< Hosiya 5 >

1 “Nụrụnụ nke a, unu ndị nchụaja! Geenụ ntị, unu ụlọ Izrel! Geenụ ntị, unu ndị ezinaụlọ eze. Nʼihi na ọ bụ unu ka ikpe ahụ gbasara. Nʼihi na unu abụrụla ihe ị maa nʼọnya na Mizpa, na ụgbụ agbasara nʼelu Taboa.
“Listen, you priests! And you [other] Israeli people, you also pay attention! And you who are members of the king’s family, [you also need to] listen, because [I am going to] judge you! Your [worshiping idols] has been [like] [MET] a trap for [the people at] Mizpah [town]; it has been [like][MET] a net spread out [to catch people] at Tabor [Mountain].
2 Ndị nnupu isi ahụ abamiela ime nʼigbu mmadụ, aga m ata ha niile ahụhụ.
You have done many evil things, so I will punish all of you.
3 Amaara m ihe niile gbasara Ifrem, ọ dịkwaghị ihe zoro ezo banyere Izrel nʼebe m nọ. Gị Ifrem, ugbu a ị gbawala akwụna; gị Izrel, emerụọkwala gị.
I know [everything about the people of] Israel; nothing that they have done is hidden from me. Because [the people of] Israel have given themselves [to worshiping idols] like [MET] prostitutes [give themselves to the men they sleep with], they have become unacceptable to me.
4 “Omume ha agaghị ekwe ka ha laghachikwute Chineke ha, nʼihi na mmụọ nke ịkwa iko ewerela ute biri nʼime ha, ha amaghịkwa Onyenwe anyị.
Because they [like to do evil] things, they will not return to [me], their God. Like prostitutes [who have abandoned their husbands] [MET], they have [IDM] abandoned [MET] me; they do not [even] know me, Yahweh.
5 Mpako niile nke Izrel na-agba ama megide ha, Ọ bụladị Izrel na Ifrem na-asọ ngọngọ nʼime mmehie ha, Juda, nʼonwe ya, soo ha na-asọ ngọngọ.
[It is as though] their being proud testifies [PRS] against them. The sins that [the people of] Israel have committed [are like a heavy load that] causes them to stumble, and [the people of] Judah stumble with them.
6 Mgbe ha ga-eji igwe ewu na atụrụ ha na igwe ehi ha, gaa ịchọ Onyenwe anyị, ha agaghị achọta ya. Nʼihi na o sitela nʼebe ha nọ wezuga onwe ya.
They will come to worship [me], Yahweh, bringing their herds of sheep and cattle, but they will not [be able to] find me, because I have abandoned them.
7 Ha bụ ndị na-ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi nye Onyenwe anyị. Ha mụrụ ụmụ a kwatara nʼiko. Ugbu a, mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ ha ga-eripịa ha na ala ubi ha.
They have abandoned me; and their children do not belong to me [MET]. So [they will not be able to celebrate their festivals at] the new moons [because I] will destroy them and [the crops in] their fields.
8 “Fụọ opi ike na Gibea, fụkwaa mpi anụ na Rema. Tie mkpu agha na Bet-Aven. Lee anya nʼazụ gị, Benjamin.
Blow the [rams’] horns in Gibeah [town] [and blow] the trumpets in Ramah [town]! Warn [the people at] Beth-Aven [town]; you warriors of the tribe of Benjamin, lead the troops [into the battle].
9 A ga-ebibi Ifrem kpamkpam nʼụbọchị ahụ m ga-ata ha ahụhụ. Nʼetiti ebo nke Izrel niile, ka m na-ekwusa ka amara na ọ bụ okwu kwesiri ntụkwasị obi.
Israel will be ruined on the day that [I] destroy them. What I am telling to the tribes of Israel will certainly [happen].
10 Ndị ndu Juda adịla ka ndị ahụ na-ewezuga oke ala, aga m awụkwasị ha iwe m dịka uju mmiri ozuzo.
[Because] the leaders of Judah [seized some land that belonged to Israel], they are like [SIM] those who move boundary markers [to get more land for themselves]; [so] I will punish them severely [MET].
11 Ifrem bụ onye a na-emegbu emegbu, onye e ji ike na-azọpịa, nʼihi na ọ kpacha anya na-achụso ihe efu.
And [the people of] Israel will suffer greatly when I punish them, because they are [very] determined to worship idols.
12 Adị m ka nla nye Ifrem, dịkwa ka ihe na-eweta ire ure dịịrị ndị Juda.
I will destroy [the people of] Israel like [SIM] ([larvae of] moths/cockroaches) destroy wool, and I will cause [the people of] Judah to be like [SIM] rotten wood.
13 “Mgbe Ifrem hụrụ ụdị ọrịa ọ na-arịa, Juda ahụkwa ọnya dị ya nʼahụ, mgbe ahụ Ifrem gakwuru ndị Asịrịa, ma zigakwara eze ukwu ahụ ozi. Ma ọ pụghị ịgwọ gị, maọbụ gwọọ ọnya gị niile.
When [the leaders of] Israel and Judah saw that the people were suffering because of what [their enemies were doing to them] [MET], they sent [messages] to the great King of Assyria requesting [his help]. But he cannot help you; he cannot cause you to stop suffering, [because I am the one who is punishing Israel and Judah].
14 Nʼihi na-aga m adị ka ọdụm nye Ifrem dịkwa ka nwa ọdụm nye Juda. Aga m adọkasị anụ ahụ ha ma hapụ ha pụọ. Aga m ebupụ ha pụọ, na-enweghị onye ga-abịa ịzọpụta ha.
I will become like [SIM] a lion [DOU] to both nations; I will [attack them and] tear them to pieces. I will drag them away, and no one will [be able to] rescue them.
15 Aga m alaghachi azụ nʼọnọdụ m, ruo mgbe ha kweere na ikpe mara ha, ma chọọ ihu m; nʼọnọdụ mmekpa ahụ ha, ha ga-achọsi m ike.”
[After that], I will return to my place [in heaven] until they admit that they have sinned [MTY] and return to me; when they will experience [many] troubles, they will request me [to help them].”

< Hosiya 5 >