< Aịzaya 28 >

1 Ahụhụ ga-adịrị okpueze okoko ọhịa ahụ, nke bụ mpako Ifrem, obodo ahụ ndị ya na-aṅụbiga mmanya oke ji anya isi. Obodo ahụ e wukwasịrị na mbara ala ndagwurugwu mara mma. Obodo ahụ ịma mma ya na-ada dịka okoko osisi e kpukwasịrị ndị ndu ya mmanya na-egbu nʼisi.
Woe [to] the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim. And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory, That [is] on the head of the fat valley of the broken down of wine.
2 Lee, Onyenwe anyị nwere otu onye dị ike, onye nwekwara ume, dịka oke mmiri ozuzu nke akụmmiri igwe na dịka oke ifufe na-eweta mbibi, dịka oke mmiri ozuzo na-erubiga oke na dịka oke mmiri ozuzo bu idee mmiri ji ike ekwo, ọ ga-eji ike tụpụ ya nʼala.
Behold, a mighty and strong one [is] to the Lord, As a storm of hail—a destructive shower, As an inundation of mighty waters overflowing, He cast down to the earth with the hand.
3 Okpueze okoko osisi, bụ mpako nke ndị Ifrem na-aṅụbiga mmanya oke, ga-abụ ihe a ga-azọtọkwa nʼokpuru ụkwụ.
The proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim is trodden down by feet,
4 Okoko ọhịa nke na-akpọnwụ akpọnwụ, nke bụ ebube ịma mma ya, nke dị nʼisi ndagwurugwu na-emepụta ihe, ga-adị ka mkpụrụ fiig chara tupu oge owuwe ihe ubi eruo, nke mgbe onye ọbụla hụrụ ha na-ewere ha nʼaka, tinye nʼọnụ ya, loo ha.
And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory That [is] on the head of the fat valley, Has been as its first-fruit before summer, That its beholder sees; He swallows it while it [is] yet in his hand.
5 Nʼụbọchị ahụ, Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile nʼonwe ya, ga-aghọrọ ndị ya fọdụrụ nʼala ahụ okpueze mara mma, ọ ga-aghọkwara ha okoko mara mma.
In that day YHWH of Hosts is For a crown of beauty, and for a circlet of glory, To the remnant of His people.
6 Ọ ga-abụ mmụọ nke ikpe ziri ezi nye ndị ikpe. Ọ ga-abụkwa ike nye ndị na-achụghachi ndị iro azụ nʼọnụ ụzọ ama.
And for a spirit of judgment To him who is sitting in the judgment, And for might [to] those turning back the battle to the gate.
7 Ndị a kwa na-adagharị site na mmanya sitekwa nʼihe ọṅụṅụ na-aba nʼanya. Ndị nchụaja na ndị amụma na-adagharị site na ihe ọṅụṅụ na-aba nʼanya, mmanya emeela na ha amakwaghị ihe ha na-eme; ha na-adagharị site nʼihe ọṅụṅụ na-aba nʼanya ha na-adagharị mgbe ha na-ahụ ọhụ dị iche iche, ha na-asọ ngọngọ mgbe ha nʼekpe ikpe.
And even these have erred through wine, And have wandered through strong drink, Priest and prophet erred through strong drink, They have been swallowed up of the wine, They wandered because of the strong drink, They have erred in seeing, They have stumbled judicially.
8 Nʼihi na tebul ha niile jupụtara nʼihe ọgbụgbọ ruru unyi. O nwekwaghị ebe dị ọcha.
For all tables have been full of vomit, Filth—without place!
9 “Ọ bụ onye ka ọ na-achọ ikuziri ihe? Ọ bụ onye ka ọ na-achọ ka ọ ghọta ozi ya? Ọ bụ ụmụnta ndị a kwusịrị ịṅụ mmiri ara, bụ ndị a ka napụrụ ara?
By whom does He teach knowledge? And by whom does He cause to understand the report? The weaned from milk, the removed from breasts,
10 Nʼihi na ọ na-agbalị izi anyị ihe dịka e si dee ya, ahịrị ime nke a, nʼahịrị ime nke ọzọ, nʼusoro tụkwasị nʼusoro, nwantịntị nʼebe a, nwantịntị nʼebe ahụ.”
For rule on rule, rule on rule, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there,
11 Nʼezie, Chineke ga-eji ndị na-asụ asụsụ unu na-amaghị zi unu ihe.
For by scorned lip, and by another tongue, Does He speak to this people.
12 Nʼihi na ọ gwara unu okwu sị, “Lee, nke a bụ ebe izuike ahụ, ebe onye ike gwụrụ nwere ike ịnọ zuru ike; nke a bụ ebe ịgbaume ahụ.” Ma ha jụrụ ige ya ntị.
To whom He has said, “This [is] the rest, give rest to the weary, And this—the refreshing”: And they have not been willing to hear,
13 Ọ bụ nʼihi ya ka e ji na-ezi unu okwu Onyenwe anyị nʼahịrị nʼahịrị, nʼusoro nʼusoro; nwantịntị nʼebe a, nwantịntị nʼebe ahụ, ka unu gaa sụọ ngọngọ dalaa azụ, ka unu bụrụ ndị e tihịara ahụ, ndị ọnya mara, ndị e jidekwara.
And to whom a word of YHWH has been, Rule on rule, rule on rule, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there, So that they go and have stumbled backward, And been broken, and snared, and captured.
14 Nʼihi nke a, nụrụnụ okwu Onyenwe anyị, unu ndị na-akwa emo, ndị ọchịchị Jerusalem dị nʼaka.
Therefore, hear a word of YHWH, you men of scorning, Ruling this people that [is] in Jerusalem.
15 Nʼihi na unu ekwuola sị, “Anyị na ọnwụ agbaala ndụ, anyị na ala mmụọ enwekọọkwala otu mkpebi. Mgbe ịla nʼiyi ahụ dị ukwuu ga-esi nʼebe anyị nọ gafee, ọ gaghị erute anyị, nʼihi na anyị emeela ka okwu ụgha bụrụ ebe mgbaba anyị; ọ bụkwa nʼime okwu ụgha ka anyị na-ezo onwe anyị.” (Sheol h7585)
Because you have said: “We have made a covenant with death, And we have made a provision with Sheol, An overflowing scourge, when it passes over, Does not meet us, Though we have made a lie our refuge, And have been hidden in falsehood.” (Sheol h7585)
16 Ma otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị sịrị, “Lee, ana m atọgbọ na Zayọn otu nkume, nke anwapụtarala. Nkume nkuku dị oke ọnụahịa, nʼihi ntọala siri ike. Onye nke kweere na ya egwu agaghị ejide ya.
Therefore, thus said Lord YHWH: “Behold, I am laying a foundation in Zion, A stone—a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a settled foundation, He who is believing does not make haste.
17 Ikpe ziri ezi ga-abụ eriri ọtụtụ nke ji atụ ihe, ezi omume ga-abụkwa ihe ịtụ mgbidi; akụmmiri nke oke mmiri ozuzo, ga-ekpochapụ ebe mgbaba unu, okwu ụgha unu, mmiri ga-etojukwa nʼebe nzuzo unu.
And I have put judgment for a line, And righteousness for a plummet, And hail sweeps away the refuge of lies, And waters overflow the secret hiding place.
18 Mgbe ahụ, a ga-akagbu ọgbụgba ndụ ahụ unu na ọnwụ gbara; mkpebi unu na ala mmụọ agaghị eguzokwa. Mgbe oke ịla nʼiyi ahụ si nʼebe unu nọ na-agafe, ọ ga-azọda unu. (Sheol h7585)
And your covenant with death has been annulled, And your provision with Sheol does not stand, An overflowing scourge, when it passes over, Then you have been to it for a treading-place. (Sheol h7585)
19 Mgbe ọbụla o si nʼebe unu nọ na-agafe, ọ ga-eburu unu, maọbụ nʼụtụtụ, ehihie, maọbụ nʼabalị, oge niile, mgbe mgbe.” Mgbe ahụ, obi unu ga-aghọta okwu Chineke; ọ ga-ewetara unu ahụ ịma jijiji.
From the fullness of its passing over it takes you, For it passes over morning by morning, By day and by night, And it has been only a trembling to consider the report.
20 Ihe ndina dị mkpụmkpụ, mmadụ enweghị ike esetipụ onwe ya nʼelu ya; akwa mkpuchi dị oke warawara, mmadụ enweghị ike iji ya fụchizie ahụ nke ọma.
For the bed has been shorter Than to stretch one’s self out in, And the covering has been narrower Than to wrap one’s self up in.
21 Onyenwe anyị ga-ebili dịka o mere nʼugwu Perazim, ọ ga-akpalị onwe ya dịka o mekwara na Ndagwurugwu Gibiọn, ịrụ ọrụ ya, ọrụ ya nke dị ike nʼịkọwa, na ịrụzu ọrụ ya, ụdị nke a na-atụghị anya ya.
For as YHWH rises [at] Mount Perazim, As He is troubled [at] the valley in Gibeon, To do His work—strange [is] His work, And to do His deed—strange [is] His deed.”
22 Ugbu a, ya mere, kwụsịnụ ịkwa emo, ka a ghara ime ka ahụhụ unu dị ukwuu karịa. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị, Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile agwala m na o kpebiela ịla unu nʼiyi.
And now, do not show yourselves scorners, Lest your bands are strong, For a consumption, that is determined, I have heard, by the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, [Is] for all the land.
23 Geenụ ntị, nụrụnụ olu m, ṅaanụ ntị nʼihe m na-agwa unu.
Give ear, and hear my voice, Attend, and hear my saying:
24 Ọ bụ ụbọchị niile ka onye ọrụ ubi na-akọ ala ubi ya hapụ ịkụnye ya mkpụrụ? Ọ bụ mgbe niile ka ọ na-egwuze ala ubi ya ime ka ọ dị larịị, ma ọ gaghị akụnye ya mkpụrụ ọbụla?
Does the plowman plow the whole day to sow? He opens and harrows his ground!
25 Mgbe o gwuzesịrị ya, ọ naghị aghasa mkpụrụ karawe, ghasaakwa kumin? Ọ bụ na ọ naghị akụnye ọka wiiti nʼahịrị nke ya, ọka balị nʼebe o kwesiri, na spelti nʼebe o kwesiri?
Has he not, if he has made its face level, Then scattered fitches, and sprinkles cumin, And has placed the principal wheat, And the appointed barley, And the rye [in] its own border?
26 Ọ maara ihe o kwesiri ime, nʼihi na Chineke na-ezi ụzọ ziri ezi.
And his God instructs him for judgment, He directs him.
27 Nʼihi na ejighị igwe eji azọcha mkpụrụ ọka etichapụta mkpụrụ karawe, maọbụ kpọree ụkwụ igwe nʼelu kumin, kama ọ bụ mkpọrọ ka e ji etichapụta kumin, werekwa osisi nta kwesiri ekwesi kupụta karawe.
For fitches are not threshed with a sharp-pointed thing, And the wheel of a cart turned around on cumin, For fitches are beaten out with a staff, And cumin with a rod.
28 A na-akwọ ọka e ji eme achịcha akwọ, ọ bụghị ruo mgbe ebighị ebi ka a na-anọgide na-etichapụta ya. E nwere ike jiri ụkwụ igwe ụgbọala ịnyịnya na-adọkpụ zọchaa ha, ma ọ bụghị ka a kwọpịasịa mkpụrụ ha.
Bread-[grain] is beaten small, For he does not severely thresh it forever, Nor has a wheel of his cart crushed [it], Nor do his hooves beat it small.
29 Ihe ndị a niile na-esite nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile na-abịa, onye nzube ya dị ịtụnanya, onye amamihe ya dị ebube.
Even this from YHWH of Hosts has gone out, He has made counsel wonderful, He has made wisdom great!

< Aịzaya 28 >