< Jeremaya 6 >

1 “Gbalaganụ unu ụmụ Benjamin! Sitenụ na Jerusalem gbapụ! Gbuonụ opi ike na Tekoa! Bulienụ ihe ngosi elu na Bet-Hakerem! Nʼihi na lee, ihe ọjọọ si nʼakụkụ ugwu na-abịa, e, mbibi dị ukwuu na-abịa.
Flee, O ye sons of Benjamin, from Jerusalem, And blow ye the trumpet in Tekoa, And lift up the banner in Beth-haccerem! For evil threateneth from the North; Yea, great destruction.
2 Aga m ebibi ada Zayọn, onye mara ezi mma, na onye dịkwa pekepeke.
O daughter of Zion, the comely and delicate, Thee have I doomed to destruction!
3 Ndị na-azụ atụrụ ga-eduru igwe atụrụ bịa megide ya. Ha ga-ama ụlọ ikwu ha gburugburu ya. Onye ọbụla nʼime ha ga-elekọtazi akụkụ ala nke o ketara anya nke ọma.
The shepherds with their flocks shall come to her; They shall pitch their tents against her round about; They shall feed each one in his place.
4 “Jikerenụ ibu agha megide ya! Bilienụ, ka anyị buso ha agha nʼehihie. Ma lee, anyanwụ ebidola ịda, onyinyo anyasị na-esetipụkwa onwe ya.
“Prepare ye war against her, [[shall they say; ]] Arise, and let us go up at noonday; Alas for us! for the day goeth away, For the shadows of evening are lengthened.
5 Ya mere, bilienụ ka anyị buso ha agha, ọ bụladị nʼabalị! Ka anyị bibie ebe ha niile e wusiri ike!”
Arise, and let us go up by night, And let us destroy her palaces!”
6 Ihe ndị a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, kwuru, “Gbutusienụ osisi niile, wuonụ nkwasa ọgụ gburugburu Jerusalem. A ghaghị ịta obodo a ahụhụ, nʼihi na mmegbu jupụtara nʼime ya.
For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Hew ye down trees, And raise a mound against Jerusalem! She is a city to be punished; She is full of oppression.
7 Dịka mmiri si esite nʼolulu mmiri na-asọpụta otu a ka ajọ omume na-esite nʼime ya na-asọpụta. Ihe ike na mbibi ka a na-anụ nʼime ya; ọrịa ya niile na ọnya ya niile ka a na-eche nʼihu m oge niile.
As a fountain sendeth forth its waters, So she sendeth forth her wickedness. Violence and rapine are heard within her; Before me continually are bruises and wounds.
8 Nabata ịdọ aka na ntị m, gị Jerusalem, ka m ghara ịgbakụta gị azụ, mee ka ala gị tọgbọrọ nʼefu, ka mmadụ ọbụla hapụkwa inwe ike ibi nʼime ya.”
Receive correction, O Jerusalem, Lest my soul be alienated from thee, Lest I make thee a desolation, A land not inhabited!
9 Nke a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru, “Ka ha tụtụkọtasịa ndị niile fọdụrụ nʼala Izrel nke ọma, dịka e si atụtụkọta mkpụrụ niile dị nʼosisi vaịnị; werenụ aka chọgharịa nʼalaka niile, dịka onye ọghọ mkpụrụ vaịnị si eme.”
Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: They shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine; Turn thy hand like a grape-gatherer again to the baskets!
10 Ma onye kwanụ ka m nwere ike ịgwa okwu ma dọọ aka na ntị? Onye ga-ege ntị ịnụrụ ihe m na-ekwu? Ntị ha emechiela ruo na ha enweghị ike ịnụ ihe ọbụla. Okwu Onyenwe anyị aghọọla ihe ha na-achọghị ịnụ ọzọ; nke na-adịghị ewetara ha obi ụtọ.
To whom shall I speak? To whom give warning, so that they shall hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, so that they cannot hearken; Behold, the word of Jehovah is to them a derision; They have no delight in it.
11 Ma ọnụma Onyenwe anyị juru m obi, apụghị m ịnagide ya nʼime m. “Wụkwasị ya nʼahụ ụmụntakịrị ndị nọ nʼokporoụzọ; wụkwasịkwa ya ụmụ okorobịa ebe ha zukọrọ. Ọ bụladị di na nwunye ga-anụrụ ụfụ ọnụma ahụ, ndị agadi na ndị ahụ merela nnọọ ezigbo agadi.
Therefore I am full of the fury of Jehovah; I am weary of holding it; I will pour it out alike upon the children in the street, And upon the assembly of the young men. Yea, also the husband with the wife shall be taken, The old man, and he that is full of days.
12 A ga-ewere ụlọ ha nyefee nʼaka ndị ọzọ. A ga-ewerekwa ala ubi ha na ndị nwunye ha nye ndị ọzọ, mgbe m setịpụrụ aka m megide ndị ahụ bi nʼala ahụ.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.
Their houses also shall be transferred to others, Their fields and their wives together, For I will stretch out my hand over the inhabitants of the land, saith Jehovah.
13 “Nʼihi na site nʼonye ukwu ruo nʼonye dịkarịsịrị nta, ọ bụ naanị akpịrị uru na-ezighị ezi ka e ji mara ha. Ọ bụladị ndị amụma na ndị nchụaja na-etinyekwa aka nʼọrụ aghụghọ.
For from the least of them even to the greatest, Every one is greedy of gain; Prophet and priest alike, Every one of them practiseth deceit.
14 Ha na-ekechi ọnya ndị m, dịka a ga-asị na ọ dịghị ihe ọ bụ. Ha na-asị, ‘Udo dị, udo dị,’ mgbe udo na-adịghị.
They heal the wound of my people slightly, Saying, Peace! peace! when there is no peace.
15 O nwere ụzọ omume ha ndị a rụrụ arụ si eme ha ihere? Mba! Ihere adịghị eme ha ma ọlị. Nʼezie, ha amakwaghị ihe a na-akpọ inwe ihere! Nʼihi ya, ha ga-ada nʼetiti ndị dara ada. Ha ga-asọ ngọngọ mgbe m tara ha ahụhụ.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru.
Are they ashamed that they have done abominable things? Nay, they are not at all ashamed; They know not how to blush; Therefore shall they fall with them that fall; At the time when I punish them, They shall be cast down, saith Jehovah.
16 Ihe ndị a kwa bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “Guzonụ nʼebe niile ụzọ gbara abụọ. Lee anya. Jụọnụ ajụjụ banyere okporoụzọ ochie ahụ. Jụpụtanụ ebe ụzọ ọma ahụ dị, jeenụ ije nʼime ya. Unu gbaso ya, unu ga-achọtara mkpụrụobi unu ebe izuike. Ma gịnị ka unu kwuru? Unu sịrị. ‘Anyị agaghị agbaso ụzọ ọma ahụ.’
Thus saith Jehovah: Stand ye upon the ways and look; And ask for the old paths, “Where is the good way?” Walk ye in it, and ye shall find for yourselves rest. But they say, We will not walk in it.
17 Ahọpụtara m ndị nche doo ha ichebe unu. Agwakwara m unu okwu sị, ‘Ṅaanụ ntị nʼụda opi ike ha.’ Ma unu kwuru sị, ‘Anyị agaghị ege ntị!’
I have also set watchmen over you, [[saying, ]] Hearken to the sound of the trumpet! But they say, We will not hearken.
18 Ya mere, nụrụnụ, unu mba niile; lezienụ anya, unu ndị akaebe niile, ka unu hụrụ ihe na-aga ịbịakwasị ha.
Therefore hear, O ye nations, And know, ye assembled multitude, What shall come upon them!
19 Nụrụ, gị ụwa, lee, ana m aga iwetara ndị a ịla nʼiyi, nke bụ mkpụrụ atụmatụ ọjọọ ha niile, nʼihi na ha jụrụ ige ntị nʼokwu m. Ha jụkwara ịnabatara onwe ha iwu m.
Hear thou, O earth! Behold, I bring evil upon this people, The fruit of their devices; Because they have not hearkened to my words, And have even rejected my law.
20 Gịnị ka m ji ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nke unu si nʼobodo Sheba bubata, eme? Gịnị ka m ji ụda kalamus ọma unu si mba dị anya bubata eme? Ajụla m ịnabata aja nsure ọkụ unu niile. Aja niile unu na-achụ adịghị atọ m ụtọ.”
To what purpose is incense brought to me from Sheba, And the sweet-smelling reed from a far country? Your burnt-offerings are not acceptable, Nor are your sacrifices sweet to me.
21 Ya mere, ihe ndị a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “Aga m etinye ihe ịsọ ngọngọ nʼụzọ ndị a si agafe. Nna na nwa ya ga-asọ ngọngọ nʼelu ya; otu a kwa, ndị agbataobi na enyi ha ga-ala nʼiyi.”
Therefore thus saith Jehovah: Behold, I lay stumbling-blocks before this people, Upon which fathers and sons shall stumble together, The neighbor and his friend, and shall perish.
22 Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “Lee, ndị agha si nʼala dị nʼebe ugwu na-abịa; mba dị ukwuu ka a na-akpọlitekwa site na nsọtụ niile nke ụwa.
Thus saith Jehovah: Behold, a people cometh from the land of the North; A great nation riseth up from the extremities of the earth.
23 Ha ji ụta na ùbe, ha bụ ndị afọ tara mmiri, ndị na-adịghị eme obi ebere. Ha na-ebigbọ dịka mbigbọ nke osimiri, dịka ha na-anọkwasị nʼelu ịnyịnya ha. Ha na-abịa dịka ndị ikom e doro nʼusoro ibu agha, ibuso gị agha, Ada Zayọn.”
They bear the bow and the spear; They are cruel and show no mercy; Their voice roareth like the sea; And upon horses do they ride, Arrayed as a warrior against thee, O daughter of Zion.
24 Anyị anụla akụkọ banyere ude ha, ike agwụla aka anyị abụọ kpamkpam. Oke ihe mgbu na-ejide anyị dị ka nke nwanyị ime na-eme.
We have heard the report thereof; Our hands lose their strength; Anguish hath taken hold of us, Pain, as of a woman in travail.
25 Ka onye ọbụla gharakwa ịga nʼubi, maọbụ ijegharị nʼokporoụzọ, nʼihi na ndị iro ji mma agha na-agagharị, egwu dịkwa nʼebe niile.
Go not forth into the field, Nor walk ye in the highway! For the sword of the enemy And terror are on every side.
26 Unu ndị m, yikwasịnụ onwe unu uwe mkpe. Tụrụọnụ onwe unu na ntụ, ruonụ uju, ma kwaanụ akwa, dịka nwanyị na-eru ụjụ nʼihi ọnwụ otu nwa nwoke ọ mụtara. Nʼihi na onye mbibi ahụ ga-abịakwasị anyị na mberede.
O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, And roll thyself in ashes! Make thee mourning as for an only son, Most bitter lamentation! For suddenly shall the spoiler come upon us.
27 “Emeela m gị ka ị bụrụ onye na-anwapụta ọla, ma ọla ahụ bụkwa ndị m. Achọrọ m ka i nyochaa ma nwapụtakwa ụzọ ha niile.
I have set thee, like a tower, for an assayer among my people, That thou mayst know and try their way.
28 Ha bụ ndị nnupu isi, ndị nwere obi nʼazụ, ndị na-ejegharị na-ekwutọ ibe ha. Ha bụ bronz na igwe; ọ bụkwa ndụ rụrụ arụ ka ha na-ebi.
They are all stubborn revolters, Slanderers are they, brass and iron; They are all corrupt.
29 Ngwa ọrụ ọkpụ uzu na-afụnwu ọkụ ike ike, ime ka ọkụ rechapụ akụkụ igwe ahụ na-enweghị isi, ma nnụcha ahụ na-aga nʼihu abaghị uru, nʼihi na anụchapụghị ndị ajọ omume.
The bellows burn; The lead is consumed by the fire; The refiner hath melted in vain, For the bad are not separated.
30 Ọlaọcha a jụrụ ajụ ka akpọrọ ha, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị ajụla ha.”
Rejected silver shall men call them, Because Jehovah hath rejected them.

< Jeremaya 6 >