+ Jenesis 1 >

1 Na mmalite Chineke kere eluigwe na ụwa.
In the begynnynge God created heaven and erth.
2 Ụwa bụ ihe na-enweghị ụdịdị ọbụla, bụrụkwa ihe tọgbọrọ nʼefu. Ọchịchịrị gbara nʼelu ogbu mmiri dị omimi. Mmụọ nke Chineke na-erugharị nʼelu ogbu mmiri ahụ.
The erth was voyde and emptie ad darcknesse was vpon the depe and the spirite of god moved vpon the water
3 Mgbe ahụ Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka ìhè dị,” ìhè dịkwara.
Than God sayd: let there be lyghte and there was lyghte.
4 Chineke hụrụ na ìhè ahụ mara mma. Ọ kpara oke nʼetiti ìhè na ọchịchịrị.
And God sawe the lyghte that it was good: and devyded the lyghte from the darcknesse
5 Chineke kpọrọ ìhè ahụ Ehihie, kpọọ ọchịchịrị ahụ Abalị. Uhuruchi dị, ụtụtụ dịkwa. Ọ bụrụ ụbọchị nke mbụ.
and called the lyghte daye and the darcknesse nyghte: and so of the evenynge and mornynge was made the fyrst daye
6 Chineke kwukwara sị, “Ka mbara pụta nke ga-ekewapụ mmiri dị nʼelu mbara ahụ site na mmiri nke dị nʼokpuru mbara ahụ”
And God sayd: let there be a fyrmament betwene the waters ad let it devyde the waters a sonder.
7 Ya mere, Chineke mere mbara, kewapụ mmiri dị nʼokpuru mbara ahụ site na mmiri nke dị nʼelu mbara ahụ. O sikwa otu a dịrị.
Than God made the fyrmament and parted the waters which were vnder the fyrmament from the waters that were above the fyrmament: And it was so.
8 Mbara ahụ ka Chineke kpọrọ mbara eluigwe. Uhuruchi dị, ụtụtụ dịkwa. Ọ bụrụ ụbọchị nke abụọ.
And God called the fyrmament heaven And so of the evenynge and morninge was made the seconde daye
9 Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka mmiri dị nʼokpuru mbara eluigwe chịkọta onwe ha ọnụ nʼotu ebe, ka ala akọrọ pụta.” O sikwa otu a dịrị.
And God sayd let the waters that are vnder heaven gather them selves vnto one place that the drye londe may appere: And it came so to passe.
10 Chineke kpọrọ ala akọrọ ahụ “ala,” kpọọ mmiri ahụ chịkọtara onwe ha ọnụ “osimiri.” Chineke lere anya hụ na ha dị mma.
And god called the drye lande the erth and the gatheringe togyther of waters called he the see. And God sawe that it was good
11 Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka ala pupụta ahịhịa ndụ dị iche iche: ahịhịa na-amịpụta mkpụrụ, na osisi dị nʼelu ala nke na-amịpụta mkpụrụ, nke mkpụrụ ọkụkụ ya dị nʼime ya, dịka ụdịdị ha dị iche iche si dị.” O sikwa otu a dịrị.
And God sayd: let the erth bringe forth herbe and grasse that sowe seed and frutefull trees that bere frute every one in his kynde havynge their seed in them selves vpon the erth. And it came so to passe:
12 Ala puputara ahịhịa ndụ dị iche iche: ahịhịa na-amịpụta mkpụrụ dịka ụdịdị ha si dị, na osisi na-amịpụta mkpụrụ, nke mkpụrụ ọkụkụ ya dị nʼime ya, dịka ụdịdị ha si dị. Chineke lere anya hụ na ọ dị mma.
ad the erth brought forth herbe and grasse sowenge seed every one in his kynde and trees berynge frute and havynge their seed in the selves every one in his kynde. And God sawe that it was good:
13 Uhuruchi dị, ụtụtụ dịkwa. Ọ bụrụ ụbọchị nke atọ.
and the of the evenynge and mornynge was made the thyrde daye.
14 Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka ìhè nke na-enye ìhè dịrị na mbara eluigwe, ikewapụ ehihie site nʼabalị. Ka ha bụrụ ihe ama igosi oge dị iche iche, ụbọchị dị iche iche, na afọ dị iche iche.
Than sayd God: let there be lyghtes in ye firmament of heaven to devyde the daye fro the nyghte that they may be vnto sygnes seasons days and yeares.
15 Ka ha bụrụ ìhè na mbara eluigwe inye ìhè nʼelu ụwa.” O si otu a dịrị.
And let them be lyghtes in the fyrmament of heave to shyne vpon the erth. and so it was.
16 Chineke mere ìhè ukwu abụọ, nke kacha ịdị ukwu ka ọ bụrụ nke ga-achị ehihie, ma nke dị nta ka ọ bụrụ nke ga-achị abalị. O mekwara kpakpando dị iche iche.
And God made two great lyghtes A greater lyghte to rule the daye and a lesse lyghte to rule the nyghte and he made sterres also.
17 Chineke debere ha na mbara eluigwe inye ìhè nʼụwa,
And God put them in the fyrmament of heaven to shyne vpon the erth
18 ịchị ehihie na abalị na ịkpa oke nʼetiti ìhè na ọchịchịrị. Chineke lere anya hụ na ọ dị mma.
and to rule the daye and the nyghte ad to devyde the lyghte from darcknesse. And god sawe yt it was good:
19 Uhuruchi dị, ụtụtụ dịkwa. Ọ bụrụ ụbọchị nke anọ.
and so of the evenynge ad mornynge was made the fourth daye.
20 Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka mmiri jupụta nʼihe ndị na-eku ume, ka ụmụ anụ ufe fegharịkwa nʼelu ụwa, ma nʼelu mbara igwe.”
And God sayd let the water bryng forth creatures that move and have lyfe and foules for to flee over the erth vnder the fyrmament of heaven.
21 Ya mere Chineke kere anụ ukwu niile bi na mmiri, na anụ niile nwere ndụ bi na mmiri, na ụdị ihe ọbụla nwere ndụ na-akpụgharị akpụgharị ndị jupụtara na mmiri, dịka ụdịdị ha si dị, na anụ ufe niile dịka ụdịdị ha si dị. Chineke lere anya hụ na ọ dị mma.
And God created greate whalles and all maner of creatures that lyve and moue which the waters brought forth in their kindes ad all maner of federed foules in their kyndes. And God sawe that it was good:
22 Chineke gọziri ha, sị ha, “Mụbaanụ, dịkwanụ ukwuu nʼọnụọgụgụ, jupụtanụ osimiri niile. Ka anụ ufe dịkwa ukwuu nʼọnụọgụgụ nʼelu ụwa.”
and God blessed them saynge. Growe and multiplye ad fyll the waters of the sees and let the foules multiplye vpo the erth.
23 Uhuruchi dị, ụtụtụ dịkwa. Ọ bụrụ ụbọchị nke ise.
And so of the evenynge and morninge was made the fyfth daye.
24 Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka ala wepụta ụmụ anụ dị iche iche nwere ndụ dịka ụdịdị ha si dị: anụ ụlọ, anụ na-akpụgharị nʼala, na anụ ọhịa, nke ọbụla dịka ụdịdị ya si dị.” O si otu a dịrị.
And God sayd: leth the erth bring forth lyvynge creatures in thir kyndes: catell and wormes and beastes of the erth in their kyndes and so it came to passe.
25 Chineke mere ụmụ anụ ọhịa, dịka ụdịdị ha si dị, mee anụ ụlọ, dịka ụdịdị ha si dị, na anụ niile nwere ndụ nke na-akpụgharị nʼala dịka ụdịdị ha si dị. Chineke lere anya hụ na ọ dị mma.
And god made the beastes of the erth in their kyndes and catell in their kyndes ad all maner wormes of the erth in their kyndes: and God sawe that it was good.
26 Mgbe ahụ, Chineke kwuru sị, “Ka anyị mee mmadụ nʼoyiyi anyị, dịka ụdịdị anyị si dị, ka ha chịa azụ niile nke osimiri, na anụ ufe niile nke eluigwe, na anụ ụlọ niile, na anụ ọhịa niile, na ihe niile e kere eke nwere ndụ nke na-akpụ akpụ nʼala.”
And God sayd: let vs make man in oure symilitude ad after oure lycknesse: that he may have rule over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over catell and over all the erth and over all wormes that crepe on the erth.
27 Ya mere, Chineke kere mmadụ nʼoyiyi nke ya, nʼoyiyi Chineke ka o kere ha, nwoke na nwanyị ka o kere ha.
And God created man after hys lycknesse after the lycknesse of god created he him: male and female created he them.
28 Chineke gọziri ha sị ha, “Mịanụ mkpụrụ, mụbaanụ, jupụtanụ nʼụwa, meenụ ka ihe niile dịrị nʼokpuru unu. Chịanụ azụ niile nke osimiri na anụ ufe niile nke eluigwe na ihe niile e kere dị ndụ nke na-akpụgharị akpụgharị nʼala.”
And God blessed them and God sayd vnto them. Growe and multiplye and fyll the erth and subdue it and have domynyon over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over all the beastes that move on the erth.
29 Mgbe ahụ, Chineke sịrị “Enyela m unu ahịhịa ubi niile na-amị mkpụrụ dị nʼelu ụwa, na osisi ọbụla mịrị mkpụrụ, nke mkpụrụ ọkụkụ ya dị nʼime ha, ka ha bụrụ ihe oriri gị.
And God sayd: se I have geven yow all herbes that sowe seed which are on all the erth and all maner trees that haue frute in them and sowe seed: to be meate for yow
30 Ma ụmụ anụmanụ niile na anụ ufe niile, na anụ niile e kere eke na-akpụgharị akpụgharị nʼala, anụ ọbụla nwere ndụ nʼime ha ka m na-enye ahịhịa ndụ niile ka ọ bụrụ ihe oriri ha.”
and for all beastes of the erth and vnto all foules of the ayre and vnto all that crepeth on the erth where in is lyfe that they may haue all maner herbes and grasse for to eate and even so it was.
31 Chineke legharịrị anya nʼihe o kere, hụ na ọ dị ezi mma. Uhuruchi dị, ụtụtụ dịkwa. Ọ bụrụ ụbọchị nke isii.
And God behelde al that he had made ad loo they were exceadynge good: and so of the evenynge and mornynge was made the syxth daye

+ Jenesis 1 >