< Jeremaya 1 >

1 Ndị a bụ okwu Jeremaya nwa Hilkaya, bụ otu onye nʼime ndị nchụaja, nọ nʼAnatot nke dị nʼala Benjamin.
The words of Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin:
2 Onye okwu nke Onyenwe anyị bịakwutere nʼafọ nke iri na atọ nʼoge ọchịchị Amọn, eze Juda bụ nwa Josaya.
To whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his rule.
3 Ozi ndị ọzọ rukwara ya ntị nʼoge Jehoiakim nwa Josaya, bụ eze Juda, ruokwa nʼọnwa nke ise nʼafọ nke iri na otu nke Zedekaya nwa Josaya, bụ eze Juda kwụsịrị, mgbe a dọkpụụrụ ndị Jerusalem nʼagha buru ha ka ha gaa biri na mba ọzọ.
And it came again in the days of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, up to the eleventh year of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah; till Jerusalem was taken away in the fifth month.
4 Okwu Onyenwe anyị bịakwutere m, na-asị,
Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
5 “Amaara m gị tupu a tụrụ ime gị, tupu a mụọ gị, edoro m gị nsọ, ahọpụtakwara m gị dịka onye amụma nye mba niile.”
Before you were formed in the body of your mother I had knowledge of you, and before your birth I made you holy; I have given you the work of being a prophet to the nations.
6 Asịrị m, “Ewoo, Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị. Lee, amaghị m ekwu okwu. Abụ m naanị nwantakịrị.”
Then said I, O Lord God! see, I have no power of words, for I am a child.
7 Ma Onyenwe anyị sịrị m, “Asịkwala ‘Abụ m naanị nwantakịrị,’ nʼihi na ị ga-agakwuru onye ọbụla m zigara gị, ị ga-ekwukwa ihe niile m nyere gị nʼiwu.
But the Lord said to me, Do not say, I am a child: for wherever I send you, you are to go, and whatever I give you orders to say, you are to say.
8 Atụkwala egwu nʼihi ha, nʼihi na mụ onwe nọnyere gị ịnapụta gị,” ọ bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara.
Have no fear because of them: for I am with you, to keep you safe, says the Lord.
9 Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị setịpụrụ aka ya metụ m nʼọnụ, sị m, “Lee, ewerela m okwu m tinye gị nʼọnụ.
Then the Lord put out his hand, touching my mouth; and the Lord said to me, See, I have put my words in your mouth:
10 Lee, taa, ana m eme gị onye nlekọta mba dị iche iche na alaeze niile, ihopu na ikwada, ịla nʼiyi na ịtịkpọkwa ha, i wulite ma kụọkwa.”
See, this day I have put you over the nations and over the kingdoms, for uprooting and smashing down, for destruction and overturning, for building up and planting.
11 Mgbe ahụ, okwu nke Onyenwe anyị bịakwutere m, na-asị, “Jeremaya, gịnị ka ị na-ahụ?” Azara m sị, “Ana m ahụ otu alaka osisi alụmọnd.”
Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Jeremiah, what do you see? And I said, I see a branch of an almond-tree.
12 Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị sịrị m, “Ị hụrụ nke ọma, nʼihi na m na-eche okwu ọnụ ịhụ m na m mezuru ha.”
Then the Lord said to me, You have seen well: for I keep watch over my word to give effect to it.
13 Okwu Onyenwe anyị bịakwutere m nke ugboro abụọ na-asị, “Gịnị ka ị na-ahụ?” A sịrị m, “Ana m ahụ ite mmiri ọkụ, nke na-agbọ agbọ, nke e mere ka o hulata chee ọnụ ya na ndịda.”
And the word of the Lord came to me a second time, saying, What do you see? And I said, I see a boiling pot, and its face is from the north.
14 Onyenwe anyị sịrị m, “Ihe egwu ga-esite nʼugwu bịakwasị ndị niile bi nʼala a.
Then the Lord said to me, Out of the north evil will come, bursting out on all the people of the land.
15 Ma ugbu a, ana m akpọku ndị niile bi nʼalaeze dị nʼugwu,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya. “Ndị eze ha ga-abịa doo ocheeze ha nʼọnụ ụzọ ama e si abata Jerusalem, imegide ogologo mgbidi nke obodo ahụ gburugburu, na imegidekwa obodo niile nke Juda.
For see, I will send for all the families of the kingdoms of the north, says the Lord; and they will come, everyone placing his high seat at the way into Jerusalem, and against its walls on every side, and against all the towns of Judah.
16 Aga m ekwupụta ikpe niile m megide ha, nʼihi ajọ omume ha niile nʼịgbakụta m azụ, na isure ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nye chi ndị ọzọ, nakwa ịkpọ isiala nye ihe ndị ahụ niile ha ji aka ha kpụọ.
And I will give my decision against them on account of all their evil-doing; because they have given me up, burning perfumes to other gods and worshipping the works of their hands.
17 “Bilie ọtọ, jikere onwe gị, ka ị pụọ gaa gwa ha ihe ọbụla m nyere gị nʼiwu. Atụkwala ụjọ ha, ma ọ bụghị ya, aga m emenye gị egwu nʼihu ha.
So make yourself ready, and go and say to them everything I give you orders to say: do not be overcome by fear of them, or I will send fear on you before them.
18 Nʼihi na lee, site taa gaa nʼihu emeela m gị ka ị dịrị ka obodo e wusiri ike. Ị dịkwa ka mgbidi e ji igwe kpụọ, na dịka ibo e ji ọla dị arọ kpụọ, iguzogide ala ahụ niile. Iguzogide ndị eze Juda niile, ndịisi ala Juda niile, na ndị nchụaja niile, na ndị mmadụ ọzọ.
For see, this day have I made you a walled town, and an iron pillar, and walls of brass, against all the land, against the kings of Judah, against its captains, against its priests, and against the people of the land.
19 Ha ga-agbalị ka ha megide gị, ma ha agaghị emeri gị. Nʼihi na mụ onwe m nọnyeere gị, aga m anapụtakwa gị.” Otu ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya.
They will be fighting against you, but they will not overcome you: for I am with you, says the Lord, to give you salvation.

< Jeremaya 1 >