< Ndị Hibru 11 >

1 Ugbu a, okwukwe bụ inwe obi ike banyere ihe ndị a na-ele anya ha na inwe owuweanya banyere ihe a na-ahụbeghị anya.
But faith is, of things hoped for, a confidence, of facts, a conviction, when they are not seen;
2 Nʼihi na ọ bụ site nʼokwukwe ka e ji gbaara ndị ochie ama.
For, thereby, well-attested were the ancients.
3 Ọ bụ site nʼokwukwe ka anyị ji ghọta na e mere ụwa na ihe niile anyị na-ahụ anya site nʼokwu Chineke. Nʼihi nke a, ihe anyị na-ahụ anya ugbu a bụ ihe e mere site nʼihe anyị na-adịghị ahụ anya. (aiōn g165)
By faith, we understand the ages to have been fitted together, by declaration of God, —to the end that, not out of things appearing, should that which is seen, have come into existence. (aiōn g165)
4 Ebel sitere nʼokwukwe chụọ aja dị mma nye Chineke karịa aja nke Ken chụrụ; nke e si na ya gụnye ya nʼonye ezi omume. Chineke kwuru okwu banyere onyinye ya. Ma ugbu a, ọ bụ ezie na ọ nwụọlarị ma ọ ka na-ekwu okwu site nʼokwukwe.
By faith, a fuller sacrifice, did Abel, offer unto God, than Cain, —through which, he received witness that he was righteous, there being a witnessing upon his gifts, by God; and, through it, though he died, he yet is speaking.
5 E sitere nʼokwukwe kupu Enọk nke pụtara na ọ nwụghị anwụ, a hụkwaghị ya ọzọ nʼihi na Chineke akpọrọla ya. Ma tupu e kuru ya, e mere ka anyị mara na ọ mere ihe masịrị Chineke.
By faith, Enoch was translated, so as not to see death, and was not found, because that, God, had translated him; for, before the translation, he had received witness that he had become well-pleasing unto God; —
6 Ọ bụ ihe siri ike mmadụ ime ihe ga-atọ ya ụtọ ma ọ bụrụ na onye ahụ enweghị okwukwe. Nʼihi na onye na-abịakwute Chineke nso aghaghị ikwe na ọ dị. Na ọ bụkwa onye na-akwụghachi onye ọbụla na-achọsi ya ike ụgwọ.
But, apart from faith, it is impossible to be well-pleasing; for he that approacheth unto God—must needs have faith, that he is, and that, to them who seek him out, a rewarder he becometh.
7 Site nʼokwukwe, Noa, onye nke a dọrọ aka na ntị gbasara ihe ndị a na-ahụbeghị anya, gere ntị ma ruo ụgbọ mmiri maka nzọpụta nke ezinaụlọ ya. Site na nke a, ọ mara ụwa ikpe, ma bụrụ onye nketa nke ezi omume sitere nʼokwukwe.
By faith, Noah, having received intimation concerning the things not yet seen, filled with reverence, prepared an ark to the saving of his house—through which he condemned the world, and, of the righteousness by way of faith, became heir.
8 Site nʼokwukwe, Ebraham rubere isi mgbe a kpọrọ ya ka ọ hapụ, gaa nʼala ahụ nke ọ ga-enweta dịka ihe nketa. Ọ gawara nʼamaghị ebe ọ na-aga.
By faith, being called, Abraham obeyed—to come forth into a place he was destined to receive for an inheritance; and he came forth, not well knowing whither he was coming.
9 Okwukwe ka o jiri biri dịka ọbịa nʼala ahụ e kwere ya na nkwa, na-ebi nʼụlọ ikwu, ya na Aịzik na Jekọb, bụ ndị e kwere ya na ha otu nkwa ahụ.
By faith, he sojourned in the land of promise, as a foreign land, in tents, dwelling, along with Isaac and Jacob, the joint-heirs of the same promise;
10 Nʼihi na ọ na-ele anya ala ahụ nke nwere ntọala, nke onye tụrụ atụmatụ ya ma wuokwa ya bụ Chineke.
For he was awaiting the city having foundations, whose architect and builder is, God.
11 Site nʼokwukwe ọ natara ike ọmụmụ. Ọ bụ ezie na ọ gafeela oge ịmụta nwa, ọ bụladị Sera nʼonwe ya bụ nwanyị aga, nʼihi na ọ gụrụ onye ahụ kwere ya nkwa dị ka onye kwesiri ntụkwasị obi.
By faith, even Sarah herself, received power for founding a seed, even beyond the season of life’s prime, —seeing that, faithful, she reckoned, him that had promised;
12 Ya mere site nʼotu onye a, onye a gụrụ dị ka onye nwụrụ anwụ ka e si nweta ụmụ ndị ọnụọgụgụ ha dị ka kpakpando dị na mbara eluigwe, dị ka aja dị nʼakụkụ osimiri.
Wherefore, even from one, were born, and, as to these things, one who had become dead, —like the stars of the heaven, for multitude, and as the sand that is by the lip of the sea, that cannot be numbered.
13 Ndị a niile nwere okwukwe nwụrụ na-anataghị nkwa ahụ, ma site nʼebe dị anya ha hụrụ ma nabatakwa nkwa ndị a. Ha kwupụtakwara na ha bụ ndị ọbịa na ndị mba ọzọ nʼụwa.
In faith, all these died—not bearing away the promises, but, from afar, beholding and saluting them, and confessing that, strangers and sojourners, were they upon the land.
14 Ndị na-ekwu otu a na-ezipụta na ha na-ele anya obodo nke aka ha.
For, they who such things as these are saying, make it clear that, of a paternal home they are in quest;
15 Ọ bụrụ na ha na-eche echiche banyere obodo nke ha hapụrụ, ha gaara enwe ohere ịlaghachi azụ.
And, if indeed of that they had been mindful, from which they had come out, they might, in that case, have had an opportunity, to return;
16 Ma otu ọ dị, ha na-elesi anya ike maka obodo ahụ ka mma, bụ nke dị nʼeluigwe. Ya mere, ọ dịghị eme Chineke ihere ka a kpọ ya Chineke ha, nʼihi na o dozielara ha ebe obibi.
But, now, after a better one, are they reaching, that is, a heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed of them, to be invoked as, their God, —for he hath prepared for them, a city.
17 Site nʼokwukwe Ebraham ji Aịzik chụọ aja mgbe a nwalere ya. Onye ahụ natara ihe ndị ahụ e kwere nkwa, dị njikere iji otu nwa ahụ o nwere chụọ aja,
By faith, Abraham, when tested, offered up Isaac, and, the only-begotten, would he have offered up, who the promises had accepted, —
18 ọ bụ ezie na Chineke kwuru maka ya, “Ọ bụ site nʼAịzik ka a ga-akpọ mkpụrụ gị aha.”
Even him of whom it had been said—In Isaac, shall there be called to thee, a seed:
19 Ebraham chere na Chineke pụrụ ime ka onye nwụrụ anwụ site nʼọnwụ bilie, dịka ihe ịma atụ otu ahụ ka o mekwara, nʼihi na ọ nataghachikwara ya.
Accounting that, even from among the dead, God, was able, to raise [him], —whence, even in similitude, he bare him away.
20 Ọ bụ okwukwe ka Aịzik jiri nye Jekọb na Ịsọ ngọzị banyere ihe dị nʼihu.
By faith, even concerning things to come, did Isaac bless Jacob and Esau.
21 Ọ bụ okwukwe ka Jekọb ji gọzie ụmụ Josef nʼotu nʼotu tupu ọ nwụọ. Ọ kpọrọ isiala dịka ọ dabere nʼelu mkpanaka ya.
By faith, Jacob, when about to die, blessed each of the sons of Joseph; and bowed in worship on the top of his staff.
22 Nʼọgwụgwụ ndụ ya, Josef sitere nʼokwukwe kwuo banyere ọpụpụ ụmụ Izrel ma nyekwa ntụziaka banyere olili ọkpụkpụ ya.
By faith, Joseph, when drawing to his end—concerning the exodus of the sons of Israel, called to remembrance, and, concerning his bones, gave commandment.
23 Okwukwe ka nne na nna Mosis ji zobe ya ọnwa atọ mgbe a mụrụ ya, nʼihi na ha hụrụ na ọ bụ nwa mara mma. Ha atụkwaghị egwu iwu eze ala Ijipt bụ Fero nyere.
By faith, Moses, when born—was hid three months by his parents, because, they saw, that, goodly, was, the child, and were not affrighted, at the decree of the king.
24 Site nʼokwukwe, Mosis e kweghị aza nwa ada Fero mgbe o tolitere.
By faith, Moses, when grown up—refused to be called the son of a daughter of a Pharaoh,
25 Ọ họọrọ isoro ụmụ Chineke keta oke na mmegbu ha karịa inwe aṅụrị nke mmehie.
Rather choosing—to be jointly suffering ill-treatment with the people of God, than, for a season, to be having, sins enjoyment;
26 O kpebiri na ọ bụ ihe karịchara mma ịhụ ahụhụ nʼihi Kraịst, kama inweju akụ niile nke Ijipt afọ. Nʼihi na o nwere olileanya maka ụgwọ ọrụ dị nʼihu.
Accounting—as greater riches than Egypt’s treasures, the reproach of the Anointed One; for he was looking away unto the recompense.
27 Okwukwe ka ọ ji hapụ Ijipt. Ọ tụghị egwu iwe eze, ma ọ tachịrị obi ya dịka ọ hụrụ onye ahụ a na-apụghị ịhụ anya.
By faith, he forsook Egypt—not put in fear of the wrath of the king; for, as seeing him who cannot be seen, he persevered.
28 O sitekwara nʼokwukwe debe Mmemme Ngabiga. O fesara ọbara ka onye mbibi nke ụmụ nwoke mbụ, hapụ ịmetụ ụmụ nwoke mbụ ndị Izrel aka.
By faith, he hath kept the passover and the besmearing of the blood, lest, he that was destroying the first-born, should be touching them.
29 Ha gafere Osimiri Uhie site nʼokwukwe dị ka a ga-asị na ọ bụ ala efu. Ma mgbe ndị Ijipt nwara ime nke a, mmiri lomiri ha niile.
By faith, they passed through the Red Sea, as over dry land, —which the Egyptians, seizing an attempt to do, were swallowed up.
30 Mgbidi Jeriko dara mgbe ha jiri okwukwe gaa ya gburugburu ụbọchị asaa.
By faith, the walls of Jericho, fell, having been surrounded for seven days.
31 Site nʼokwukwe, Rehab nwanyị akwụna esoghị ndị nnupu isi laa nʼiyi nʼihi na ọ nabatara ndị bịara inyochapụta obodo ahụ nʼudo.
By faith, Rahab the harlot perished not with them who refused to yield, she having welcomed the spies with peace.
32 Olee ihe ọzọ m ga-ekwu? Oge ga-agwụnahụ m ikwu gbasara Gidiọn, na Barak, na Samsin, na Jefta, na Devid, na Samuel na ndị amụma,
And what more can I say? For, time, will fail me while I go on telling—concerning Gideon, Barak, Sampson, Jephthah, David also, and Samuel, and the prophets, —
33 ndị sitere nʼokwukwe merie ọtụtụ alaeze, kpeekwa ikpe nkwụmọtọ, natakwa nkwa e kwere, ndị mechiri ọnụ ọdụm.
Who, through faith—prevailed in contest over kingdoms, wrought righteousness, attained unto promises, shut the mouths of lions,
34 Ha menyụrụ ọkụ dị egwu, gbanarị mma agha, nweta ike site nʼadịghị ike. Ha ghọkwara ndị dị ike nʼagha, chụlaa usuu ndị agha ndị mba ọzọ.
Quenched the power of fire, escaped the mouths of the sword, were made powerful from weakness, became mighty in battle, overturned, camps of aliens;
35 Ụmụ nwanyị natara ndị ha nwụrụ anwụ, site na mbilite nʼọnwụ. Ndị ọzọ naara ntaramahụhụ, ha jụrụ ịnata mgbapụta ka ha nwee ike nata mbilite nʼọnwụ ka mma.
Women received, by resurrection, their dead; but, others, were put to the rack, not accepting redemption, that, unto a better resurrection, they might attain:
36 E ji ụfọdụ mere ihe ọchị, tiekwa ha ihe otiti, ọ bụladị ike ha agbụ na ịtụ ha mkpọrọ.
Others, again, of mockings and scourgings, received trial, nay! further, of bonds and imprisonments:
37 A tụrụ ụfọdụ nkume, kwọbie ụfọdụ abụọ. E ji mma agha gbuo ụfọdụ. Ụfọdụ yi akpụkpọ ewu na akpụkpọ atụrụ jegharịa. Ụfọdụ bụkwa ndị dara ụkpa. A kpagburu ụfọdụ, ma mejọọkwa ndị ọzọ.
They were stoned, were pierced through, were sawn asunder, by murder, with a sword, died, went about in sheep-skins, in goat-hides, —being in want, suffering tribulation, enduring ill-treatment:
38 Ha wagharịrị nʼọzara na nʼugwu, nʼọgba nkume na nʼọnụ ala. Nʼanya ụwa, a gụrụ ha nʼihe efu.
Of whom the world, was not worthy—upon deserts, wandering, and mountains, and in caves, —and in the caverns of the earth.
39 A gbaara ezigbo ama nʼisi ndị a niile nʼihi okwukwe ha, ma ha anataghị ihe ahụ e kwere ha na nkwa.
And, these all, though they obtained witness through their faith, yet bare not away, the promise:
40 Otu ọ dị, Chineke akwadoberela anyị ihe kaara anyị mma, ka a ghara ime ka ha zuo oke ma e wepụ anyị.
God, for us, something better providing, —that, not apart from us, should they be made, perfect.

< Ndị Hibru 11 >