< Aịzaya 44 >

1 “Ma ugbu a, gee ntị gị Jekọb, bụ ohu m, geekwanụ ntị, unu ndị Izrel m họpụtara.
And now, Jacob, my seruaunt, here thou, and Israel, whom I chees.
2 Nke a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu, bụ onye kere unu, onye kpụrụ unu nʼime nʼafọ, na onye ga-enyere unu aka: Atụla egwu, gị Jekọb, ohu m, atụkwala egwu gị Jeshurun, onye nke m họpụtara.
The Lord makynge and foryyuynge thee, thin helpere fro the wombe, seith these thingis, My seruaunt, Jacob, nyle thou drede, and thou moost riytful, whom Y chees.
3 Nʼihi na aga m eme ka ala ahụ kpọrọ nkụ nweta mmiri, mee ka mmiri na-asọgharị nʼala ahụ akpịrị na-akpọ nkụ. Aga m awụkwasị ụmụ ụmụ unu Mmụọ m, meekwa ka ngọzị m dịrị ha.
For Y schal schede out watris on the thirsti, and floodis on the dry lond; Y schal schede out my spirit on thi seed, and my blessyng on thi generacioun.
4 Ha ga-etopụta etopụta dịka ahịhịa a gbara mmiri, e, dịka osisi pọpla nʼakụkụ iyi jupụtara na mmiri.
And thei schulen buriowne among erbis, as salewis bisidis rennynge watris.
5 Ha ga-eji nganga sị, ‘Abụ m nke Onyenwe anyị,’ maọbụ ‘Abụ m nwa nwa Jekọb,’ ebe ndị ọzọ ga-edepụta nʼaka ha, ‘Nke Onyenwe anyị ka m bụ,’ ha ga-agụkwa onwe ha Izrel.
This man schal seie, Y am of the Lord, and he schal clepe in the name of Jacob; and this man schal write with his hoond to the Lord, and schal be licned in the name of Israel.
6 “Nke a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu, onye bụ Eze Izrel na Onye mgbapụta ya, Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile: Mụ onwe bụ Mmalite na Ọgwụgwụ; ọ dịkwaghị Chineke ọzọ dị ma ewezuga m.
The Lord, kyng of Israel, and ayenbiere therof, the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y am the firste and Y am the laste, and with outen me is no God.
7 Ọ bụkwa onye dị ka m? Ya kwupụta ya. Ya kwupụta ya, doo ya nʼusoro ka ntị nụrụ! Ya kwupụta ihe niile mere kemgbe m mere ka ndị m guzosie ike. Ya kwupụtakwa, ma dokwaa ha nʼusoro, ihe niile na-aga ime nʼoge dị nʼihu.
Who is lijk me? clepe he, and telle, and declare ordre to me, sithen Y made elde puple; telle he to hem thingis to comynge, and that schulen be.
8 Unu atụla egwu. Unu amakwala jijiji. Ọ bụ na m akọpụtaghị ihe ndị a ma kwupụta ha nʼoge gara aga. Unu onwe unu bụ ndị akaebe m. Ọ dị chi ọzọ dị ma e wezuga m? Mba! O nweghị Oke nkume ọzọ dị, nke m maara ihe banyere ya.”
Nyle ye drede, nether be ye disturblid; fro that tyme Y made thee for to here, and Y telde; ye ben my witnessis. Whethir a God is with out me, and a formere, whom Y knew not?
9 Ndị a niile na-apị arụsị bụ ndị nzuzu. Chi ndị ahụ niile ha na-agụ dị ka ihe ukwu bụkwa ihe na-enweghị isi. Ndị niile na-akpọ isiala nye chi ndị a bụ ndị kpuru ìsì, na ndị amamihe kọrọ, ndị ihere ga-emekwa.
Alle the fourmeris of an idol ben no thing, and the moost louyd thingis of hem schulen not profite; thei ben witnessis of tho, that tho seen not, nether vndurstonden, that thei be schent.
10 Ọ baghị uru mmadụ ịkpụrụ onwe ya arụsị maọbụ chi a pịrị apị, nke na-apụghị inyere ya aka nʼụzọ ọbụla?
Who fourmyde a god, and yetide an ymage, not profitable to ony thing?
11 Lee ihere ga-eme ndị niile na-akpọ isiala nye ya. Ndị kpụrụ ha bụ naanị ndị mmadụ. Ka ha niile chịkọta onwe ha, guzo, nwee mkpebi ha, ha ga-anọ nʼọnọdụ nʼihere, na nʼoke egwu.
Lo! alle the parteneris therof schulen be schent; for the smythis ben of men. Whanne alle schulen come, thei schulen stonde, and schulen drede, and schulen be schent togidere.
12 Ọkpụ ụzụ na-ewere ngwa ọrụ ya na-ahụ ya nʼime icheku ọkụ, ọ na-eji mkpirisi igwe onye ọka tipịa ya nʼụdịdị arụsị, ọ bụ ike nke ogwe aka ya ka o ji akpụ ụzụ. Agụ na-agụ ya, ike na-agwụsịkwa ya; ọ ṅụghị mmiri ọbụla, ọ na-adakwa mba.
A smith wrouyte with a file; he fourmyde it in coolis, and in hameris, and he wrouyte with the arm of his strengthe. He schal be hungri, and he schal faile; he schal not drynke watre, and he schal be feynt.
13 Onye ọka osisi na-esite nʼeriri ọtụtụ tụpụta osisi were pensụlụ kaa ya; ọ na-ewere ngwa ọrụ ya kpụchaa osisi ahụ, were ngwa ọrụ ịka akara, kaa ya akara. Ọ na-arụ ya dịka oyiyi mmadụ, oyiyi mmadụ nʼịma mma ya niile, maka ibi nʼime ụlọ arụsị.
A carpenter stretchide forth a reule, he fourmyde it with an adese; he made it in the corner places, and he turnede it in cumpas; and he made the ymage of a man, as a fair man, dwellynge in the hous.
14 Ọ na-egbutu osisi sida dị iche iche, maọbụ osisi saipres ma ọ bụkwa osisi ook. Ọ na-ahapụ ya ka o too nʼetiti osisi dị iche iche nke oke ọhịa, maọbụ kụọ osisi fịa, nke mmiri ozuzo na-eme ka o too nke ọma.
He kittide doun cedris, he took an hawthorn, and an ook, that stood among the trees of the forest; he plauntide a pyne apple tre, which he nurschide with reyn,
15 Ọ bụkwa nkụ ka eji ya e mere; ụfọdụ ka ọ na-ewere nya ọkụ, ọ na-eji ya afụnwu ọkụ ghee achịcha. Sitekwa na ya pịa chi, kpuo ihu nʼala nye ya; ọ na-emekwa arụsị apịrị apị, kpọọ isiala nye ya.
and it was maad in to fier to men. He took of tho, and was warmed, and he brente, and bakide looues; but of the residue he wrouyte a god, and worschipide it, and he made a grauun ymage, and he was bowid bifore that.
16 Ọkara nʼime osisi ndị a ka o ji emenwu ọkụ; nʼelu ya kwa ka ọ na-esi nri ya, ọ na-ahụnye anụ, were tajuo afọ ya. Nkụ ahụ ka o ji anya ọkụ na-asị, “Ahaa, ahụ ekpola m ọkụ; ahụla m ọkụ.”
He brente the myddil therof with fier, and of the myddil therof he sethide fleischis, and eet; he sethide potage, and was fillid; and he was warmed, and he seide, Wel!
17 Ihe fọdụrụ nʼime osisi ahụ ka ọ na-ewere kwaara onwe ya arụsị a pịrị apị; Ọ na-ada nʼala nʼihu ya, fee ya ofufe. Ọ na-ekpekwara ya ekpere na-asị, “Biko, Zọpụta m, nʼihi na chi m ka ị bụ!”
Y am warmed; Y siy fier. Forsothe the residue therof he made a god, and a grauun ymage to hym silf; he is bowide bifore that, and worschipith that, and bisechith, and seith, Delyuere thou me, for thou art my god.
18 Ha amaghị ihe ọbụla; ha adịghị aghọtakwa, nʼihi na-emechiela anya ha ka ha ghara ịhụ ụzọ, mechiekwa uche ha, ka ha ghara ịghọta.
Thei knewen not, nether vndurstoden, for thei han foryete, that her iye se not, and that thei vndurstonde not with her herte.
19 Ọ dịghị onye na-anọdụ chee echiche, ọ dịghịkwa onye nwere ihe ọmụma maọbụ nghọta ị sị, “Ụfọdụ nʼime osisi a ka m ji kwanye ọkụ, Ọ bụladị ghee achịcha nʼelu icheku ọkụ ya, ejikwa m ụfọdụ nʼime ya hụọ anụ m tara. M ga-esite na nke fọdụrụ mepụta ihe rụrụ arụ? Ọ bụ ogwe osisi ka m ga-akpọ isiala nye?”
Thei bythenken not in her soule, nether thei knowen, nether thei feelen, that thei seie, Y brente the myddil therof in fier, and Y bakide looues on the coolis therof, and Y sethide fleischis, and eet; and of the residue therof schal Y make an idol? schal Y falle doun bifore the stok of a tree?
20 Onye na-adịghị eche ụdị echiche a bụ onye nzuzu, nke na-eji ntụ si nʼebe a kwanyere ọkụ na-azụ onwe ya. Ọ pụghị ịnapụta onwe ya, maọbụ jụọ onwe ya ajụjụ sị, “Ihe a m ji nʼaka m, nke m na-akpọ chi, ọ bụghị okwu ụgha ka ọ bụ?”
A part therof is aische; an vnwijs herte schal worschipe it, and he schal not delyuere his soule, nether he schal seie, A strong leesyng is in my riythond.
21 “Cheta ihe ndị a, gị Jekọb, nʼihi na gị bụ Izrel, ị bụ ohu m. Ọ bụ m kpụrụ gị, ị bụ ohu m; gị bụ Izrel, agaghị m echezọ gị.
Thou, Jacob, and Israel, haue mynde of these thingis, for thou art my seruaunt; Y formyde thee, Israel, thou art my seruaunt; thou schalt not foryete me.
22 Ehichapụla m njehie gị niile; dịka igwe ojii, hichapụkwa mmehie gị dịka igirigi ụtụtụ. Lọghachikwute m, nʼihi na akwụọla m ụgwọ ịgbapụta gị.”
Y dide awei thi wickidnessis as a cloude, and thi synnes as a myist; turne thou ayen to me, for Y ayenbouyte thee.
23 Bụọnụ abụ oke ọṅụ, unu eluigwe, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị emeela ya; tienụ oke mkpu, unu ụwa dị nʼala. Tienụ mkpu ọṅụ, unu ugwu niile, unu bụ oke ọhịa niile na osisi ọbụla nke dị nʼime gị, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị agbapụtala Jekọb, na-egosikwa ebube ya nʼIzrel.
Ye heuenes, herie, for the Lord hath do merci; the laste partis of erth, synge ye hertli song; hillis, sowne ye preisyng; the forest and ech tre therof, herie God; for the Lord ayenbouyte Jacob, and Israel schal haue glorie.
24 “Otu a, Onyenwe anyị na-ekwu, Onye mgbapụta unu, onye ahụ kpụrụ unu nʼime afọ: Mụ onwe bụ Onyenwe anyị, Onye kere ihe niile, onye gbatipụrụ eluigwe, onye gbasara ụwa naanị mụ onwe m,
The Lord, thin ayenbiere, and thi fourmere fro the wombe, seith these thingis, Y am the Lord, makynge alle thingis, and Y aloone stretche forth heuenes, and stablische the erthe, and noon is with me;
25 onye na-emebi ihe ịrịbama niile nke ndị amụma ụgha na-emekwa ka ndị na-ajụta ase ghọọ ndị nzuzu, onye na-ekpu ihe ọmụmụ ndị maara ihe ihu nʼala tụgharịa ya, ha ghọọ ihe nzuzu,
and Y make voide the signes of false dyuynours, and Y turne in to woodnesse dyuynours, that dyuynen by sacrifices offrid to feendis; and Y turne wise men bacward, and Y make her science fonned.
26 onye na-eme ka okwu ndị ohu ya mezuo meekwa ka amụma ndị ozi ya buru mezuo, onye na-asị banyere Jerusalem, ‘A ga-ebikwa nʼime ya ọzọ,’ na-asịkwa banyere obodo niile nke Juda, ‘A ga-ewughachi ha,’ banyere mkpọmkpọ ebe ha niile, ‘Aga m ewulikwa ha.’
And the Lord reisith the word of his seruaunt, and fillith the councel of hise messangeris; and Y seie, Jerusalem, thou schalt be enhabitid; and to the citees of Juda, Ye schulen be bildid, and Y schal reise the desertis therof;
27 Onye ahụ na-asị, ogbu mmiri, ‘Takọrọ, aga m emekwa ka iyi ya niile takọrọsịa,’
and Y seie to the depthe, Be thou desolat, and Y shal make drie thi floodis;
28 Onye na-asị banyere Sairọs, ‘Ọ bụ onye ọzụzụ atụrụ m, ọ ga-emezukwa ihe niile na-adị m mma; Ọ ga-asịkwa banyere Jerusalem, “Ka ewugharịa ya,” ma banyere ụlọnsọ, “Ka ehiwe ntọala ya.”’
and Y seie to Cirus, Thou art my scheepherde, and thou schalt fille al my wille; and Y seie to Jerusalem, Thou schalt be bildid; and to the temple, Thou schalt be foundid.

< Aịzaya 44 >