< Jenesis 38 >

1 Nʼoge ahụ, Juda hapụrụ ụmụnne ya gaa binyere otu nwoke onye Adulam a na-akpọ Hira.
Yn the same tyme Judas yede doun fro his britheren, and turnede to a man of Odolla, Hiram bi name;
2 Nʼebe ahụ, Juda hụrụ otu nwaagbọghọ, nwa otu nwoke onye Kenan, aha ya bụ Shua. Ọ lụrụ ya ma bakwuru ya.
and he siy ther a douytir of a man of Canaan, Sue bi name. And whanne he hadde takun hir to wijf,
3 Ọ tụụrụ ime mụọ nwa nwoke, onye Juda gụrụ aha Ịa
he entride to hir, and sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and clepide his name Her.
4 Nwunye ya dịkwara ime ọzọ mụta nwa nwoke nke ya bụ nwunye ya gụrụ Onan.
And eft whanne a child was conseyued, sche nemyde the child borun Onam.
5 Ọ mụkwara nwa nwoke ọzọ, onye ọ kpọrọ Shela. Ọ bụ na Kezib ka ọ mụrụ ya.
And sche childide the thridde sone, whom sche clepide Cela, and whanne he was borun, sche ceesside to bere child more.
6 Juda lụtaara Ịa, ọkpara ya, nwunye onye aha ya bụ Tama.
Forsothe Judas yaf a wijf, `Thamar bi name, to his firste gendrid sone Her.
7 Ma nʼihi na Ịa, ọkpara Juda, dị njọ nʼanya Onyenwe anyị. Onyenwe anyị gburu ya.
And Her, the firste gendrid sone of Judas, was weiward in the siyt of the Lord, and therfor he was slayn of the Lord.
8 Mgbe ahụ, Juda sịrị Onan, “Bakwuru nwunye nwanne gị ka ịkuchie ya, ka i si otu a wulite mkpụrụ maka nwanne gị.”
Therfor Judas seide to Onam, his sone, Entre thou to the wijf of thi brothir, and be thou felouschipid to hir, that thou reise seed to thi brothir.
9 Onan ma na mkpụrụ a agaghị abụ nke ya. Nʼihi ya, mgbe ọbụla ọ bakwuru nwunye nwanne ya, ọ na-anyụsa mkpụrụ nwa ya nʼala, ime ka ọ ghara inye nwanne ya nwoke nwa.
And he wiste that sones schulden not be borun to him, `and he entride to the wijf of his brother, and schedde seed in to the erthe, lest the fre children schulden be borun bi the name of the brother;
10 Ma ihe a o mere jọrọ njọ nʼanya Onyenwe anyị. Nʼihi ya Onyenwe anyị gbukwara ya.
and therfor the Lord smoot hym, for he dide abhomynable thing.
11 Juda sịrị nwunye nwa ya, bụ Tama, “Laa nʼụlọ nna gị nọrọ dịka nwanyị di ya nwụrụ tutu Shela nwa m nwoke etoo.” Ma echiche ya bụ, “ka ọ ghara ịnwụ dịka ụmụnne ya.” Tama lara gaa biri nʼụlọ nna ya.
Wherfor Judas seide to Thamar, `wijf of his sone, Be thou widewe in the hous of thi fadir, til Sela my sone wexe, for he dredde lest also he schulde die as hise britheren. And sche yede, and dwellide in the hous of hir fadir.
12 Mgbe ọtụtụ oge gasịrị, nwunye Juda nwa Shua nwụrụ. Mgbe oge nkasiobi ya gasịrị, Juda jere Timna, ya na enyi ya Hira, onye Adulam, ilekọta ndị na-akpụchapụ igwe ewu na atụrụ ya ajị.
Forsothe whanne many yeeris weren passid, the douyter of Sue, `the wijf of Juda, diede, and whanne coumfort was takun aftir morenyng, he stiede to the schereris of hise scheep, he and Iras of Odolla, that was kepere of the floc, stieden in to Thampnas.
13 A gwara Tama sị ya, “Nna di gị na-aga Timna ịkpacha atụrụ ya ajị.”
And it was teld to Thamar, that `the fadir of hir hosebonde stiede to Thampnas, to schere scheep.
14 O yipụrụ uwe mkpe ya, were akwa mkpuchi kpuchie onwe ya gaa nọdụ ala nʼọnụ ụzọ ama Enayim, nke dị nʼụzọ e si aga Timna. O mere otu a nʼihi na ọ matara na Shela etoola, ma enyeghị ya ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.
And sche dide awei the clothis of widewehod, and sche took a roket, and whanne the clothinge was chaungid, sche sat in the weilot that ledith to Tampna; for Sela hadde woxe, and sche hadde not take hym to hosebonde.
15 Mgbe Juda hụrụ ya, o chere na ọ bụ otu nwanyị akwụna, ebe ọ bụ na o kpuchiri ihu ya.
And whanne Judas hadde seyn hir, he supposide hir to be an hoore, for sche hadde hilid hir face, lest sche were knowun.
16 Ma ebe ọ mataghị na ọ bụ nwunye nwa ya, o jekwuru ya ebe ọ nọdụrụ ala nʼakụkụ ụzọ sị ya, “Bịa, kwere ka mụ na gị dinaa.” Tama jụrụ, “Gịnị ka ị ga-enye m ma ọ bụrụ na m kwere ka mụ na gị dinaa?”
And Judas entride to hir, and seide, Suffre me that Y ligge with thee; for he wiste not that sche was the wijf of his sone. And whanne sche answeride, What schalt thou yyue to me, that thou ligge bi me?
17 Ọ zara, “Aga m ezitere gị otu nwa ewu site nʼigwe ewu na atụrụ m.” Ọ jụrụ, “Ị ga-enye m ihe akaebe ruo mgbe ị ga-ezite ya?”
he seide, Y schal sende to thee a kide of the flockis. And eft whanne sche seide, Y schal suffre that that thou wolt, if thou schalt yyue to me a wed, til thou sendist that that thou bihetist.
18 Ọ sịrị, “Kedụ ihe akaebe m ga-enye gị?” Ọ zara, “Mgbaaka akara gị na eriri ya, na mkpanaka dị gị nʼaka.” O nyere ya ihe ndị a. Ọ bakwuru ya nke mere na ọ tụụrụ ime.
Judas seide, What wolt thou that be youun to thee for a wed? She answeride, Thi ryng, and thi bie of the arm, and the staaf which thou holdist in the hond. Therfor the womman conseyuide at o liggyng bi, and sche roos, and yede;
19 Mgbe o si nʼebe ahụ pụọ, o yipụrụ akwa ahụ o ji kpuchie ihu ya, yirikwa uwe mkpe ya.
and whanne the clooth was `put awei which sche hadde take, sche was clothid in the clothis of widewhod.
20 Mgbe Juda zigara enyi ya onye Adulam ka ọ gaa wegara ya nwa ewu ahụ, ma nataghachi ihe ibe ahụ, ọ hụghị ya.
Forsothe Judas sente a kide bi his scheepherde of Odolla, that he schulde resseyue the wed which he hadde youe to the womman; and whanne he hadde not founde hir,
21 Ọ jụrụ ndị ikom bi nʼebe ahụ sị, “Olee nwanyị akwụna ụlọ arụsị ahụ na-anọdụ nʼọnụ ụzọ ama Enayim?” Ha sịrị, “O nweghị nwanyị akwụna ụlọ arụsị nọrọla nʼebe a.”
he axide men of that place, Where is the womman that sat in the weie lot? And whanne alle men answeriden, An hoore was not in this place; he turnede ayen to Judas,
22 Ya mere, ọ laghachiri gaa gwa Juda, “Ahụghị m ya. Ọzọkwa, ndị ikom ndị bi nʼebe ahụ sịrị, ‘O nweghị nwanyị akwụna ụlọ arụsị nọrọla nʼebe a.’”
and seide to hym, Y foond not hir, but also men of that place seiden to me, that an hoore sat neuere there.
23 Juda zara, “Ka o jide ihe niile o ji, ma ọ bụghị otu a anyị ga-aghọ ihe ọchị. Lee, ezigarala m ya nwa ewu a, ma gị onwe gị achọtaghị ya.”
Judas seide, Haue sche to hir silf, certis sche may not repreue vs of a leesyng; Y sente the kyde which Y bihiyte, and thou foundist not hir.
24 Mgbe ọnwa atọ gasịrị, ozi ruru Juda ntị sị, “Tama nwunye nwa gị gbara akwụna, bịa site nʼịgba akwụna dịrị ime.” Juda sịrị, “Kpọpụtanụ ya ka akpọọ ya ọkụ.”
Lo! sotheli aftir thre monethis thei telden to Judas, and seiden, Thamar, `wijf of thi sone, hath do fornycacioun, and hir womb semeth to wexe greet. Judas seide, Brynge ye hir forth, that sche be brent.
25 Ma mgbe ha kpọ ya na-apụta, o zigara nna di ya ozi, sị, “Ọ bụ nwoke nwee ihe ndị a tụwara m ime. Ọ sịkwara, Leruo anya ma ị ga-amata onye nwe ihe ndị a: mgbaaka akara a na eriri ya, na mkpanaka a.”
And whanne sche was led to peyne, sche sente to `the fadir of hir hosebonde, and seide, Y haue conseyued of the man, whose these thingis ben; knowe thou whose is the ryng, and bie of the arm, and staf?
26 Juda ghọtara ha, sị, “Ọ bụ onye ezi omume karịa m, ebe ọ bụ na m jụrụ ịkpọrọ ya kpọnye nwa m nwoke Shela ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.” O dinakwaghị ya ọzọ.
And whanne the yiftis weren knowun, he seide, Sche is more iust than Y, for Y yaf not hir to Sela, my sone; netheles Judas knewe hir no more fleischli.
27 Mgbe oge ọmụmụ nwa ya ruru, ejima ka ahụrụ nʼakpanwa ya.
Sotheli whanne the childberyng neiyede, twei chyldren apperiden in the wombe, and in that birthe of children, oon brouyte forth the hond, in which the mydwijf boond a reed threed,
28 Mgbe ọ na-amụ ha, otu nʼime ha sepụtara aka ya. Nwanyị na-aghọ nwa weere eriri na-acha uhie uhie kee ya na nkwoji aka kwuo sị, “Ọ bụ nke a bụ ụzọ pụta.”
and seide, This schal go out `the formere.
29 Ma nwa ahụ mesịrị sekpuo aka ya, nwanne ya nke ọzọ eburu ya ụzọ pụta. Nwanyị ahụ sịrị, “Ọ bụ otu a ka ị si tikapụta?” A kpọrọ ya Perez.
Sotheli while he withdrowe the hond, the tother yede out, and the womman seide, Whi was the skyn in which the child lay in the wombe departid for thee? And for this cause sche clepide his name Fares.
30 Emesịa, nwanne ya, nke bu eriri uhie uhie ahụ na nkwoji aka pụtakwara. A kpọrọ ya Zera.
Afterward his brothir yede out, in whos hond was the reed threed, whom sche clepide Zaram.

< Jenesis 38 >