< Jeremaya 20 >

1 Mgbe Pashua nwa Imea, bụ onye nchụaja, ma burukwa onyeisi na-elekọta ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị, nụrụ amụma ndị a Jeremaya na-ebu,
And Phassur, the sone of Emyner, the preest, that was ordeyned prince in the hous of the Lord, herde Jeremye profesiynge these wordis.
2 o nyere iwu ka e tie Jeremaya, bụ onye amụma ihe, kee ya agbụ, tinye ya nʼọnụ ụzọ ama Dị Elu nke Benjamin, nke dị ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị.
And Phassur smoot Jeremye, the profete, and sente hym in to the stockis, that weren in the hiyere yate of Beniamyn, in the hous of the Lord.
3 Nʼechi ya, mgbe Pashua tọpụrụ ya site nʼagbụ ahụ, Jeremaya sịrị ya, “Onyenwe anyị akpọghị gị Pashua, kama aha gị bụ Mago-Misabib, nke pụtara, Nwoke ihe egwu gbara gburugburu.
And whanne it was cleer in the morewe, Phassur ledde Jeremye out of the stockis. And Jeremye seide to hym, The Lord clepide not Phassur thi name, but Drede on ech side.
4 Nʼihi na nke a ka Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu, ‘Aga m eme ka ị ghọọrọ onwe gị, ghọọkwara ndị enyi gị niile ihe egwu. Anya gị abụọ ka ị ga-eji hụ ha mgbe mma agha ndị iro ha ga-egbuda ha. Aga m ararakwa ala Juda niile nyefee ha nʼaka eze Babilọn, onye ga-egbuda ha. Aga m ararakwa ala Juda niile nyefee ha nʼaka eze Babilọn, onye ga-eburu ndị niile bi nʼime ya gaa Babilọn. Ọ ga-egbu ndị fọdụrụ.
For the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal yyue thee and alle thi freendis in to drede, and thei schulen falle doun bi the swerd of her enemyes; and thin iyen schulen se; and Y schal yyue al Juda in the hond of the king of Babiloyne, and he schal lede hem ouer in to Babiloyne, and he schal smyte hem bi swerd.
5 Aga m enyefe ndị iro ha akụ niile dị nʼobodo, na ihe niile ha rụpụtara, na ihe niile dị oke ọnụahịa, na ngwongwo na akụ niile nke ndị eze Juda. Ha ga-eburu ya dịka ihe a kwatara nʼagha laa Babilọn.
And Y schal yyue al the catel of this citee, and al the trauel therof, and al the prijs; and Y schal yyue alle the tresours of the kingis of Juda in the hond of her enemyes; and thei schulen rauysche tho, and schulen take, and lede forth in to Babiloyne.
6 Ma gị onwe gị bụ Pashua, na ndị niile bi nʼụlọ gị, ka a ga-adọta nʼagha buru gaa Babilọn. Nʼebe ahụ ka ị ga-anwụ. Ebe ahụ kwa ka a ga-eli gị, gị na ndị enyi gị ndị a niile ị na-eburu amụma ụgha.’”
Forsothe thou, Phassur, and alle the dwelleris of thin hous, schulen go in to caitifte; and thou schalt come in to Babiloyne, and thou schalt die there; and thou schalt be biried there, thou and alle thi freendis, to whiche thou profesiedist a leesyng.
7 Onyenwe anyị, ị ghọọla m aghụghọ, meekwa m ka m ghọọ onye a ghọgburu nʼaghụghọ. I jidesiela m aka ike, mee ka uche gị mezuo m nʼahụ. Lee na mmadụ niile na-akparị m ụbọchị niile. Onye ọbụla jikwa m na-eme ihe ọchị.
Lord, thou disseyuedist me, and Y am disseyued; thou were strongere than Y, and thou haddist the maistrie; Y am maad in to scorn al dai.
8 Nʼihi na mgbe ọbụla m meghere ọnụ kwuo okwu, aghaghị m iti mkpu. Aga m akpọ mkpu banyere ihe ike na ịla nʼiyi. Nʼihi na okwu Onyenwe anyị ewetarala m mkparị na ịkwa emo ụbọchị niile.
Alle men bymowen me, for now a while ago Y speke criynge wickidnesse, and Y criede distriynge. And the word of the Lord is maad to me in to schenschip, and in to scorn al dai.
9 Ọ bụrụkwa na m ekwuo nʼobi m sị, “Agaghị m ekwute ihe ọbụla metụtara okwu ya maọbụ aha ya ọzọ.” Ọ dịghị ekwe m. Nʼihi na okwu ya na-enwu m ọkụ nʼobi. Ọ dịkwa ka ọkụ na-enwu enwu emechibidoro ụzọ nʼime ọkpụkpụ m. Ike agwụla m ịnagide okpomọkụ nke okwu ya. Nʼezie, apụghịkwa m ịnagide ya.
And Y seide, Y schal not haue mynde on hym, and Y schal no more speke in his name. And the word of the Lord was maad, as fier swalynge in myn herte, and cloosid in my boonys; and Y failide, not suffryng to bere.
10 Ana m anụ ọtụtụ akụkọ nzuzo, “Oke egwu nʼakụkụ niile! Jụụnụ ya! Ka anyị jụụnụ ya!” Ndị enyi m niile nọ na-eche mgbe m ga-azọhie ụkwụ daa, na-asị, “Ma eleghị anya ọ ga-abụ onye eduhiere, mgbe ahụ, anyị ga-emegide ya, bọọrọ onwe anyị ọbọ nʼahụ ya.”
For Y herde dispisyngis of many men, and drede in cumpas, Pursue ye, and pursue we hym, of alle men that weren pesible to me, and kepynge my side; if in ony maner he be disseyued, and we haue the maistrie ayens hym, and gete veniaunce of hym.
11 Ma Onyenwe anyị nọnyeere m dịka dike nʼagha; nʼihi ya, ndị na-esogbu m ga-asọ ngọngọ, ha agaghị emerikwa m. Ihe ha zubere agaghị emezuru ha, nʼihi ya, ihere ga-eme ha nke ukwuu; a gaghị echezọkwa ọnọdụ ihere ha ruo ebighị ebi.
Forsothe the Lord as a stronge werriour is with me, therfor thei that pursuen me schulen falle, and schulen be sijk; and thei schulen be schent greetli, for thei vndurstoden not euerlastynge schenschip, that schal neuere be don awei.
12 Ma gị, Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, gị, onye na-enyocha onye ezi omume, onye anya ya na-eru nʼihe dị mmadụ nʼobi na nʼime echiche uche ya, biko, kwere ka m dị ndụ hụ mgbe ị ga-abọrọ onwe gị ọbọ megide ha, nʼihi na ọ bụ nʼaka gị ka m tinyere ihe niile gbasara m.
And thou, Lord of oostis, the preuere of a iust man, which seest the reynes and herte, Y biseche, se Y thi veniaunce of hem; for Y haue schewid my cause to thee.
13 Bụkuonụ Onyenwe anyị abụ! Nyenụ Onyenwe anyị otuto! Nʼihi na ọ na-anapụta ndụ ndị mkpa na-akpa, site nʼaka ndị ajọ omume.
Synge ye to the Lord, herie ye the Lord, for he delyueride the soule of a pore man fro the hond of yuel men.
14 Ihe a bụrụ ọnụ ka ụbọchị ahụ a mụrụ m bụ. Ka ụbọchị nne m mụrụ m ghara inwe ngọzị.
Cursid be the dai where ynne Y was borun, the dai where ynne my modir childide me, be not blessid.
15 Onye a na-abụ ọnụ ka nwoke ahụ bụ nke wetara nna m akụkọ ọmụmụ m, nke mere ka ọ ṅụrịa ọṅụ, na-asị ya, “A mụọlara gị nwa, ọ bụ nwa nwoke!”
Cursid be the man, that telde to my fadir, and seide, A knaue child is borun to thee, and made hym glad as with ioye.
16 Ka e meekwa nwoke ahụ ihe Onyenwe anyị mere obodo ndị ahụ o bibiri na-enweghị ọmịiko. Ka nwoke ahụ nọgidekwa na-anụ iti mkpu akwa nʼụtụtụ, na akwa ibu agha nʼehihie.
Thilke man be as the citees ben, whiche the Lord distriede, and it repentide not hym;
17 Nʼihi na ọ hapụrụ igbu m mgbe m nọ nʼafọ nne m, hapụ ime ka afọ nne m bụrụ ili m, ka afọ ya bụrụkwa ihe buru ibu ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.
he that killide not me fro the wombe, here cry eerli, and yellynge in the tyme of myddai; that my modir were a sepulcre to me, and hir wombe were euerlastinge conseyuyng.
18 Nʼihi gịnị ka m ji site nʼafọ nne m pụta ịhụ ọnọdụ ọjọọ ndị a, na ịnọgide nʼobi mwute, na ịnọ ọnọdụ ihere ogologo ụbọchị niile nke ndụ m?
Whi yede Y out of the wombe, that Y schulde se trauel and sorewe, and that mi daies schulen be waastid in schenschipe?

< Jeremaya 20 >