffis, and bras as rotun tre.
28 Àkụ adịghị eme ka ọ gbalaga, ịtụ ya nkume dị ka ịtụ ya igbugbo ọka.
A man archere schal not dryue hym awei; stoonys of a slynge ben turned in to stobil to hym.
29 Mkpọrọ osisi na-adị ya ka ahịhịa ọka, ọ na-achị ọchị na mkpọtụ arụa na-eme.
He schal arette an hamer as stobil; and he schal scorne a florischynge spere.
30 Okpuru afọ ya dị ka ejuju dị nkọ, nke na-ahapụ ụzọ nʼapịtị dịka igwe eji azọcha mkpụrụ ọka site nʼogbe ya.
The beemys of the sunne schulen be vndur hym; and he schal strewe to hym silf gold as cley.
31 Ọ na-eme mmiri dị ogbu ka ọ gbọọ dịka ite; ọ na-akpagharị oke osimiri ka ọ dị ka mmanụ otite dị nʼite.
He schal make the depe se to buyle as a pot; and he schal putte, as whanne oynementis buylen.
32 Ọ na-ahapụ ụfụfụ nʼazụ mgbe ọ na-aga; mmadụ ga-eche na ọ osimiri nwere isi awọ.
A path schal schyne aftir hym; he schal gesse the greet occian as wexynge eld.
33 O nweghị ihe ọzọ dị nʼụwa yiri ya, o nweghị ihe na-emenye ya ụjọ.
No power is on erthe, that schal be comparisound to hym; which is maad, that he schulde drede noon.
34 Ọ na-eleda ndị mpako niile anya. Ọ bụkwa eze nʼebe ndị na-anya isi nọ.”
He seeth al hiy thing; he is kyng ouer alle the sones of pride.

< Job 41 >