< Hosiya 9 >

1 Aṅụrịla ọṅụ, gị Izrel, ka obi ghara ịtọkwa gị ụtọ dịka ọ na-atọ ndị mba ọzọ, nʼihi na ị jụla Chineke gị, bido ịgba akwụna i hụrụ ụgwọ ọrụ ịkwa iko nʼanya nʼelu ebe ịzọcha ọka niile.
Rejoice not, O Israel, Exult not, like the nations! For thou committest fornication, forsaking thy God! Thou lovest hire on every corn-floor.
2 Ebe ịzọcha mkpụrụ ọka na ebe ịzọcha mkpụrụ vaịnị agaghị azụ ha nri, mmanya ọhụrụ ga-agharịpụ ha.
The floor and the vat shall not feed them, And the new wine shall deceive them.
3 Ha agaghị anọgidekwa nʼala Onyenwe anyị, ma Ifrem ga-alaghachi nʼala Ijipt nọdụ nʼAsịrịa rie nri rụrụ arụ.
They shall not dwell in the land of Jehovah; To Egypt shall Ephraim go back, And eat unclean things in Assyria.
4 Ha agaghị awụsa ihe ọṅụṅụ dịka aja nye Onyenwe anyị, nʼihi na ọdịghị aja ha ga-achụ ga-atọ ya ụtọ. Aja ndị a ga-adị ha ka nri nke ndị na-eru ụjụ si dị. Onye ọbụla riri nri ndị a ga-abụ onye na-adịghị ọcha. Nri ndị a ga-adịrị naanị ha onwe ha, ha agaghị ewebata ya nʼụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị.
They shall pour out no offerings of wine to Jehovah, Nor shall their sacrifices please him; They shall be to them as the bread of mourners; All that eat thereof shall be polluted. Their bread shall be for their own hunger; It shall not come into the house of Jehovah.
5 Gịnị ọzọ ka unu ga-eme nʼụbọchị mmemme unu ndị ahụ a kara aka, ma nʼụbọchị mmemme nke Onyenwe anyị?
What will ye do in the festal day, In the day of the feast of Jehovah?
6 A sịkwa na ha agbanarị mbibi, ndị Ijipt ga-achịkọta ha. Ndị Memfis ga-elikwa ha. Akụnụba nke ọlaọcha ha ka uke ga-ewekọrọ, ogwu na uke ga-etokwa nʼime ebe obibi ha niile,
For, behold, they go forth from a wasted land; Egypt shall gather them; Memphis shall bury them; The precious places of their silver, Nettles shall possess them; Thorns shall spring up in their habitations.
7 Ụbọchị niile nke ntaramahụhụ na-abịa, Ụbọchị ngụkọta ihe abịala nso. Ka Izrel mara nke a. Nʼihi na ịba ụba nke mmehie unu adịla ukwuu, nʼihi na ịkpọ asị unu akarịala, unu na-agụ onye amụma dịka onye nzuzu, na-agụkwa onye nwee Mmụọ nke Chineke dịka onye na-ayị ara.
The days of visitation are come; The days of retribution are come— Israel shall know that the prophet was foolish, That the man of the spirit was mad— For the greatness of` thy iniquity, and thy great hatred.
8 Ma onye amụma bụ onye nche Chineke, na-eche Ifrem nche, ma igbudu nke ọnya jupụtara nʼụzọ ya niile, ịkpọ asị dịkwa nʼime nʼụlọnsọ Chineke ya.
If Ephraim seek an answer from my God, The prophet is as the snare of the fowler in all his ways, A net in the house of his God.
9 Ha emerụọla onwe ha ebe ọ dị ukwuu, dịka ọ dị nʼụbọchị Gibea. Ọ ga-echeta njehie ha. Ọ ga-enye ha ntaramahụhụ nʼihi mmehie ha niile.
They have deeply corrupted themselves, as in the days of Gibeah; He will remember their iniquity; He will requite their sins.
10 “Mgbe m chọtara Izrel, ọ dị ka m chọtara mkpụrụ grepu nʼọzara; mgbe m hụrụ nna nna unu ha, ọ dị ka ihu mkpụrụ bụ ụzọ chaa nʼelu osisi fiig. Ma mgbe ha bịaruru na Baal-Peoa, ha doro onwe ha nsọ nyefee nʼaka arụsị ahụ na-eweta ihere, si otu a ghọọ ndị rụrụ arụ, dịka ihe ndị ahụ ha hụrụ nʼanya si bụrụ ihe rụrụ arụ.
I found Israel as grapes in the wilderness; As the early fruit on the fig-tree, at its first time of bearing, I saw your fathers. But they went to Baal Peor, And separated themselves to shame, And had abominable idols according to their love.
11 Nsọpụrụ Ifrem nwere ga-efefu dị ka nnụnụ, nʼihi na ọmụmụ nwa agaghị adị, a gaghị atụkwa ime, agaghị adịkwa ime.
The glory of Ephraim shall fly away as a bird; They shall not bring forth, nor bear in the womb, nor conceive;
12 A sịkwa na ha azụlite ụmụ ha, aghaghị m ime ka ha nwụọ. Ahụhụ ga-adịrị ha, mgbe m si nʼebe ha nọ wezuga onwe m.
Yea, if they bring up children, I will utterly bereave them; Yea, woe to them when I depart from them!
13 Ahụla m na Ifrem yiri Taịa, bụ ihe akụnyere nʼala mara mma. Ma Ifrem ga-eji aka ya kpọpụta ụmụ ya nye ndị ga-egbu ha.”
I have seen Ephraim planted, like Tyre, in a rich pasture, Yet shall Ephraim bring out his children to the murderer.
14 Biko, Onyenwe anyị nye ha. Gịnị ka i kwesiri inye ha? Nye ha akpanwa nke nwa na-adịghị anọgide nʼime ya, na ara nke mmiri ara na-adịghị.
Give them, O Jehovah! What wilt thou give them? Give them a miscarrying womb, And dry breasts!
15 “Ihe ọjọọ ha niile bidoro na Gilgal, akpọrọ m ha asị nʼebe ahụ. Nʼihi omume mmehie ha niile, aghaghị m isite nʼụlọ m chụpụ ha. Agaghị m ahụkwa ha nʼanya ọzọ, ndị ndu ha niile bụ ndị nnupu isi.
All their wickedness is in Gilgal; Yea, there have I hated them for the wickedness of their doings; I will drive them from my house; I will love them no more; All their princes are revolters.
16 Etigbuola Ifrem, mgbọrọgwụ ha akpọnwụọla, ha agaghị amịkwa mkpụrụ. A sịkwarị na ha amụọ ụmụ, aga m egbu ụmụ ha niile, ndị ha hụrụ nʼanya.”
Ephraim is smitten; Their root is dried up; they shall bear no fruit; Yea, though they should beget children, I will destroy the beloved fruit of the womb.
17 Chineke m ga-ajụ ha, nʼihi na ha adịghị ege ya ntị maọbụ rube isi. Ha ga-aghọ ndị na-awagharị awagharị na-enweghị ụlọ, nʼetiti mba niile.
My God shall cast them away, Because they have not hearkened to him, And they shall be wanderers among the nations.

< Hosiya 9 >