< Jeremaya 50 >

1 Okwu Onyenwe anyị nke ruru Jeremaya onye amụma ntị banyere Babilọn na banyere ala ndị Babilọn.
The word which the Lord spak of Babiloyne, and of the lond of Caldeis, in the hond of Jeremye, the profete.
2 “Kwusaa ya na mba niile, mee ka a nụrụ ya; bulie ọkọlọtọ mgbe a na-ekwusa ya. Kwupụta ihe niile, ezokwala ihe ọbụla, kama kwusaa ya sị, ‘A ga-adọta Babilọn nʼagha. Ihere ga-emesịa mee Bel; otu a kwa, egwu ga-ejupụta Maduk obi. A ga-eme ka ihere mee oyiyi ya niile a kpụrụ akpụ; oke egwu ga-ejidekwa arụsị ya niile.’
Telle ye among hethene men, and make ye herd; reise ye a signe; preche ye, and nyle ye holde stille; seie ye, Babiloyne is takun, Bel is schent, Maradach is ouer comun; the grauun ymagis therof ben schent, the idols of hem ben ouer comun.
3 Otu mba, nke si nʼakụkụ ugwu, ga-ebuso ya agha, mee ala ya ka ọ tọgbọrọ nʼefu. Ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-ebi nʼime ya, nʼihi na mmadụ na anụmanụ ga-esi nʼime ya gbalaga.
For a folk schal stie fro the north ayenus it, which folk schal sette the lond therof in to wildirnesse; and noon schal be that schal dwelle therynne, fro man `til to beeste; and thei ben moued, and yeden a wei.
4 “Nʼụbọchị ndị ahụ, ma na mgbe ahụ,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, ndị Izrel na ndị Juda ga-ejikọta onwe ha nʼotu. Ha niile ga-eji anya mmiri pụọ ịchọ Onyenwe anyị Chineke ha.
In tho daies, and in that tyme, seith the Lord, the sones of Israel schulen come, thei and the sones of Juda togidere, goynge and wepynge; thei schulen haaste, and seke her Lord God in Sion,
5 Ha ga-ajụ ajụjụ, banyere ụzọ e si eje Zayọn. Mgbe ahụ, ha ga-eche ihu ha ijeru nʼebe ahụ. Ha niile ga-abịakwa were onwe ha nyefee nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, nʼime ọgbụgba ndụ ebighị ebi, nke a na-agaghị echefu echefu.
and thei schulen axe the weie. Hidur the faces of hem schulen come, and thei schulen be set to the Lord with boond of pees euerlastynge, which schal not be don awei by ony foryetyng.
6 “Ndị m akpafuola dịka atụrụ furu efu. Ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ ha eduhiela ha, mee ka ha na-awagharị nʼugwu ukwu niile. Ha na-akpagharị nʼelu ugwu ukwu, ma nʼelu ugwu nta. Ha echefuokwala ebe izuike nke ha.
My puple is maad a lost floc, the scheepherdis of hem disseyueden hem, and maden to go vnstabli in hillis; thei passiden fro mounteyn in to a litil hil, thei foryaten her bed.
7 Nʼihi ya, ndị niile chọtara ha na-eripịa ha. Ndị iro ha na-ekwukwa sị, ‘Ikpe amaghị anyị nʼihi na ha emehiela megide Onyenwe anyị, onye bụ ezi ebe ịta nri ha, na onye bụkwa olileanya nke nna nna ha.’
Alle men that founden, eeten hem, and the enemyes of hem seiden, We synneden not, for that thei synneden to the Lord, the fairnesse of riytfulnesse, and to the Lord, the abidyng of her fadris.
8 “Sinụ na Babilọn gbalaga; sitekwanụ nʼala Babilọn pụọ, dịrịnụ ka mkpi na-edu igwe ewu na atụrụ.
Go ye awei fro the myddis of Babiloyne, and go ye out of the lond of Caldeis, and be ye as kydis bifore the floc.
9 Nʼihi na aga m akpali ọtụtụ mba dị ike site nʼala dị nʼugwu, ndị ga-ejikọta onwe ha ibuso Babilọn agha. Ha ga-edo onwe ha nʼusoro imegide ya; ọ bụkwa nʼakụkụ ugwu ka ha ga-esi dọta ya nʼagha. Àkụ ha ga-agba ga-adị ka àkụ nke onye bụ dike nʼagha na onye ọka ịgba ụta na-agba. Ha agaghị agba aka lọta.
For lo! Y schal reise, and brynge in to Babiloyne the gaderyng togidere of grete folkis, fro the lond of the north; and thei schulen be maad redi ayens it, and it schal be takun in the dai; the arowe therof as of a strong man a sleere, schal not turne ayen voide.
10 Nʼihi nke a, Babilọn ga-aghọ ihe nkwata nʼagha. Afọ ga-ejukwa ndị niile bụ ndị ga-akwata ya.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.
And Caldee schal be in to prey, alle that distrien it, schulen be fillid, seith the Lord.
11 “Nʼihi na ị ṅụrịrị ọṅụ nwee obi ụtọ, gị onye bibiri ihe nketa m, ị wugharịrị dịka nwa ehi nke na-azọcha ọka, bee akwa dịka oke ịnyịnya.
For ye maken ful out ioye, and speken grete thingis, and rauyschen myn eritage; for ye ben sched out as caluys on erbe, and lowiden as bolis.
12 Ihere ga-eme nne unu, e, a ga-eme ka oke ihere mee nne mụrụ unu. Ọ ga-abụkwa mba dịkarịsịrị ala nʼetiti mba niile, bụrụkwa ọzara, ala kpọrọ nkụ na ala uzuzu.
Youre modir is schent greetli, and sche that gendride you, is maad euene to dust; lo! sche schal be the last among folkis, and forsakun, with out weie, and drie.
13 Nʼihi iwe dị ukwuu nke Onyenwe anyị, ọ dịghị onye ga-ebikwa nʼala Babilọn ọzọ, nʼihi na a ga-ebibi ya kpamkpam. Ndị niile si nʼakụkụ ya na-agafe ka ọ ga-eju anya. Ha ga-akparị ya nʼihi ọnya niile dị ya nʼahụ.
For the wraththe of the Lord it schal not be enhabitid, but it schal be dryuun al in to wildirnesse; ech that schal passe bi Babiloyne, schal wondre, and schal hisse on alle the woundis therof.
14 “Doonụ onwe unu nʼusoro gburugburu obodo Babilọn, unu ndị niile na-agba ụta. Gbaanụ ya ụta. Unu echela banyere àkụ ole unu ga-agbapụ nʼihi na o mehiela megide Onyenwe anyị.
Alle ye that beenden bowe, be maad redi ayens Babiloyne bi cumpas; ouercome ye it, spare ye not arowis, for it synnede to the Lord.
15 Kpọọnụ mkpu agha megide ya, site nʼakụkụ niile! Ọ chiliela aka ya elu. Lee, ụlọ elu ya e wusiri ike adaala, a kwatuokwala mgbidi ya niile. Ebe ọ bụ na Onyenwe anyị na-abọrọ onwe ya ọbọ nʼahụ Babilọn, bọọnụ ya ọbọ. Meenụ ya dịka o si mee ndị ọzọ.
Crye ye ayens it, euery where it yaf hond; the foundementis therof fellen doun, and the wallis therof ben distried; for it is the veniaunce of the Lord. Take ye veniaunce of it; as it dide, do ye to it.
16 Site na Babilọn wezuga onye na-agha mkpụrụ na onye ji mma owuwe ihe ubi na-ewe ihe ubi. Ka onye ọbụla laghachikwuru ndị nke ya, ka onye ọbụla gbalaakwa nʼala nke aka ya, nʼihi mma agha nke onye na-emegbu emegbu.
Leese ye a sowere of Babiloyne, and hym that holdith a sikil in the tyme of heruest, fro the face of swerd of the culuer; ech man schal be turned to his puple, and ech man schal flee to his lond.
17 “Izrel dị ka ewu na atụrụ a chụsasịrị achụsasị, nke ọdụm chụsasịrị. Onye bu ụzọ ripịa ya bụ eze Asịrịa. Onye ikpeazụ gwepịara ọkpụkpụ ya bụ Nebukadneza, eze Babilọn.”
Israel is a scaterid flok, liouns castiden out it; first kyng Assur eete it, this laste Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, dide awei the bonys therof.
18 Nʼihi ya, ihe ndị a ka Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, bụ Chineke Izrel kwuru, “Aga m ata eze Babilọn, na ndị ala ya ahụhụ, dịka m si taa eze Asịrịa ahụhụ.
Therfor the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal visite the kyng of Babiloyne, and his lond, as Y visitide the kyng of Assur;
19 Ma aga m akpọghachitekwa Izrel nʼebe ịta nri nke ha. Ha ga-atakwa nri na Kamel na Bashan. Ọ bụkwa nʼugwu Ifrem na Gilead ka afọ ga-ejukwa ha.
and Y schal brynge ayen Israel to his dwellyng place. Carmele and Baasan schal be fed, and his soule schal be fillid in the hil of Effraym, and of Galaad.
20 Nʼụbọchị ndị ahụ, ma na mgbe ahụ,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, “a ga-achọ ajọọ omume nke Izrel, ma ọ dịghị nke a ga-achọta. A ga-achọkwa mmehie niile nke Juda, ma o nweghị nke a ga-achọta, nʼihi na aga m agbaghara ndị ahụ m mere ka ha fọdụ mmehie ha.
In tho daies, and in that tyme, seith the Lord, the wickidnesse of Israel schal be souyt, and it schal not be; and the synne of Juda schal be souyt, and it schal not be foundun; for Y schal be merciful to hem, whiche Y schal forsake.
21 “Busonụ ala Merataim agha, busokwanụ ndị bi na Pekod agha. Chụọ ha ọsọ, gbuchapụ ma bibiekwa ha niile kpamkpam.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri. “Mezuonụ ihe niile m nyere unu nʼiwu.
Stie thou on the lond of lordis, and visite thou on the dwelleris therof; scatere thou, and sle tho thingis, that ben aftir hem, seith the Lord; and do thou bi alle thingis which Y comaundide to thee.
22 A na-anụ ụzụ agha nʼala ahụ, a na-anụ ụzụ oke mbibi.
The vois of batel and greet sorewe in the lond.
23 Lee ka e si gbajie, ma tipịa mkpirisi igwe ahụ na-esupịa ụwa niile. Lee ka Babilọn si tọgbọrọ nʼefu nʼetiti mba niile nke ụwa.
Hou is the hamer of al erthe brokun and al defoulid? hou is Babiloyne turned in to desert, among hethene men?
24 Esiiri m gị ọnya, gị Babilọn; ị makwara nʼọnya ahụ tupu ị mata na ọnya ahụ dị. A chọtala gị, jidekwa gị, nʼihi na i doola onwe gị ibuso Onyenwe anyị agha.
Babiloyne, Y haue snarid thee, and thou art takun, and thou wistist not; thou art foundun, and takun, for thou terridist the Lord to wraththe.
25 Onyenwe anyị emegheela ụlọakụ ngwa agha ya, site nʼime ya wepụta ngwa agha nke ọnụma ya. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị bụ Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile nwere ọrụ ọ ga-arụ nʼala Babilọn.
The Lord openide his tresour, and brouyte forth the vessels of his wraththe; for whi a werk is to the Lord God of oostis in the lond of Caldeis.
26 Sitenụ nʼebe dị anya bịa buso ya agha. Kụkapunụ ọba ya niile, tụkọtanụ ha ọnụ dịka akpa ọka dị ukwuu, nke atụkọtara nʼelu ibe ha. Bibienụ ya kpamkpam, ka ihe ọbụla ghakwara ịfọdụrụ ya.
Come ye to it fro the fertheste endis, opene ye, that thei go out, that schulen defoule it; take ye awei stoonys fro the weie, and dryue ye in to heepis, and sle ye it, and nothing be residue.
27 Gbuonụ ụmụ oke ehi ya niile, ka ha niile gaa nʼebe ụlọ igbu anụ Ahụhụ na-adịrị ha, nʼihi na ụbọchị ahụ a kara aka banyere ha abịala, bụ oge a ga-eji taa ha ahụhụ.
Distrie ye alle the stronge men therof, go thei doun in to sleynge; wo to hem, for the dai of hem cometh, the tyme of visityng of hem.
28 Geenụ ntị nʼihe ndị na-agbalaga na-ekwu, bụ ndị si na Babilọn na-agbapụ ọsọ. Ha na-ekwusa na Zayọn otu Onyenwe anyị Chineke anyị si bọọ ọbọ, otu o si abọ ọbọ nʼihi ụlọnsọ ukwu ya.
The vois of fleeris, and of hem that ascapiden fro the lond of Babiloyne, that thei telle in Sion the veniaunce of oure Lord God, the veniaunce of his temple.
29 “Kpọkọtanụ ndị na-agba ụta maka imegide Babilọn, bụ ndị niile na-agba ụta. Maanụ ụlọ ikwu, gbaa ya gburugburu; unu ekwela ka onye ọbụla si nʼime ya gbapụ. Kwụghachi ya ụgwọ dịka ọrụ ya si dị, dịka ihe niile ahụ o mere si dị meenụ ya otu ahụ. Nʼihi na o buliela onwe ya elu megide Onyenwe anyị, bụ Onye nsọ nke Izrel.
Telle ye ayens Babiloyne to ful many men, to alle that beenden bowe. Stonde ye togidere ayens it bi cumpas, and noon ascape; yelde ye to it aftir his werk, aftir alle thingis whiche it dide, do ye to it; for it was reisid ayens the Lord, ayens the hooli of Israel.
30 Nʼihi ya, ụmụ okorobịa ya ga-ada nʼokporoụzọ ama niile. A ga-emekwa ka ndị agha ya niile dere duu nʼụbọchị ahụ.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri.
Therfor yonge men therof schulen falle doun in the stretis therof, and alle men werriours therof schulen be stille in that dai, seith the Lord.
31 “Lee, edoola m onwe m imegide gị, gị onye nganga.” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị, bụ Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwubiri ya. “Nʼihi na ụbọchị gị abịala, bụ oge ahụ a ga-ata gị ahụhụ.
Lo! thou proude, Y to thee, seith the Lord God of oostis, for thi dai is comun, the tyme of thi visitacioun.
32 Onye nganga ahụ ga-asọ ngọngọ daa, ma o nweghị onye ga-enyere ya aka ka o bilitekwa. Aga m esunye obodo ya niile ọkụ, nke ga-erechapụ ndị niile gbara ya gburugburu.”
And the proude schal falle, and schal falle doun togidere, and noon schal be, that schal reise hym; and Y schal kyndle fier in the citees of hym, and it schal deuoure alle thingis in cumpas of it.
33 Ihe ndị a ka Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru: “A na-emegbu nnọọ ndị Izrel, nʼotu aka ahụkwa, ndị Juda. Ndị dọtara ha nʼagha jidesiri ha aka ike. Ha adịghị ahapụ ha ka ha laa.
The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, The sones of Israel and the sones of Juda togidere suffren fals caleng; alle that token hem, holden, thei nylen delyuere hem.
34 Ma Onye mgbapụta ha dị ike. Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile bụkwa aha ya. Ọ ga-eji ike ya niile kpepụta ọnụ ha, ime ka ala ha nweekwa izuike, ma meekwa ka ndị bi na Babilọn ghara inwe izuike.
The ayenbyere of hem is strong, the Lord of oostis is his name; bi dom he schal defende the cause of hem, that he make the lond aferd, and stire togidere the dwelleris of Babiloyne.
35 “Mma agha ga-ebili megide ndị Babilọn niile,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, “na ndị ahụ niile bi na Babilọn ma megidekwa ndịisi ọchịchị niile na ndị ahụ niile maara ihe.
A swerd to Caldeis, seith the Lord, and to the dwelleris of Babiloyne, and to the princes, and to the wise men therof.
36 Mma agha ga-ebili megide ndị amụma ụgha ha niile. Ha ga-aghọ ndị nzuzu. Mma agha ga-ebili megide ndị bụ dike nʼagha. Obi ha ga-ejupụtakwa nʼoke egwu.
A swerd to the false dyuynours therof, that schulen be foolis; a swerd to the stronge men therof, that schulen drede.
37 Mma agha ga-ebili megide ịnyịnya ha, na ụgbọ agha ha, na ndị mba ọzọ niile nọ nʼetiti ha. Ha ga-aghọkwa ndị inyom. Mma agha ga-ebilikwa megide akụ ha niile. A ga-alụta ha niile nʼagha.
Swerd to the horsis therof, and to the charis therof, and to al the comyn puple whiche is in the myddis therof, and thei schulen be as wymmen; a swerd to the tresours therof, that schulen be rauyschid.
38 Okpomọkụ ga-abịakwasị mmiri ha niile mee ka ha taa. Nʼihi na ala ha bụ ala arụsị: arụsị ha niile ga-ayịkwa ara nʼihi oke egwu nke ga-abịakwasị ha.
Drynesse schal be on the watris therof, and tho schulen be drye; for it is the lond of grauun ymagis, and hath glorie in false feynyngis.
39 “Nʼihi ya, ọ bụ ụmụ anụmanụ nke ọzara, na nkịta ọhịa ga-ebi nʼebe ahụ. Ikwighịkwighị ga-ebikwa nʼebe ahụ. Mmadụ ọbụla agaghị ebikwa nʼime ya ọzọ. O nweghị onye ga-ebikwa nʼime ya site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ.
Therfor dragouns schulen dwelle with fonned wielde men, and ostrigis schulen dwelle therynne; and it schal no more be enhabitid `til in to with outen ende, and it schal not be bildid `til to generacioun and generacioun;
40 Dịka m si kwatuo Sọdọm na Gọmọra, ya na obodo niile gbara ya gburugburu,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya. “Otu a kwa, ọ dịghị onye ọbụla ga-ebi nʼebe ahụ; nwa mmadụ ọbụla agakwaghị ebi nʼime ya.”
as the Lord distriede Sodom and Gomorre, and the niy citees therof, seith the Lord. A man schal not dwelle there, and the sone of man schal not dwelle in it.
41 “Lee, ndị agha si nʼala dị nʼebe ugwu na-abịa; mba dị ukwuu na ọtụtụ ndị eze ka a na-akpọlitekwa site na nsọtụ niile nke ụwa.
Lo! a puple cometh fro the north, and a greet folc, and many kyngis schulen rise togidere fro the endis of erthe.
42 Ha ji ọtụtụ ụta na ùbe; ha bụ ndị afọ tara mmiri, ndị na-enweghị obi ebere. Ha na-ebigbọ dịka mbigbọ nke osimiri, dịka ha na-anọkwasị nʼelu ịnyịnya ha. Ha na-abịa dịka ndị ikom e doro nʼusoro ibu agha, ibuso gị agha, Ada Babilọn.
Thei schulen take bowe and swerd, thei ben cruel and vnmerciful; the vois of hem schal sowne as the see, and thei schulen stie on horsis as a man maad redi to batel, ayens thee, thou douyter of Babiloyne.
43 Eze Babilọn nụrụ akụkọ banyere ude ha, akụkọ mere ka ike gwụrụ aka ya abụọ kpamkpam. Oke ihe mgbu ejidela ya, ihe mgbu dịka nke nwanyị ime na-eme.
The kyng of Babiloyne herde the fame of hem, and hise hondis ben aclumsid; angwisch took hym, sorewe took hym, as a womman trauelynge of child.
44 Lee, dịka mgbe ọdụm na-esi nʼoke ọhịa Jọdan na-arịgopụta nʼebe ịta nri nke ụmụ anụmanụ jupụtara nʼahịhịa ndụ, nʼotu ntabi anya ka m ga-esi nʼala ya chụpụ Babilọn. Ma onye bụ onye ahụ a họpụtara, onye m ga-enyefe ọrụ a nʼaka? Onye dịka m? Onye kwa pụrụ ịpụta tụọ m aka nʼihu? Onye bụkwa onye ọzụzụ atụrụ ahụ nke pụrụ ido onwe ya megide m?”
Lo! as a lioun he schal stie fro the pride of Jordan to the stronge fairnesse, for Y schal make hym to renne sudenli to it; and who schal be the chosun man, whom Y schal sette bifore him? For who is lijk me? and who schal suffre me? and who is this scheepherde, that schal ayenstonde my cheer?
45 Nʼihi ya, nụrụ ihe Onyenwe anyị kwadobere megide Babilọn, nụrụkwa ihe o zubere megide ala ndị Babilọn. A ga-adọkpụrụ ndị dị nta nʼetiti igwe ewu na atụrụ ahụ. Ebe ịta nri ha ga-anọ nʼọnọdụ mgbagwoju anya nʼihi nke a.
Therfore here ye the councel of the Lord, which he conseyuede in mynde ayens Babiloyne, and hise thouytis, whiche he thouyte on the lond of Caldeis, no but the litle of the flockis drawen hem doun, no but the dwellyng place of hem be destried with hem, ellis no man yyue credence to me.
46 Ụwa ga-ama jijiji mgbe ha nụrụ mkpọtụ ọdịda Babilọn, iti mkpu akwa ya ga-adakwa ụda nʼetiti mba niile dị iche iche.
The erthe is mouyd of the vois of caitiftee of Babiloyne, and cry is herd among hethene men.

< Jeremaya 50 >