< Job 33 >

1 “Ma ugbu a, Job, gee ntị nʼokwu m; ṅaakwa ntị nke ọma nʼihe niile m ga-ekwu.
Howbeit hear, Job, my words, and listen to my speech.
2 Ejikerela m imeghe ọnụ m ikwu okwu; okwu m dịkwa nʼọnụ ire m.
For behold, I have opened my mouth, and my tongue has spoken.
3 Okwu m sitere nʼizi ezi nke obi m; egbugbere ọnụ m na-ekwu naanị eziokwu nke m ma.
My heart [shall be found] pure by [my] words; and the understanding of my lips shall meditate purity.
4 Ọ bụ Mmụọ nke Chineke mere m, nkuume nke Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile na-enye m ndụ.
The Divine Spirit is that which formed me, and the breath of the Almighty that which teaches me.
5 Zaghachi m ma ọ bụrụ na i nwere ike; jikere onwe gị ka anyị rụrịtaa ụka.
If you can, give me an answer: wait therefore; stand against me, and I [will stand] against you.
6 Mụ onwe m dị ka i si dị nʼihu Chineke; mụ onwe m bụkwa ihe esitere nʼụrọ kpuo.
You are formed out of the clay as also I: we have been formed out of the same [substance].
7 Egwu m ekwesighị ime ka ị tụọ oke ụjọ, ma ọ bụkwanụ ogwe aka m ịdị arọ nʼahụ gị.
My fear shall not terrify you, neither shall my hand be heavy upon you.
8 “Ma ị kwuola ya na ntị m, anụrụ m okwu ndị ahụ niile,
But you have said in mine ears, (I have heard the voice of your words; ) because you say, I am pure, not having sinned;
9 ‘Mụ onwe m dị ọcha nʼobi m, o nweghị ihe na-ezighị ezi m mere; adị m ọcha na-enweghị mmehie ọbụla.
I am blameless, for I have not transgressed.
10 Ma Chineke chọtara ezughị oke nʼebe m nọ; ọ na-ahụta m dịka onye iro ya.
Yet he has discovered a charge against me, and he has reckoned me as an adversary.
11 Ọ na-eji mkpọrọ kechie ụkwụ m abụọ; ọ na-enyochakwa ụzọ m niile.’
And he has put my foot in the stocks, and has watched all my ways.
12 “Ma ana m agwa gị, na nke a i meghị nke ọma, nʼihi na Chineke dị elu karịa mmadụ.
For how say you, I am righteous, yet he has not listened to me? for he that is above mortals is eternal.
13 Gịnị mere i ji na-ekpesara ya na ọ dịghị azaghachi mmadụ ọbụla okwu?
But you say, Why has he not heard every word of my cause?
14 Ma Chineke na-ekwu okwu, ugbu a nʼotu ụzọ, ugbu a kwa nʼụzọ ọzọ, ọ bụ ezie na mmadụ nwere ike ghara ịghọta ya.
For when the Lord speaks once, or a second time,
15 Na nrọ maọbụ nʼọhụ nke abalị, mgbe ụmụ mmadụ na-ada nʼoke ụra, mgbe ha na-atụgharị nʼelu ihe ndina ha.
[sending] a dream, or in the meditation of the night; (as when a dreadful alarm happens to fall upon men, in slumberings on the bed: )
16 O nwere ike kwunye ha okwu na ntị ma mee ka egwu tụọ ha site nʼọtụtụ ịdọ aka na ntị;
then opens he the understanding of men: he scares them with such fearful visions:
17 ka mmadụ si nʼajọ omume ya chegharịa, ka o si na nganga ya wezuga onwe ya,
to turn a man from unrighteousness, and he delivers his body from a fall.
18 ka o chebe mkpụrụobi ya site nʼolulu, chebekwa ndụ ya site nʼịla nʼiyi nke mma agha.
He spares also his soul from death, and [suffers] him not to fall in war.
19 “Ọzọkwa, a na-abara mmadụ mba site nʼihe mgbu nke na-eme ka o dinara nʼelu ihe ndina, ebe ọkpụkpọ niile dị ya nʼahụ na-anọgide na-egbu ya mgbu.
And again, he chastens him with sickness on his bed, and the multitude of his bones is benumbed.
20 Nke na-eme ka ndụ ya na-asọ ihe oriri oyi, ọzọ, mkpụrụobi ya na-ajụkwa nri dịkarịsịrị ụtọ.
And he shall not be able to take any food, though his soul shall desire meat;
21 Anụ ahụ ya na-abụ ihe na-ala nʼiyi, ma ọkpụkpụ ya; nke bụ ihe zoro ezo na mbụ, na-apụta ihe ugbu a.
until his flesh shall be consumed, and he shall show his bones bare.
22 Mkpụrụobi ya na-abịaru ili nso, ndụ ha na-anọkwa nso nʼaka ndị na-ejere ọnwụ ozi.
His soul also draws near to death, and his life is in Hades.
23 Ma a sị na e nwere mmụọ ozi nọ ya nʼakụkụ, dịka onye nkwuchite ọnụ, otu onye nʼetiti puku mmadụ, onye ga-agwa mmadụ ihe ziri ezi nye ya,
Though there should be a thousand messengers of death, not one of them shall wound him: if he should purpose in his heart to turn to the Lord, and declare to man his fault, and show his folly;
24 ọ na-emere onye ahụ amara, na-asịkwa Chineke, ‘Napụta ya, ekwela ka ọ gbadaa nʼime olulu ili; achọtala ihe mgbapụta nʼihi ya.
he will support him, that he should not perish, and will restore his body as [fresh] plaster upon a wall; and he will fill his bones with morrow.
25 Ka ahụ ya nwogharịa dịka nke nwantakịrị, ka a eweghachi ike ya dịka ọ dị nʼụbọchị okorobịa ya.’
And he will make his flesh tender as that of a babe, and he will restore him among men in [his] full strength.
26 Mgbe ahụ, onye ahụ ga-arịọ Chineke arịrịọ ma chọtakwa ihuọma ya, ha ga-ahụ ihu Chineke ma tiekwa mkpu ọṅụ, ọ na-enyeghachi ha ezi ihe nʼihi ezi omume ya.
And he shall pray to the Lord, and his prayer shall be accepted of him; he shall enter with a cheerful countenance, with a full expression [of praise]: for he will render to men [their] due.
27 Mgbe ahụ, ọ na-abịakwute ụmụ mmadụ sị ha: ‘Emehiere m, mee ihe ziri ezi ka ọ bụrụ ajọ omume, ma anataghị m ihe kwesiri ịbụ ụgwọ ọrụ m;
Even then a man shall blame himself, saying, What kind of things have I done? and he has not punished me according to the full amount of my sins.
28 ọ gbapụtara mkpụrụobi m ka m ghara ịrịda nʼolulu ili, ya mere aga m adị ndụ hụkwa ìhè nke ndụ.’
Deliver my soul, that it may not go to destruction, and my life shall see the light.
29 “Ihe ndị a niile ka Chineke na-emere mmadụ ugboro abụọ, ọbụladị ugboro atọ.
Behold, all these things, the Mighty One works in a threefold manner with a man.
30 Ka ọ dọghachite mkpụrụobi ya site nʼolulu ili, ka ìhè nke ndụ si otu a mụkwasị ya.
And he has delivered my soul from death, that my life may praise him in the light.
31 “Gee ntị, Job, ma nụrụ okwu m; dere jii ka m kwuo okwu.
Listen, Job, and hear me: be silent, and I will speak.
32 Ọ bụrụ na i nwere ihe ị chọrọ ikwu, zaghachi m; kwupụ okwu, nʼihi na achọrọ m ịgụ gị nʼonye ezi omume.
If you have words, answer me: speak, for I desire you to be justified.
33 Ma ọ bụghị otu a, gee m ntị; dere jii, ka m zi gị amamihe.”
If not, do you hear me: be silent, and I will teach you.

< Job 33 >