< Job 10 >

1 “Ike ịdị ndụ agwụla m. Hapụnụ m ka m kwuo ihe dị m nʼobi, kwupụta ya dịka obi ilu nke mkpụrụobi m si dị.
Yt anoieth my soule of my lijf; Y schal lete my speche ayens me, Y schal speke in the bitternesse of my soule.
2 Ihe m ga-agwa Chineke bụ nke a: Apụtala maa m ikpe, kama gwa m ihe mere i ji ama m ikpe.
Y schal seie to God, Nyle thou condempne me; schewe thou to me, whi thou demest me so.
3 Ọ dị gị mma nʼobi imegbu m, si otu a leda ọrụ aka gị anya, mgbe ị na-anabata atụmatụ nke ndị na-emebi iwu?
Whether it semeth good to thee, if thou `falsli chalengist and oppressist me, the werk of thin hondis; and if thou helpist the counsel of wickid men?
4 Ị nwere anya nke anụ ahụ? Ị na-ahụ ụzọ dịka mmadụ si ahụ?
Whethir fleischli iyen ben to thee, ethir, as a man seeth, also thou schalt se?
5 Ụbọchị nke gị, ha dịka nke ndị nwere anụ ahụ, ka afọ nke gị, ha dịka nke mmadụ dị ike?
Whether thi daies ben as the daies of man, and `thi yeeris ben as mannus tymes;
6 Nke ga-eme na i na-achọpụta ikpe ọmụma m ma nyochaa mmehie m?
that thou enquere my wickidnesse, and enserche my synne?
7 Ọ bụ ezie na ị maara na ikpe amaghị m, na ọ dịghị onye pụrụ ịnapụta m site nʼaka gị.
And wite, that Y haue do no `wickid thing; sithen no man is, that may delyuere fro thin hond?
8 “Ọ bụ aka gị kpụrụ m kee m. Ọ ga-atụgharịa ugbu a bibie m?
Thin hondis han maad me, and han formed me al in cumpas; and thou castist me doun so sodeynli.
9 Cheta na ị kpụrụ m dịka ụrọ. Ị ga-eme ka m laghachi nʼaja ọzọ?
Y preye, haue thou mynde, that thou madist me as cley, and schalt brynge me ayen in to dust.
10 Ọ bụ na ị wụpụghị m dịka mmiri ara ehi mee ka m kpụkọta dịka mmiri ara rahụrụ arahụ?
Whether thou hast not mylkid me as mylk, and hast cruddid me togidere as cheese?
11 Yikwasị m akpụkpọ ahụ na anụ ahụ, werekwa ọkpụkpụ na akwara kpaa m dịka uwe?
Thou clothidist me with skyn and fleisch; thou hast ioyned me togidere with boonys and senewis.
12 I nyere m ndụ gosikwa m obiọma gị, nʼịdị mma gị chebekwara mmụọ m.
Thou hast youe lijf and mercy to me, and thi visiting hath kept my spirit.
13 “Ma nke a bụ ihe i zoro nʼime obi gị, amakwa m na ọ bụ ihe dị gị nʼuche.
Thouy thou helist these thingis in thin herte, netheles Y woot, that thou hast mynde of alle thingis.
14 Ọ bụrụ na m mehiere, ị ga na-ele m anya, ị gaghị ekwe ka m ghara ịta ahụhụ nʼihi mmehie m.
If Y dide synne, and thou sparidist me at an our; whi suffrist thou not me to be cleene of my wickidnesse?
15 Ọ bụrụ na ikpe mara m, ahụhụ na-adịrị m! A sịkwarị na aka m dị ọcha, apụghị m iweli isi m elu nʼihi na ejupụtara m nʼihere, bụrụkwa onye e mibara nʼime nsogbu m.
And if Y was wickid, wo is to me; and if Y was iust, Y fillid with turment and wretchidnesse `schal not reise the heed.
16 Ọ bụrụ na m welie m isi elu, dịka ọdụm ị ga-eji nwayọọ na-eso m nʼazụ ma werekwa ike gị dị egwu megide m.
And if Y reise `the heed for pride, thou schalt take me as a lionesse; and thou turnest ayen, and turmentist me wondirli.
17 I na-eweta ndị ama ọhụrụ megide m, mee ka iwe gị baa ụba nʼebe m nọ; ị na-eme ka ndị agha gị na-abịakwute m, otu nʼelu ibe ya dịka ebili mmiri.
Thou gaderist in store thi witnessis ayens me, and thou multipliest thin yre, `that is, veniaunce, ayens me; and peynes holden knyythod in me.
18 “Gịnị mere i ji wepụta m site nʼafọ nne m? Ọ gaara aka m mma ịnwụ tupu anya ọbụla ahụ m.
Whi hast thou led me out of the wombe? `And Y wolde, that Y were wastid, lest an iye `schulde se me.
19 A sịkwarị na amụpụtaghị m maọbụ na e sitere nʼafọ nne m buba m nʼime ili!
That Y hadde be, as if Y were not, and `were translatid, ethir borun ouer, fro the wombe to the sepulcre.
20 Ụbọchị ndụ m ọ dịghị ole na ole? Si nʼebe m nọ wezuga onwe gị ka m nwetu ọṅụ nwa mgbe nta,
Whether the fewnesse of my daies schal not be endid in schort? Therfor suffre thou me, that Y biweile `a litil my sorewe,
21 tupu m hapụ laa nʼala ọchịchịrị na onyinyo nke ọnwụ ebe m na-agaghị esi pụtakwa.
bifor that Y go, and turne not ayen, to the derk lond, and hilid with the derknesse of deth, to the lond of wrecchidnesse and of derknessis;
22 Nʼala nke oke ọchịchịrị, ala nke onyinyo ọnwụ, nke usoro na-adịghị, ebe ọbụladị ìhè dịkwa ka ọchịchịrị.”
where is schadewe of deeth, and noon ordre, but euerlastynge hidousnesse dwellith.

< Job 10 >