< Job 20 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, Zofa onye Neama zara sị:
Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said:
2 “Enweghị udo nke echiche m na-akpali m izaghachi nʼihi na anọ m na mwute dị ukwuu.
For this do my thoughts lead me to reply, And for this is my ardor within me.
3 Anụla m okwu mkparị nke ileda anya nye m, ma nghọta m na-akpalịte m ịzaghachi gị.
I have heard my shameful rebuke; And the spirit, from my understanding, answereth for me.
4 “Nʼezie, ị maara otu ọ dị site na mgbe ochie, ya bụ kemgbe e debere mmadụ nʼụwa.
Knowest thou not, that from the days of old, From the time when man was placed upon the earth,
5 Obi ụtọ nke onye na-emebi iwu na-adị nwa mgbe nta, ọṅụ nke ndị na-amaghị Chineke na-anọ naanị nwa oge.
The triumphing of the wicked hath been short, And the joy of the impious but for a moment?
6 Nʼagbanyeghị na ịnya isi ya ga-eru eluigwe, na isi ya ga-emetụkwa igwe ojii;
Though his greatness mount up to the heavens, And his head reach to the clouds,
7 ọ ga-ala nʼiyi ebighị ebi, dịka nsị ya onwe ya nyụrụ; ndị maara ya ga-ajụ, ‘Olee ebe ọ nọ?’
Yet shall he perish for ever, and be mingled with dust; They who saw him shall say, Where is he?
8 Ọ ga-efelaga dịka nrọ, agaghị achọtakwa ya mgbe ọbụla, dịka ọhụ abalị nke e chefuru echefu.
He shall flee away like a dream, and shall not be found; Yea, he shall disappear like a vision of the nigh.
9 Anya hụrụ ya na mbụ agaghị ahụkwa ya ọzọ, ebe obibi ya agaghị elegidekwa ya anya ọzọ.
The eye also which saw him shall see him no more, And his dwelling-place shall never more behold him.
10 Ụmụ ya ga-achọ ihuọma site nʼaka ndị ogbenye; aka ya abụọ kwa ga-enyeghachi akụ ya.
His sons shall seek the favor of the poor, And their hands shall give back his wealth.
11 Ọkpụkpụ ya nke jupụtara nʼike okorobịa ga-eso ya bụrụ ihe a ghanyere na ntụ.
His bones are full of his youth, But they shall lie down with him in the dust.
12 “Ọ bụ ezie na ihe ọjọọ na-atọ ya ụtọ nʼọnụ, na ọ na-ezokwa ya nʼokpuru ire ya;
Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, Though he hide it under his tongue,
13 ọ bụ ezie na ọ pụghị nʼịhapụ ya, ọ na-edebe ya nʼọnụ ya,
Though he cherish it, and will not part with it, And keep it fast in his mouth,
14 ma nri ọ na-eri ga-aghọ ihe gbara ụka nʼafọ ya, ọ ga-aghọkwa elo agwọ nʼime afọ ya.
Yet his meat shall be changed within him, And become to him the poison of asps.
15 Ọ ga-agbọpụta akụnụba niile o lodara; Chineke ga-eme ka o si nʼafọ ya gbọpụtachaa ha.
He hath glutted himself with riches, And he shall throw them up again; Yea, God shall cast them out of his body.
16 Ọ ga-amịcha elo agwọ, eze agwọ ajụala ga-egbu ya.
He shall suck the poison of asps; The tongue of the viper shall destroy him.
17 Ọ gaghị anụ ụtọ mmiri si nʼiyi, bụ iyi nke na-asọ asọ nke jupụtara na mmanụ aṅụ na mmiri ara ehi rahụrụ arahụ.
He shall never see the flowing streams, And the rivers of honey and milk.
18 Ihe ọ rụpụtara ka ọ ga-eji kwụghachi ụgwọ o ji na-erighị ma otu. Uru ọ zụtara nʼahịa agaghị abụrụ ya ihe ọṅụ.
The fruits of his toil he shall give back, and shall not enjoy them: It is substance to be restored, and he shall not rejoice therein.
19 Nʼihi na ọ kpagburu ndị ogbenye, hapụ ha na-enweghị olileanya ọbụla, ọ nakọtakwara ụlọ nke ọ na-ewughị.
Because he hath oppressed and abandoned the poor, And seized upon the house which he did not build;
20 “Nʼezie, ọ gaghị enwe izuike site nʼoke ọchịchọ ya; ọ gaghị azọpụtakwa onwe ya site nʼụlọakụ ya.
Because he knew no rest in his bosom, He shall not save that in which he delighteth.
21 Ọ dịghị ihe fọdụụrụ ya iripịa, ọganihu ya agaghị adịgide.
Because nothing escaped his greediness, His prosperity shall not endure.
22 Nʼetiti ihe niile o nwere ka mkpagbu ga-abịakwasị ya, oke ịta ahụhụ ga-adakwasị ya.
In the fulness of his abundance he shall be brought low; Every hand of the wretched shall come upon him.
23 Mgbe o rijuru afọ ka Chineke ga-eme ka iwe ya dị ọkụ megide ya, iti aka Chineke ga-adakwasị ya dịka mmiri ozuzo.
He shall, indeed, have wherewith to fill himself: God shall send upon him the fury of his anger, And rain it down upon him for his food.
24 Ọ bụrụ na o si na ngwa agha e ji igwe kpụọ gbalaga, àkụ nke e ji ọla bronz kpụọ ọnụ ya ga-amapu ya ahụ.
If he fleeth from the iron weapon, The bow of brass shall pierce him through.
25 Nʼazụ ya ka ọ na-esi mịpụta ya, site nʼumeju ya ka a ga-esi mịpụta ọnụ ya na-egbu amụma. Oke egwu dị iche iche ga-abịakwasị ya.
He draweth the arrow, and it cometh forth from his body; Yea, the glittering steel cometh out of his gall. Terrors are upon him;
26 Oke ọchịchịrị nọ na-echere akụnụba ya, ọkụ nke a na-afụnwughị afụnwu ga-erepịa ya ọ ga-erechapụkwa ihe niile fọdụrụ nʼụlọ ikwu ya.
Calamity of every kind is treasured up for him. A fire not blown shall consume him; It shall consume whatever is left in his tent.
27 Eluigwe ga-ekpughe ikpe ọmụma ya ụwa niile ga-ebili megide ya.
The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, And the earth shall rise up against him.
28 Idee mmiri ga-ebupu ụlọ ya; oke mmiri okwukwo nʼụbọchị iwe Chineke.
The substance of his house shall disappear; It shall flow away in the day of His wrath.
29 Nke a bụ oke nke Chineke debeere ndị na-emebi iwu, ya bụkwa ihe nketa nke Chineke kwadooro ha.”
Such is the portion of the wicked man from God, And the inheritance appointed for him by the Almighty.

< Job 20 >