< Hosiya 7 >

1 mgbe m chọrọ ịgwọ Izrel, mmehie Ifrem na-apụta ihe, a na-ekpughekwa arụ a na-eme na Sameria. Ha na-aghọ aghụghọ, ndị ohi na-akụwakwa ụlọ ndị mmadụ, ndị na-apụnara mmadụ ihe nọ nʼokporoụzọ.
when I would heal Israel, then Ephrain’s guilt is revealed, and Samaria’s crimes are seen, how they practise fraud and the thief enters in, while outside bandits plunder.
2 Ọ dịghị onye bi nʼime ha maara na m na-echeta mmehie ha niile. Ugbu a, mmehie ha agbaala ha gburugburu. Ana m ahụkwa ha niile.
But it never crosses their minds that I remember their wickedness. Now their misdeeds surround them, they are always before my face.
3 “Eze ha na-aṅụrị ọṅụ nʼihe ọjọọ ha; ụmụ eze na-achị ọchị nʼihi ụgha ha.
Their wickedness amuses the king, and their lying gladdens the princes,
4 Ha niile bụ ndị na-akwa iko; ha dị ka ite ọkụ ighe achịcha e mere ka ọ dị ọkụ, nke onye na-eghe achịcha na-adịghị akwanye nkụ, site na mgbe e bidoro ịgwakọ ụtụ ọka ahụ tutu ruo mgbe o koliri.
since they are all of them adulterers. Their desire to do evil burns like an oven heated by the baker, so hot that he need not stir the fire, from the kneading of the dough, until it rises.
5 Nʼụbọchị mmemme nke eze anyị, ụmụ eze bụ ndị akpalịrị site na-ịṅụbiga mmanya oke, ya na ndị na-akwa emo jikọtara aka.
On our king’s festival day, the princes are flushed with fever from wine. He stretched forth his hand with the contemptuous,
6 Obi ha na-enwu ọkụ dịka ihe ighe achịcha, ha ji izu nzuzo na-abịakwute ya. Nʼabalị niile iwe ha na-ere nwayọọ ka ọkụ na-anyụ anyụ, nʼụtụtụ ihe ha gbatara nʼizu na-enwu dịka ọkụ.
for like an oven their heart burns with treachery, all night their anger smolders, in the morning it blazes into a flame of fire.
7 Ha niile dị ọkụ dịka ite ighe achịcha dị ọkụ. Ha na-eripịa ndị eze ha. Ndị eze ha niile na-ada, ma o nweghị onye nʼime ha na-akpọku m.
All of them glow like an oven, they devour their rulers. All their kings have fallen. There is none among them who calls to me.
8 “Ifrem na-agwakọta onwe ya nʼetiti ndị mba ọzọ. Ifrem dịkwa ka mbadamba achịcha a na-atụgharịghị atụgharị.
Ephraim – he lets himself be mixed among the peoples, Ephraim – he has become a cake unturned.
9 Ndị mba ọzọ na-eripịa ike ha, ma ha adịghị aghọta ya. Isi awọ apụtala ha nʼisi, ma ya onwe ya amaghị na o si otu a dịrị.
Strangers have devoured his strength, but he does not know it. His hair is sprinkled with grey, but he does not notice.
10 Ịnya isi Izrel na-agba akaebe megide ya ma nʼagbanyeghị ihe ndị a ọ naghị alọghachikwute Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke ya, maọbụ chọọ ya.
Israel’s arrogance testifies against them yet they do not return to the Lord their God, and in all this they do not seek him.
11 “Ifrem dịka nduru nke na-enweghị uche, nke onye ọbụla na-eduhie, ugbu a, ọ na-akpọku Ijipt, ma na-agbakwurukwa Asịrịa.
Ephraim is like a simple, silly dove: to Egypt they call, after Assyria they go,
12 Ma mgbe ha na-agbagharị, aga m ewere ụgbụ m jide ha, dọda ha nʼala dịka nnụnụ e jidere na mbara eluigwe. Aga m enye ha ahụhụ nʼihi njehie ha niile.
wherever they turn I will spread my net over them, like birds of the sky I will bring them down, I will catch them when I hear them gathering.
13 Ahụhụ na-adịrị ha, nʼihi na ha ajụla m. Ha na-ala nʼiyi nʼihi na ha enupula isi ha megide m. Achọrọ m ka m gbapụta ha, ma ha na-agha ụgha megide m.
Woe to them, for they have strayed from me! Destruction to them, for they have been untrue to me. Although it was I who redeemed them, they speak lies about me.
14 Ha ejighịkwa obi ha akpọku m, kama ha na-atụrụ onwe ha nʼelu ihe ndina ha, na-eti mkpu akwa. Mgbe ha na-arịọ arịrịọ maka mkpụrụ ubi na mmanya, ha na-egbukasị onwe ha ahụ, na-ewezugakwa onwe ha site nʼebe m nọ.
They have never cried to me with their hearts, but they are always wailing on their beds. They gather to beg for corn and new wine, but they turn away from me.
15 Enyerela m ha aka, mee ka ha dị ike, ma ha atụgharịala gbaa izu imegide m.
Although it was I who trained and strengthened their arms, concerning me they plan only evil.
16 Ha adịghị ele anya enyemaka nʼaka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu. Ha dịka ụta rọgọrọ arọgọ, nke àkụ ya na-adịghị agbata ihe ọbụla. Ndị ndu ha ga-ada site na mma agha, nʼihi okwu ọjọọ si ha nʼọnụ na-apụta. Nʼihi nke a, a ga-eji ha mee ihe ọchị nʼala Ijipt.
They turn away from the Most High. They have become like a bow that swerves. Their princes will fall by the sword, because of the insolence of their tongues. The land of Egypt will mock them.

< Hosiya 7 >