< Job 26 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, Job zaghachiri:
Then Job answered and said:
2 “Lee ka i si nyere onye na-adịghị ike aka! Leekwa ka i si zọpụta ogwe aka nke onye ume na-adịghị!
How hast thou helped the weak, And strengthened the feeble arm!
3 Lee ụdị ndụmọdụ i nyerela onye na-enweghị amamihe! Leekwa ụdị oke nghọta nke ị gosipụtara.
How hast thou counselled the ignorant, And revealed wisdom in fulness!
4 Ọ bụ onye nyeere gị aka ikwu okwu ndị a? Mmụọ onye si nʼọnụ gị kwuo okwu?
For whom hast thou uttered these words? And whose spirit spake through thee?
5 “Ndị nwụrụ anwụ nọ nʼoke ihe mgbu, ha na ndị nọ nʼokpuru mmiri na ndị bi nʼime ya.
Before Him the shades tremble Beneath the waters and their inhabitants.
6 Ala mmụọ gba ọtọ nʼihu Chineke; mbibi tọgbọkwara na-enweghị ihe kpuchiri ya. (Sheol h7585)
The under-world is naked before him, And destruction is without covering. (Sheol h7585)
7 Ọ na-agbasapụ elu elu nke mbara eluigwe nʼelu ebe tọgbọrọ nʼefu. O nweghị ihe o kokwasịrị ụwa nʼelu ya.
He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing.
8 Ọ na-ekechi mmiri nʼime igwe ojii, ma ịdị arọ ya adịghị eme ka igwe ojii gbawaa.
He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds, And the cloud is not rent under them.
9 Ọ na-ekpuchi ihu ọnwa nke dị nʼuju ya, na-agbasakwa igwe ojii ya nʼelu ya,
He covereth the face of his throne, And spreadeth his clouds upon it.
10 O kewapụtara oke nʼelu ogbu mmiri, ka ọ bụrụ oke dị nʼetiti ìhè na ọchịchịrị.
He hath drawn a circular bound upon the waters, To the confines of light and darkness.
11 Ogidi niile nke eluigwe na-ama jijiji, tụọkwa oke egwu nʼihi ịba mba ya.
The pillars of heaven tremble And are confounded at his rebuke.
12 Nʼike ya ka o ji kpalie oke osimiri; ọ bụ amamihe ya ka o ji tigbuo Rehab.
By his power he stilleth the sea, Yea, by his wisdom he smiteth its pride.
13 Ọ bụ site na nkuume ya ka mbara eluigwe ji maa mma; aka ya dupuru agwọ na-agba ọsọ.
By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; His hand hath formed the fleeing Serpent.
14 Ihe ndị a bụ ọnụ ọnụ ọrụ aka ya; lee ka o si dị nta bụ okwu ntakwu anyị na-anụ gbasara ya! Onye pụrụ ịghọtacha ịda ụda nke ike ya?”
Lo! these are but the borders of his works; How faint the whisper we have heard of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?

< Job 26 >