< Hosiya 7 >

1 mgbe m chọrọ ịgwọ Izrel, mmehie Ifrem na-apụta ihe, a na-ekpughekwa arụ a na-eme na Sameria. Ha na-aghọ aghụghọ, ndị ohi na-akụwakwa ụlọ ndị mmadụ, ndị na-apụnara mmadụ ihe nọ nʼokporoụzọ.
When I have healed Israel, then shall the iniquity of Ephraim be revealed, and the wickedness of Samaria; for they have wrought falsehood: and a thief shall come in to him, [even] a robber spoiling in his way;
2 Ọ dịghị onye bi nʼime ha maara na m na-echeta mmehie ha niile. Ugbu a, mmehie ha agbaala ha gburugburu. Ana m ahụkwa ha niile.
that they may concert together as [men] singing in their heart: I remember all their wickedness: now have their own counsels compassed them about; they came before my face.
3 “Eze ha na-aṅụrị ọṅụ nʼihe ọjọọ ha; ụmụ eze na-achị ọchị nʼihi ụgha ha.
They gladdened kings with their wickedness, and princes with their lies.
4 Ha niile bụ ndị na-akwa iko; ha dị ka ite ọkụ ighe achịcha e mere ka ọ dị ọkụ, nke onye na-eghe achịcha na-adịghị akwanye nkụ, site na mgbe e bidoro ịgwakọ ụtụ ọka ahụ tutu ruo mgbe o koliri.
They are all adulterers, as an oven glowing with flame for hot-baking, on account of the kneading of the dough, until it is leavened.
5 Nʼụbọchị mmemme nke eze anyị, ụmụ eze bụ ndị akpalịrị site na-ịṅụbiga mmanya oke, ya na ndị na-akwa emo jikọtara aka.
[In] the days of our kings, the princes began to be inflamed with wine: he stretched out his hand with pestilent fellows.
6 Obi ha na-enwu ọkụ dịka ihe ighe achịcha, ha ji izu nzuzo na-abịakwute ya. Nʼabalị niile iwe ha na-ere nwayọọ ka ọkụ na-anyụ anyụ, nʼụtụtụ ihe ha gbatara nʼizu na-enwu dịka ọkụ.
Therefore their hearts are inflamed as an oven, while they rage all the night: Ephraim is satisfied with sleep; the morning is come; he is burnt up as a flame of fire.
7 Ha niile dị ọkụ dịka ite ighe achịcha dị ọkụ. Ha na-eripịa ndị eze ha. Ndị eze ha niile na-ada, ma o nweghị onye nʼime ha na-akpọku m.
They are all heated like an oven, and have devoured their judges: all their kings are fallen; there was not among them one that called on me.
8 “Ifrem na-agwakọta onwe ya nʼetiti ndị mba ọzọ. Ifrem dịkwa ka mbadamba achịcha a na-atụgharịghị atụgharị.
Ephraim is mixed among his people; Ephraim became a cake not turned.
9 Ndị mba ọzọ na-eripịa ike ha, ma ha adịghị aghọta ya. Isi awọ apụtala ha nʼisi, ma ya onwe ya amaghị na o si otu a dịrị.
Strangers devoured his strength, and he knew [it] not; and grey hairs came upon him, and he knew [it] not.
10 Ịnya isi Izrel na-agba akaebe megide ya ma nʼagbanyeghị ihe ndị a ọ naghị alọghachikwute Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke ya, maọbụ chọọ ya.
And the pride of Israel shall be brought down before his face: yet they have not returned to the Lord their God, neither have they diligently sought him for all this.
11 “Ifrem dịka nduru nke na-enweghị uche, nke onye ọbụla na-eduhie, ugbu a, ọ na-akpọku Ijipt, ma na-agbakwurukwa Asịrịa.
And Ephraim was as a silly dove, not having a heart: he called to Egypt, and they went to the Assyrians.
12 Ma mgbe ha na-agbagharị, aga m ewere ụgbụ m jide ha, dọda ha nʼala dịka nnụnụ e jidere na mbara eluigwe. Aga m enye ha ahụhụ nʼihi njehie ha niile.
Whenever they shall go, I will cast my net upon them; I will bring them down as the birds of the sky, I will chasten them with the rumor of their [coming] affliction.
13 Ahụhụ na-adịrị ha, nʼihi na ha ajụla m. Ha na-ala nʼiyi nʼihi na ha enupula isi ha megide m. Achọrọ m ka m gbapụta ha, ma ha na-agha ụgha megide m.
Woe to them! for they have started aside from me: they are cowards; for they have sinned against me: yet I redeemed them, but they spoke falsehoods against me.
14 Ha ejighịkwa obi ha akpọku m, kama ha na-atụrụ onwe ha nʼelu ihe ndina ha, na-eti mkpu akwa. Mgbe ha na-arịọ arịrịọ maka mkpụrụ ubi na mmanya, ha na-egbukasị onwe ha ahụ, na-ewezugakwa onwe ha site nʼebe m nọ.
And their hearts did not cry to me, but they howled on their beds: they pined for oil and wine.
15 Enyerela m ha aka, mee ka ha dị ike, ma ha atụgharịala gbaa izu imegide m.
They were instructed by me, and I strengthened their arms; and they devised evils against me.
16 Ha adịghị ele anya enyemaka nʼaka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu. Ha dịka ụta rọgọrọ arọgọ, nke àkụ ya na-adịghị agbata ihe ọbụla. Ndị ndu ha ga-ada site na mma agha, nʼihi okwu ọjọọ si ha nʼọnụ na-apụta. Nʼihi nke a, a ga-eji ha mee ihe ọchị nʼala Ijipt.
They turned aside to that which is not, they became as a bent bow: their princes shall fall by the sword, by reason of the unbridled state of their tongue: this is their setting at nothing in the land of Egypt.

< Hosiya 7 >