< Hosiya 12 >

1 Akaọrụ Ifrem bụ naanị ịchụso ikuku, ọ na-achụso ikuku si nʼọwụwa anyanwụ bido nʼụtụtụ ruo nʼabalị. Otu a ka ha si eme ka ịgha ụgha, na ime ihe ike na-abawanye ụba. Ha na Asịrịa na-agbakwa ndụ, ha na-ebugakwa mmanụ nʼIjipt.
Ephraim is fed with the winde, and followeth after the East winde: hee increaseth daily lies and destruction, and they do make a couenant with Asshur, and oyle is caried into Egypt.
2 Onyenwe anyị na-akpọ Juda ikpe. Ọ ga-ata Jekọb ahụhụ dịka ụzọ ya si dị, kwụghachikwa ya dịka omume ya si dị.
The Lord hath also a controuersie with Iudah, and will visite Iaakob, according to his waies: according to his workes, wil he recompence him.
3 Mgbe ọ nọ nʼafọ nne ya ka o jidere nwanne ya nwoke nʼikiri ụkwụ. Mgbe ọ ghọrọ dimkpa, ya na Chineke gbara mgba.
Hee tooke his brother by the heele in the wombe, and by his strength he had power with God,
4 E, ya na mmụọ ozi gbara mgba. Nʼoge ahụ, o jidesiri ya aka ike, kwaa akwa, rịọọ ngọzị site nʼaka ya. Ọ hụrụ ya na Betel, gwaakwa ya okwu,
And had power ouer the Angel, and preuailed: he wept and praied vnto him: he founde him in Beth-el, and there he spake with vs.
5 Onyenwe anyị Chineke onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, Onyenwe anyị bụ aha ya.
Yea, the Lord God of hostes, the Lord is himselfe his memoriall.
6 Ịghaghị ịlọghachikwute Chineke gị, guzosie ike nʼịhụnanya na ikpe ziri ezi, na-elekwa anya Chineke gị mgbe niile.
Therefore turne thou to thy God: keepe mercy and iudgement, and hope still in thy God.
7 Onye ahịa na-eji ihe ọtụtụ aghụghọ na-erenye ndị mmadụ ahịa, ọ hụrụ imegbu emegbu nʼanya.
He is Canaan: the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loueth to oppresse.
8 Ifrem kwuru, “Abaala m ọgaranya! Abụrụla m onye nwere akụnụba dị ukwuu! Ọ bụ ezie na m bụ onye nwere akụ dị ukwuu, ma agaghị achọta njehie maọbụ mmehie ọbụla nʼime m.”
And Ephraim saide, Notwithstanding I am rich, I haue found me out riches in all my labours: they shall finde none iniquitie in me, that were wickednesse.
9 “Abụ m Onyenwe anyị na Chineke gị, onye si nʼIjipt kpọpụta unu. Aga m emekwa ka ị biri nʼụlọ ikwu ọzọ, dịka ọ dị nʼoge mmemme ndị ahụ niile a kara aka.
Though I am the Lord thy God, from the land of Egypt, yet will I make thee to dwel in the tabernacles, as in the daies of the solemne feast.
10 A gwara m ndị amụma, ọ bụ m mere ka ha hụ ọhụ dị iche iche, sitekwa nʼọnụ ndị amụma tụọ ilu dị iche iche.”
I haue also spoken by the Prophets, and I haue multiplied visions, and vsed similitudes by the ministerie of the Prophets.
11 Gilead ọ na-eme ajọ ihe? Ndị ya bụ ndị efulefu. Ha na-achụ aja oke ehi dị iche iche na Gilgal? Ebe ịchụ aja ha niile ga a dịka ebe a chịkọtara ukwu nkume, nke dị nʼubi a kọrọ akọ.
Is there iniquitie in Gilead? surely they are vanitie: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal, and their altars are as heapes in the furrowes of the field.
12 Jekọb gbalagara nʼala Aram; Izrel fere ofufe nʼihi inweta nwunye, nʼihi ịkwụ ụgwọ ya, o lekọtara atụrụ.
And Iaakob fled into the countrey of Aram, and Israel serued for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheepe.
13 Ọ bụkwa onye amụma ka Onyenwe anyị ji site nʼIjipt kpọpụta Izrel, o sitekwara nʼaka onye amụma lekọtazie ya anya.
And by a Prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was he reserued.
14 Ma Ifrem akpasuola iwe ilu nke ukwuu. Onyenwe ya ga-awụkwasịkwa ya ikpe ọmụma. Ọ ga-akwụghachi ya dịka nlelị ya si dị.
But Ephraim prouoked him with hie places: therefore shall his blood be powred vpon him, and his reproche shall his Lord reward him.

< Hosiya 12 >