< Aịzaya 45 >

1 “Nke a ka Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu nye ohu ya nke o tere mmanụ, bụ Sairọs, onye m ga-eji aka nri ya megide mba niile, mee ka ha nọrọ nʼokpuru ya, napụkwa ndị eze ngwa agha ha niile, megheere ya ọnụ ụzọ niile nke na ọ dịkwaghị ọnụ ụzọ ama a ga-emechibido ya.
Thus said YHWH, To His anointed, to Cyrus, Whose right hand I have laid hold on, To subdue nations before him, Indeed, I loose loins of kings, To open double doors before him, Indeed, gates are not shut:
2 Mụ onwe m ga-ebu ụzọ gaa nʼihu gị kwazee ugwu ukwu niile, tiwasịa ibo ọnụ ụzọ bronz niile gbuwakwaa mkpọrọ igwe dị iche iche.
“I go before you, and make crooked places straight, I shatter doors of bronze, And I cut bars of iron apart,
3 Aga m enye gị akụ niile e zoro nʼebe ọchịchịrị gbara, akụnụba niile e zoro nʼebe nzuzo dị iche iche. Ka ị mata na ọ bụ mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị, bụ Chineke nke Izrel, onye ahụ kpọrọ gị aha, na-eme ihe ndị a niile.
And have given to you treasures of darkness, Even treasures of secret places, So that you know that I, YHWH, Who am calling on your name—[am] the God of Israel.
4 Nʼihi Jekọb bụ ohu m, nʼihi Izrel onye m họpụtara nye onwe m, ka m ji kpọọ gị aha gị nyekwa gị aha nke nsọpụrụ, maọbụ ezie na ị maghị onye m bụ.
For the sake of My servant Jacob, And of Israel My chosen, I also call you by your name, I surname you, And you have not known Me.
5 Ọ bụ m bụ Onyenwe anyị, ọ dịghịkwa onye ọzọ dị; ewezuga m, ọ dịkwaghị Chineke ọzọ dị. Ọ bụ ezie na ị maghị m, ma aga m eme ka ị dịrị ike.
I [am] YHWH, and there is none else, There is no God except Me, I gird you, and you have not known Me.
6 Mgbe ahụ, ụwa niile, site nʼọwụwa anyanwụ ruo nʼọdịda anyanwụ, ga-amata nʼezie na Chineke ọzọ adịghị, karịa m. Abụ m Onyenwe anyị, ọ dịghịkwa onye ọzọ dị.
So that they know from the rising of the sun, And from the west, that there is none besides Me, I [am] YHWH, and there is none else,
7 Ọ bụ m kpụrụ ìhè, keekwa ọchịchịrị. Ọ bụ m na-ezite ọganihu, na-ekekwa ịla nʼiyi. Mụ onwe m, bụ Onyenwe anyị, na-eme ihe ndị a niile.
Forming light, and creating darkness, Making peace, and creating calamity, I [am] YHWH, doing all these things.
8 “Gị, eluigwe, zodata ezi omume m ka mbara eluigwe na-ezodakwa ya dịka mmiri. Ka ala meghee onwe ya, ka nzọpụta pupụta, ka ezi omume soro ya puokwa dịka ahịhịa. Ọ bụ mụ onwe m, bụ Onyenwe anyị kere ha niile.
Drop, you heavens, from above, And clouds cause righteousness to flow, Earth opens, and they are fruitful, Salvation and righteousness spring up together, I, YHWH, have created it.
9 “Ahụhụ na-adịrị mmadụ ahụ nke na-alụso onye kere ya ọgụ, mmadụ ahụ bụ otu mpekele ejuju nʼetiti mpekele ejuju niile dị nʼala. Ụrọ ọ na-ajụ onye ji ya akpụ ihe ajụjụ sị, ‘Gịnị ka i ji m akpụ?’ Ka ọrụ gị ọ ga-asị, ‘Lee, ọ dịghị aka abụọ o nwere’?
Woe [to] him who is striving with his Former (A potsherd with potsherds of the ground!) Does clay say to its Framer, What [are] you doing? And your work, He has no hands?
10 Ahụhụ na-adịrị nwantakịrị ahụ gwara nna ya okwu sị, ‘Gịnị ka ị mụtara na nwa?’ maọbụ sịkwa nne ya, ‘Gịnị bụ ihe ị mụpụtara?’
Woe [to] him who is saying to a father, What do you beget? Or to a wife, What do you bring forth?”
11 “Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị, Onye nsọ nke Izrel, Onye kere Izrel na-ajụ ajụjụ sị; banyere ihe ndị gaje ime ị na-ajụ m ajụjụ banyere ụmụ m, maọbụ nye m iwu banyere ọrụ aka m?
Thus said YHWH, The Holy One of Israel, and his Former: “Ask Me of the things coming concerning My sons, Indeed, concerning the work of My hands, you command Me.
12 Ọ bụ mụ onwe m kere ụwa, keekwa mmadụ ka o biri nʼime ya. Aka m abụọ ka m ji gbasaa mbara igwe, nyekwa kpakpando niile iwu.
I made earth, and created man on it, My hands stretched out the heavens, And I have commanded all their host.
13 M ga-akpọlite Sairọs nʼezi omume m: M ga-eme ka ụzọ ya niile zie ezi. Ọ ga-ewughachi obodo m, mee ka ndị m a dọtara nʼagha nwere onwe ha, ma ọ bụghị nʼihi ọnụahịa maọbụ ihe nrite, ka Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile kwuru.”
I have stirred him up in righteousness, And I make all his ways straight, He builds My city, and sends out My captivity, Not for price, nor for bribe,” said YHWH of Hosts.
14 Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị sịrị, “Ihe ndị Ijipt rụpụtara na ngwa ahịa ndị Kush na ndị Saba ahụ toro ogologo, ha ga-abịakwute gị, ha ga-abụ nke gị; ha ga-esokwa gị nʼazụ dịka ndị mkpọrọ e kere agbụ. Ha ga-akpọ isiala nʼihu gị rịọ gị arịrịọ, na-asị, ‘Nʼezie, ọ bụ naanị otu Chineke dị, onye nọnyere gị, ọ dịkwaghị chi ọzọ dị.’”
Thus said YHWH: “The labor of Egypt, And the merchandise of Cush, And of the Sebaim—men of measure, Pass over to you, and they are yours, They go after you, they pass over in chains, And they bow themselves to you, They pray to you: Surely God [is] in you, And there is none else, no [other] God.”
15 Nʼezie, gị onwe gị bụ Chineke, Onye nzọpụta Izrel. Ị bụkwa Chineke, onye na-ezonarị mmadụ onwe ya.
Surely You [are] a God hiding Yourself, God of Israel—Savior!
16 A ga-eme ndị niile na-akpụ arụsị ihe ihere, e, ihere ga-eme ha nʼihi na a ga-etinye ha nʼọnọdụ oke ihere.
They have been ashamed, And they have even blushed—all of them, Those carving images have gone together in confusion.
17 Ma Onyenwe anyị ga-eji nzọpụta nke ga-adị ruo mgbe ebighị ebi zọpụta Izrel. Ihere agaghị eme ha. A gaghị etinyekwa ha nʼọnọdụ ihe ihere ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.
Israel has been saved in YHWH, A perpetual salvation! You are not ashamed nor confounded For all ages of eternity!
18 Nʼihi na otu a ka Onyenwe anyị onye kere eluigwe sịrị, ọ bụ ya dobekwara ihe niile nʼọnọdụ ha. Ọ bụ ya, bụ Chineke, onye zubere ma kee ụwa, tọkwaa ntọala ya. O keghị ụwa ka ọ tọgbọrọ nʼefu, kama ọ bụ ka e biri nʼime ya ka o ji kee ya. Ọ sịrị, “Mụ onwe m bụ Onyenwe anyị; ọ dịkwaghị Chineke ọzọ dị.
For thus said YHWH, Creator of the heavens, He is God, Former of earth, and its Maker, He established it—He did not create it empty, For He formed it to be inhabited: “I [am] YHWH, and there is none else.
19 Ọ bụghị na nzuzo ka m kwuru okwu, site nʼotu ebe nʼala nke ọchịchịrị. Agwaghị m mkpụrụ Jekọb ‘Chọọnụ m nʼefu.’ Mụ onwe m, bụ Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu eziokwu, Ana m ekwupụta ihe ziri ezi.
I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth, I have not said to the seed of Jacob, Seek Me in vain, I [am] YHWH, speaking righteousness, Declaring uprightness.
20 “Chịkọtaanụ onwe unu, gbakọtanụ, bịanụ nso, unu ndị si na mba niile gbapụta ọsọ ndụ. Ha amaghị ihe bụ ndị a na-ebugharị chi osisi e ji aka mee, ndị na-ekpekwara chi ndị ahụ na-enweghị ike ịzọpụta ekpere.
Be gathered, and come in, Come near together, you escaped of the nations, They have not known, Who are lifting up the wood of their carved image, And praying to a god [that] does not save.
21 Kwupụtanụ ihe kwesiri ịdị, gosinụ ya, ka ha gbaakọkwa izu. Onye buru ụzọ kwuo ihe ndị a nʼoge gara aga, onye kwupụtara ya site na mgbe ochie? Ọ bụghị mụ onwe m, bụ Onyenwe anyị? Ọ dịkwaghị Chineke ọzọ dị ma ọ bụghị mụ onwe m, Chineke onye ezi omume na Onye nzọpụta; ọ dịghị onye ọzọ dị ma ewezuga m.
Declare, and bring near, Indeed, they take counsel together, Who has proclaimed this from of old? [Who] has declared it from that time? Is it not I—YHWH? And there is no other god besides Me, A God righteous and saving, there is none except Me.
22 “Laghachikwutenụ m, ka m zọpụta unu. Laghachikwutenụ m, unu ndị bi na nsọtụ niile nke ụwa. Nʼihi na ọ bụ naanị m bụ Chineke, ọ dịkwaghị chi ọzọ dị.
Turn to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth, For I [am] God, and there is none else.
23 Ejirila m onwe m ṅụọ iyi, ọnụ m ekwupụla okwu nʼezi omume, bụ okwu nke na-enweghị mgbanwe: Nʼihu m ka ikpere niile ọbụla ga-egbu nʼala; mụ ka ire niile ọbụla ga-aṅụrụ iyi.
I have sworn by Myself, A word has gone out from My mouth in righteousness, And it does not return, That to Me, every knee bows, every tongue swears.
24 E, ha ga-ekwupụta sị, ‘Ọ bụ nʼime Onyenwe anyị naanị ka ezi omume na ike dị.’” Ndị niile na-akpọ ya asị ga-abịakwute ya. Ihere ga-emekwa ha.
Only in YHWH, one has said, Do I have righteousness and strength, He comes to Him, And all those displeased with Him are ashamed.
25 Ma agbụrụ niile nke Izrel ga-achọta nnapụta ha nʼime Onyenwe anyị, ọ bụkwa na ya ka ha ga-anya isi.
In YHWH are all the seed of Israel justified, And they boast themselves.”

< Aịzaya 45 >