< Jeremaya 4 >

1 “Ọ bụrụ na unu bụ Izrel, ga-alọta, ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, mụ ka ị ga-alọghachikwute,” “Ọ bụrụ na unu ewezuga arụsị ndị ahụ rụrụ arụ site nʼihu m, hapụ isi ebe m nọ kpafuo,
If thou wilt return to me, O Israel, saith Jehovah, Thou shalt return [[to thy land]]; If thou wilt put away thy abominations from my sight, Thou shalt no more be a wanderer [[in a foreign land]].
2 ọ bụrụkwa na unu ga-eji eziokwu, ikpe ziri ezi na ụzọ ezi omume ṅụọ iyi sị, ‘Dịka Onyenwe anyị na-adị ndụ,’ mgbe ahụ mba niile ga-agọzi onwe ha site na ya nyakwaa isi nʼime ya.”
If thou wilt swear, As Jehovah liveth! In truth, in justice, and in righteousness, Then shall the nations bless themselves by thee, And in thee shall they glory.
3 Ihe ndị a ka Onyenwe anyị na-agwa ndị Juda na Jerusalem sị, “Kọzeenụ ala ubi unu nke unu na-akọbeghị; unu akụnyela mkpụrụ ubi unu nʼetiti ogwu.
Thus saith Jehovah to the men of Judah and Jerusalem: Break up your fallow ground, And sow not among thorns!
4 Bienụ onwe unu ugwu nye Onyenwe anyị, biekwanụ mkpụrụobi unu ugwu, unu ndị Juda na ndị bi na Jerusalem ma ọ bụghị otu a, iwe m ga-abịakwasị unu dịka ọkụ, nʼihi ihe ọjọọ niile unu mere, ọ ga-ere ma ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-emenyụ ya.
Circumcise yourselves to Jehovah; Yea, circumcise your hearts, Ye men of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Lest, for the evil of your doings, My fury break forth like fire, And burn so that none can quench it.
5 “Kwupụta ya na Juda, kwusaa ya na Jerusalem sị, ‘Fụọnụ opi nʼala ahụ niile.’ Tienụ mkpu nʼụzọ mmadụ ga-aghọta ya. Gwanụ ndị Juda na Jerusalem ka ha zukọtaa gbaga nʼobodo ndị ahụ niile e wusiri ike.
Declare ye in Judah, And proclaim in Jerusalem, and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land; Cry ye aloud, and say, Gather yourselves together, And let us go into the fortified cities;
6 Bulie ihe i gosi ụzọ ị ga Zayọn! Gbaganụ zoo onwe unu. Unu atụfula oge! Lee na mụ onwe m na-ewebata mbibi na ịla nʼiyi site nʼakụkụ ugwu.”
Set up a standard toward Zion, Flee, make no stand! For I am about to bring evil from the north, Even great destruction.
7 Dịka ọdụm si nʼebe o zoro onwe ya amapụta, ka onye a na-ebibi mba niile si abịa. Ọ hapụla ebe obibi ya, na-abịa ịla Juda nʼiyi. Ọ ga-etidasị obodo niile nke Juda, ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-ebi nʼime ha.
The lion goeth up from his thicket, The destroyer of nations is on his way; He goeth forth from his place to make thy land desolate; Thy cities shall be laid waste so as to be without an inhabitant.
8 Ya mere, yikwasịnụ onwe unu uwe mkpe; kwaanụ akwa, tiekwanụ mkpu akwa, nʼihi na ọnụma Onyenwe anyị esitebeghị nʼebe Juda nọ wezuga onwe ya.
For this cause gird on sackcloth, Lament and howl! For the fierce anger of Jehovah is not turned away from us.
9 “Nʼụbọchị ahụ,” ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, “Obi ndị eze na ndịisi ọchịchị ga-ada mba; ahụ ga-akpọnwụ ndị nchụaja, otu a kwa, ihe ga-eme ga-eju ndị amụma anya.”
In that day, saith Jehovah, Shall the heart of the king perish, And the heart of the princes; The priests shall be amazed, And the prophets confounded.
10 Mgbe ahụ ekwuru m sị; “Ewoo, Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị lee na ị ghọgbuola ndị a na Jerusalem site na ị sị, ‘Unu ga-enwe udo,’ mgbe mma agha dị anyị nʼolu.”
Then said I, Alas, O Lord Jehovah! Surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem; Thou hast said, “Ye shall have peace”; And the sword reacheth to the very life!
11 Nʼoge ahụ, a ga-agwa ndị a na Jerusalem, “Ifufe dị ọkụ, nke sitere nʼebe dị elu ihe na-adịghị si nʼọzara na-efebata irute ndị m. Ma ọ bụghị ifufe maka ịfụcha, maọbụ ime ka adị ọcha,
At that time shall it be said to this people and to Jerusalem: A dry wind cometh from the hills of the desert, It cometh toward my people, Not to fan, nor to cleanse.
12 ọ bụ ifufe nke dị oke ike karịa nke na-esite na mụ. Ugbu a, ana m ekwupụta okwu ikpe m megide ha.”
Yea, a wind stronger than this shall come; Now will I myself give sentence against them.
13 Lee anya, ha na-abịa dịka igwe ojii. Ụgbọala agha ya na-abịa dịka oke ifufe, ịnyịnya ha niile na-agbasikwa ọsọ ike karịa ugo. Ahụhụ dịrị anyị, anyị abụrụla ndị e bibiri ebibi! Anyị abụrụla ndị na-aga ịla nʼiyi!
Behold, he cometh up like clouds, And his chariots are like a whirlwind; His horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us! for we are laid waste!
14 Jerusalem, sachapụ mmehie dị gị nʼobi, ka a zọpụta gị. Ruo ole mgbe ka echiche mmehie ga-ejupụta gị obi?
Wash thy heart from wickedness, O Jerusalem, That thou mayst be saved! How long shall thy evil devices lodge within thee?
15 Otu olu na-akpọsa site na Dan, ọ na-akpọsa ịla nʼiyi site nʼugwu niile nke Ifrem.
For a voice proclaimeth tidings from Dan, And announceth calamity from mount Ephraim.
16 “Gwa mba niile otu a, ha abịala, kpọsaa banyere Jerusalem: ‘Ndị agha ga-agba gị gburugburu na-abịa site nʼala dị anya, na-eti mkpu agha megide obodo niile nke Juda.
Proclaim ye to the nations, Behold, publish ye to Jerusalem, “Watchmen are coming from a far country, And lift their voice against the cities of Judah.”
17 Ha ga-agbakwa Jerusalem gburugburu dịka ndị agha na-eche ubi a gbara ogige nche, nʼihi na ndị bi nʼime ya enupula isi megide m,’” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya.
Like keepers of fields are they round about her Because she hath rebelled against me, saith Jehovah.
18 “Ụzọ gị na omume gị niile buteere gị ihe ndị a. Nke a bụ ntaramahụhụ gị. Lee ka o si dị ilu! Lee ka o si emibanye nʼime obi.”
Thy way and thy doings have brought this upon thee; This is the fruit of thy wickedness; It is bitter; it reacheth to thy heart.
19 Ihe mgbu a dị ukwuu. Lee na apụghị m ịnagide ya. Obi m o, obi m o! Lee ka obi m si ada m gbim gbim gbim. Apụghịkwa m ịnọ jụụ. Ana m anụ ụda opi ike, na-anụkwa ụzụ agha.
O my breast, my breast! I am pained in the walls of my heart; My heart trembleth within me; I cannot be silent; For thou hearest, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, The alarm of war!
20 Mbibi na-arị mbibi ibe ya elu, lee na a laala ala a niile nʼiyi. Na mberede, e bibiela ụlọ ikwu anyị niile; a dọkasịkwala akwa mgbochi ha niile.
There is a cry of destruction upon destruction; Yea, the whole land is laid waste; Suddenly are my tents destroyed, And my canopies in an instant.
21 Ruo ole mgbe ka m ga-anọgide na-ahụ ọkọlọtọ agha ndị a a na-alụ? Ruo ole mgbe kwa ka m ga-anọgide na-anụ ụda opi ike?
How long shall I see the standard, Hear the sound of the trumpet?
22 “Ndị m bụ ndị nzuzu, ha amaghị m. Ha bụ ụmụntakịrị ndị na-enweghị uche, ha enweghị nghọta ọbụla. Ha bụ ọkachamara nʼihe gbasara ajọ omume, ma ha amaghị otu esi eme ezi ihe ọbụla.”
My people is foolish, They have no regard to me; Stupid children are they, And have no understanding; They are wise to do evil, But for doing good they have no knowledge.
23 Elere m anya nʼụwa hụ na ọ bụ ihe tọgbọrọ nʼefu, leekwa anya na mbara eluigwe, ma o nweghị ìhè dị ya.
I look to the earth, and lo! emptiness and desolation; To the heavens, and there is no light.
24 Elere m anya nʼugwu ukwu, hụ na ha na-ama jijiji, leekwa anya nʼugwu nta, hụ na ha na-aṅagharị aṅagharị.
I look to the mountains, and lo! they tremble, And all the hills shake.
25 Elere m anya ma ahụghị mmadụ ọbụla, ụmụ nnụnụ niile dị na mbara eluigwe efefusịala.
I look, and lo! there is not a man, And all the birds of heaven are fled.
26 Ala ọma ahụ aghọọla ọzara, obodo niile aghọọla mkputamkpu ebe nʼihu Onyenwe anyị, nʼihu oke iwe ya.
I look, and lo! Carmel is a desert, And all its cities are thrown down, Before the presence of Jehovah, Before the heat of his anger.
27 Ihe a ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru, “A ga-ebibi ala ahụ niile, ma agaghị m ebibicha ya kpamkpam.
For thus saith Jehovah: The whole land shall be desolate, Yet will I not make a full end.
28 Ụwa ga-eru ụjụ, mbara eluigwe ga-agbakwa ọchịchịrị. Nʼihi na ekwuola ya, agaghị m agbanwe obi m. Ekpebiela m ya, agaghị m alakwa azụ nʼihe m zubere ime.”
Therefore shall the earth mourn, And the heavens above be black, Because I have spoken, and I will not repent; I have purposed, and I will not recede from it.
29 Ndị mmadụ niile ga-agbapụ ọsọ site nʼobodo ha mgbe ha nụrụ ụzụ ndị agha na-agba ụta nọ nʼelu ịnyịnya na-abịa nso nso. Ha ga-ezo onwe ha nʼọhịa; ndị ọzọkwa ga-agbalaga zoo onwe ha nʼugwu ukwu. Obodo ha niile ga-atọgbọrọkwa nʼefu, mgbe ndị mmadụ si nʼime ya gbapụ ọsọ nʼihi oke ihe egwu.
At the noise of the horsemen and bowmen every city fleeth; They go into thickets, And climb up upon the rocks; All the cities are forsaken, And not a man dwelleth in them.
30 Gịnị bụ nke a, gị onye na-enweghị olileanya? Gịnị mere unu ji yiri uwe uhie, were ọlaolu ọlaedo dị oke ọnụ yiri nʼolu? Gịnị mere unu ji were ihe ịchọ mma tee nʼanya unu? Nʼefu ka unu na-eme onwe unu ka unu dị mma. Ndị iko unu na-elelị unu; ndụ unu ka ha na-achọkwa.
And thou, destined to perish, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothe thyself in scarlet, And deck thyself with ornaments of gold, And rend thine eyes with paint, In vain dost thou adorn thyself; Thy lovers despise thee; They seek thy life.
31 Ana m anụ olu iti mkpu akwa nke yiri olu akwa nwanyị ime na-eme, ọ dị ka ude nwanyị na-agbalị ịmụpụta nwa mbụ ya. Ma olu akwa m nụrụ bụ nke ada Zayọn, ebe ọ nọ na-eku ume ike ike. Ọ dara nʼala gbasapụ aka ya, ma na-akwa akwa na-asị, “Onye nwụrụ anwụ ka m bụ! Lee, ndụ m ka e nyere ndị ogbu mmadụ.”
I hear a cry, as of a woman in travail, Anguish, as of her that bringeth forth her first child. The voice of the daughter of Zion. She sobbeth, she spreadeth out her hands, “Ah! woe is me! I am dying by murderers!”

< Jeremaya 4 >