< Aịzaya 57 >

1 Ndị ezi omume na-ala nʼiyi, ma ọ dịghị onye ọbụla na-etinye ya nʼobi; a na-ewezuga ndị ji obi ha niile na-efe Chineke, ma ọ dịghị onye na-aghọta, na-ewezugara onye ezi omume pụọ nʼihu ihe ọjọọ.
The righteous man perisheth, and no one layeth it to heart; And pious men are taken away, and none considereth That because of the evil the righteous man is taken away.
2 Ndị na-agazi agazi nʼụzọ ha na-abanye nʼudo. Ha na-enwekwa izuike mgbe ha dinara nʼọnwụ.
He entereth into peace; He resteth in his bed, Every one that walketh in uprightness.
3 “Ma unu onwe unu, bịanụ nʼebe a, unu ụmụ ndị mgbaasị, unu ụmụ ndị na-akwa iko, na ụmụ ndị akwụna.
But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, Ye brood of the adulterer and the harlot!
4 Onye ka unu na-akwa emo? Onye ka unu na-akọcha, na-arapụtakwara ire unu? Unu ọ bụghị ụmụ ndị nnupu isi, mkpụrụ ndị na-ekwu okwu ụgha?
Of whom do ye make your sport, And at whom do ye make wide the mouth, And draw out the tongue? Are ye not rebellious children, a treacherous brood?
5 Unu na-emejupụta ihe ọjọọ niile na-agụ obi unu agụụ mgbe unu zukọrọ na-efe arụsị unu nʼokpuru osisi ook ọbụla. Unu na-ewerekwa ụmụ unu chụọ aja na ndagwurugwu niile, na nʼokpuru nkume niile dị elu.
Burning with lust for idols Under every green tree, Slaying children in the valleys, Under the clefts of the rocks?
6 Chi unu na-efe bụ nkume niile na-akwọ mụrụmụrụ, nke dị na ndagwurugwu niile, ha bụ ihe nketa nza unu fere. E, ọ bụ ha ka unu na-awụpụrụ onyinye mmanya unu niile na onyinye mkpụrụ ọka unu niile. Nʼihi ihe ndị a niile, m ga-esi aṅaa dere duu?
With the smooth stones of the valley is thy portion; These, these are thy lot; Here thou pourest out thy drink-offering, And presentest thy meat-offering; Can I see such things, and be at rest?
7 Ọ bụ nʼelu ugwu dị elu ka unu doziiri onwe unu ihe ndina, nʼebe ahụ kwa ka unu gara chụọ aja unu.
Upon a high and lofty mountain settest thou thy bed; Thither dost thou go up to offer sacrifice;
8 Ọ bụkwa nʼazụ ọnụ ụzọ niile, na ibo ụzọ niile, ka ị kwụbara oyiyi arụsị gị. Ị gbakụtara m azụ, yipụ uwe gị rịbanye nʼime ihe ndina gị, ebe gị na ndị ahụ ị hụrụ nʼanya dinakọrọ, imejupụta ihe ọjọọ ahụ na-agụ obi gị agụụ.
Behind the doors and the posts dost thou place thy memorial; Thou departest from me, and uncoverest, and ascendest, and enlargest thy bed. Thou makest an agreement with them; Thou desirest their bed; Thou choosest a place.
9 Ị were mmanụ jekwuru Molek meekwa ka mmanụ otite gị na-esi isi ụtọ baa ụba. Ị zipụrụ ndị nnọchite anya gị gaa na mba dị anya; ị gbadara ruo nʼime ime ala mmụọ. (Sheol h7585)
Thou goest to the king with oil, And takest much precious perfume; Thou sendest thine ambassadors afar, Yea, down to the under-world. (Sheol h7585)
10 Oke mwagharị ndị a niile emeela ike gwụsịa gị, ma ị dịghị asị, ‘Olileanya adịghị.’ Ị chọtara ntute nye ndụ gị, ya mere, na ị daghị mba.
In the length of thy journeys thou hast wearied thyself, But thou sayest not, “I will desist”; Thou yet findest life in thy hand, Therefore thou art not discouraged.
11 “Onye na-emenye gị ụjọ na egwu dị otu a? Nke mere na ị dịghị agwa m eziokwu? Ị naghị echetakwa m, ị naghị atụgharịkwa ihe banyere m nʼobi gị? Ọ bụ nʼihi na m gbara nkịtị oge ndị a niile ka i ji hapụ ịtụ m egwu?
On account of whom art thou anxious, and of whom art thou afraid, that thou hast proved false, And hast not remembered me, nor laid it to heart? Behold, I have been silent a long time; Therefore thou fearest me not.
12 Lee, aga m ekpughe ezi omume gị na ọrụ ọma gị, igosi gị na ihe ndị a ị gụrụ dị ka ezi ihe agaghị enyere gị aka.
But now I announce thy deliverance, And thy works do not profit thee.
13 Mgbe ị ga-eti mkpu akwa maka enyemaka, ka arụsị niile ndị ịchịkọbara zọpụta gị. Ikuku ga-eburu ha niile bufuo, naanị otu nkuume ga-ekutu ha. Ma onye ọbụla gbabara nʼime m izere ndụ ga-eketa ala ahụ; ha ga-enwetakwa ugwu nsọ m.”
When thou criest, let thy host of idols deliver thee! But the wind shall bear them all away; A breath shall take them off; But he that putteth his trust in me Shall possess the land, And shall inherit my holy mountain.
14 A ga-asịkwa, “Dozienụ ụzọ! Dozienụ ụzọ, mee ya ka ọ maa mma. Bupụsịanụ ihe ịsọ ngọngọ niile nʼụzọ ndị m.”
Men shall say, Cast up, cast up, prepare the road; Remove every obstruction from the way of my people!
15 Nʼihi ihe a ka onye dị elu, onye e mere ka ọ dị ukwuu, onye dị mgbe ebighị ebi, onye aha ya dị nsọ kwuru: “Ebi m nʼebe dị elu nke dịkwa nsọ, ibinyere onye dị umeala nʼobi, na onye wedara mmụọ ya nʼala, itute mmụọ nke onye e wedara nʼala, na ịkpọlite mmụọ nke onye dị umeala nʼobi.
For thus saith the high and lofty One That inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place; With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit; To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
16 Nʼihi na ọ bụghị ruo ebighị ebi ka m ga na-emegide gị, maọbụ na-egosi iwe m. Ọ bụrụ na m emee otu a, mmụọ ndị mmadụ ụwa niile ga-ada mba, ya na mkpụrụobi niile ahụ m ji aka m kpụọ.
For I will not contend forever, Nor will I be always angry; For life would fail before me, And the souls which I created.
17 Ewesoro m ha iwe nʼihi mmehie ha na oke ọchịchọ ha. Ọ bụkwa nʼihi ya ka m ji taa ha ahụhụ, gbakụtakwa ha azụ. Ma lee, ha nọgidesikwara ike na-eme mmehie, na-eme ihe ọbụla nke na-atọ obi ha ụtọ.
For the guilt of his covetousness I was angry; I smote him, I hid myself, and was angry; But yet he went on perversely in the way of his heart.
18 Ahụla m ihe niile ha mere ma aga m agwọ ha. Aga m edu ha, kasịekwa ndị na-eru ụjụ nʼIzrel obi.
I have seen his ways, yet will I heal him; I will guide him, and I will restore comfort To him and to his mourners;
19 Aga m eme ka abụ otuto dị nʼegbugbere ọnụ ha. Udo, udo, dịrị ndị nọ nso na ndị nọ nʼebe dị anya,” ka Onyenwe anyị kwuru. “Aga m agwọkwa ha.”
I create the fruit of the lips. Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is nigh, Saith Jehovah; I will heal him.
20 Ma ndị niile na-emebi iwu dị ka oke osimiri na-amagharị amagharị, nke na-adịghị ezu ike mgbe ọbụla. Ọ na-amapụtakwa ụrọ na apịtị.
But the wicked is like the troubled sea, Which cannot rest, Whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
21 “Ọ dịkwaghị udo dịrị onye na-emebi iwu,” ka Chineke kwuru.
There is no peace, saith my God, for the wicked.

< Aịzaya 57 >