< Jenesis 46 >

1 Izrel biliri ije, ya na ihe niile o nwere rute Bịasheba. Ebe a, ọ chụrụ aja nye Chineke nke nna ya Aịzik.
And Israel yede forth with alle thingis that he hadde, and he cam to the pit of ooth; and whanne sacrifices weren slayn there to God of his fadir Isaac,
2 Chineke gwara Izrel okwu nʼọhụ nke abalị. Ọ sịrị, “Jekọb! Jekọb!” Ọ zara sị, “Lee m nʼebe a.”
he herde God bi a visioun in that nyyt clepynge hym, `and seiynge to hym, Jacob! Jacob! To whom he answeride, Lo! Y am present.
3 Chineke gwara ya sị, “Abụ m Chineke, Chineke nke nna gị. Atụla egwu ịgbada Ijipt nʼihi na aga m eme gị ka ị ghọọ mba dị ukwuu nʼebe ahụ.
God seide to hym, Y am the strongeste God of thi fadir; nyle thou drede, go doun in to Egipt, for Y schal make thee there in to a greet folk;
4 Mụ onwe m ga-eso gị agbada nʼala Ijipt. Mụ onwe m ga-akpọlatakwa gị ọzọ. Josef nʼonwe ya ga-eji aka ya ekpuchikwa gị anya.”
Y schal go doun thidir with thee, and Y schal brynge thee turnynge ayen fro thennus, and Joseph schal sette his hond on thin iyen.
5 Jekọb mechara si na Bịasheba pụta. Ụmụ Izrel kuuru Jekọb nna ha, na ụmụaka ha na ndị nwunye ha, kubanye nʼụgbọala ahụ Fero zitere ka ha ji bute ya.
Jacob roos fro the pit of ooth, and the sones token him, with her litle children, and wyues, in the waynes whiche Farao hadde sent to bere the eld man,
6 Ha buuru anụ ụlọ ha niile, na ihe onwunwe ha niile, nke ha kpatara nʼala Kenan, gaa Ijipt. Jekọb na agbụrụ ya niile so.
and alle thingis whiche he weldide in the lond of Canaan; and he cam in to Egipt with his seed,
7 Ụmụ ya ndị ikom niile, na ụmụ ụmụ ya ndị ikom niile, na ụmụ ya ndị inyom niile, na ụmụ ụmụ ya ndị inyom niile, na ndị niile bụ mkpụrụ afọ ya, ka ọ kpọrọ gaa Ijipt.
hise sones, and her sones, and douytris, and al the generacioun togidere.
8 Ndị a bụ aha ụmụ ndị ikom Izrel, ya bụ Jekọb na ụmụ ụmụ ya, ndị sooro ya gaa Ijipt. Ruben, ọkpara Jekọb
Forsothe thes ben the names of the sones of Israel, that entriden in to Egipte; he with hise fre children. The firste gendrid Ruben;
9 Ụmụ ndị ikom Ruben bụ, Hanok, na Palu, na Hezrọn na Kami.
the sones of Ruben, Enoch, and Fallu, and Esrom, and Carmi.
10 Ụmụ ndị ikom Simiọn bụ, Jemuel, na Jamin, na Ohad, na Jakin, na Zoha, na Shaul. Nne Shaul bụ nwanyị Kenan.
The sones of Symeon, Jemuhel, and Jamyn, and Ahoth, and Jachyn, and Sab, and Saber, and Saul, the sone of a womman of Canaan.
11 Ụmụ ndị ikom Livayị bụ, Geshọn, na Kohat, na Merari.
The sones of Leuy, Gerson, Caath, and Merarie.
12 Ụmụ ndị ikom Juda bụ, Ịa, na Onan, na Shela, na Perez, na Zera. Ma Ịa na Onan nwụrụ nʼala Kenan. Ụmụ ndị ikom Perez bụ, Hezrọn na Hamul.
The sones of Juda, Her and Onam, and Sela, and Fares, and Zara. Forsothe Her and Onam dieden in the lond of Canaan; and the sones of Fares weren borun, Esrom, and Amul.
13 Ma ụmụ ndị ikom Isaka bụ, Tola, na Puva, na Jashub, na Shịmrọn.
The sones of Isacar, Thola, and Fua, and Jobab, and Semron.
14 Ụmụ ndị ikom Zebụlọn bụ, Sered, na Elọn, na Jaliil.
The sones of Zabulon, Sared, and Thelom, and Jahel.
15 Ndị a bụ ụmụ ndị ikom Lịa mụụrụ Jekọb nʼala Padan Aram. Ọ mụtakwara otu nwanyị aha ya bụ Daịna. Ụmụ ndị ikom na ndị inyom ndị a dị iri atọ na atọ.
These ben the sones of Lia, whiche sche childide in Mesopotanye of Sirie, with Dyna, hir douyter; alle the soules of hise sones and douytris, thre and thretti.
16 Ụmụ ndị ikom Gad bụ, Zefọn, na Hagi, na Shuni, na Ezbon, na Eri, na Arodi na Areli.
The sones of Gad, Sefion, and Aggi, Suny, and Hesebon, Heri, and Arodi, and Areli.
17 Ụmụ ndị ikom Asha bụ, Imna, Ishva, Ishvi na Beriya. Nwanne ha nwanyị bụ Sera. Ụmụ Beriya bụ, Heba na Malkiel.
The sones of Aser, Jamne, and Jesua, and Jesui, and Beria; and Sara, the sister of hem. The sones of Beria, Heber and Melchiel.
18 Ndị a bụ ụmụ a mụụrụ Jekọb site na Zilpa, odibo nwanyị ahụ Leban kpọnyere Lịa nwa ya nwanyị. Ha dị iri na isii nʼọnụọgụgụ.
These weren the sones of Zelfa, whom Laban yaf to Lia, his douyter, and Jacob gendryde these sixtene persones.
19 Ụmụ ndị ikom Jekọb site na Rechel nwunye ya bụ, Josef na Benjamin.
The sones of Rachel, `wijf of Jacob, weren Joseph and Beniamyn.
20 Nʼala Ijipt, a mụụrụ Josef Manase na Ifrem, site na nwunye ya Asenat nwa nwanyị Pọtifera, onye nchụaja nke On.
And sones weren borun to Joseph in the loond of Egipt, Manasses and Effraym, whiche Asenech, `douytir of Putifar, preest of Helipoleos, childide to hym.
21 Ụmụ ndị ikom Benjamin bụ, Bela, Beka, Ashbel, Gera, Neeman, Ehi, Rosh, Mupim, Hupim na Aad.
The sones of Beniamin weren Bela, and Becor, and Asbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Jechi, `Ros, and Mofym, and Ofym, and Ared.
22 Ndị a bụ ndị ikom nke Rechel mụụrụ Jekọb. Ha dị iri na anọ.
These weren the sones of Rachel, whiche Jacob gendride; alle the persones weren fouretene.
23 Nwa nwoke nke Dan mụrụ bụ, Hushim.
The sone of Dan, Vsym.
24 Ụmụ ndị ikom Naftalị bụ, Jaziil, na Guni, na Jeza, na Shilem.
The sones of Neptalym, Jasiel, and Guny, and Jeser, and Salem.
25 Ndị a bụ ụmụ ndị ikom a mụụrụ Jekọb site na Bilha, odibo nwanyị ahụ Leban kpọnyere nwa ya nwanyị Rechel. Ha niile dị asaa.
These weren `the sones of Bala, whom Laban yaf to Rachel his douytir.
26 Ya mere, ndị niile so Jekọb gaa Ijipt, ndị bụ ụmụ ụmụ ya, na-agụghị ndị nwunye ụmụ Jekọb niile, dị iri mmadụ isii na isii.
And Jacob gendride these; alle the soules weren seuene. And alle the men that entriden with Jacob in to Egipt, and yeden out of his thiy, with out `the wyues of his sones, weren sixti and sixe.
27 Tinyere ụmụ ndị ikom abụọ amụtara nye Josef nʼIjipt, ndị si nʼezinaụlọ Jekọb gara Ijipt dị iri asaa.
Forsothe the sones of Joseph, that weren borun to hym in `the loond of Egipt, weren two men. Alle the soulis of `the hows of Jacob, that entriden in to Egipt, weren seuenti.
28 Jekọb zipụrụ Juda ka jekwuru Josef ịjụta ya ụzọ Goshen. Mgbe ha rutere nʼala Goshen,
Forsothe Jacob sente Judas bifore hym to Joseph, that he schulde telle to hym, and he schulde `come in to Gessen.
29 Josef kwadoro ịnyịnya ụgbọ ya gawa Goshen izute nna ya Izrel. Mgbe Josef bịara nʼihu nna ya, ọ makụrụ ya, bee akwa ogologo oge.
And whanne Jacob hadde come thidir, Joseph stiede in his chare to mete his fadir at the same place. And he siy Jacob, and felde on `his necke, and wepte bitwixe collyngis.
30 Izrel gwara Josef sị, “Ugbu a ejikerela m ịnwụ, ebe m hụrụ ihu gị anya ọzọ, mata na ị ka dị ndụ.”
And the fadir seide to Joseph, Now Y schal die ioiful, for Y siy thi face, and Y leeue thee lyuynge.
31 Mgbe ahụ, Josef gwara ụmụnne ya na ndị ezinaụlọ nna ya niile sị, “Ka m gaa kọọrọ Fero. Ka m gaa sị ya, ‘Ụmụnne m na ezinaụlọ nna m, ndị bi nʼala Kenan abịakwutela m.
And Joseph spak to hise brithren, and to al `the hows of his fadir, I schal stie, and `Y schal telle to Farao, and Y schal seie to hym, My britheren, and the hows of my fadir, that weren in the lond of Canaan, ben comun to me,
32 Ha bụ ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ, ndị na-elekọta anụ ụlọ. Ha chị igwe ewu na atụrụ ha, na igwe ehi ha, na ihe niile ha ji biri.’
and thei ben men kepers of scheep, and han bisynesse of flockis to be fed; thei brouyten with hem her scheep and grete beestis, and alle thingis whiche thei miyten haue.
33 Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na Fero akpọ unu jụọ unu ajụjụ sị, ‘Gịnị bụ ọrụ aka unu?’
And whanne Farao schal clepe you, and schal seie, What is youre werk?
34 Unu ga-asị ya, ‘Ndị ohu gị bụ ndị ọzụzụ anụ ụlọ site na mgbe anyị bụ ụmụnta, dịka nna nna anyị ha bụ.’ Mgbe ahụ, ọ ga-ekwe ka unu biri nʼala Goshen. Nʼihi na ndị niile na-azụ ewu na atụrụ bụ ndị akpọrọ asị nʼala Ijipt.”
ye schulen answere, We ben thi seruauntis, men scheepherdis, fro oure childhed til in to present tyme, bothe we and oure fadris. Sotheli ye schulen seye these thingis, that ye moun dwelle in the lond of Gessen, for Egipcians wlaten alle keperis of scheep.

< Jenesis 46 >