< Habakuk 1 >

1 Nke a bụ ozi Habakuk onye amụma natara.
This is the burden that Habakkuk the prophet received in a vision:
2 Onyenwe anyị, ruo ole mgbe ka m ga-anọgide na-eti mkpu ma ị dịghị ege ntị? Ruo ole mgbe ka m ga na-etiku gị na-asị, “Ihe ike, ihe ike!” ma ị dịghị azọpụta?
How long, O LORD, must I call for help but You do not hear, or cry out to You, “Violence!” but You do not save?
3 Nʼihi gịnị ka i ji eme m ka m na-ahụ ihe ọjọọ? Gịnị mere i ji anagide mmegbu? Mbibi na ihe ike dị nʼihu m, na ịlụ ọgụ, na esemokwu jupụtakwara ebe niile.
Why do You make me see iniquity? Why do You tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife is ongoing, and conflict abounds.
4 Nʼihi ya, iwu na-ada mba, ikpe ziri ezi adịghị agakwa nʼihu. Ndị ajọ mmadụ na-agba ndị ezi omume gburugburu, nke mere ka ikpe ziri ezi ghọọ ihe gbagọrọ agbagọ.
Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.
5 “Legide mba niile anya, ka i hụ. Lee, ka o ju gị anya nke ukwuu. Nʼihi na agaje m ime ihe nʼụbọchị ndụ unu, nke unu na-agaghị ekwenye, ọ bụladị ma akọọrọ unu ya.
“Look at the nations and observe— be utterly astounded! For I am doing a work in your days that you would never believe even if someone told you.
6 Nʼihi na lee, agaje m ime ka ndị Kaldịa bilie, bụ mba ahụ na-adịghị eme ebere, na ndị na-eme ngwangwa. Ha bụ ndị na-ebu agha na-ejegharị na mba niile, ndị na-esite nʼaka ike na-enweta ebe obibi nke na-abụghị nke ha.
For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans — that ruthless and impetuous nation which marches through the breadth of the earth to seize dwellings not their own.
7 Ha bụ mba a na-atụ ụjọ, na ndị dịkwa egwu. Ha bụ iwu nye onwe ha, ihe ha tụpụtara ka ha na-eme. Ọ bụ onwe ha ka ha na-ebuli elu.
They are dreaded and feared; from themselves they derive justice and sovereignty.
8 Ịnyịnya ha nwere ụkwụ nkọ karịa agụ. Ha na-akpa ike karịa nkịta ọhịa nke na-ejegharị nʼanyasị. Ndị ịnyịnya agha ha na-awụ ọsọ, ndị ha na-agba ịnyịnya na-esitekwa ebe dị anya na-abịa. Dịka ugo nke na-efedata i buru nri ọ ga-eri.
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves of the night. Their horsemen charge ahead, and their cavalry comes from afar. They fly like a vulture, swooping down to devour.
9 Ha niile na-abịa ime ihe ike. Ha ji ọsọ na-abịa dịka oke ifufe nke ọzara. Ha na-abịa ịchịkọta ndị a dọtara nʼagha dịka ha bụ uzuzu.
All of them come bent on violence; their hordes advance like the east wind; they gather prisoners like sand.
10 Ha na-akwa ndị eze emo, jirikwa ndịisi ọchịchị na-eme ihe ọchị. Ha na-achị ebe niile e wusiri ike ọchị, na-ekpokọtakwa aja nʼazụ mgbidi niile ịlụta ha nʼagha.
They scoff at kings and make rulers an object of scorn. They laugh at every fortress and build up siege ramps to seize it.
11 Mgbe ahụ, ha na-esi nʼebe ahụ gabiga dịka ifufe, na-agabigakwa ndị mehierenụ, bụrụkwa ndị ikpe mara, ndị ike ha bụ chi ha.”
Then they sweep by like the wind and pass on through. They are guilty; their own strength is their god.”
12 Onyenwe anyị, Ọ bụ na ị dịghị site mgbe niile ebighị ebi? Chineke m, na Onye Nsọ m, Ị gaghị anwụ. Gị, Onyenwe anyị, họpụtara ha maka ikpe ikpe. Gị, oke nkume m, emeela ka ha bụrụ ndị ga-enweta ahụhụ.
Are You not from everlasting, O LORD, my God, my Holy One? We will not die. O LORD, You have appointed them to execute judgment; O Rock, You have established them for correction.
13 Ma anya gị dị ọcha nke ukwuu, na ọ dịghị elekwasị ajọ ihe anya; ị naghị anabatakwa mmegbu. Ma gịnị mere i ji gba ndị aghụghọ nkịtị? Gịnị mere i ji gba nkịtị mgbe ndị ajọ omume na-eloda ndị bụ ndị ezi omume karịa ha?
Your eyes are too pure to look upon evil, and You cannot tolerate wrongdoing. So why do You tolerate the faithless? Why are You silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?
14 I meela ndị mmadụ ka ha dịrị ka azụ nke osimiri, e, dịka anụ na-akpụ akpụ nke oke osimiri, nke na-enweghị onye na-achị ha.
You have made men like the fish of the sea, like creeping things that have no ruler.
15 Onye iro nke ajọ omume juru obi, na-eji nko ya na-egbu ha. Ọ na-ejikwa nko ụgbụ ya na-ejide ha. Ọ na-achịkọta ha nʼụgbụ ya, si otu a na-aṅụrị ọṅụ, ma na-etegharịkwa egwu ọṅụ.
The foe pulls all of them up with a hook; he catches them in his dragnet, and gathers them in his fishing net; so he rejoices gladly.
16 Nʼihi nke a, ọ na-achụ aja na-esurekwa ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nye ụgbụ ya, nʼihi na ọ bụ ụgbụ ya na-eme ka ọ na-ebi ezi ndụ, na-erikwa nri kachasị mma
Therefore he sacrifices to his dragnet and burns incense to his fishing net, for by these things his portion is sumptuous and his food is rich.
17 Ọ ga-aga nʼihu mgbe niile na-awụpụ ihe o ji ụgbụ ya gbute na-ala mba niile nʼiyi, dịka o si masị ya, na-egosighị obi ebere ọbụla?
Will he, therefore, empty his net and continue to slay nations without mercy?

< Habakuk 1 >